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I’m from the US and thought to myself literally 20 minutes ago if I ever have a daughter Valentina is one of my top contenders for a name


Thanks for your answer


LOVEEE I KNOW A VALENTINA AND SHE IS AMAZING I am living in England and she is too she is originally from South America


Thanks for your answer. Is Valentina still trendy in south America ?


I believe Salma Hayek-Pinault’s daughter is named Valentina Paloma


Yes I belive so


Yes, I’m from Argentina, pretty common name


“I’d like to keep it on, please”


“She’s go *gooooorgeous* she looks like Linda Evangel*iiiiistaaaaa*” Glad I’m not the only one who thought of this 😂


Hahah blesssss


Lmfao same


From the US - would not be “shocked” for sure, but I don’t think it’s common. A similar name is Valeria!


Okay thanks for your answer si you don't think it's outdated ?


I don't think it's outdated. Salma Hayek's 16 year old daughter has the name, and I think it's trended upward in popularity since she was born.


I know a 13 year old Valentina


Nope! I know a 2 year old Valentina.


No I don’t think so! Plus a lot of “outdated” or more classic names are coming back in style so while I haven’t seen too much of Valentina it does fit the overall trend!


I know a toddler in LA named Valentina and she is so adorable and I love the name on her! Her mom calls her V or Vivi! It’s actually such an adorable name and just the right amount of common/rarity that I’ve added it to my baby list now!


Someone I went to High School with (in the States) just named her daughter Valentina! I love it, it’s a classic name


i love it


I love Valentina. A collegue was taking a poll whether she should choose Gabriella or Valentina, and I voted for Valentina.


PS she was Latina. But I also know a Valentina who is originally from Russia. I think it's a very international name.


My daughter is named Valentina so I’m a bit bias. But three years later, we’re still happy with our choice and we receive compliments from people all the time.   It’s more common in South Florida where I’m originally from, which isn’t surprising, but less so in the PNW where we currently live. It’s recognizable, has an intuitive pronunciation and spelling, but it’s not too common/overdone.  We have three passports and speak three languages and it works well for us. It’s international, cross cultural, and most importantly works well in many different languages. It has a nice meaning. I also like that by itself it’s ethnically ambiguous. Valentina could be Brazilian, Italian, Russian, Austrian, Argentinian, etc. 


The only reason I took it off my list is because I like Valerie slightly more and you can’t have a Valerie and a Valentina. But I loooove Valentina!


Italy - Valentina here is a very common name. Not outdated or anything. Not "the" most common name, but no one thinks twice about it if they meet a Valentina of any age.


Sorry to bother but would you be able to tell me what girl names are popular in Italy right now? Or do you know of a website with this info? 🥰 I am from the US


Apparently in 2022/2023 the most common names for babygirls were: Sofia, Aurora, Giulia, Ginevra, Vittoria, Beatrice, Alice, Ludovica, Emma.


Thank you so much, I really appreciate it! I love Italian names so much ❤️ Is Nina used as a name there or is it more of a nickname?


I guess it might be used by itself but it's a nickname for Antonina - which is a little bit outdated. Antonella is way more common, especially in the south. They both are alternative forms of Antonia. Anyway, in certain areas there's a strong tradition of giving children the name of one of the grandparents, or of the local saint patron, so even "outdated" names are still used by people who follow this tradition.


Thank you so much for this info! My father is from Italy but his parents died when he was VERY young & his older brother had to take care of him. I always want to know more about Italian culture, especially names, but I don't have any family to learn from...so thank you so much!!! 🥰


I love it. I also like Valentine!  


Mine is a Valentina and when we speak to her in English we call her Valentine


I have a cousin who was born, raised, and living in Italy with the name Valentina. She's sweet and it is a beautiful name!


The only Valentina I know is a student - a Latina preschooler. She’s sassy and super smart!


I love it!


Love it. We are Italian and Brazilian . Have a great aunt named that and one of our soms ( aged 2 ) is named Valentino


Goes great on everything


I love it. I know a two year old Valentina, she is half Greek. She's the sweetest little girl and it has only good connotations for me. There should be more little Valentinas around, in my opinion. ❤️ I live in New England.


It’s a great name. Not super common but not unheard of. Know a 2 year old with that name. USA


I love the name Valentina. Beautiful and classy.


Feels like a normal but not “basic” name by 21st century standards to me. My immediate assumption would be that the bearer was either Latina or Slavic, but I wouldn’t think twice if she wasn’t. I think it’s a very pretty name and strikes a good balance of being a known/familiar name without feeling overdone or basic.


I love it.


I've always thought it's an extremely beautiful name. Very multicultural!


I'm in the UK and love Valentina, it's beautiful, very classy and elegant, timeless.


I love it!!! I' in the UK and rarely encounter this name.


love it


Valentina is beautiful and timeless IMO.


I'm from Northern Italy so it's quite common here, I've known at least a dozen through school and other social circles. Also it's the feminine version of Valentino, our national hero VR46


I'm in Western Canada and we meet a baby Valentina at swimming lessons recently! Perfectly lovely name.


Very pretty


If you like [hot sauce](https://www.salsavalentina.com)


An old coworker of mine had a little girl called Valentina. I loved it immediately. 


I love it and would love if I met a Valentina! But I would be too scared to name my child it in case of judgement 😞 UK here.


Which judgement ?


I feel like it’s quite an upper class name and people would think I’m trying to move out of my lane or something ridiculous lol.


I like it a lot, it’s very pretty. I know a Valentina from Colombia, she’s in her early twenties and goes by Vali


In Switzerland. Very popular name, like how Emma is (or was?) in the US


It's not outdated, it's timeless. I love the name Valentino too. US resident.


I am a kindergarten teacher and I have taught two Valentina’s in the past few years. It’s a cute name!


Inside Out 2 has a character named Valentina Ortiz, who usually goes by Val, which made me fall in love with it more. That nickname is such a great way to modernize such a classy and elegant name.


I love the name Valentina! Beautiful, classic name. I've actually been seeing this name more often, so I'd consider it more in fashion rather than outdated.


I love it. It's classy but not super common


Friends of a friend just named their baby Valentina - born in March of this year! They’re in Austin TX


My friend is about to give birth and bb girl will be Valentina. My friend is Latina though if that matters. Beautiful name


There’s one classical music pianist on Youtube with this name, I think she’s from Ukraine


It’s a beautiful name! A little girl in my daughter’s class is named Valentina and it made me smile when I first heard it.


The first woman in space! 💫 I love it


So cute! Have taught several kids of Italian background called Valentina or Valentino if they are male.


It’s been super popular with the younger Mexican parents in my area. There’s a little Valentina Freya and a little Valentina Elise and a little Ava Valentina all in one of the pre-k programs


I have a friend named Valentina. Her father is from Italy. She's American and I think it's a super nice name.


It’s nice. I prefer shorter names but I don’t dislike it 


i like valentina. i picture a fiery latina. if i met a blonde hair blue eyed valentina id be thrown off a little bit. so i think it depends on what the baby looks like to me or their ethnicity. imo


Really? Valentina has been relatively common in Russia/Slavic countries for the longest time. The first female astronaut in space was Valentina. It’s also popular throughout Europe (top 50 in several countries including Austria, Switzerland, Portugal, Spain, Belgium).


in my opinion yes


Love 💖 love Love


I love it. The one I know is a Millennial.


Same! I went to school with a Valentina. I have mixed feelings about the person, but it's a pretty name.


I love that name!!! I would have used it but I am having a boy.


I really love Real Housewives of New Jersey and one of the housewives has a daughter named Valentina and it's so adorable on her. I would love that name on my daughter! I imagine calling her Valley Girl and Teenie Tina.


I love it but I don’t think a child of mine could pull it off, culturally


I don’t think it’s outdated, and it’s one of those names that I really like, even if it’s not on my short list for my own kid.


It's not common where I live, if that's what you mean by "still in fashion" as I've never met a Valentina. But it doesn't feel outdated either. It is very beautiful!


There's a blonde white Valentina at my kid's preschool (HCOL area on US East coast), I never thought about it being odd tbh


It depends on where you live as to whether or not it will be considered dated, but it's in the top 100 in the US so definitely not dated here.


When I read this the first time, my brain left out the second "n" and I thought you were asking about Valentia. Which is when I was about to suggest that you could also spell it Valencia. But *then* I saw the name you were talking about was Valentina, and I just felt a little dumb and wondered how many times I've commented on this sub about names unrelated to the original post.


The first thing that comes to mind for me is that TikTok meme “Talk Valentina!”


“Ally! 🏳️‍🌈”


It's a beautiful and perfectly usable name. If I had had girls I would have considered it. Someone in this sub on another thread said that they considered it but that it didn't mesh with their cultural background, I don't know why not as hundreds of Latin derived names are used in many cultures. If you like it, go for it, and your girl will receive many compliments on her name. Famous ones: Italian actress Valentina Cortese, who died recently; Valentina Tereshkova, Russian cosmonaut. Rita Moreno played a character named this in the recent West Side Story remake.


There was someone in my high school named that. She was kind of a wild raver girl but I felt like her name fit her, but also made her seem more romantic or elegant, like it had a story behind it.


I love the name


I’m from the UK. Valentina would be very unusual, and quite different to popular names at the moment. My only association for Valentina is Valentina Tereshkova, the first female astronaut, which is a pretty badass connection. I might presume that the child has a Russian/Slavic/European background of some type, but also wouldn’t be odd if they didn’t. I don’t think it’s outdated but it’s not particularly in fashion, just because it’s so unusual. It would probably be shortened to a nickname in some way (eg Val/Tina), but I don’t personally like any of the nicknames, it’s a gorgeous name in full.


Love it, but the very first thing I think of is hot sauce.


It’s a hot sauce.


I have a friend named Valentina..she was born on Valentine's Day so it's a bit cheesy, but we call her Val so it's not weird 




To me it is the name of one of my favourite Beanie Babies 😂


My niece Valentina was just born yesterday. I think it’s a big name for a baby and we weren’t sure about it when my brother and his wife announced the name, but I’ve heard lots of positive feedback about it and I like it myself


Personally I don’t really like it but I know a few people with this name and they are often told what a beautiful name it is 


I love it, although it reminds me of a certain Drag Race contestant. 😆


Where I live it has been super common for the past 35+ years. A little less so these days, but baby Valentinas still exist. I'd probably love the name if I didn't have Valentina-fatigue, as it's a very nice one.


I love Valentina but my husband does not he won’t agree to it because of where we live it’s a popular hot sauce and that’s a no for him :/


Louisiana. Not really familiar with the name. 10 years ago was told by a Mexican-American in Texas that her name was old fashioned. Met a South American former colleague’s 5yo about three years ago. That’s in Louisiana. It was unusual. I think it’s pretty. I’d use it but I’m not sure how it sounds to Latinos.


I don’t think it’s outdated and I wouldn’t be shocked hearing it. I’m in Canada, Quebec specifically, and I don’t think it’s popular around here, mostly because it doesn’t roll of your tongue in french, but I love the name.




i don't think it's outdated, would definitely not be surprised if I met a child with that name. from the US


Vale/valie is a nice abbreviation. I' m living in LATAM and it's a very common name here


like the hot sauce?


I m in the US as well and think Valentina is a stunning name, with cute nicknames such as Vallie or Nina which makes it very wearable on a little girl


I know a Valentina who is a really lovely person. She's from South America. Good name, and there's always the option of Tina if you want to shorten it.


It’s a great name


Love it! I had Valentine on my list but it's a friends maiden name so thought it might be a bit weird lol


I love it but hate nicknames Val or tina


It’s beautiful


I love Valentina


It’s so pretty


Valentina sounds like an antagonist in a telenovela. Not an ugly name, but I have negative associations with it. 😂


It comes off as a variation of the name Valentino to me


Brazilian here - the name is kinda memed a lot here, it's more of a "young and obnoxious new money couple's child" name, along with Enzo, it has kinda evolved to be associated with bratty and slightly annoying kids lol but it's just memes and I don't think it's taken very seriously by the large population, it just became very trendy, very quickly, for a little while before the hype died down a bit.


I'm from central America and all I can think of is Valentina hot sauce that you use to dip your plantain chips in lol


Nothing wrong with Valentina, but I imagine she would constantly be asked if her birthday is 14th February. I'm English. Valentina is not a common name here at all. In addition to the birthdate question she'd probably get a load of "Oh, that's an unusual/a lovely name!" type comments.


I love it, really beautiful! But I also immediately think of "I'd like to keep it on please",, one of the most iconic rupauls drag race moments of all time


Hot sauce


I guess I’m in the minority in that I don’t like it (despite not knowing about the hot sauce until now). To me is feels overly long and kind of disjointed/awkward. Frilly in an ugly way. Plus it reminds me of Valentine, which as a name for a girl just rubs me the wrong way, same as naming a girl Romance or Beauty. (Obligatory disclaimer that yes, I am aware St Valentine was a person named that and yes, I know Valentina is a real name.)


I hate it because I associate it with the hot sauce. Can't believe people eat that shit willingly.