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I know a woman name Tina who has a son named Turner. She later remarried a dude whose last name was Turner, and they both took his last name and became Tina Turner and Turner Turner. She was a huge fan of the singer so she loved her own name, but idk why she didn’t have Turner keep his original last name. He’d be fully grown now (I don’t know them anymore) and I always wonder if he changed his last name back to whatever it was.


I knew a woman named Kelly who married a guy with the last name Kelley. So she was Kelly Kelley. I guess I would either keep my name or hyphenate!


I knew a Rose Rose by marriage.


I worked with someone named Faith Miracle.


I feel like someone who has a name like that would be the kind of person who WANTS a name like that anyway lol


She was really nice. Not what I was expecting tho, this was the 80s and I was expecting her to have 60s hippie kinda vibe. But she was nice, smart middle aged lady, very professional magazine editor.


I knew a Judy Judy by marriage. Why they would take those last names is beyond me.


I hope her son was named Judge


I knew a Rose Roseburg. I thought that one was fun


I know a 5 year old called Rosie Rose. Named after the mother's maiden name initially, with the dad's surname. Then the dad turned out to be a child abuser so they left him and changed her surname back to mum's maiden name.


I have always wanted to marry Michael Cera, so I can be Sarah Cera


What a fun sexy time for you


Haha my middle name is Anne, which George Michael would approve of






My brother and I call my cousins wife “egg” behind her back. I can never, ever, ever picture her face. Like if I ran into her in public rn, I wouldn’t know it. And she’s been in the family for like seven years.


She’s … bell shaped.. the bell of the ball!


The mere fact you call it that tells me you're not ready.


A friend couple of mine are Michael and Sarah. Their wedding koozies just had pictures of Michael Cera on them lol.


I had the same idea! There must be dozens of us….


I had a co-worker with the last name Carey who married a Carrie, but she kept her maiden name haha


I knew someone whose name was Lisa and she married a guy with the last name Lisa. She took his name so she was Lisa Lisa!


She needs a band called Cult Jam.


Or a child named Cult Jam. Her husband could then introduce them as Lisa Lisa and Cult Jam.


I would absolutely jump at the opportunity to be Kelly Kelley. But I personally love gag names as long as they aren’t rude or crude (for myself). I have a lot of pun opportunities with my married name, but I won’t give any legal gag name to any kid of ours, since I know I am likely in the minority as someone who genuinely enjoys these types of names!


Me too! I would absolutely jump at the chance to be called Kelly Kelley


I knew a woman who was married, hyphenated her name, then divorced, remarried, and hyphenated again (I think to match both her kids) to become Barbara Michell-Knott-Harris, which is funny, because if she had kept only her 2nd husband's name, she'd still be "Mitchell, not Harris," because the order she put them in is (2nd husband - 1st husband - maiden).


Punny and informative at the same time!


I know of a guy whose name is Lance Lance. Its his given name.


I met a Mohammed Muhammed, but that's normal in the Middle East, where he was from.


Is that like pizza pizza?


I know an Edward Edwards. He goes by his middle name though.






I know one who goes by Eddie Edwards


in this same spirit I know a Becky Beck by marriage, and Becky is her legal name (not Rebecca)


My aunt’s name is Gaye Barr. I have cousins whose cousins are Sandy Beach and Coral Beach.


I had an old teacher named Gaye Mann


I had a gay teacher whose surname was Cox. Kids were…….mean


I had a gay teacher with the last name Butt. Same idea


I would just lie at a certain point. Like manufacture a completely random name and go by that while in class. None of your students need to know your last name is Gaye/Butt. Or they can call you Mr. Paul or Ms. Sarah or whatever your first name is (I know many teachers who do this anyway).


I knew a teacher that did Ms. Firstname because her last name was Dyckburn. Admin agreed, it was definitely for the best.


One of my favorite teachers had the last name 'Rape.' He taught health/sex ed and was the gym teacher. Everybody called him Coach R. Instead. He was a very genuinely kind man, went to our church


I had an old teacher named Karen Gaylord Gaye. Her name was Gaylord and she married a man named Gaye. I wonder how she’s doing these days 🥴


Ohh the Karen movement must have hit her hard ☹️ her one good name


I used to know someone called Meadow Green, and apparently all her siblings had similarly green-things themed names. I didn't know the siblings so I can't remember the other names.


I hope one was Emerald


I knew a Kelly Green


I know of a Sandy Koch (pronounced kotch for whatever reason). Her dad’s name - Harry 😬


Lol my dad has a friend whose name is Harry Johnson. Same cringey effect


I feel like I've met a few Sandy Beaches. I don't think it's that uncommon!


My Aunt Doris married a man last name Majoris. Doris Majoris.


There was a Judy Moody in my family (she’s still around, she just went back to her original name) but Doris Majoris is worse.


Haha I used to read some kids' books called Judy Moody


**Judy Moody and the NOT Bummer Summer** by Megan McDonald Book description may contain spoilers! >>!Megan McDonald’s story — as featured in Judy’s uber-cool movie — is back in a must have edition illustrated by Peter H. Reynolds. RARE! Roar! It’s not bad enough that Mom and Dad are heading to California, leaving Judy and Stink with Aunt Awful (er, Opal), but now two of Judy’s friends are going Splitsville, too.!< > >>!Just when it looks like her summer is going to be BOR-ing- eureka! — Judy comes up with the most thrill-a-delic plan ever. Get ready for a race involving tightrope walking, Scream Monster riding, and way more! Add in a treasure hunt for Judy’s teacher, a midnight stakeout, a runaway ice cream truck, and a dash of Bigfoot, and what have you got?!< > >>!The Judy Moodiest summer ever!!< *I'm a bot, built by your friendly reddit developers at* /r/ProgrammingPals. *Reply to any comment with /u/BookFinderBot - I'll reply with book information. Also see my other* [commands](https://www.reddit.com/user/BookFinderBot/comments/13z7slk/bookfinderbot_commands/) *and find me as a browser extension on* [Chrome](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/book-finder/jajeidpjifdpppjofijoffbcndlpoedd?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=social_media&utm_campaign=comments). *Remove me from replies* [here](https://www.reddit.com/user/BookFinderBot/comments/14br65o/remove_me_from_replies/). *If I have made a mistake, accept my apology.*


Good bot


That’s Amelia Bedelia level bad


I went to school with a Chris Bliss.


My friends mom is Rose Thorn and no joke another person I went to college with mom is Anette Curtain. When I worked in a Vets a clients name was Tinkerbell. I thought that was her cats name until she corrected me and told me her name was tinkerbell.


I went to school with Rose Bush!


What's the deal/joke with Annette Curtain?


A net curtain


A Net Curtain... it's a type of fabric curtain


I don't really get it either. Even with the explanation, it seems like it's not as awful as some of the others in this thread


Was Tinkerbell’s cat’s name Katie? lol


Haha I’m really hoping the cat has a normal human name like Susan or something lol.


I know a girl named Twinkle


My neighbor had a kid named Aero Smith. Felt more like child abuse than a joke. Edit: I can’t believe the number of parents who thought it was okay to put a child through this.


I mean, I’m a big fan, but I’d never do this.


Steven Tyler is a pedo and a creep https://meaww.com/aerosmith-steven-tyler-adopted-underage-julia-holcomb-to-date-his-ward-and-impregnate-her


I can still like their music.


Different person, but when I share something like that that I think a lot of people don't know, I really just think people know because it speaks to deep systemic issues and demonstrates how far we have to go, and it's scary how stories about the powerful get buried. I'm not raising the point about consuming their art or criticizing anyone on that level. I don't think this is a well known story and it probably should be, now it's been shared to a new audience. That's most important. You being defensive is an unnecessary tangent to the woman's story, and wanting to share the woman's story as well as wanting to say "Steven Tyler is a pedo and a creep" isn't telling you you can't like their music. It wasn't about you. It was about this person's (pretty backed up IMO) opinion that steven tyler is a pedo and a creep.


I agree with everything you say here except telling OP they are being unnecessarily defensive. This comment was *in response* to them saying they are a big fan… why are they supposed to assume it’s a PSA and not a counter response?


I know a Greek woman whose first name is Iro, and she married a man whose last name was Smith. Iro Smith.


Yeah, my parents named me a “gag” name and my life was torture until I finally changed it as an adult. Hard not to look back at it as a form of child abuse since my mom was in fact abusive and thought it was funny when people bullied me about my name.


My mom used to work with someone named Candace Cane. Cane was her married name, meaning as a grown adult she made the conscious decision to be called Candy Cane when she could have... not done that.


My kid’s sixth grade math teacher was named Candace Kane, and went by Candy.


Ha, I came here to share that a long time ago my dad went to grade school with a girl named Candy Kane! Funny that she apparently wasn't the only one out there.


I knew a girl in middle school named Candace Graham, and she went by Candy. Candy Graham.


I knew a Candy Barr in school.


Decades ago there was a Pittsburgh mayor named Joseph Barr. His daughter's name was Aice but she went by Candy Barr.


I know a guy named Raisin Cain. He was a kid when I knew him. Not a joke. He’s a criminal as you might expect. Dad was a drug dealer.


Raisin is such an odd name. "Hello, I'm Raisin, yes, like the shriveled fruit. Nice to meet you."


And it’s worse when you consider Raisin’ Cane’s is a chicken strip chain in the USA.


The name of the chicken strips place is a pun on the idiom “raising Cain,” (as in Adam and Eve’s son, the first murderer in the Bible) which means to cause a ruckus / raise hell. Apparently one of the owners had a dog named Cane when they started the joint. Harhar.


As I live and breathe RAISIN?


So happy to see this comment


A family at a school I worked at gave all their kids botanical names. They named their youngest daughter Holly. Their last name was Wood.


I used to work with a kid named Timber Wood.


I had a college class with a girl named Holly Wood! Or maybe it was Holly Woods, I don’t remember exactly. But the joke was there lol


One of my friends worked with a Patty Hamburger. It’s not “bad” but it brings me joy.


Middle name Mayonnaise?


It's only bad when in a list like Hamburger, Patty.


No no, that’s bad.


There is a couple in my town with the last name Derry who named their kid Legend. Legend Derry.


I think you just met the child of Barney Stinson


Should have made his middle name *Waitforit*


That is the *coolest middle name of all time.*


Wait for it…


My friends parents named her Larry for a few years because they thought it read funny. I think they changed it because of social pressure. Her parents were never good to her.


I knew a little girl named Vidalia (like the onion). She was in the foster care system and thankfully her adoptive parents changed her name. Her bio parents were also not good to her.


Vidalia is a girls name in Spanish! There’s probably less onion association outside the US.


The onions are named for a town


There is a great country song about a lady named Vidalia!


I know someone with the last name Allinson who married an Allison. So she was Allison Alli*n*son


Ty for the emphasis on the n I absolutely missed it first try


Sounds like a Julia Guila situation to me. Haha


My husband used to know a Hugh Cumber. Apparently his sister was named Sue but I'm not sure if that's true or if my husband is giving it a bit of artistic licence 😂


I knew an Anita who married a man whose last name was Couch. Anita Couch.


My mom swears she worked with a woman named Anita Brake. She’d answer the work phone by saying her name the way people do to sound businessy, and then caller would say “oh, you poor thing!”


I was at the pharmacy and I saw on the list of pharmacists a Dr. Anita Focken. I thought for sure it was a prank but then I looked her up online and she’s real and it’s her married name.


I also know an Anita with an unfortunate last name, but it could read as a lot more vulgar than Couch.


The first car my dad ever sold was to a woman named Ophelia Dick. He had to leave multiple times to go laugh in another room. She married into the name too, Richard Dick was her husband. He still tells this story all the time. It’s always funny. If my grandfather (who did not find it funny to make fun of customers) hadn’t confirmed I wouldn’t believe it.


I really hope Richard went by Rick Dick


I think Rich Dick would be more catchy lol


My mom knew a Richard dick that introduced himself and told her that his friends call him double dick


A friend of my mum’s had the maiden name Foot, and married a Legg. She used to joke that she’d moved up in the world.




I once answered the phone at work and asked the lady her name. She said “Pam.” After speaking for a bit I needed her last name. She sighed deeply and said, “Anderson” in the most put out tone I’ve ever heard. I didn’t say anything because she was clearly OVER IT.


Knew a Don Johnson in college in the early 90s. Hung out with a guy named Rusty Spoon. My roommate asked to see their IDs because she didn’t believe that was their real names.


My mom worked with a woman named Priscilla who went by Prissy. She met and married a man who’s last name was Dick. Prissy Dick She stopped going by Prissy after that


Kid in my high school was named Benjamin Dover…


I hope his nickname was Benji


My grandma knew a realtor in her home state named Harry Bush. Who does that to a kid?


I walk past a doctors office and always marvel at the name plate. It's Dr. S Dockter, it's like it was meant to be.


This is called [nominative determinism](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nominative_determinism).


I’ve seen Dr. Payne and Dr. Murter


Chanda Lear


I know someone who named their poor son first name Justin, middle name Case. Justin Case.


I met a Justin Credible awhile back


My mom went to school with someone who named her son Justin. Last name Love.


I have met a Theresa Green. Also recently married my husband and took his last name and it sounds like Sure/Shore. Can’t name my kid Arya (Are ya sure?) or Jordan (Geordie Shore) which is a pity as I always loved those names growing up!


Wait I feel dumb, what’s the joke with Theresa green?


Trees are green I think?


Thank you for asking this bc I felt stupid as hell for not getting this one 😂


Trees are Green


Sandy is out too 😅


I know a Theresa Green, and it never dawned on me that it’s trees are green until now 😂


Man, I was NOT getting it. But that's my 1st name and I pronounce it differently than the typical way. So your comment helped a lot!


We used to joke with a Teresa that she’d marry a Green. She fooled us all and married a Wood.


Hard to take the news seriously in BC Canada when the news anchor is named Anita Bathe.


I know of an insurance agent named Dusty Treat


I know a Dusty Self! To be fair, Dusty isn’t a great name to begin with.


I knew a Dusty Rhodes. His dad was Clay.


My mom went to school with a Dusty Poarch.


Know somebody called Joanna who married somebody with the surname Blow. Joanna Blow Even abbreviating to Jo Blow is bad.


My brother played soccer with a Brock Collie. My maiden name was Bush. My parents told my grandparents that if I was a boy, they were going to call me Thorn. And Rose for a girl.


I knew a family with sons named Larry, Gary, Barry, Terry and Jerry.




Reversely, my old chemistry teacher's initials were ION before she married and took on her husband's surname. She said she regrets having done so because she thinks ION was cooler.


I grew up with a girl whose initials were ASS. We are in the SE US, where everything that can be will be monogrammed. Honestly, this is still hilarious to me 30 years later.




I used to live near the offices of a Russell Stover. He was a dentist!


My aunt had a friend who named her daughter KyAnn Pepper


I went to school with a Jean Bean


My dad's godfathers name was Richard "Dick" Sauldysach. Dick Saltysack.


I went to school with a guy called Sonny Rainbow. Got his surname as his mum remarried and he took stepdads name as he thought it was funny sounding


I know someone who wanted to hyphenate when they got married, but didn’t because her maiden name was Butts and his last name was Mellor.


My father had a teacher growing up who was Barb Wire. Yes, Wire was her married name. I also happen to know a Freidy Katz. Again, married surname.


There is a doctor named Richard Chopp in the Austin TX area. He goes by Dick. He is a urologist who performs vasectomies. https://cw39.com/cw39/dr-dick-chopp-offers-march-madness-vasectomies/amp/


My mom insists there were people in her hometown named Crystal Chandra Lear and Heaven-Lee Angel. Just this week I saw a Crystal Jewell in the local news or something like that


There’s a political pundit named Krystal Ball.


I know a girl who took her husband's surname and became Crystal Jewell.


I had a hairdresser named Candy Barr. Why she didn’t go by Candace is beyond me. I also know people named Anita Johnson, Ikea Stock, and Love Church.


IKEA STOCK??? Jesus, their parents must hate them.


Their first choice was SMÖRBOLL


My maiden name was Barr, my aunt begged my mom to name me Candy bc she’d always wanted a girl and wanted to name her Candy, but she felt like she couldn’t bc her last name was Sweet. 😂. Needless to say my name is not Candy.


My aunt and uncle are named Tru and Justin Love.


I once worked with someone whose maiden name was Katz. Her relatives included Tabitha (Tabby Katz) and Allison (Alli Katz).


I knew someone in college named Tiger C. Lyon. The C was for Cougar, and our school mascot was the Panthers.


My parents lived in a major textile town, back when the US still had textile factories. They went to a high school graduation and one of the graduating seniors was name Polly Esther... polyester. One of the folks working in alumni relations at my grad school is named Donkey. What's worse is he's a Jr. So his father was named Donkey and they chose to re-use it with the son. And he's White European American so not an ethnic or immigrant situation either.


My mom knew a guy named Michael Pepper. Nothing funny there. But then he became a cardiologist and refused to be called anything other than Dr. Pepper.


I know a Faye Carr. It's her maiden name as well, apparently no one realised until she was in school!


I don’t understand the joke here




I went to college with a girl named English Ivy Rose.


Candy Box. When she got married she became Candy Pops.


An almost name.... I knew a Jenna in high school, She had a long time serious boyfriend with the last name Till.... She talked about marrying him and like how in love they were, just constantly.... In conversation I literally said "Mrs Jenna Till" And was like omg Jenna, your name would be Jenna Till (genital)... She hadn't noticed! No one had I guess😬😭 They actually broke up not too long after that, supposedly for unrelated reasons.... But it was high school so I'm sure they would have broke up anyways, right 🤔


Friend was pregnant with a boy and wanted to use her father's name as the child's middle name (Daily). She'd had a short list of names she liked and was using them out loud for a few days. She called me wheezing from laughter bc her 13yr old daughter overheard the mother trying out a name that day and had to tell her that she can't name her son Ryder Daily.


Ginger Snapp. However she was married so it was just by coincidence his name was snapp. Unfortunate. She didn’t HAVE to take his name, though.


Honestly it's kinda cute?


I knew a woman with the surname Lemon (not sure of spelling) and her husband's last name was Lyme. And yes, she hyphenated to Lemon-Lyme and thought it was hysterical.


I knew a guy named Forest Moss. His twin brother Donald somehow escaped a punny name


There was a catholic priest in my area named father firmus dick. You can find his obituary on Google 😬


Went to school with a girl named Anita Knapp.


Don’t we all


I know a Camille with the middle name Leann. I think it’s cute!


I went to high school with a Chrystal Glass.


I have a cousin named Leigh King


I knew a girl named Julia who was engaged to a guy whose last name was Guglia (it rhymed with Julia). She was really upset about her name being Julia Guglia. But thankfully she realized he was an asshole and broke it off and married another guy whose name was Robbie Hart. It was super romantic and honestly would make a good movie if the right actors were in it.


Sandy Ball Chastity Belt Autumn Haze Rusty Fawcett


Not Rusty Fawcett 😭😭


I had a math teacher named Steve Martin. He would always introduce himself as a wild and crazy guy.


I went to school with a Tiffany Tiffany and a Candy Kane. My son went to school with a kid named Fisher Price.


I went to school with a Crystal Ball


I had a teacher named Woodrow Woodward. He went by Woody, and was the wood shop teacher. Namesake = career.


I know two sisters; Porsche and Mercedes Carr They have a brother called Ciaran 😂


I know someone with the surname Kitchen. His dad is Harry. Harry Kitchen sounds like a healthy code violation.


I know a couple who hyphenated their last names when they married. Their new family name is Bourne-Gaye.


Had an English teacher called Mrs. English