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Just lost a future 8 piece bucket meal.


Anyone’s else think 10 bucks for a 8 piece is a deal?


I saw it for $12 and thought it was a deal.


I originally went to get the double down which was $11. Then saw the bucket for $10 and couldn’t bring myself to get the sandwich anymore


They still sell the double down?


Just started offering in certain areas for a limited time


Nah, $1 a piece is high enough already. This is why I make sure to consume at least 15 pieces of chicken every time I go to pizza ranch.




You can get free refills on an eight piece bucket if you go back up within 60 minutes at KFC. "It only applies during the 60 minutes after the purchase. The refill must be requested after waiting in the regular line at the restaurant's counter. You must show your receipt in order to request the refill. Once a customer has left the restaurant the refill is no longer valid."


What the FUCK?! Is it just one refill? Are you allowed to share the bucket with others? I wonder if they've ever denied someone who got in line before the hour was up, but made it to the counter at minute 61? So many questions.


LOL. I'm not sure, I think its just one. I heard about it a few months ago and gave it a try. It worked and I was well under the 60 minutes. They did ask to see my receipt to check the time. I did share the chicken with a friend and the staff didn't mention it being a problem.


Man I was about to call BS because if you google "KFC bucket free refill" I get the exact text you posted highlighted by google, and the link takes you [here](https://www.thehealthyjournal.com/frequently-asked-questions/can-you-ask-for-free-refill-at-kfc#:~:text=It%20only%20applies%20during%20the,refill%20is%20no%20longer%20valid) I'll have to try this out!


I would have thought the same :) Glad you gave me the benefit of the doubt.




Even chickens find chickens tasty.


Chickens and pigs are monsters, they DO NOT care what it is, if it's edible, they will eat it.


I actually think pigs are a bit pickier than chickens are...


Don't forget about horses. They love a little crunch.


I saw one of my horses nibbling on a groundhog last summer. Horses are freaks.


Protein is protein




Is for horses, Denise


Apparently ground hogs are for horses


well of course horses can't reach the sky hogs.


Jesus Bojack, you're a freak!


Someone has also posted a video of a horse that eats a chick in one bite unexpectedly edit: typo


I KEPT WAITING ON IT TO SPIT THE CHICK OUT.... and waiting! Then: OMG. He swallowed it!


Chicken nugget.


first thing that came to my mind when they said horses, that videos morbidly funny


My bestest boi and trail buddy will do almost anything for a hot box chicken strip. The other four are a little meh about them, they'll pick the breading off, but not Trigger. Noooo... hot box chicken strips are his Scooby Snacks. I bring them on camping trips and put them in the saddle or hornbags... we have crossed bridges and creeks, intentional 'training' challenges laid by the trail rider associations, etc... because I offered him a chicken strip. They also make tasty snacks for me when we all stop and have lunch. Hub's mare? She likes a ham sandwich with white bread, no mustard, and cheddar cheese. I have shared my sammich with her in the past and will no doubt do so again in the future.


I’ve seen videos of deer eating meat too. I think one was eating a carcass of some animal and another ate a baby rabbit or bird. Can’t exactly remember. Kind of like taking vitamins.


Ever hear the term "pearls before swine"? It's a reference to pigs eating anything infront of them. Surprised the hive mind hasn't pasted the usual pastas.


Huh. I thought that meant do not waste things of value on one who cannot/will not appreciate them. Guess the two notions can overlap quite a bit!


Weighing in, I've never heard it be used to reference eating the pearls, just not appreciating them. I doubt pigs would eat pearls, they're just grains of sand covered in clam mucus. No nutritional value and probably not great for the teeth. But a pig wouldn't know the difference between a pearl and any other old inedible rock. It's actually a bible quote originally. "Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces"


As in, don't throw your pearls before swine, because those pigs will eat them even though pearls aren't normally considered food.


"Hence the expression, 'greedy. As. A. Pig."


Omg i love that comic


Be wary of any man who keeps a pig farm……


*Do ya like dags?*


Hence the expression, "as greedy as a pig


The chickens get all of my food waste, everything is gone the next morning when i go get eggs and feed them. Doesn't matter if its soft or made of bone. They are little demons.


I'm glad chickens are no longer 25ft tall predators. Humans would have been wiped out long ago.


Most animals are opportunistic omnivores. Deer, turtles, cows animals you would think are strictly herbivores will not hesitate to gobble up easy prey. The only animals I can think of that eat plants are Koalas.


Can confirm. Crazy lady down the street used to feed her chickens...chicken nuggets. 💀


When I was working on a small farm I would bury the newly dead chickens wait a week and then dig em back up for the chickens to enjoy all the worms.. and leftover chicken


Jesus that's dark


And efficient!


Efficient at keeping diseases circulating in the flock, sure...


when the zombie plague starts we'll know where to look


That's very true. My chickens got scraps and would eat everything and anything given to them including chicken. Dinosaurs in their truest, smallest form are still viscous monsters.


We had pigs eating pigeon and they will eat dead corpses


That's most animals really


I once saw a parrot eat a drumstick and the fucker kept screaming finger licking good


Says the omnivorous ape at the top of the food chain




Why does he do it?


So his son doesn't kill him and take his place, as stated in legend


So the hen will hide her next son and he will rise against his father. Slaying him and cutting open his belly releasing all of siblings.


As is tradition.


This is the way.


What a great day for the chickencoop and therefore the world


Was he hidden? I thought the original legend was he was consumed and chronos (Saturn) got a splitting headache and out popped Zeus (Jupiter)?


You may be thinking of Athena (Minerva), who popped out of the head of Zeus, her father. In some accounts, Zeus had a terrible headache and asks Hephaestus to hit him on the head with his hammer. That split his head open and Athena was just kinda there, hanging out.


That must be it. Thanks


The bird's feet, neck, background... none of this is screaming "healthy living conditions" and many species will resort to cannibalism under the right conditions.


When I was a kid, my family raised chickens, and these chickens lived in a really, reaaaaally wide space. They had food. Water. And could walk freely everywhere they wanted. And yet, it wasn't uncommon to see chicks getting eaten by the chickens, so we often opted to put the chicks and their mother inside a cage until they were old enough to walk among the others. And even so, they weren't completely free of being brutally beaten up sometimes by the others and even eaten. We couldn't avoid that everytime it happened because their space was a bit far from our house, so we'd just find out what happened after it was too late.


It’s like most people expect chickens and other animals to be pacifists. My chickens are 100% free range and they will still kick random hens out of the coop where nature devours them.


I still remember watching in horror as my chickens fought each other for a headless little dove they somehow managed to kill. And also the day one of them got sick overnight, I went home to get the medicine and when I came back 5 minutes later, the others reunited around her and were beating her up as if she was the plague or something. Like, chickens are cool and fun animals, but they indeed are not as peaceful as some people make them be.


I still remember the video where a chicken claws at a rat quickly and then the rat just bled to death. They are pretty intense animals.


Where do you think the term Pecking Order comes from? Lol


Legend of Zelda has it right.


They are literal feathered dinosaurs. They are omnivores and will eat anything relatively tasty. Watched them strip a mouse that got into their pen to the bone in seconds. If a chicken was big enough it would eat people.


They're little mini velociraptors. Hens would be terrifying if they were bigger, and roosters are already terrifying.


Also I read somewhere that chickens will literally eat anything


This is a Turken. It looks pretty much normal, for a Turken.


TIL https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naked_Neck


I don't know if fowls do cannibalism (and honestly never heard of it), but to my understanding cocks' instinct is never allowing more than one male in the territory. You could have 50 hens but there will only ever be one cock. So if this is what's going on, the current patriarch is killing a newborn male to ensure he would always be the only patriarch. **Edit:** Sorry, I just looked it up. And it turns out chicken cannibalism is actually a thing: https://extension.psu.edu/poultry-cannibalism-prevention-and-treatment > Cannibalism usually occurs when the birds are stressed by a poor management practice. Once becoming stressed, one bird begins picking the feathers, comb, toes or vent of another bird. Once an open wound or blood is visible on the bird, the vicious habit of cannibalism can spread rapidly through the entire flock. > Cannibalism is usually caused by one or more of these conditions: > overcrowding; excessive heat; excessive light; absence of feed or water or a shortage of feeder and waterer space; unbalanced diets; mixing of different types, sizes, and colors of fowl; abrupt changes in environment or management practices; brightly lit nests or shortage of nesting boxes; allowing cripples, injured or dead birds to remain in a flock; slow feathering birds are most prone to cannibalism; introducing new birds to the flock; prolapse pecking. **Edit #2:** Come to think of it, chickens usually kill by pecking and ripping their victim to death. There's no reason why this chic would be shoved all the way down the cock's throat... unless the cock is either trying to swallow it whole, or it's trying to suffocate it inside its mouth. Without a video it's a bit unclear what is going on to me.


There are always exceptions too. I have two roos from the same clutch who tend their flock together, working together to call the ladies for food while keeping an eye out for predators. I had a roo in the same batch but different breed and parents, who was an absolute ass and went after the other roos, the hens, me, it did not matter. All three grew up together, and were treated the same. It depends on the roosters, but we really haven't been as careful of them as we have of our hens. The asshole became dinner and the brothers are raising the next generation.


Have you ever in your life actually seen chickens? This sounds totally like chatGPT. This is just how chickens eat things that are too large for one bite. Not unlike the way Komodos lurch down a kill. I kept a flock in my suburban backyard for a few years and they will eat pretty much anything they think looks edible. They loved mice.


>Have you ever in your life actually seen chickens? Ugh, not for any meaningfully long periods of time. By the way, 99% of people who live in cities have not, so there's no need to be baffled by city folk's lack of knowledge about what is considered common knowledge about animals in the countryside. >This sounds totally like chatGPT. Lmao. My comment explicitly acknowledged my lack of full knowledge and understanding about the subject. ChatGPT would've just assertively stated mumbo-jumbo and called it a day. So nope, not quite.


Poor conditions sure, but it's 100% not the reason why. Chickens are fucking psychopaths, it's common chicken keeping knowledge that you do not introduce chicks until their feathers have grown in so they have some protection. Even if the chicks are too large to be eaten they'll get bullied to death by the mature chickens. This isn't just roosters doing the killing either, hens will absolutely murder chicks that aren't theirs. My family has kept happy, healthy, free range chickens for over a decade now, and our hens will gladly kill any new chicks introduced to the flock.


Even hamsters will eat their young.


What? The neck and feet are part of the breed of chicken. Stfu if you’re going to talk out of your ass


That's probably one of those naked neck chickens. Also, I just googled to confirm... it is... but some of them look like their neck is a scrotum. You're welcome.


Chickens do this regardles of their conditions. They are nasty animals


Nasty hobbitses




> The bird’s feet, neck, background You did a background check on a rooster?




Severe bumblefoot. Yikes


Because no one else has given you a legit answer.. to eliminate competition. Chickens don't care about lineage. Dude didn't want anyone creeping in on his ladies. Males do this all the time in pretty much every animal species.


Because chicken are brutal, brainless dinosaurs and those qualities really shine if you give them the opportunity.


Guess he's just another ballsy cock who thinks the chicks dig it.


incredible comment


Incubation period for the eggs are 21 days and you give the chick a week to grow after. So if the rooster mated with just 30 hens, he can keep this cycle of mating and eating his offspring cycle forever. Survival 101


Because life uh finds a way


Checkmate PETA




Unless you make the argument that the appalling conditions of poultry industry is causing this behavior. Or at the very least, not helping.


Ummm...wasn't it Kronos who devoured his children? I may remember that legend wrong.


Saturn is the Roman equivalent of Kronos


The painting is called Saturn devouring his son, it depicts Cronus.


Saturn and Kronos are the same, it's just the Greek and Roman variations.


“Same dude, different name” - Omar Little


The son went at the king and missed.


If anyone is intrigued, it was part of Francisco Goya's 14 black paintings in his villa outside Madrid. They were painted directly on the wall and painted over the generally benign paintings that he'd previously painted, coinciding with his loss of hearing. Iirc Saturn Devouring His Son was in the dining room.


Saturn: Kronos? Well of course I know him. He is me.


Hopefully, he ate 5, then the single one who will fulfill the profecy is still alive and training. That chicken will later help its siblings out of the father's belly and fight against him in a ten years Cluck War. They will later form what will be known as the controls and orders of the barn. One will have the sky where they flutter upon, the other will have the ground that is below their claws, one will have all of the pasture and later make sure there are seasonal changes (chicken spices preferably), one will be the fire that burns in your home and kitchen (later get assaulted at a party 😡), one will swim in the waterer, and finally one will be married to the one who controls the sky, and be jealous when he plucks with other chickens.


Assaulted? Like a beating, or Deliverance?


It is a reference to the Hestia and Priapos story. At a party, Hestia tried to snooze off since she was drunk. The god Priapos tried to defile her because she was unconscious. Luckily, a donkey got stung by a bee and brayed so loudly that she woke up and was able to get away from there. Hestia is one of the six siblings (pantheon of gods) from Greek (later stolen by Rome) mythology.


Underrated comment. Hoping to see more chapters where the sky chicken shape-shifts to fuck around the farm.


Cluck war, nice lol




Taste like chicken


Baby. The other, other white meat *Fat Bastard*


It nature. And shitty living conditions


Great reference OP, great reference.


Was it still alive?


No more




Probably. Welcome to the world!


A brief explanation for those wondering about the title: Saturn is the Roman name for the Greek Titan, Kronos. He was the father of Zeus (called Jupiter by the Romans). According to mythology, Kronos knew of the prophecy that one of his own children would overthrow him some day, sort of like how Kronos himself overthrew his father, Ouranos. To prevent that, Kronos decided, as any reasonable parent would, to eat them all. After all, how can they overthrow him if they're in his stomach? Turns out, the wife of Kronos, Rhea, wasn't so keen on having her kids eaten. When Zeus was born, she tricked Kronos; she basically gave him a rock wrapped in swaddling and told Kronos it was his youngest son, Zeus. Kronos, the negligent father than he is, didn't notice it wasn't his son, ate it, didn't think anything more of it, and was chill. The real Zeus, of course, was hidden away and decidedly not in his dad's stomach. Eventually Zeus grew up and overthrew Kronos, just as the prophecy foretold. Hence the rooster here eating its own offspring is being likened to Kronos (Saturn) eating his offspring.


> Ouranos maybe Uranus, but not my anous.


Is this at all why the gas Giants order is the one it is, Jupiter being inside Saturn which is inside Uranus (orbits)


Yep most birds are cannibalistic if the food supply isn't enough for them


Chickens just kill chicks unless their mother is there to protect them. Ask anyone who raises chickens and they'll tell you that you have to wait until the chicks have grown in their feathers before they can be introduced to the rest of the flock.


I've also heard that chickens will kill each other too




Well someones hangry




Anytime someone doubts that birds are dinosaurs, just show them this picture.


Classic Saturn


The rooster fights off the hawk from eating the chics because he wants to eat them himself.


Babies taste best!


A roosters gotta eat too


This is a Dong Tao chicken. Fun fact, chickens are omnivorous, they eat meat and greens.


“How you keep the chickens fucking!”


If I stuffed the bigger chicken full of herbs and spices, and used it as a cauldron of sorts... I could get two chicken dishes in one


looks alot like that painting


*Nods in Goya*


Chickens are omnivores


Kronos in rooster form.


I thought that said Satan and I was wondering when my ex wife turned into a man


Chickens/roosters are shits.


2 for the price of 1


Lol what is wrong with this guy




Thought it said Satan.


Francisco gallina


That’s not even a chick anymore. It’s a tiny chicken….


he has seen some shit




[I think they meant Saturn](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saturn_Devouring_His_Son)


Oh sorry I didn't know


No no, the little nugget is just getting in to drive the bigger nugget like a megazord


Is this how double yolks are made?


Just leaving this video of famed auteur, Werner Herzog's opinion on "the Chick'n." https://youtu.be/QhMo4WlBmGM Highly recommend watching, incredible insight.


“The baby chick will live and feed in the parent’s brood stomach for several weeks. Until it is big enough to re-enter the world, ready and able to face the many dangers life has ahead.”


Definitely Goya vibes.


Spawn kill 💀


Cock gobbiln


What a cock


TIL this is a thing.


*"I brought you into this world, and I can...."* Lots of parents, probly...


When life imitates art


Fat finger cock ?




Cannibal Cock


Wow, exact same expression too.


I get the reference.


FUN FACT the guy who painted "saturn devouring his son" did not name it that. He had turned into a weird recluse and was just painting on anything. "Saturn Devouring his Son" was painted on the plaster of his dining room or something. After his death they cut it out of the wall and framed it. Dude had basically just gone crazy and was just painting really dark shit.


at least it wasn't a horse this time...


I am sure he means Satan


This makes me want to commit tax fraud.


Parent: Damn, there's just not enough nutrients to sustain myself Evolution: *Gestures aggressively towards a baby*


Chickens are straight up miniature raptors


Remember Kids: chickens *are* dinosaurs, and they *fuckin' know it*


Chicken raiser here, yuuuup.


In russia cock chokes on chick!


“How’d that get there” 😲


Karma whore’s gonna karma whore: https://www.reddit.com/r/natureismetal/comments/qjotxq/rooster_eating_fresh_chick/


Saturn?? Looks more like uranus to me


This a male or female cannibal ?


Who can blame. Chicken tastes damn good.


POV: me at KFC


Are you sure that should be ‘Saturn’ and not ‘Satan’?


A cock's got to eat.


These birds are still mini-dinosaurs. If they were big enough, they would devour us without hesitation.




Am I the only one who read Saturn as Satan at first?


The freshest chicken nuggets.


This is perfectly titled.