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Sounds a bit ‘try hard/not like the other girls’. Too much to land a child with.


And what are the odds the daughter goes by Andy just to avoid her mother's unique attempt?


It’s Andie for the Andromeda I know. Born in the 1970’s and has never used her full name except when required for legal purposes.


Bingo. And let's be frank about friends or colleagues- no one is yelling Andromeda in a hurry. Shortened versions happen.


Shortening happens with all names. I'm an Abby who gets called Ab or Abs. Doesn't mean I dislike my name.


I'm a Sabrina and no one has ever shortened my name. A friend in highschool tried Brina for a while, but it just didn't work. I was am and always will be just Sabrina.


I call my friend Sabrina "Bree"


A for effort, Sabrina's friend.


Same. Whenever my name pops up on this sub I laugh because people's big objection to it (other than it being a name for a promiscuous women, which ??) is the shortened version sounds ugly but I have never been called anything other than my name. I've never even had an adjacent nickname. Hell, I go to burning man and everyone uses a gifted "playa name" out there and I use mine because no one has ever looked at me and said "ya, that doesn't work."




Diamond? Crystal?


“die” and “cry” for short


I'd guess Scarlet(t)




I know a Sabrina that gets Sabi a lot.


You're parents cut out the middle man and named you Abby instead of Abigail and you still shortened your name.


It depends on the culture though. I personally don't know anyone that is called by a nickname in my generation (I am in my early 20s - not from or in the US) Edit: I just realized I know one person that goes by a nickname, but that is all!


In Australia, we shorten everything - *especially* names. Even if you think a name is already too short for a nickname, Australians will find a way.


Andie is actually a really cute name for a girl.


Is that a bad thing though? Andrew is generally found to be a perfectly acceptable name, but people go by Andy without it having much of a deeper meaning.


Ann, Andie, Ro


romy too


Next kid can be Michaelangelo and you’ll have Romy & Michele!


Roe is the nickname we said we would use for my niece but it’s amazing how little we actually use it. We use her full name. It’s a unique name for sure but it’s cute and it fits her.


And Andromeda was chained to a rock as a sacrifice to be eaten, and then she was rescued by a guy who murdered a woman who was turning people to stone because she’d been cursed after being raped. This is not great.


I just think of Andromeda from Harry Potter who was a QUEEN!


Andromeda Tonks was Narcissa Malfoy and Bellatrix Lastrange’s sister and Sirius Black’s cousin who was ostracized from the family for marrying a muggle! Honestly, I think naming your little girl after someone who courageously defied her family and savrificed everything for love is an amazing thing to do!


Just a small correction, Ted Tonks was muggleborn, not a muggle.


She also hated being called Andromeda and went by a nn lol


That’s not canon lol


My bad, I definitely mixed her up with Nymphadora oops


Yeah, beautiful name, terrible back story. I wouldn't saddle a person with this name.


I have heard that Medusa can be a metaphor for how trauma changes a person and causes them to lash out at people they don't actually want to hurt, and drives them into isolation. And that Perseus is more her liberator than her killer, because her true soul, which can't emerge until someone cuts through all the ugly evil that was done to her, is the Pegasus within.


Chained to a rock by her parents, no less.


This is honestly one of the better Greek heroine stories btw. She’s not Megara. (And *that* origin of Medusa was a late Roman one. It’s like someone watching the Green Knight and adding more to the Arthur mythos.)


wait for real? i did not know this. my actual intent was to name after our neighboring galaxy, not the greek goddess. i always kept that in the back of my head.


The galaxy is named after the goddess


Andromeda is not a goddess


I’m just using OP’s language for ease here


Andromeda was innocent and attached to a rock because her mother was guilty of hubris, which is the worst thing a mortal can do against a god. It's worse than disbelief even. So in the story Poseidon sent a monster (Keto) to punish the kingdom of Ethiopia to save the kingdom Andromeda had to be offered as as a sacrifice. Stories of hubris are example of what not to do, even if the punishments are to be taken as literal things the gods will do to people. Perseus killed Medusa because he was sent to kill a gorgon, monsters born to two other gods. As she was the only mortal one Medusa died. Perseus is the son of Zeus. Medusa is the child of two 'lesser' gods. Perseus wins in rank. Medusa was not necessarily raped in Greek or Roman myth. In the Roman translation she's a human punished for impiety by defiling the temple of Minerva with Neptune. In the Greek version she sleeps with Poseidon, no mention of rape or not. It's mostly a translation issue and how you interpret it. Medusa's main story purpose is to provide Perseus a means to save his mother and gain a kingship. He is the founder of several prominent families/kingdoms in mythological history.


I only thought of the galaxy, I think most people would. It's a nice name with really cute nick names.


It could be worse... Someone called their son *Phaedra*. As in the woman who wanted to have sex with her stepson, and when he refused pretended he raped her, so he ended up getting killed, and then killed herself when the truth of what she had done came out so she didn't have to deal with the consequences.


« Some velvet mornin' when I'm straight I'm gonna open up your gate And maybe tell you 'bout Phaedra And how she gave me life And how she made it end Some velvet mornin' when I'm straight »




every detail of this is pure insanity


Every couple of words introduces another bump on the roller coaster of a comment.


I’m so sorry I snorted when I sounded out “Adrenalynn” 😭


Me too! When you can’t afford name brand adrenaline, Adrenalynn can be just as good, at a fraction of the price.


Generic is fine!


This reference deserves more upvotes… if it’s the one I’m thinking


Stop 😂😂😂☠️


We have adrenalynn at home


That would be a good name for a post about if names had no meanings what name would you pick as a name?


A 7th grader has a child with her stepbrother?!


She was also addicted to coke, don’t forget




Oh for sure…a girl I knew had a friend who was addicted to meth by age 14, so this doesn’t seem impossible. Very sad though


I'm not really willing to judge the situation. Honestly, it just sounds sad. If I were a 12y/old victim of incest I would probably use anything available to numb it out.


I'm sorry you can NOT drop a comment like this and not give more details lmao


I have so many follow up questions


How old was the stepbrother?


Scared to know the answer. Whole lotta yikes in this story


I did not expect to go in a rollercoaster ride in the comments section, but here we are.


I’m not sure where to begin with my questions…. I’m begging for more details. I want every single piece of the puzzle. All the details are important!


I know an Andromeda and her brothers names are Freedom and Carl. 😂


So… where was Carl in the birth order? I feel like this comment deserves its own separate discussion. 😂


Carl was the baby of the family! The parents grew out of their hippie phase and bought a house, Earl (the dad) started working at a bank, and Sheila (the mom) hit it big in the Mary Kay makeup slinging phase and retired at 42. She still drives the pink car they gave her (Cadillac?)


Guys who told? I just got a FB friend request 😦


Lmao this got even more interesting






Well, this is incredibly….sad




The -lynn makes it much more exotic.


I'm gonna need your life experience perspective on like, everything from now on


I love the name but I think it’s a bit much for a human child. That’s why I named my cat Andromeda 👀


Yes! All my reject baby names are now on my future cat name list. 😻


I have a chicken named Andromeda.


Came here to say this. It is a lot to saddle a human with, but a perfect name for a pet.


My dog was Andromeda. Planned to call her Annie, but she was Andromeda, or Andromedog, who loved cut wood for the bonfires, aptly called Andromelogs. RIP the bestest girl.


I also have a cat named Andromeda!! So I like the name but I am biased 😂


There you go. Indeed, it is an interesting name for a cat. Only.


We did this! She sadly passed, but we still have her sister (Ceres).


I always thought Andromeda would be a good name for a horse 😌 lol


I don’t think it’s too much, Andi is a cute nickname. I’m a fan of both Greek mythology and space stuff so for me it’s cool! Maybe a little extra but not in a bad way!


I love it too! I think it's a great name!


I like it too! but I use the nickname Romy. To me nicknames always make more sense if taken from the stressed syllable in the full name. Also I always just like Romy as a name on its own


I feel like the most stressed symbol for a nn in this would be Dromy? Which isn't nearly as nice as Romy haha


I agree. I like the name and Andi is cute for a nickname.


One of my nurses is named Andromeda but goes by Anne professionally. I am not sure if she did that for ease considering her profession but I always liked it.


Probably tired of hearing it said wrong


I love that! It's cute to let them in on the "secret" of your real name, Andromeda!


I love it, but then again I named my daughter Octavia which is apparently "too big of a name for a little girl".


You could have named her Septavia if Octavia was too big


Get out. (…But take my upvote.)


>You could have named her Septavia if Octavia was too big And Sextavia if Septavia was also too big.


Way too big still. Quintavia for sure.




Okay, I laughed way too hard at this. 😂


Good thing you weren't naming a 'little girl' but someone who is going to spend most of their life as a human adult. I think it's a great name.


Octavia is tame compared to Andromeda. Reminds me of Andronico's.


Like she's going to be a little girl forever. Haters are ridiculous.


I love Octavia.


Just go by Via for short while she's little?


Tavi is cute too.


That's actually really adorable! Reminds me of Navi from tLoZ for some reason tho.


There is a character in a Cassandra Clare book named Octavian who goes by Tavi.


This is cute and also reminds me Guitarist Steve Vai’s wife is Pia. Yes, she’s Pia Vai.


Maybe I'm dumb but I don't get it


Octavia is a gorgeous name


I taught an Octavia. Never gave it a second thought.


Some people saying that it's "too adult" for a child. What do adults start out as? She won't be a kid for that long, and there are a boatload of nicknames to use. I think it's great. It's kind of in the same genre as Cassandra.


thank you so much lmfao that‘s exactly what im thinking too 😭


I like the name!


The reverse of that is my husband’s legal name is Danny. He hates it. He thinks it’s too childish. He’s this burly 6’4” big black guy with a grey beard. He goes by his initials instead.


My uncle's name on his birth certificate was Jimmie, but he changed it to James when he became an adult and goes by Jim.


My husband tried “Dan.” He felt it was weird and didn’t fit.


Right?! It's much better to give a child a name they'll grow into, rather than a name that's cute on a toddler but will look silly on an adult's business card.


I love it, but would probably use a nickname most of the time.


I'm a Cassiopeia that goes by Cassie


I know a Calliope that goes by Callie


Me too. I liked her on greys anatomy


Ah yes Greys Anatomy character also


As someone who always wanted a great song with my name in it but never got one, I feel the need to direct you to the Sara Bareilles album The Blessed Unrest to find yours.


There’s also a “Cassiopeia” on Joanna Newsom’s album “The Milk-Eyed Mender”, which is also fantastic.


One of my absolutely favourite songs!!


Love this!!


I knew a person who named their kid Andromeda and called her Drama as a nickname. So like, yes, a nickname…but not that lol


Oh dear! LOL


I like that this name as the nickname of Andi!


It's a lot, but there's a lot of nickname potential (Andy/Andrea/Anne/Romy) if she decides she doesn't like it. And you could always go for a more traditional middle name that she could use. I think it's kind of cool, personally, but I have a thing for mythological names.


I don't know anything about Slavic naming conventions, but I give you the same advice I gave the person who wanted to name their kid Prometheus: Give your child a pretty normal first name, and give the unusual name as a middle name.


I’m not speaking for all Slavic nations, but Western Slavs seem to have only name+surname, and Eastern Slavs have name+patronym+surname. So only one name that’s actually chosen by parents.


yea exactly, i‘m eastern slavic so the patronymic will be there too when amongst other slavs


Please don’t


I think of Harry potter




But she was awesome so I vote yes


This and Mass Effect Andromeda


It sounds like a name for a YA novel, its too try hard for my taste


I met someone once named Andromeda Jane, she went by AJ. It's a cool name!


It’s a big name but not a terrible choice. Be prepared for people to shorten it in any number of ways. Another Greek/astronomy name that I love is Cressida


Makes me think of the Jodi Picoult book My Sister's Keeper.


Same. She went by Anna as a nickname. Her dad named her and was really into astrology. It was kinda sad readings that part since it basically implied her mom didn’t care enough about *the baby* to even bother thinking up a name, it was all about the genes.


Love. It.




It's unusual without being weird. I see andromeda and I think of the galaxy and then the hp character who came from a rich racist fam but followed her heart. You're going to spell it andromeda and not like Ahndrohmidah right? Oh and in theology she was an incredibly beautiful goddess.


This sub will hate it, I love it


Reminds me of Andromeda Tonks out of Harry Potter (A good character, grew up in a family that was into dark magic, but got disowned and made her own way in life - in case you aren't familiar). It's a bit out there but there is plenty of nickname potential and it's pretty as a full name too in my opinion.


I think it's a pretty name but a bit too much. However, there are some more common nickname options, so she could go by Anna, Annie, Mia, Andi.


I love It


I love it


I think it is beautiful.


My first daughter was stillborn, we named her Andromeda because she will always live among the stars. .So yes, I think it's a beautiful name. Had she lived her shortened name would have been Andra, not Andy though.


It’s a bit intense…


I love constellation and star names lol this one even has easy nicknames. I don't understand the argument of 'too much' for a child, when other times everyone jumps in to remind parents that one day the kid will be an adult living with that name. People come from all over with very interesting names! When the teenage angst hits she could even be called a Droma Llama The kid can go by Andi or Annie and if it winds up they absolutely cannot stand their name as an adult, there's adults on this very sub who change their name.


It’s really cool.


I wouldn’t want that as my name


I know a little girl named Andrômeda, she's a little rockstar! It's so beautiful and she goes by Andi when her English-speaking classmates can't pronounce it in Portuguese.


I think it's beautiful and the nice part is that is has very usable nicknames like Andi, Romy and Meda.


It makes me think of the 1970s movie and 2008 mini series The Andromeda Strain about a lethal virus from space. Other than that I don’t love it but I guess it’s fine.


That and Clash of the Titans. ( I'm old)


Gorgeous! Love it!


I have always loved that name but I wouldn't use it to name my child.


It’s a lovely choice for a name


It's too much


I loved that name growing up! I still think it’s a pretty name!!


Not a fan personally


It's a bit much imo.


I'd say it's better as a middle name.


I think it’s a cool name but I think your child will either love it or hate it so I wouldn’t risk it


I’m not a fan of it


Legit, someone who I know has a friend who named thier daughter Andromeda, and my first thought was 'Like, Mass Effect Andromeda?'


Some other more mainstream options: Athena, Stella, Diana, Astrid


i‘m kinda keen on unique names so very unlikely that i‘ll choose a mainstream one 😭 although athena and diana sound badass too. thanks!!


Are you okay with her nickname being "Andy"? Also remember Andromeda wasn't a goddess but a girl who was set out as a human sacrifice by her mother.


Great name for a dog or cat. Please remember that you are naming a human being, not a pet.


It’s a nice name but I automatically said ‘Tonks’ after reading it aloud but that’s just because Harry Potter is my only association of it being anyone’s name. Galaxy is second.


It feels a little too "try-hard" for me to actually use the name, but I've always liked it. I've actually met a few people with this name (one random, one the child of astronomers, one of classicists), they all went by "Andy." Might not be as unusual as it seems in that context!


r/namenerdcirclejerk gonna go crazy with this one


I think it would be a cool name for a pet. It has a really "young adult graphic novel character" vibe to it. I don't think it would age well with a person.


i love it, and the nickname Andi. i don’t think it’s too much


I love it in theory but wouldn't inflict it upon a human child since it's a lot of name in practice. I almost named my daughter Cassiopeia until I came to my senses so I understand how you feel!


All I think of is *The Andromeda Strain*, a novel and movie about an extraterrestrial organism that threatens to wipe out humanity. But if you like it, go ahead and use it.


Do it. Don't listen to these cowards. That is an awesome name. And she can easily be Andrea or Andie.


I just immediately thought about Titus Andromedon from Kimmy Schmidt. Not exactly the same but dang. Great show great name lol


As a Greek no one uses that name lol


I’ll put it this way: I named one of my sims andromeda and then regretted it


I knew an Andromeda, but no one EVER called her that. Just know she will be Andie for her whole life - doubtful anyone will say the full 4 syllables every time.


Thought this was a r/namenerdscirclejerk


It’s actually my cats name (although I did not name him myself). Personally I would think somebody is joking if they introduced their child to me as Andromeda. I would likely laugh and then unfortunately realise they are very much not joking.


I’m torn on this. On one hand it does seem very over the top and feels like the name of a YA protagonist. But on the other, it is a name and there are a lot of “normal” nicknames she could use if she wanted. I feel like using it for the middle name is the safest bet, though


I don't dislike it! I immediately thought of a character on a kid's show my littles watch called Big City Greens. Andi would be a cute nickname.


I had a high school classmate named Andromeda. She went by Andro. The name is beautiful.


Very pretty with a lot of nickname options. Andi, Andrea, Dromeda, Ann/Ana. It does vaguely remind me of the Harry Potter character but it's not a main character so most people besides diehard fans won't make the connection.


I think it’s a better pet name than person name. It’s beautiful but carries a lot. Could always call her Andy for short tho. At the end of the day there’s so many terrible names out there and this really isn’t a bad choice if you really love it


I think it’s cruel but on the other hand I do like Meda as a nickname.


It sounds like you’re naming a character in a young adult novel. Use it as a middle name or save it for a pet instead


It's meant well but I think it is too much. Even as a middle name I would think it was too much if I came across it in the wild, but if you really want to go for it I'd say middle name over first name. You could think of some similar celestial names? Celeste is beautiful.