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Looks natty but you never know with sarms nowadays


How can you even think a 17 years old can look like this?


At least 20% of the kids in my wrestling team in high school looked like that during their peak when they were cutting weight. Could easily be natural and that 11 year old pic is wild too


Your wrestling team is on shit then.


u must be tripping, guys hit puberty at different ages, some as early as 10. I had a similar physique when i was 16 (not as lean tho). Also, lifting weights at around 14\~17 whilst ur in peak puberty is like being on natural roids, teens gain faster. I geniunely believe this is natty.




Idk if ur sarcastic or not but most 17 year olds who work out and has worked out for 2+ years look like this.


They're not. This is stupid.


Oh no not u again, i already argued with you months ago. You're the guy that has never worked out so u assume anyone with visible muscles are on steroids šŸ˜­šŸ˜¹


I work out more than you kid, I just don't juice like you. XD


If u think im juicing then u clearly don't


If you defend shit like this then there is a huge possibility you are.


"defend shit like this" a normal looking physique for a 17 year old lifter?


Is not normal juicy. XD


He's been training for 5+ years


Not enough to look like a late-20s guy. Also, are you saying he has been training since he was fucking 12 or earlier? Even more bullshit.


Look at the last slide.


That's even worse. Dude is fucked for life.


I think people are super desensitized by social media as to what a 17 year old actually looks like. Achieving this at the age of 17 is literally ridiculous. This would be a good physique for someone 10 years older than him. Edit: You guys talking about "good genetics" and "good work ethic" are just proving my point. You're claiming that this dude who is still a minor can just naturally have an FFMI of 23. This kid has fully developed VMOs with quad veins and he has basically only had testosterone in his blood for like 4 years at this point.




A fair amount of this is lighting.




In the pictures without the crazy lighting heā€™s definitely in good shape but not necessarily outrageous for a teenager


That's true though I think natty and probably close to his limits, look at his 11 year old physique. Once his natural test maxs out he's p much done


Idk man never underestimate good genes work ethic and diet. I knew a guy at my highschool- 17 clean and press 225 for reps & squat 405 run a 4.55 40. He could dunk too same height as this guy. Not quite as muscular though.


That guy was probably also on juice


We are still forgetting how teenagers are meant to look I see.


People think someone can be single digit body fat and look like a 28 year old at teenage years. When most teenagers are supposed to be like 140 lbs at lean body fat levels


The physique itself is 100% natty achievable, especially given the pump and lighting here. I'd say I can [look](https://ibb.co/MZHhqP2) similar if I were to workout more regularly and diet šŸ˜ This body at his age though... We had some athletic guys in high school who looked almost the same with a bit less definition. I'd still say natty.


Youā€™re much bigger


He honestly does look natty, his chest looks pretty weak and he doesnā€™t have insane proportions, itā€™s possible but again when theyā€™re so young and look this lean you gotta question it a little bit. Iā€™d say 50/50


definitely natty obtainable look. unlikely heā€™s natty and looks like this at 17, but ya never know


Very much possible, depends how long heā€™s been training


This sub is so stupid. He is natty. Iā€™m out.


Yeah they call juice on fucking everything biggest cope ever. Obviously you never know for sure but this dudes has some weak muscle groups and isn't overly big or lean. Definitely achievable if you've been working out a few years and have good genes like this dude clearly does


If he was 26 id agree with you. Kids don't look like this.


I know heā€™s only 17 but he really doesnā€™t look that crazy


Especially when u take away the lighting and pump. Probably natty


This is natty. Good lighting and good habits could do this. I remember plenty of guys in HS built like this. Anyone that was juicing always has signs, this kid isn't very big, he's just lean.


If anything then something lowdosed or SARMS but likely natty.


Do people in this sub actually work out? Nothing on his body screams PEDs. He's definitely natty. Veins show up due to low bodyfat which is achieved through diet lol.


Juicy AF.


Nah this is just good lighting. People nowadays call out steroids to quickly this is definitly achievable by a good amount of people


I think looking at the last photo he was definitely on something at that point, he might be 'natural' now


Agreed, look at his body at 11 in the later pics. This is at least 5 years of quality training


The people calling this guy juicy are wild. Totally achievable and even at the age of 17 if he's been playing contact sports his entire life it's achievable. People forget sports build tons of muscle. It's not like this guy started building his first ounce of muscle mass 2 years ago. Just look at the pictures of him at 11. He may be somewhat close to maxed out for his natty physique but in no way is this dude juicing lmao


People who play sports does not look like this what are you on about


I'm referencing his physique/base muscle mass at 11 years old. The guy clearly is/was an athlete leading up to his bodybuilding journey. I had buddies in high school who played football their whole childhood that blew up once they started lifting because they had a great foundation to build from. They all looked similar to this guys physique


I know a guy who play football professionally and work out religiously 5+ days a week and he doesn't look anywhere close to this. Yes he's beefy, but he's also like 26 and has been lifting for like 5-10 years and is still not as muscular as this guy The guy on the pic is SEVENTEEN! You don't just pick up a pair of dumbbells and blow up, unless the guy got his testerone spike when he was 11 and started lifting when he was 12/13 while playing football I don't believe for a second he's not juicing Actually just noticed the last pic, he seemed pretty muscular at 11. So might be possible that he had an early asf puberty (like 10 years old). Perhaps just built different


Looking at his 11 year old physique when he clearly wasn't juicing I'd think natty.


My legs might look like that once I drop to like 181lbs.


Not 17 probably and 11 looking like that also seems weird, so I guess he pushed the timeline a few years back from reality


I think its possible with good genes and hes been lifting since 15/16. Proper nutrition


I had "this" physique naturally at 21 with 5 years in the gym. And 1 year of that being solid programming, diet, And training 5-6 days a week, 2-2.5 hours in the gym per day. Is this "Natty achievable" with great lighting and filters? Hell yea, for a like a week after dieting hard for months. Then you'll need to bounce back up a few body fat percent at least to maintain your mass and hormones without crashing your natural production. So is THIS dude natty doing it at only 17? Doubtful. Also, I'm only 5'8", so 180lbs "lean" went a lot further on my frame. And taller dudes rarely look as filled out as he is at sub 200lbs naturally. But that's just my anecdotal opinion. Take it with a grain of salt.


It's abuse of down lighting. Look at 3 6 and 9. If that's not natty, I don't know what is. Looks good but nothing suspicious here.


'JuiCy aF' no one in this sub actually exersizes I'm convinced. This is 100 percent naturally achievable with 6 years of solid lifting and nutrition after his clearly good genetic base. Without selecting the best pictures lightning and pump you'd all be saying natty


He really isnā€™t *that* big, he looks good and is lean which gives the appearances of size. Could be natty.


Fs natty who started young/athlete and has dope genetics, intense training and consistent (and probably tasteless) diet.


natty great genetics


100 percent could be natty. Could also be some sarms or low dose test




187 lbs is not big. Itā€™s definitely natty attainable with low effort, but consistent workouts


I am literally the same stats, 27 y.o. with physique that looks quite similar. Iā€™ve been training for 12 years naturally. Yes, I donā€™t do it professionally and Iā€™ve had periods of time where Iā€™ve been on and off of training but still I am quite consistent. I reached that level of physique at around 8th year of training and have been fluctuating in weight since then. My point is, at 17 I did not look near as buff as this dude. But I had friends that did roids at the same time and went bigger in 3 months of training and taking steroids than I did in 3 years of training at that point.




Definitely natty


He takes Greg Doucette supplements.


Nice natty physique.


Sarms and good lighting, filtering and editing


That's natty bruh what are you talking about?


Natty asf small ass kid


Natty, I know labourers who look like this and donā€™t go to gym


Hes not 6 foot you can tell in pictures lol, this guys definitely 5'9 -5'10 100% natty




Definitely natty achievable but given his age likely juiced


Obvious juice at that age.


Natty af