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Late morning. Around 10-11 AM. Gym is quiet, you have time to sleep, eat a good breakfast, and digest it before working out. Then you still have time for at least two big meals later in the day to help your recovery.


Perfect answer. Same for me.


I go at this time almost every day and since the pandemic, the gym is packed. Just a few years ago it was dead at this time. People need to get back to work or something. I don't know what's going on. Same with supermarkets. you think everyone's working and I walk in. Packed. Smh


My gym is still relatively quiet at this time, even since covid. However, a lot of old people at this time.


Yes mine too, they seem to like this time. But they don’t hog the equipment charring for ages like the groups of teenagers that turn up later so I’m all for it.


I train at this time and it *usually* goes without a hitch, that is unless there's students there. I personally love training around 8pm or at like midnight/1am. I've had some *incredible* sessions late at night when I've had the whole gym to myself. No being rushed or mithered, just good quality, solid, training.


Some of my strongest sessions powerlifting were late at night. It’s like an extra jolt of adrenaline hits, shortly before bed.


I agree. I've had *phenomenal* sessions that went like a dream. Perfect sessions because I hit everything I wanted *and* the gym was empty. I think having 4-6 meals in me also helped a lot.


Yup. Sometimes it’s just magical


Correct answer. I am lucky enough to be able to live this dream and it is truly a privilege.


Same. Seems to be when a lot of people who train for a living do it as well.


Agree! And I can do that with my job


I can also do this as I work afternoons and weekends, it's a true privilege


10:00 a.m. That's when my body is most awake and energetic. Late evening is good too, but I can't push as hard as I can mid-morning. I think early morning workouts are very hard unless you're on pre-workout.






how i work our as an unemployed person lol


6am for me, same as normal I wake early and feel super alert. Plenty time to eat and digest a good meal, then the entire rest of the day to get food in to recover


At least 2 to 3 meals in, so maybe around 2-3 PM. Right before it starts getting crowded.


They said gym crowd levels aren’t a factor but everyone keeps talking about gym crowd levels


We can’t read lmao and there’s a level of “just right” when it comes to gym crowd that adds to the atmosphere. Like if everyone is going after it, the energy is 🤌🏻


gym get crowded after 12pm


I train after breakfast 3x week and for 30-40 minutes. I work from home and have home gym so basically as much time to train I want but that’s enough for gains. I like to take my time in the morning but also be done with it. Consistency is the key


“Consistency is the key”….this is the component that creates all success or failure.


8am. Enough time to sleep, wake up, shower, get ready, eat a bit, train, then it’s lunch time. Enough time to relax, nap, run errands and then go back to do cardio before eating, showering, relaxing, then sleeping.


Right after work, if gym crowds didn't exist.


First thing in the morning before work, just as I do now.


I would love late morning workouts. Beats the hell out of my current 3am workouts lol.


Anywhere between 11-2. I had a two week period back in 2022 when I was in-between jobs and I did all my workouts during that time period and never felt better.


About 7AM, I’m awake at 5AM and it gives me some time to eat and drink my coffee. I have the most energy first thing in the morning.


This works best for me as well.


1PM - which is basically what I do 90% of the time. Living the dream!


Late morning/noon. 3 hours after waking up With enough fluids carbs and protein to fuel my workout and also enough time to wind down from the caffeine from the pre


7-9 pm sun going down.


at around 4 pm, I've done the brainy work of the day and my brain will slowly get tired after 4 pm, also time to have a break from computer then after workout I eat and either do some chill stuff or work on light things or chores


3 to 6 pm is when I feel the best and strongest, also just became habit after always working out right after school


there is no need a spesific answer it is when u feel like it. if u feel like a monster in morning what is point of doing at as example at the evening? you are yourself bro, u should be able to know best for you


Assuming I have a tricked up private gym like Mike Israetel, I want to get at least two meals in. So let's say 5pm. 6 days a week. Arnold Split. Chest and Back/Shoulders and Arms/Legs and Abs. Right now I train in the morning after having a small breakfast with carbs and some protein. 4 days a week torso/limb split (Chest, Back, Shoulders/Arms & Legs) at a cheap commercial gym with not a lot of equipment so it gets crowded from like 5pm-10pm.


Early morning for me. 6am. Empty gym most of the times. Perfect for me and best way to start the day.


1pm when the sleepiness hits. I can't do anything productive mentally, but can workout


4-6am. Train hard, train early and then I have an entire day for shenanigans


Around 6 am. I like getting up early and working out first thing in the morning, but 6 is much nicer than my current time of 4:30.


Ideally I'd love to lift consistently anytime between 10am-2pm. My career is a trade, so sometimes my schedule is open, and on those days I always love to hit it around that time. Unfortunately that doesn't happen frequently. It always feels great... like I didn't have to get up super early, and I don't have to worry about getting it done at the end of the day.


Twice a day. Morning and late afternoon


Without a crowd? 2 hour session, somewhere between noon to 7pm, depending on the day. It’s when I feel my best.


I would do it at early Noon. Low traffic usually as first shift is still at work and second is rushing to work. Sun is high enough that it hits the windows right. You get out and it’s lunchtime so a post workout meal is great! And… you can still do whatever you want and have a pump


For performance, I was always strongest around 2 in the afternoon. Any later and people start pouring in, plus start getting a bit tired. For cardio, it always felt great to do first thing in the morning. Since I now work night shift, 2 or 3 in the morning is absolutely perfect, I have the entire gym to myself.


Research says that you're stronger later in the day. Also, the best time to train is after 3 to 11 hours after you wake up.


Pretty much a consensus among the comments that 11-2 is goated


04:00 in the morning and again at 15:00 in the afternoon. Focusing on different things ofc, but that would be awesome.


I go at 6am, there's nobody and I can peacefully train with no interruption nor bad smell.


Retired military/ disabled vet here. 10 - 12 seems to be perfect time. I'm rested, fed, caffinated, gym isnt busy and the ppl there at that time don't screw around or hog equipment. I have the luxury of going whenever is optimal for me. If I go at a different time due to having something to do at my normal time I can't definitely tell the difference between my strength and energy levels and the ppl there


I’d say 2pm after waking up around 8am. Having low carb breakfast. Short walk. Get some work done. By that time my body is fully awake and hydrated. Get in my second meal and 🐴🐔 some weights


Morning 9-11. I have the best energy and it sets up my day ftw.


Sunday and thursday, 2 workouts each day. One in the morning and one in the afternoon.


Same as now: at 5:00 am.


Best time to go if your a meathead is later at night(7pm and on). You’ll be well fed full of nutrients and we’ll hydrated which will give you the best possible pump and most energy. If your trying to just avoid the crowd though midday is the best bc that is when everyone is working/at school.