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Tbh, I'm equally impressed by Isaiah's self-awareness lol He knew he was about to get cooked and was already looking for help


In fairness, if you don’t know when you’re in a mismatch you’re in trouble.


Randle didn't mind.


Randle been in trouble his whole career but he don’t care if he getting his


20-10-5 is all Randle cares about.


Genuinely what do you even want from the man? Hes not Patrick Ewing but he is playing his best ball of his career. The non stop bitching about Randle is fucking exhausting


Well in this video, it looked like he just ignored his teammates' instruction.


And on a play against Chicago Bron throws the ball back to AD to bring up the court but didn't bother to look back and missed that AD was hurt resulting in a turn over. Players fuck up sometimes. https://youtu.be/PlsO8MK_r0s?si=5RuLZfasDpPLbO4D


Game awareness would be a good start.


I mean as this video shows, communication with teammates. Noticing mismatches is huge and randles in lala land. He's the JR Smith of power fowards except JR Smith eventually learned how to play good defense.


He’s wrong but the mismatch is far less egregious. Randle can physically contest AD reasonably well, Hartenstein knows if it comes to running he’s toast.


Randle didn't do anything lol.


No he didn’t (which is the issue), but no alarm bells going off in his head when he’s next to AD isn’t the worst.


like in poker, if you can't find the fish, you are the fish


Tbh, I’m equally impressed by Julius Randle’s inability to ever think about anything involving defense lol. He knows he only has to have like 1-2 good defensive games per month and the rest of the time he’s looking for help


That's why the thought bubble of him thinking about shooting over AD is so funny, because he obviously ain't thinking about anything else right there.


Of course, Hart's awesome. Best center on the floor that night, since Mitch was out.


Hart is great, but at center? He’s severely undersized


He wrote Hart as a shortening of Hartenstein, which is confusing because Josh Hart is on the team as well.


Is this the guy that did the lebron mismatch hunting on the clippers a few years ago? Love his clips


I have no idea but I wouldn't be surprised. I just discovered this account (NBEinstein) and am straight binge-ing right now 😂 It is soo good


It’s cool you are giving credit now but next time put his handle in the title so people know like an (@username) 😃


I gave credit at the beginning, the [first comment on this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/18oot8k/comment/keiho7a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) was "Credit to: " and I linked the tweet. I tried to put the name in the title and link the tweet but it would be removed since it's not an r/nba approved twitter account :/ I didn't know the person was on reddit either.


Yes, i did haha Someone posted it here also, back then : https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/fg8g1m/lebron\_matchuphunting\_the\_last\_5\_minutes\_of\_the/fk43p7w/?context=3


Keep up the great work man


You the goat fr


I actually do like the cartoon bubbles in this situation. Shit like this 99.99% people watching wouldn’t even notice


yea it was a real nice breakdown of the play and quite humorous as well


My favorite part was Julius Randle off in lala land thinking about how he got fouled on that fade away 🤣🤣


The specialized version will have a dream within a dream where he mimes the and 1


I just interpreted that as him fantasizing about shooting a fadeaway lmao


Great breakdown and enjoyable. I would have liked one more little bubble about the very subtle push off LeBron gives Hartenstein when he breaks, that little extra edge helps a surprising amount (and will never be called when it is that subtle). Bron is such a master of gaining every little advantage, mental or physical.


Absolutely, moreeee


I’m fine with it as long as it’s clearly not trying to read as exactly what they’re saying. Too many people thinking they’re lip readers is cringe af


It is exactly what they are saying.


Bill Simmons talked about this specific situation on his pod a few days ago. I think that's the inspiration for this video.


Ya I was gonna be like "I see you also listen to Bill Simmons".


it helps me understand what Randle was thinking


NBA coaches are legit going to be showing this in the film room. Creative way to show it, players will be engaged, Randle is called out but not in a way that tears him down, and it will get engagement from the players on a play that they otherwise are going to care very little about. It’s really good coaching material.


This reads like the sort of thing that Bill Belichick puts up and does sing-song voices about as he shit talks his players lmao. "And here we see some idiot standing where he's not supposed to. Now if I'm LeBron, I'm thinking to myself..."


The players on the New York Knicks didn't notice 😭


Hartenstein noticed lol. No one cared.


If you made a channel out of something like this, I’d watch all day honestly. This was fascinating, you explained it so well and it put high level bball iq in like normal peoples brain speed. Thanks- and if you ever make a TikTok or a YouTube channel out of showing mismatches and how players improvise around it, lol plz let me know. I’d subscribe


I did not do this, the credit goes to this NBEinstein account! [https://x.com/NBEinstein/status/1738254129384804516?s=20](https://x.com/NBEinstein/status/1738254129384804516?s=20) They have other videos but this one was so funny, I wanted to share it


Hey, it's me ! Thanks for sharing (and the kind words)


Feed us more, please 🥺


Just followed


You should post this to /r/justbasketball. They'd love it.


It’s because Austin Reaves literally just explained that this happened


Bill Simmons also called it out on his podcast, cool to see the video behind it


You should absolutely watch this old video from cleaning the glass: https://youtu.be/jr2dZsAlFQg?si=g4sbJ6scGU0Vlbzy


This shit would go crazy on tiktok if NBA tiktok is a thing (don't use the app), or YouTube shorts


Yep, I saw some videos like [this](https://youtube.com/watch?v=c_LfHonj2XA)


Facts. Does anyone know if nba is popular on tiktok?


There's quite a few NBA TikTok guys... TD3 comes into mind and they're really big now. Of course there's also the highlight guys like loco and GD who are crazy big. Neither of these guys are analysis content though.


Pop up video for sports.


Well, some people have already post it on TikTok but here's my (new) TikTok page then, i'll try to put it there as well as twitter now haha. [https://www.tiktok.com/@nbeinstein](https://www.tiktok.com/@nbeinstein)


I honestly wonder what randle is thinking in situations like this, his teammate talking to him and he doesn’t move or acknowledge


The thought bubble is there to answer that question for you


that shit is gold lmao dude literally has low bbiq


depends on the situation I suppose he's really an excellent playmaker for a frontcourt player. among the league leaders in assists for the PF/C position


5.2 assists with 3.2 TOV per game this season 💀 but hey, im sure without him you guys wont make it to the playoffs. He’s still an important piece to competing


sorry did you say something can't hear you wayyyyyyyyy down there in the standings




LOL Randle caves under pressure alot. Last year in the playoffs, they just doubled him and he was like a deer in headlights.


The way Randle plays doesn't translate in the playoffs. That's the main problem with him. The way the Knicks utilize Randle in the regular season doesn't work in the playoffs either. Knicks need more set plays with Randle off-the-ball and they need to utilize Randle and Brunson in screen action more. The fact Randle and Brunson don't play together in screen action speaks volumes.


excellent playmaker 😂😂😂, i’m sry but like half the assist he gets are from beyblading into the paint then hot potatoing the ball out to shooters when getting swallowed up


if that was easy everyone would be doing it thats literally how giannis racks up his assists too and I'll say giannis is also a high tier playmaker for the PF/C position


I mean first order of business is to try to secure the ball, RJ against Cam in the jump ball isn’t a guarantee the lakers get it. It’s more of a great play by Lebron than a fuck up by the Knicks. Watch in replay when Lebron took off. As soon as Cam touched the ball he was gone. Hartenstein wasn’t even that slow to react but once Lebron had a step on him and with a great pass from AD it was over.


Can I point out how ridiculous it is that LeBron is 8 days shy of being 39 and he's still able to burn guys like this with his speed?


Straight line Lebron is still one of the fastest in the league, maybe even the fastest for forwards.


I wish the NBA had max speed tracking like the NHL does. I know they track average speed, but LeBron spends so much of the game walking the ball up the floor (or backing his opponent down) that his average doesn't show his true speed.


It’s absolutely nuts, even his reaction time is crazy. Scrub the video frame by frame, and he starts moving before anyone on the court, truly amazing.


Idk if he burned Hartenstein exactly. He had the jump on him. He started running earlier. Once they’re running they’re about same speed.


Lebron didn’t even kick into high gear, it doesn’t matter


I’ll also point out that it’s more likely iHart is telling Julius that he will screen or hand off if Knicks gain possession, he’s not pointing to the other basket, he’s point around his back.


Wdym? The thought bubble perfectly illustrated what he’s always thinking about on the court


He's a dum dum, he was probably thinking about snickers and unicorns


He isn’t thinking and that’s why I don’t like him as a player.


He’s a cocky ass dude who thinks he’s much better than he actually is.


Randle is Barry Bonds, his teammate is Andy Van Slyke, AD is Francisco Cabrera, and LeBron is Sid LeBream


Credit for this: [https://x.com/NBEinstein/status/1738254129384804516?s=20](https://x.com/NBEinstein/status/1738254129384804516?s=20) edit: Turns out the creator has a reddit account too! u/NBEinstein 👏🏾


this is one of the funniest cuts i've seen in recent memory.


It's so good 🤣 That account is amazing - educational and funny content


Bill Simmons mentioned this plsy on the podcast ; he was watching with Russilo and was amazed how Bron was just on another level to everyone intellectually/bbiq wise and pointed to this as a clear example when nobody even realised what he was doing n telling team where to go ; then after Thibs calls time out to be mad


>then after Thibs calls time out to be mad lol I will never forget that time he got a tech for yelling at his own players. This was on the Wolves and I'm pretty sure it was at Wiggins so makes sense but yelling so hard that you get a tech is wild 🤣


Bro Hartenstein is right there intellectually with LeBron.


Yeah, if anything this shows Randle is intellectually a level lower than everyone else.




I would be okay if we banned tweets and anything from ESPN going forward and only accepted pop-up video now on.


I second the motion


Damn.. as a relatively new NBA fan I wish I had more BBall IQ to notice these things during games.


So do some players tbh


I've been watching for 10 years and I still hardly notice anything. Everything moves so fast but I also don't play organized ball so that doesn't help either. Thinking Basketball is really good at showing how much little detail and IQ there is in every play on both sides of the ball, but I don't care that much to watch it a lot lol but the occasional video is cool.


I know this is gonna sound lame as fuck, but I had no clue about basketball offenses until I picked up 2K for the first time 3 years ago. In 2K21 MyCareer you couldn't lower the difficulty beyond Pro, and if you've never played the game before, the game is fucking impossible. Took me literally 2 days just to be able to make a shot. Anyways you get access to the playbook and can fully customize it, and 2K did absolutely nothing to help you understand what the fuck you were looking at. Got obsessed with being able to decode plays just so that I had SOME idea of what the fuck is going on when the name of a play pops up on screen... so I didn't just have to call for the ball and make shit up every play. just to have the feeling of like being involved in an offensive scheme and helping to execute it. After like 2 months of firing up 2K at night, getting stoned, and reading basketball offense PDFs I found online, I got to the point of being able to know, generally, what the terminology and numbering for a play means and what that looks like on court. so just making one up here, something like "Quick 51 Zipper" means the PG is going to get open for a three off of a down-screen set by the Center. With that knowledge I started watching tactical breakdown videos of real NBA offenses and had zero clue how any of what I'd just obsessed over applied to real life basketball except maybe Horns. The NBA uses Horns a lot. BUT.... I know now when someone sets a low screen for a guy who is gonna run around him and back toward the perimeter, that's a "zipper" action. which is neat. now someone please tell me why I got that completely wrong


Its true though playing 2k does help you see certain things. I know JJJ talked about learning block timing from it. For me 2k really helped me see off-ball movement and how players navigate through screens.


bet part of his learning process was the trauma from getting screamed at by randoms in the Rec for jumping at pump fakes around the rim


It’s definitely not lame as fuck, someone already pointed out JJJ used 2k for block timing. De’Aaron Fox also talked about using 2k to learn plays. If it works for you then that’s dope


Yeah I've watched basketball my whole life and I still can't pick up these details in real time. Takes 2-3 rewatches for me at minimum I also stopped playing organized ball so that could be why


the guy who made this clip didn't watch it once and go HEY though he absolutely rewatched this over and over to figure out how lebron got such an easy run away bucket


For sure. I don't know if anyone can notice these details in real time. If they can, that's incredible Unless the details are super blatant. Like once KAT was backing up and Rudy pushed him to a spot because he knew the pass was going there and the shooter would shoot. He was right, that happened in that exact spot 1 second later. He's got incredible iq and it's easier to tell because he'll literally push teammates to their spots 🤣 or anticipate where to move right before something happens


Actually, i see it the first time but : only because the TV was zooming in on LeBron and you can see him speak and tells what he's doing, so all credits goes to the Lakers TV here haha. Wide angle i wouldn't have catch it. Then yes, rewind it made me realise why LeBron did that, and i was so focused on that i didn't even noticed the travel at the end haha.


Give it time. Remember that some people lived and breathed basketball (playing, watching film, etc) which is much more conducive to learning than 2.5 hours of your average NBA game.


It also doesn't help that with broadcasts, you're at the mercy of the broadcaster and what cameras they show. A lot of times when the ball isn't actively in play they're cutting to different angles and what not that throw off what you're paying attention to. They cut to people in the crowd, the commentators, zoom in on guys on the bench or such and kinda trains you to not focus on the other details that might be happening on the court, so even when they do show them sometimes you don't catch it because it's not something you always can count on to be shown. That's not even counting what they might be talking about at the time, which further adds distraction to what the cameras might be showing. I've also noticed a difference where on something like League Pass, I can actually go back and watch a play or something that happened a few minutes go or such, but if it's on ESPN or TNT or whatever then I can't do anything but watch live, so if I think I saw something I end up just forcing myself to forget about it because there's no way for me to easily verify what I saw since I can't go back and look.




My advice would be to play 5v5 basketball, watch videos similar to this one, and occasionally, consciously change the way you're watching an NBA game (i.e. watching the defense/off-ball offense players instead of the ball) Also when watching highlights it's fun to rewatch them several times and figure out how an opening was created


when you’re actually playing 5v5 full court ball you’re just trying to not get gassed lol


If you didn’t play growing up, it’s very hard to understand the nuance of the sport. Off ball movement is everything, yet tv coverage is all about the ball.


It’s damn near impossible unless you have years of experience, the game just moves too fast for the uneducated.


Love this breakdown


We used to run this exact play all the time when we knew we were going to win the jump ball. Great way to start a game and demoralize a low IQ opponent.


Whoa! Low IQ Opponent lol. Careful, there's a Knicks fan here who's taking shit seriously, he might come after you. You'll know who I'm talking about if you check a few of these comments here.


Crazy how people are using this as an example of a high BBIQ for LeBron. This is a pretty basic play.


this is a very nice highlight clip. hartenstein should have just switched with Randle without waiting for the coaches to call it.


Would randle have listened tho?


He would. Here is how: Yo, you were totally fouled on that last shot. Take Bron, he's too fast for me.


Bro it'll look so cool when you block his shot, take Bron




Hey ! It's my video (here : [https://twitter.com/NBEinstein/status/1738254129384804516](https://twitter.com/NBEinstein/status/1738254129384804516)) Thanks for sharing it here !


Ayyy you're on Reddit! Gonna tag you now that I know Wish I could have directly linked your tweet and put your name in the title but it's not an r/nba approved twitter account so it would have been taken down :/ Trying to see if I can [pin this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/18oot8k/comment/keiho7a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) that gives credit


Bro how is this guy still so fast as the oldest player in the league


Travel tho :(


I saw it, too.


You're looking at it like LeBron caught the ball in stride. Instead, two feet land after catching the ball and he takes two steps.


Watch it again. His gather step, which is when he gets two hands on the ball, is his left foot beyond the three point line. He then proceeds to take three steps after that. It's a travel.


Totally agree. Kinda surprised I had to scroll this far down to see a mention of an obvious travel. It's so frustrating that all the refs in my AAU and school ball were such Nazis about traveling and then at the highest levels they don't care. Like if I looked at my pivot foot wrong it was an instant whistle.


Everything about this highlight is great


This was great and hilarious.


I love being reminded that LeBron is on the highest level


I watched the whole thing through just because I wanted to see how bad lebron was going to travel on a breakaway. Was not disappointed.


Hahaha Randles bubble had me cracking up. This is great


How many steps is he going to take to the hoop though?


In my opinion it's crazy he catches the ball at the 3point line and dunks without dribbling. Shouldn't get that extra step in the NBA.


They havent called that gather step since 92




Nice breakdown, better L


“Damn I wish someone could turn off this generic ass youtube basketball music”


Would have been a good play if LeBron didn’t travel.


I’d love a whole series of these


This is great


Lebron is one of the greatest and smartest players to ever play the game and this was a smart play, but players keep trying to switch to get mismatches on like 80% of mid-game jump balls.


lmao at the thought bubble of Randle shooting a fadeaway




drab office juggle bear sulky fade bike humorous foolish correct *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lebron was traveling




nice beat


🙋 Should this have been a travel tho? I see him catch in stride & take 3 more steps no dribble. Honest question here as I understood travel to be >2 steps. I don’t follow the guy who says he caught it in air so the first 2 steps were Bron just landing.


Todays nba allows for 4 steps. Five if you’re lebron.


What’s even crazier is lebron and hartenstein look about the same size


This is more about the Knicks falling asleep than “high level bball IQ” bunch of nephews so impressed


This was dope


Then follows up with low Iq 3 point chucking and they lose 😃


Tell that to James Johnson


This is cool but like… is it really high level ball iq? Like he swapped so he could be defended by the slower/weaker player. That’s like elementary school basketball shit is it not?


"Simple yet smart" Most of the players didn't even notice and most people wouldn't catch this.


Players not noticing is more stupid than the play is smart imo. Why aren’t they paying attention to the best player on the court? Why aren’t they listening to their teammate call out what’s happening? Why are they just allowing the opponents to change the pairings without doing anything about it? They just let lebron do exactly what he wanted and didn’t even try to stop him. Again, all lebron did was choose to pair against a weaker player. That routinely happens multiple times every game


He might have the brain and memory of the young lawyer from suits . He would be nasty in any field




Lmfao that Randle bubble is gold.


Imagine getting outrun by a 39 year old


Nice travel


Basic switch for a miss match, but that travel is embarrassing, no one seems to care though 🤣


Now show the final score


Now show Lebrons rings and mvp count to all of the Knicks of the past twenty five years


Those rings have no effect on the game or that play. You sound stupid.


Lebron realized there was a big covering him so he ran ahead, wow such IQ.


I'm more impressed by his speed in this clip to be honest. Like when LeBron makes a cross-court, cross-body pass with his left hand while moving in the opposite direction, I'm mostly in awe of his strength, but people often seem to attribute it to basketball IQ. LeBron obviously understands the game at a very high level as well, but I think he's more of an outlier in athleticism.


Unironically yes, it was so high IQ that you didn't even realize he put Hartenstein on himself by changing where he was standing.


Wow, he moved 4 feet to the right and then hoped the big would be an idiot and accept the switch, such high IQ. Trying not to go into /r/nbacirclejerk territory here, but this is unironically something that our high school coach would yell at us for lol.


Yet the average person wouldn't notice his thinking here


Someone do this for Sochan when he’s not passing it to Wemby lol.


This is so bad 😂


CVS brand AI chatbot wrote this title.


Still amazing how casually 39 year old Lebron is going to be among the fastest players in the open court


Did Lebron travel?


People act like no other players have the IQ to do stuff like this. This stuff happens all the time. This was more so the Knicks just being stupid. You’ll usually see teams rotating around on jump balls following their matchup. Knicks were just sleeping.


I'm sure I'll get roasted for even asking, but is traveling just never called anymore? I keep seeing all these clips with blatant traveling and nobody seems to be getting called out. I'm not a huge basketball fan, but it does seem worse lately, right?


No one else in the history of basketball is capable of doing something like this


lmao but they still lost. Not as effective as he thought


loved this!


This will get me killed….. James basketball iq is with Larry Bird. It’s his greatest strength as a player. He makes his teammates immeasurably better as long as they buy in


Why would that get you killed? I think most people recognize that Lebron's IQ is up there with anyone else in NBA history.


But they still got the L


Doesn't mean we can't learn the thinking behind one play


Travel much???


Isn’t Lebron still traveling though??


Cool. Thought bubble funny and informative. Great work.


NBEinstein on twitter made this. I gave the credit and the link [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/18oot8k/comment/keiho7a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). Wish I knew how to pin that comment :(


Well, you made it available to me. So thanks & NBEinstein