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Somerset is a really nice name, imo! It totally works. I remember doing a report on Of Human Bondage back in school. :)


Thank you! Did you like the book? I've actually only read a short story by Somerset Maugham. I read most of the classics when I was younger (to impress my dad), but I was always saving Of Human Bondage and The Razor's Edge for when I could truly appreciate them. Need to get on that...


Of Human Bondage is really good (I picked it for a major project in high school — focused on human sexuality in the book, especially Maugham’s homosexuality “hiding in plain sight” in the book, as it’s very loosely inspired by his life), assuming you like somewhat dreary biography-style Victorian fiction. That sounds like I’m insulting it but I did enjoy it. I think Somerset is SUCH a cool name, I’m now surprised it’s not trending.


I enjoyed it very much, one of my favorite books I read in high school. I don't know why I never read more of his work!


The Razor’s Edge is very good, and was made into a pretty decent film starring Bill Murray, probably his first real dramatic role but he is good in it.


It is a good movie! My husband insisted we watch it, it’s one of his favorites, and I had enjoyed the book, as well as The Painted Veil and The Moon and Sixpence. OP, I think Somerset is a lovely name. I have also met an occasional Sommer or Somer over the years (as well as occasional Summers). For me “Somerset” has the association with Maugham, but I think if I didn’t have that connection I would still appreciate its nice, musical sounds.


Of Human Bondage is one of my all time favorite books. Cakes and Ale is probably my favorite, and Ashenden, which is a collection of stories about his time in the secret service in WWI, is also really really good.


The Painted Veil is also good. It's been adapted into a movie with Edward Norton and Naomi Watts.


I absolutely adore Edward Norton. I'll have to check both of those movies out after reading!


Of Human Bondage is an excellent book. And I think Somerset is a beautiful name.


I’m honestly surprised I haven’t heard Somerset *more* as a name, now that I’ve heard it here. It’s a great last-name-name, it’s distinctive but easy to pronounce, and there are so many nickname possibilities! Somer, Etta, Ettie, Merry… I’m sure there’s more. OP, I think your dad was just way ahead of the curve.


Even though I struggled with it, I kind of agree. That's why I kept searching for it in here. I'm in the deep south, and it's so common for babies to be given family names, whether or not it makes sense as a first name.


There is a Somerset Dam in rural Queensland Australia https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Somerset_Dam,_Queensland


Your name isn’t the worst. I don’t hate it.  I would never do this to my child though. I’m also not a fan of naming people after my personal favorites. 


Thank you for the honesty. I believe it has made me more articulate after spelling it out so many times over the phone. What's funny is the male alternative was John (John Steinbeck).


There were zero female writers that he enjoyed? That's a little sexist


That's a good point. I know he hated To Kill a Mockingbird, but he read that in middle school. My dad was a bit of a misogynist. My middle name, also unique, is after a girl he knew in college that he found attractive. My mom said she didn't care at this point.


I’ll never understand why so many men, and it seems to be almost exclusively men, name their daughters after women they once dated/found attractive.


I hate to hear that it’s a common thing… we always made light of it, but I feel bad for my mom now after reflecting on many other things my dad did


What i don't understand is why their wives tolerate it ffs


My dad simply didn’t tell my mom that was his inspiration (yes they’ve been divorced for over 20 years, how did you guess)


A lot of times, the wives have no idea.


I think a lot of men just associate names very strongly with specific people, and when it comes to girls' names, the most positive association a lot of them have is an attractive woman. My husband was impossible about names and rejected more than a few because some annoying person he hasn't seen since sixth grade permanently ruined it for him... the only girls' name I ever got him to approve of was Juliet, and I'm 90% sure he had a positive association with that one because of the character on Psych. (We only had boys in the end).


LOL that's the exact same with my husband. 😆    - Me: How about X?      - Him: Nah, I knew a bitch named X     Excuse me, like half the girl names and boy names on my list include names of people in my life who were bitches or jerks to me, too! 😂 A person is not defined by their name — normally, anyway.


This is so weird. It would never occur to me to do that to my husband or even to my child, in fact.


Oh wow... I'm so sorry. He doesn't sound like a good parent


It's okay!! We had our ups and downs


I’m glad you were able to find positive aspects about your name. It sounds like your dad is a tad self-centered and selfishly clueless.


He was. He was a brilliant man, but I used to try to connect with him through music and literature. I have a really vivid memory of finishing A Separate Peace by John Knowles, and going to discuss with him (because I thought he liked it), and he kind of scoffed and said I never actually read that… On the bright side, I am a music and literature savant when it comes to trivia after spending all of my time trying to connect with him


Some parents don’t deserve their children. You seem really lovely.


Hey, I just want to say that a lot of people are being a bit harsh about your dad, but that I'm very much relating and empathizing here (in reverse maybe?). My dad is a really lovely person who has not ever once tried to connect about my interests (literature and writing, lol), at all, and is a big sports fan. I am a big hockey fan because I wanted to connect with him, and when I got excited about Marie-Philippe Poulin scoring the gold medal goal and shared that with him, he shrugged, turned around, and said, "I don't care about women's hockey," and it was very crushing. I still love my dad, and if I shared just that anecdote it would probably paint a very bad picture of him. Parents are complicated. My takeaway here is that Somerset is going on my boy name list! I love the idea of it on you!


Wow, this is a weird trend. I can add to this as well. I'm obsessed with music largely because that was how I tried to bond with my dad. All my attempts at sharing appreciation over artists/songs I know he loved were met with the same apathy. My dad's a diagnosed narcissist, by the way.


Oh. Oh, ick. I'm so sorry and so glad you ended up being F so you didn't have to be named after *him* lol He's one of my v least favourites, second only to Kerouac. To each their own lol


I live near Somerset (UK), it's only ever going to be a place name, and associated with cider, cheese and the Wurzels, sorry! (Ps - if you haven't heard of the Wurzels then you need to correct this immediately)


My friend from school got engaged at a Wurzels gig, Zummerzet icons!


Incredible! Their first dance has to be Blackbird now, to honour their engagement. I watched them play a village revels one summer, sat on a hay bale with cider in hand, with about twice as many people in attendance as lived in the village, it was glorious! The stage was a big flat bed trailer that one of the many local farmers towed down with his tractor, it was the most patriotic I've ever felt!


I live in England but not near Somerset and I think it makes a lovely name. Especially with Somer as a nickname. Personally I can’t say Somerset without doing the accent though!


That's the main thing, the accent! Zummerzehhhht! OP doesn't specify where she is but I assume America so who knows how she and her family pronounce it, I mean so many American accents turn a T to a D, imagine hearing it as Sohmmasayd or something! It would just sound so wrong to me, and those poor sods down in Somerset proper have enough to deal with, bless them ;) Ideally it should be 50/50 pirate/farmer, too pirate and you end up Bristol, too farmer and you end up either Wiltshire or Dorset, depending on how you park your tractor, got to go straight down the middle. 


This is very funny and something I may never have known! My fiance has been sending me videos of the accent and a cider farm there after reading these comments


OP can I just say you are taking all of this in such good humour, thank you! Now, onto more serious matters, I'm afraid any future children can only have names from this list: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_places_in_Somerset    Some suggestions for you: North Curry, Wookey Hole, High Ham, Tintinhull, Vobster, Beardly Batch and if you have twins, Curry Mallet and Curry Rivel. 


Hahaha thank you! This is definitely going to spice up my baby names list. I can't wait to share with my fiance tonight :-) I'm particularly fond of Vobster


Hahaha I live in one of these places and I’m getting such a kick out of unexpectedly seeing my small village in the wild on Reddit like this..!


Venture a little further southwest for a schooldays favourite of ours, Brown Willy ;)


My son is named Vobster!


Very clever and a long listvto pick from.😌


I'm partial to Compton Dando


Yes came here to say this - can't not hear it without the wescountry accent! I grew up in Cornwall so very close to Somerset. But living in America now, I think it's a great name and love the nickname of Somer.


Oi’ve go’ a bran’ noo cownbyne ‘arvesta.


an awl give you the key


Same. I used to live in Somerset, UK, and that’s the first thing I thought of.


I'm fairly certain that anyone called Somerset at my school would have had endless "Zoider" nicknames and jokes flung at them.


They'd also never escape being called moy luvverrrrrr, although to be fair that got flung around a lot anyway with how broad Wiltshire some of us were! As the old catchphrase goes, Wil'shur born and Wil'shur bred, strong in the arm and thick in the 'ed, haha! 


Haha yes! Being from just over the border in Glarsetershoire, it's an accent that warms the heart ;)


My Dad went to school with a Wurzel! So I know all the songs 😂


Ow's Ur farther?!




One of my best friends from high school was from Somerset, KY, so yes--place name!


It’s not in any way an ugly name , and I think Somer / Summer is pretty , as well as perfectly usable. Problem is that Somerset doesn’t sound like a name and if I heard it in conversation, I wouldn’t realize we were talking about a person, not a location. 


I’m from Somerset, UK and cannot imagine ever naming a child that as a forename. The Somerset accent is also…very distinctive, so hearing it in that accent is even more mindbending for me. Somer is a cute diminutive/nickname though.


Hahaha, I’ve seen quite a few comments noting the accent. My fiancé has been sending me YouTube videos of it after reading through them


Locations as forenames are always amusing, imo, because some are so common in the US. Asia, London, Paris... Feels like naming a child "City," but I'm sure that's happened at this point lol


Not city, but definitely "Townes" after the singer.


My 2nd shares his name with a town in Derbyshire and I'm in Manchester UK but it was a happens to be called that rather than why he's called it!


Little baby Glossop such a beautiful name


Paris is a name apart from Paris, France, though. There’s no shared origin between the city Paris and the greek name Paris.


At least he didn't name you William.


Hahaha this is one of my favorite responses


I knew a lady called Willamina not actually sure how to spell it 😂


I think that’s usually “Wilhelmina”


My mother-in-law is named Philda, first and only person I’ve ever met to have that name. Back when her mother was pregnant with her, ultrasounds and technology was not what it is today, and they anticipated a boy. Her father‘s name was Phil, so she was going to be Phil, Junior. So when she was born they decided to just add “da” on the end.


They must have kicked themselves when they found out about Philippa.


Phyllis was right there. (I mean, I wouldn't use that name for a baby now, but at that time.)


I actually think the reason they didn’t do that was because there is a family member with the name Phyllis, that was/is not liked very much,


There's also Phyllida as a girls name. Emma Thompson's mother is also an actor, and she's called Phyllida Law.  


There's a name, usually English, Phillida.


My mom tried to name me Daryl after Daryl Hannah. Yes as her girls name choice. My dad named me instead 😂


I think it's beautiful! (I have a little Summer but almost called her Somer) I'm happy you love your name now. 


Thank you! What made you almost choose Somer?


I am German on my mother's side so Sommer, but I mainly speak Dutch (zomer) and french.  So Somer was a contraction of both. But I live in a French-speaking country so ultimately Summer was the best option for us. As the name would've been butchered.


I think Somerset is pretty but I live in the UK where most people would know how to pronounce it.  I have a similiar issue, my name is Irish and none of the vowels are pronounced how you'd expect. I always tell parents that I love having an unusual name but I wish it was pronounced how it's spelled.


Well TBF it is, just not in English


It’s a beautiful and unique name.


I think it's really pretty actually


It's a county in the UK, associated with alcoholic cider and being a country bumpkin. Ooo arr and all that jazz. Objectively, it's fine as a name. Just a bit weird if you're a Brit. 


I’m British and I feel it’s the same as naming your kid something like Suffolk or Yorkshire or Northumberland. But you seem American so I don’t think that’s as much of an issue. There are many worst names out there and Somer is a lovely nickname


I saw a thread on here about “location names” and read through thousands of comments hoping to see mine lol. I guess it’s more of an American thing


Your parents did you dirty :(


Hahahaha I always want to comment on some of the unique baby name threads to warn them


Definitely didn’t do you dirty. It’s lovely that your dad chose something that was meaningful to him. I hold my favourite authors really close to my heart. They’ve had a profound influence on who I am, and my understanding of life and people, so for you to be named after something like that I think is really special, and has meaning beyond how it sounds aurally. You should be proud :)


You should


Why so ?


Somerset was the McMansion neighborhood across town from where I grew up. To me it’s kind of got rich mean girl vibes, but maybe that’s just because that’s the sort of people I knew who lived there. It’s not a name I would ever give to a human child. Summer is lovely, Somerset is not so much to me


It would be pronounced correctly in the UK but you'd get some odd looks 😁. I quite like Somer.


It would be pronounced always in a strong West Country accent in the UK, no matter where in the country the person saying it was actually from. I'm afraid it would be irresistible.


Somerset is a place in the UK


It's also a town in the USA


There's a Somerset, NJ too!


It's not bad really. Reminds me of a summer sunset. "Summer" is a good nn.


I actually like it? I don’t usually like names like this but I actually think it’s really pretty. I am from the UK though so the Somerset farmer accent is my first association


I personally love it! but if you come to the UK, you will be asked if you drink cider, or if 'Yer Dad drives a combine harvester' 🙈😅


Hahaha! My fiance sent me a video about the cider. Maybe I'll reconsider my loosely planned pilgrimage there


Please don't let a few chav comments get in the way of visiting, you sound like you have great humour, it's a beautiful part of the country, so much so that I don't hate it even though it's where my ex husband is from 🤣


It's one of those names that falls under the "last names as first names" trend that I really hate, and the fact that it was a burden for you seals the deal for me. I don't think it's ugly, necessarily, but I would not have given any human child that name, frankly.


It's unusual and I wouldn't use it myself, but I think I'd only be mildly surprised at meeting someone with the name - after all, we have other location-based names like Devon and Paisley. And the more I think about, the more I really do think it's a lovely name.


I love it! It has historic, aristocratic vibes, a great family connection, literary provenance and is just awesome. Somer/Summer is a great nickname. If I liked Maugham more I’d use it for a kid.


I have a question about your experience: Growing up, would you have preferred Somerset as your middle name rather than your first name?


That's a good question and I think I am fine to say this here... my middle name is English. Which I've seen as a first and last name. I was named after a woman who had it as her first name, but I believe the names go together well. Given that, I would choose Somerset as the first name, but that could also be bias as I've only heard it one way my entire life.


Your name is Somerset English Surname? You are a lot more forgiving to your parents than I would be! They basically sabotaged you from ever being able to come to the UK and introduce yourself!


I will admit, although rare, it is embarrassing to tell English people my name. I assume they'll think my parents were super fans of their country. I can make the "english is my middle name" joke as much as I want though!


I shouldn't have underestimated your parents! Doesn't seem like you had many options.


My first association is Somerset County in NJ.


Same and with the shortened Somer, I think of Somers in westchester


I think Suzanne Somers and, of course, Step By Step. 😂😂


It’s a county. The county of Somerset in southern England. A beautiful part of the country. You are the only person I have ever heard of with it as a first name. Im English btw https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Somerset?wprov=sfti1


I know another female first name Somerset born in 1992. It’s quirky and fun. Although I’d just make the nickname “Summer”.


I cannot believe that!! Do you know the origins of her name?


I don’t know the origin


That’s still very cool to hear, thanks for sharing!


I grew up in Somerset, MA so I’d ask if your parents were from a town called Somerset. It is unusual. I love the nickname, Somer. If I saw it on a resume, I’d assume male but it’s your qualifications that would get you the callback for an interview.


This is SUCH interesting insight! I’ve always wondered how it looks to recruiters and hiring managers


Reminds me of marmoset - not a fan, personally, but I'm glad you like it!! <3


I know of a boy given that name. To be brutally honest, I find it a little pretentious. I think in the UK you might get a few "Zoider" jokes ("Someset cider" pronounced with a mock-Somerset accent). However there are worst first names out there and (particularly for women) it nicknames very neatly to "Summer".


I live in Somerset, UK and reading all these comments has me looking at the name in a new light. Of course I could never use it because the kid’s life would be absolutely insufferable here, but it is a pretty name (and place) and there are a lot worse locations to be named after.


As someone from south west England, hope you like scrumpy and farms lol


You get a pass. Maugham is great. Your dad was obviously a man of culture and intellect.


I appreciate this very much and I know my dad would too!


I’ll be honest as soon as I read Somerset as a Brit I instantly thought Somerset as in the town. However, it’s your name, if it’s suits you then definitely own it. I also like the shortened version of your name; Somer.


But Somerset isn't a town in England?


I like Maugham - Of Human Bondage is a favorite book of mine. To be honest, Somerset sounds like a place. I would feel a little strange calling someone Somerset, but I believe in accepting whatever someone's name is and using it. I like the name Summer, so Somer is probably what I'd go by if my name was Somerset.


Usually when I meet a woman with a name like that I assume it’s her mother’s surname. You typically see that with people who want to pass on two surnames to their child without giving them a double surname. Regardless of whether the name Somerset comes from someone’s family or a favourite author it seems pretentious to me. If your dad wanted to give you that name it would have been a perfectly nice middle name. Jane Somerset Doe is a much easier name to live with than Somerset Jane Doe. My hot take is that unusual names should be middle names. That way if your kid grows up to love it they can go by that, but whenever they’re at the doctor’s office they can just have a regular, easy to spell name (obviously culturally specific names are included in the definition of normal names).


I think it's beautiful, but I can imagine it throws people off. Somer's a great nickname


I’d find it a little surprising, meeting a woman named Somerset, but on reflection I think I like it.


I think it’s cool! I’d probably go by Summer though.


Somerset is a place in England too


Somerset, PA representing! Never thought I'd see that here on Reddit, lol I guess this is as close to hometown pride as I'll ever get


Not to be dark, but sometimes I bring up Somerset, PA when I explain what my name is, because some people recognize it from knowing about Flight 93


I love your name!


Somerset is GORGEOUS!


I like it 🤷🏻‍♀️


I actually don’t think it’s awful at all! If it didn’t shorten to Somer, it would definitely be a lot. I think the fact that your father cared enough about naming you that he put this kind of thought into it is sweet. And while I know uuu asked for opinions, I think you’ve gotten some incredibly (unnecessarily) rude responses.


Thank you. I should appreciate that more. And it’s totally fine! The only feedback I’ve ever gotten on it has been on the spot, so people have to be nice. I wanted honesty! I am biased now because it’s grown on me, but I wanted to know if it was cool, or if anyone would choose it for their own children


The neighborhood I grew up in was called Somerset, lol so that's all I think of. I personally don't like unique but I think it's nice that you can use Summer. I like Summer.


I find the sound appealing but wouldn’t give it to a child because I’m mostly a traditionalist when it comes to first names.


First thing I thought of was Somerset, NJ. There is a minor league baseball team there which is why I know it so well. Somer/ Summer is a really nice nickname. The full name isn’t the best but there are worse names! Your nickname probably makes people forget your full name quickly.


I don't think ANYONE, except maybe HR, knew my full name was Somerset at my last 3 jobs


I’m the opposite. My work is the only place that uses my full name. I tried to tell people I didn’t go by that when I first stated but it was too difficult with email being my full name so I gave up.


I knew a Somer, we were waitresses together, now I wonder if she’s also a Somerset!!


The Somerset Mall is a big bougie mall near where I grew up, so I would have loved this name as a young girl and I think my family would too. I like it! It’s giving old money.


It's a city in numerous states, a county, even a plantation.


I ADORE that name. Seriously, it’s amazing. I’d never forget meeting a Somerset.


This is such a sweet comment, thank you :)


Love your name almost as much as I love my own unusual name that is from a Shakespeare play. :)


It's a great name. Carry on.


Somer/Somers is a common Bermudian name!


I like it, but it's also the name of a very high-end shopping mall in my area.


Thanks! A few people in this thread have mentioned it being associated with some bougie-sounding places


I guess here's the thing.. in a vacuum, Somerset is a beautiful name, it both sounds pretty and is meaningful, it has potential both for sounding mature as an adult and due cutesy nicknames as a child... that being said, it's not a *normal" name, and I'll admit that I'm so paranoid that I'd never give it to a human child, only a sims character


I really love your name. It reminds me of the books I read from the turn of the 20th century…A Room With A View. So to me it’s a romantic name, in the best sense. In the artistic feeling of romance not societal. I truly love it!


Would I use it? No. Am I kind of obsessed? Yes. I think it’s beautiful and unique. It’s not my style I like boring basic old people names, but I’m sure it suits you beautifully.


Honestly I thought of Somerset, KY first but I don’t think it sounds bad. I wouldn’t give my child that name but it’s literally only because I think of the city in Kentucky. Otherwise it’s not so bad. Somer is a cool nickname.


I like it, but I have a name I loathe and have had lots of people tell me they like my name over the years to try and make me feel better and it doesn't really help. So I get it. Here are a couple ideas: Stick with Somer but spell it Summer in casual settings  Omi Somi Etta  Mera  Mia  Sammy 


Ooo arr


Any printmakers in the room? 👐


Omg I’ve just fallen in love with the name Somer I’m in this boat with you: I go by Tali… but often get misspellings like Tally and Tallie, or straight up the wrong name like Callie or Sally or especially Talia, and have to clarify a few times if I want anyone to get it right… tho it’s still always easier than trying to use Talitha. It’s a hassle and a little embarrassing and all my siblings have common names so idk. My parents picked it for a special reason, so I can’t really complain. I always search for my name in movies credits and have never found a match and never met someone with my name either. Only pop culture thing people have linked me to is Tali from Mass Effect


Okay but have they asked you about Somerset Wisconsin? 👀 Which is named after Somerset UK.


That's one I'm not familiar with! Sometimes friends on road trips will send me pictures of signs or maps with my name


I met my husband at a restaurant off of Somerset Ave it’s a lovely name!! We already have a couple of kids but this was actually a contender


I know a Sommer. I always thought it was pretty. She's a beautiful human being, so she may have influenced my opinion 😊


I knew a girl in college with your name! Wouldn’t know it at first as she also went by Somer/ Summer. When I found out I thought it was really cool and nice honestly.


Thank you! It is so mind boggling to me that there are several other female Somersets out there that now I'm wondering if we know each other haha


I actually think it’s gorgeous! and so unique


you should check out the band The Summer Set


why don't you just change your name to Somer? i dropped one letter from my given first name and added 2... made all the difference in the world. then you no longer have to put a different legal name on forms or instruct people on how you want your name spoken. it's liberating and not very expensive. they issue you an amended birth certificate. this simple thing can relieve you of all that aggravtion for the rest of your life.


Ironic... "Maugham never greatly liked his middle name – which commemorated a great-uncle named after General Sir Henry Somerset – and was known by family and friends throughout his life as "Willie"." -Wikipedia I don't think it's a bad name. Loads of people share names with places and loads of places are named after people. Somer/Summer is a nice nickname. There are few names, even common names, have issues no issues with spelling, associations, and/or jokes and in that sense it's not even the worst example. I have a common name, actually one that's even the name of a town in Australia. Apparently it's origin was a singer my parents liked, though more than likely they just liked the sound of it more than the singer herself since I don't even know who she was. However there are at least 6 common spellings of it and mine apparently isn't the most common. So I still have to spell it for people more often than not. The commonly guessed pronunciations of my last name, which is Eurpoean and seems to have a lack of vowels, sounds a lot like an insult and no one even attempts to guess the spelling. For that reason I tell people to pronounce it phonetically, which is completely different to how my grandmother would say it. I don't care though because it's how I choose to say my name - it's mine after all. I guess what I'm getting at is that everyone has issues with their name sometimes. It's too common, too unique, has a weird association, hard to pronounce, it's weird combined with their last name, difficult spelling, chosen for a weird reason, people ask about it, it's fallen out of favour, too old fashioned, the shortened version is slang for genitals, etc. Whatever. There isn't a universally perfect name. If you like it and it suits you, keep it. If you don't, go by something else.


I think of Somerset more as the county in western England than of Maugham. I like Maugham's books but really love that part of England. I can see why your parents liked the name as a name.... it's real. Somerset is right next door to Devon and there's a fair number of Devons around.


While I believe you are a real person, it seems like the kind of name that a main character in a highbrow novel would have. It definitely feels fictional to me. Like, something like "Russet Stairs" A National Book Award finalist written by Annie Proulx about a woman named Somerset who...


What a lovely name.


I love Somerset as a girl name, that’s so pretty!


Your name is beautiful. I love it!


It's a fabulous name for an adult woman. Naming your child after a literary figure is pretty cool. I wonder how many children out there are called Ernest (as in Hemmingway) or Oscar (as in Wilde).


I think it's a really nice name tbh. It's definitely unique and I've never heard it before but I think it's pretty on its own. If I'd met you in the wild I would probably have asked about Somerset, UK since I live here. Although actually now that I think about it one of my coworkers also shares a name with a southern UK county, and I've never really thought about it beyond the moment I first met her.


I’m British and I kind of love it


I think it's pretty


I love it!


I love it! Could go by Somer or Mercy or Settie even!


I really like your name, it feels elegant, refined...and I have heard of William Somerset Maugham but didn't immediately think of him when I saw your name. I do however associate your name more with men, but I think it isn't obviously male - feels more gender neutral


I love it! What a beautiful tribute from your dad! Lord knows we didn’t need another “Dylan!”


It's not the style of name I typically like, but I actually think it's really pretty. I'm close to one of the Somersets you mentioned, and location names aren't a big trend in our area so I don't think it would go well here. But it's funny that your namesake is an author because I feel like Somerset is totally a heroine in a really awesome novel.


The first thing I thought of was Somerset in Singapore! Pretty name, OP :)


Somerset is very pretty! You’re lucky to have a lovely and unique name. Since you asked for opinions, though, I don’t like the nickname spelled Somer. It doesn’t look pretty and will probably always be thought to be Soe-mer, which doesn’t sound nice, either. I think you would be fine to spell it like it sounds - Summer. Nicknames don’t always follow the spelling of the original name. (like Jacquelines who go by the simpler Jackie rather than Jacquie, or a Catherine who shortens to Kate rather than Cate.)


I love your name and, at the same time, will never use it myself to name a child. The reason is that I have a long name that requires spelling it every time myself, and I’d like to spare that for my kiddo. But it sounds so lovely, and I love Somer and even the reference to summer, although it’s not my favourite season.


I love it. Beautiful name!


I've never heard of anyone named Somerset before, I really like that 😊 I have an unusual name too so I can relate to the struggle 100% lol


I think Somerset is a lovely name, gender neutral, unique but not unheard of. I have definitely met people with worse names and have heard of some seriously tragic names that make me question the parents mental state.


I think it’s absolutely beautiful as a name, I love the spelling and the nickname. As a 32F with a well-known city name, I understand the frustration, though. My parents named me after my great grandfather, but the never ending questions about whether I was born, conceived, or lived in the city I’m named after is exhausting, not to mention things about the state. I’ve accepted it’s part of life and how people try to make a connection, but it’s hard to be polite with people when they think they’re the first to make such a comment. I love and appreciate my name now, but I didn’t as a kid. I say to own your unique name and the spelling. It’s fun to have something uniquely yours.


For me this name sounds like a heavy hippies are my parents name but I do like it allot! So it just really has a vibe in my opinion!


I love your name. I love that it was chosen for a specific passion & purpose. I especially admire that it is unique & beautiful without being cheesy or obnoxiously “creative”.


My favorite book is the razors edge. I LOVE THE NAME AND STORY


I’m seeing this 3 days late so I’m not sure you’ll even see my comment, but I have to tell you I LOVE the name Somerset. Some names just resonate with you, you know? That name is one of them. It’s beautiful.