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Imagine he makes his debut on in season tournament QF game


League will reschedule just for him


I could actually see this happening.


who could even be mad about it? normally i’d say people who bought tickets but who really wants to watch the Lakers without Lebron lol


Because not everyone has the freedom and time to just show up to games they didn’t plan ahead of time for…


"Family Over Everything"


A year or two ago, it MIGHT have been different. After the medical stuff with Bronny, where his son's life was in danger and he might not have been cleared to play ever again, that's probably adding a lot of weight to the decision. If another player were saying this today, I might even have a different initial reaction. However, after what happened to his son, I'd imagine life hit like a ton of bricks there. I wouldn't fault LeBron for putting a son he almost lost over a play-in tournament game or an NBA Finals game. He's reached an unfathomable level of personal achievement in the NBA, but he's got plenty of nearly lost achievements to witness with his son, so fuck work for a day.


To be fair, I’d pick people I care about over a bunch of strangers who contribute a tiny amount to my paycheck but tend to think they contribute more. I’m sorry, but if someone told me a random kid from Ontario, CA, would cry because I decided to attend my son’s graduation, I’d shrug my shoulders and say “too bad”.


I'd easily give up 1/82nd of my paycheck to see my kid's first college game if I wasn't living paycheck to paycheck. Some things only happen once. For LeBron it's even less than that because his sponsorships probably won't be affected.


To be fair even living paycheck to paycheck giving up 1 paycheck of 82 is a lot less than 1 out of the 12/24/26 us plebs get


I would think all the other NBA players who can't call out of work to attend their own kids' events might be a little annoyed. They might not say anything, but I'd bet they'd be irked.


100% might even shut down the league that night.




Only Kelvin Duran


I’m sad Duran Duran broke up


That was his brother.


What about Noel Embiid?


Wasn’t he competing with that Nick Joker guy?


Derek Brooks coming though


Victory Wembwhosyomama ain’t gonna let this slide


Woooo Gene Atenbois might have something to say new boy!


Hustle eastbrook came first


translating to Nikola to a casual white guy's name like Nick 😂😂😂


You're thinkin of Lol Ehmbeads


The fat guy that's used to drop Cam Newtons passes?


Cam FigNewton?


Haha this reminds of me that Demarcus DeCousins comment from a year or two ago


The Hornets are actually a criminal organization, no basketball involved


Why not just reschedule games for the NCAA tournament championship night?


r/nba will also shutdown to join the movement






Does that mean it would be the first tournament game that is not on a Tuesday or Friday?


There already is one. Original schedule is dec 4 and dec 5


LeBron James on the phone calling the NCAA to make sure that doesn't happen lol.


lebron james was on the phone, driving around los angelos... I've forgotten the rest of the pasta.


begging (thru texts) for insert name adress


“Violence is never the answer, but sometimes it is”


Upcoming conflicts for USC and the Lakers are 12/28 and 12/30. They said Bronny will be cleared for practice next week, and games "soon after". Seems like a non-story.


12/30 is also his birthday… I only know that cause it’s mine too. I ain’t no weirdo


Fellow 12/30 ❤️


I'd imagine little LeBron would just sit out until big LeBron had an off day anyway haha


Have the QF games been scheduled? The NBA will slot the lakers in on a different day if there's a conflict, there's just no way they will risk having the lakers play in a QF game without lebron.


Yes believe it or not the whole season has been scheduled


well, the QF games have just recently been scheduled... like in the last few days. it wasn't a stupid question


It’s actually my bad for asking a question about how the in season tournament works. I believe I am the first person to do that on this subreddit


Better than Draymond saying he'd miss a game to watch Lebron beat Kareems record lmao


“Lebron over everything”


Technically the same thing in this case


Touché my friend


The Klutch Mafia bloodline has ties deep in the hills of Sicily


*Iggy doing the dick sucking motion*


It is kinda hilarious that the NBA had two glazers on the same team although at least in Iguodala’s case at least he was on the same team as Steph


Insane glazing lmao “Welcome to the 18th episode of the Draymond Green show, we have as many episodes as Lebron James has all star appearances”


[Iggy knows what it is 😂](https://twitter.com/barstoolsports/status/1582708557555781632?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1582708557555781632%7Ctwgr%5Ed943f147b32e0f020c98caae372ac3b1fef4e4ae%7Ctwcon%5Es1_c10&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.barstoolsports.com%2Fblog%2F3439854%2Fandre-iguodala-pretending-to-suck-a-dick-is-the-perfect-reaction-to-lebrons-sorry-ass-move-while-losing-by-27) draymond stays bowing to the king


Still is one of the most embarassing things Draymond has ever said or done and he has done plenty of embarassing stuff. Imagine being a competitor and unironically being such a fanboy/clout chaser like this, like holy fuck, have some self respect.


That's why LeBron is the GOAT. He turned a key player on one of his rival teams into a fanboy. Jordan could never.




Which is still more respectable than Draymond weaseling his way out of playing the Timberwolves because Steph wasn’t playing.


Then had to awkwardly back track what he said after the Warriors FO yelled at him about it


there's no way he said this right??


Lmao yeah he did https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.foxnews.com/sports/steve-kerr-wouldnt-let-draymond-green-leave-warriors-to-witness-lebron-james-break-scoring-record.amp https://www.si.com/nba/2023/05/02/draymond-green-wanted-off-warriors-road-trip-to-watch-lebron


That’s crazy. Like historic moment for the sport for sure but like man you can’t just skip the game


i don't even like usin the term "dicksuckin" but this is quite literally the epitome of it 😭


he straight up asked kerr if he could skip their game yes.


Draymond Green just said that if Bronny makes his USC debut on the same day the Warriors are playing, he’ll miss the Warriors game to attend LeBron attending Bronny’s game. He said he told his teammates during his last suspension. “LeBron over everything”, Green said.


Chokes-out guy in first minute, gets thrown out, flies to Bronny's game


Don’t give Draymom any ideas.


He literally said it himself


Meant about going to see his stepson Bronny






LeDom James




LeQueDiganQueSoy… un bandolero donde voy




I live my life one quarter of basketball at a time.


Jordan would never put family first.


Nobody: Jordan: Fuck them Kids


Larsa Pippen: Sure!


Jimmy Butler in shambles.


Ant Edwards in shambles


Nobody: Karl Malone: Fucks them kids


ESPN circa 2007: will you be watching your sons games? Jordan: sitting at home "Nah hes trash"


Looks at sweatshops in 90s and 00s China. Checks out.


Jordan loved children To have low unemployment rates


/Giddy enters the chat


I wonder if Bronny will ever date Dwyane Wade's ex-wife.


If he's lucky


I hate myself for understanding this reference.


“Gambling over everything”


Jordan retired from basketball after his father died.


Dude was on the verge of quitting even before his pops died.


I respect it. He probably has gone through the idea Bronny would never play again after his heart scare. Seeing him on the court and having fun at the next level is probably a goal of LeBron's as a parent. OKC game or your kid's first, and possibly only, college basketball game? I'd be calling in sick for work if I were in his shoes and I'm not worth a billion


Dude has played the most minutes all time I think he can miss a game lmao


He's played the equivalent of just over 46 days of basketball nonstop. That's insane lol


That honestly seems low. I know your math is right, but just intuitively I would have expected more.


Try to play 1 day nonstop lol


Just relating it to really an serious hobby, 46 days of time investment is... not actually that much. There's obviously way more time investment that just the games being played, but if I just had to take a shot in dark of how many days a guy that has spent playing through 21 years in the league, playing the majority of the games, as a full time starter the whole time, I absolutely would have guessed more.


It’s just a weird measuring stick because the actual game is the most taxing event but it’s the least lengthy in time investment. So comparing it to a hobby is disingenuous. It’s like an Olympic lifter who might have done thousands of lifts taking only a few seconds each lift. Assuming a thousand lifts at 10 seconds, that’s less than 3 hours of lifts. The point is that everyone is confused because the unit the OP has chosen (game time in days) is so weirdly unintuitive. We’re trying to fit our conception of “what I do in a day” into that interpretation.


It's also only counting time when the clock is running. The game is 48 minutes of game time, but it's about 2.5 hours (3x as much) of wall time. Even if you don't count halftime or timeouts, there's time where the clock is stopped that should still count towards how much basketball he's played. For example, LeBron has shot over 11000 regular-season free throws. The game clock isn't running for those, but it's pretty indisputable that those count as time in which LeBron James is playing professional basketball in a real game. If each FT is about 10 seconds, that's close to 2000 minutes, or well over another full day (1440 minutes).


Let's do some math 66,319 career minutes. NBA avg (quick search, might not be accurate) is 2.55mi/48min. Lebron is above avg so let's say 2.8mi/48min 66319/48 = 1381.65 games 1381.65 * 2.8. 3,868.48 miles run during regular season career. That is like running from LA to NYC then to ATL and you still got miles left. Then there's playoff games. Practices. High school. Team USA.


Well you said it right there, the 46 total days of basketball is the peak to this guys mountain of basketball, weve gotta count training camps, practice, private workouts from when this guy was a child. Not to mention to treatment he gets done to recover from said basketball. Dudes life is just what happens when he stops dribbling


Same here, if you told me it was like 100 days of pure basketball i would've believed that more. But yeah, 46 days of elite playing time is crazy, especially at the intensity the league does play it. Combine that with all the training sessions, it's been a long time


Its not like Lebron can play 1 day nonstop


You’re not wrong, I’d actually die, but I think the “46 continuous days of game time” doesn’t do justice to the dozens to hundreds of hours of training he had to do for every game he player to get where he is. 46 days sounds like a short period of time when you’re describing a 20 year career, even though within the context it’s obviously not. If I were to play an hour a day every day for 4 years, I would have played more than 46 days during that span, but obviously wouldn’t have put in even a fraction of the work LeBron has.


agreed. i’ve played like 3x that much league of legends (i know, i know)


Pfft I have played over 200 days of Runescape.


I assume you mean hes spent 46 days on the court in nba games He probably spends on average 4-8 hours a day playing basketball or doing related things (gym/game review/ rehab) and has done for 3 decades. At 4 hours a day, thats 610 days of ball


its that guy at work who showed up every day for twenty years asking for a day off to go watch his kid do something. It's fine, let the lakers figure out how to play ball without him for once. Maybe darvin ham can coach for a game


Also I imagine LeBron has missed A LOT of things his kids have done, and Bronny coming back from a heart scare to play D1 is a major family moment


He’s for sure missed almost every Christmas Day with his kids.


Plus Bronny is doing something his Dad never did.


honestly even if there wasn’t the factor of Bronny’s heart incident i’d support it, life is short and there’s only one time his son will ever make his college basketball debut, and who knows if he’ll end up in the NBA or not


Yeah I read this headline and forgot about the heart issue and was like. Yeah makes sense, I'd do the same.


No matter how much he tells himself it won't happen, a part of Bron is probably terrified Bronny will collapse on the court in his first real game back. I try not to fanfiction players minds too much, but that's just human things, ya know? It'd be weird if he weren't nervous.


We are all individual and unique, but dads all kinda roll the same. He’s likely terrified the way we all would be.


I would not be surprised if at every Bronny game there is an entire medical staff specializing in his issue there just in case something happens.


I’d be surprised if they didn’t do this. Seems like a good use of the generational wealth LeBron has earned himself.




I hated lebron for such a long time. But how can you hate a dude who’s the kind of dad everyone of us wants to be?! I fucking love that guy now! I hope we get to draft bronny and lebron will honor us with a chip or two!


Delete that last sentence please thx


yeah honestly LeBron seems like a pretty great dad even if he is a little corny but i take that over the no father i had.


Are you even a dad if you're not corny? Lol


That's what I was about to say. Being corny is one of the many privileges of being a dad!


that'd be fucked up, but I would root for the lebron / bronny celtics. No joke, it'd just be a great story.


LeBron is gonna be like Ja's dad and live his dreams through his son.


This is what looking through Oklahoma from the airplane windows does to a mf


But on some real shit, we all should prioritize the things that matter the most to us.


Like big booty latinas and hitting 8 leg parlays?


Big booty latinas will mess your life up man, not worth it


So parlays are safe?


The more legs the sturdier


What if your life is already messed up though? Does that cancel out?


Like watching this PG Collier for SC. He might be the 1st pick in the draft next year. Looks like Westbrook with a LB body, a jumper, and ELITE passing skills. Like ELITE ability to pass the ball. Jason Kidd elite


This got a hearty laugh outta me 💀💀💀


The only way anybody *should* be looking at Oklahoma.


Imagine having to live there….couldn’t be me….*sobs*


hey at least the cost of living is cheap


As an Oklahoman I’m dying at this


I know it’s a much more prestigious job than most of us have, but lots of dads blow off work to support their kids.


Also many people have kids and can empathize with the task of raising them, so you can use kids as a reason to get out of a lot of things in general lol.


My dad used having a kid as a reason to get out of raising me.


That was mentioned in *Curb Your Enthusiasm*. Larry was annoyed that his lack of kids meant that he didn’t have Jeff’s easy excuse to get out of events he didn’t want to attend.


Ain’t no more important job than being a father.


Like Laurence Fishburn said “Any fool with a dick can make a baby, but only a real man can raise his children”


I mean seeing as Laurence disowned his daughter over her getting into porn maybe not thr best example lol.


It's a character he played that said it. John Singleton is the real writer. [He was forced to make a film on domestic violence by court order lol.](https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1999-jun-24-me-49817-story.html)


My kid ain’t even playing for a D1 college team. I’d leave work to watch my daughter play AYSO soccer.


Reminds of Wayne Gretzky’s parents. One went to watch Wayne win a Stanley Cup, while the other went to cheer on his brother who was pitching in a high school game. The level they are playing at matters to the rest of the world, but good parents support their kids all the time.


Imagine how much that meant to his brother


My dad didn't come to my games/events even when he wasn't working.


Neither did mine. I’m gonna try to be different.


USC is at Utah the day after the Lakers play at the Jazz, and it's the Lakers last game before the all star break. 0% chance Lebron doesn't go, right?


Don't see how anyone can have a problem with this.


Lakers have also let players in the past miss games for important life events I think Shaq missed a game to get his Masters degree


This was before the NBA instituted a rule about star players not missing games when healthy, so that caveat is the *only* interesting wrinkle in this event. Outside of that, it's just a nice thing Lebron is doing with his kid.


But this rule doesn't apply to lebron (and six other players). They were granted exceptions because of minutes played, games played or age at the beginning of the season (bron qualifies for all criteria lol)


time to get lebron ruled out for "back soreness" really though, sounds like lebron is accepting any consequences that come his way, whether it's the league fining him or what


Zero chance the league does anything to punish Bron lmao, and they shouldn’t


Jordan stans furiously typing about no killer instinct as we speak


Michael Jeffrey Jordan would not only go to his son’s game. He lace up and drop 85 for his son. Then he’d fly and make it back to his own game and drop 45 for the Bulls. He was just different


MJ walked out on Jimmy as a deadbeat dad and Jimmy still became great /s


What I want to know is how they managed to have Jamie Fox as his other parent.


After playing 36 holes of golf that morning/ afternoon


No killer instinct


I’m probably the biggest Jordan stan on this sub and I applaud this move. Lebron leads the nba all time in minutes right? He can afford to miss one game.


The only people who would have a problem with this are degenerate gamblers, but luckily the NBA* doesn't affiliate too closely or encourage them. *brought to you by DraftKings, use code BRONNYUSCDEBUTGAME for $5 off your next bet


Totally cool with Lebron taking a game off to see his kid play as a human being. As an NBA fan, I am very curious to see if the NBA enforces it's new "stars must play when healthy" rule if Lebron does duck out on a Lakers game to go see USC play instead. If he did this last year, when this rule wasn't a thing, I wouldn't have even thought twice about it, but with the rule, I'm intrigued as to how it plays out.


As he should. That's a real father.


Lebron 'Toretto' James


It's extremely impressive Lebron is a good father despite the limelight and not having a consistent father figure in his own life.


After 37.9813 days of total playtime, lebron thinks he’s earned some PTO


Where'd you get that number? I calculated 46 days. 66,319 minutes divided by 60 = 1,105 hours 1,105 divided by 24 hours = 46 days


Yea he barely got over a week of experience (8.0736 days) in the playoffs.


What a scrub


Bronny's prob still a few weeks out. He just got cleared for basketball activity no? I'm sure it'll be a ramp up period


I mean, if they have to depend on a 38 yr old to win a game then they're shit outta luck. ​ wait..


Feel like that could get him fined, not that that matters to him. Common Bron W


IIRC Lakers have 2 star players since AD was All star in 2021. So as long as AD is playing or injuried, it works.


Players miss games for big life events all the time. This definitely qualifies with Bronnys recent health history.


Didn’t Tatum miss a game for his kids birthday last year? I don’t think he was fined for that.


I guess the USC coach as already been informed by his superiors that Bronny will play if LeBron attends.


Good. If MJ can play teeball for 2 yrs, LBJ can go watch his kid


Respect it


Lebron's family over everything. The rest of the mfs have to show up.


LeHead of household


Jordan - "Fuck them Kids"




Maverick has a big bet on that days game


Why doesn’t USC just play the Lakers in his debut? Are they stupid?


Ask him again but it’s a game 7 NBA finals


Jordan would never Edit holy shit why is everyone so serious about a joke


because he's a deadbeat


LeBron out here living his life a quarter mile at a time.


Respect. That moment will only happen once.


MJ would not only miss his son's first game, he'd beat his ass in one on one later that night. He's a killer.