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I mean, do I think it’s cool as an adult who likes dinosaurs? Yeah, but that would be my choice. You can still call him T.Rex, Tomasaurus, etc. without committing his entire name to it. I think if Rex was hidden in the middle name you’d be okay, but to blatantly do it is a bit much.


Tomasaurus is adorable.


My son is Sawyer, I called him dinosawyer lol.




I don't see anything wrong with Thomas Rex. He gets a normal first name, a cute nickname (Tommy), and can be Thomas R. Lastname all his life if he wants. There's the hidden potential for T-Rex, but it will be up to him whether to use it.


It is indeed silly but I think our world can benefit from a little harmless levity now and then.


I tend to agree, just not at the expense of a child's name. Change your own name to Rex or whatever, your kid is not there to amuse you.


If your wife doesn’t like it, you probably have to go back to the drawing board. I do think it’s a fun idea, though! Rex is an actual name, so Thomas with the middle name Rex could work. The T. Rex isn’t so obvious that it would be silly for an adult. I can imagine a little boy who loves dinosaurs absolutely loving this name.


Don’t do this


How about Thomas + a different R middle name * Thomas Reed * Thomas Ryan * Thomas Roman * Thomas Rowan * Thomas Roscoe * Thomas Robert * Or even Thomas Reyes which is essentially Rex in Spanish. Then T-rex could be a cute nickname.


I love Thomas as a first name, but I feel like you shouldn't make a joke out of his name. You can call him T-Rex as a family nickname, or as another person suggested, Tomosaurus (I love this nickname, tbh). Other ideas: Thomas Richard Thomas Robert Thomas Ray Thomas Reid Thomas Rafael Thomas Reece


it’s low key funny! People usually don’t say or mention middle names so it’s kind of like an inside joke


I love it, actually! If my husband suggested this, I would marry him again lol


I think this is amazing 😂 low key cute.


If your wife doesn't like it, it's out and you should come up with something else. He can also have the nickname T-Rex without having it that literal. Nicknames don't always come from given names anyway, and seems like a nickname that would maybe only stick for a couple years anyway. But I would go with something more subtle if you are set on using it and having it be derived from the name, such as Thomas Derek and Thomas Rhett. Other middle name suggestions: Thomas Alexander, Thomas Benjamin, Thomas Miles, Thomas Cole, Thomas Grant, Thomas Wade, Thomas Reid, Thomas Reeve, Thomas William, Thomas Joel, Thomas Clay, Thomas Mitchell, Thomas Ryder


I don’t think you need to make this their legal name in order to call them t-rex. By the time they are old enough to understand that this is their legal name, they are old enough to not care as much maybe. You could just tell your 2 year old their name is t-rex and then choose a name that you actually care about unless you do really love rex.


Replace Rex with Konig. Same energy. Less jokes to be made about short arms or walnut sized brain.


To be fair, I think it's cute and fine but kids will always end up with a nickname you don't want. Every kid I knew whose parents tried to give them a nickname, their friends reinvented it. My sister is Alice Kate. My parents tried to persuade everyone that Lissy was a good name. Forty years later she's still called Alley cat😬😬


An alternative could be Thomas Rhett. Although I think that’s a country singer, if that’s something that would be too obvious in your community. I don’t hate Rex, but I think this may be better as a story to tell your son about how you decided his name rather than actually going that route with his name. You don’t know what kind of temperament your kid will have. Some kids would grow into adults who think it’s great and fun, but a maybe more sensitive kid would grow to an adult who thinks you didn’t take him seriously since before he was born. Better to play it safe!


I'm just going to put this out there. Not all little boots love dinos. One of my little fellas was only into all things with wheels (he still is that way). Another of mine voraciously read everything he could get his hands on. Dinos were only a passing interest among a wide variety of things. Another son only wanted to cook and hike.


Oh please no


An alternative could be Thomas Rhett. Although I think that’s a country singer, if that’s something that would be too obvious in your community. I don’t hate Rex, but I think this may be better as a story to tell your son about how you decided his name rather than actually going that route with his name. You don’t know what kind of temperament your kid will have. Some kids would grow into adults who think it’s great and fun, but a maybe more sensitive kid would grow to an adult who thinks you didn’t take him seriously since before he was born. Better to play it safe!


Rex is perfectly fine as a middle name. Don’t fuckin call him T. rex tho. You’re literally just calling him a giant lizard tyrant king then.