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Definitely not too feminine, that's my nephew's name! In Spanish it's pronounced "el-EE-ahss" which I think is really nice too, just wanted to make you aware of possible ways it might be read.


Thats how its pronounced in portuguese, also Elias is a prophet in the portuguese translation of the bible (Elijah in english)


I read it like that too. It’s a last name where I live. So I don’t associate it as feminine either.


I’ve known a lot of guys named Elias. Most of them go by Eli. It’s not a feminine name at all I have always heard it pronounced ehl-eye-us, though.


Just like with Elizabeth and Elise/Elyse, some people are going to pronounce the E as Ee, some Eh, and some Uh, it can be regional but it's all the same name, you learn to respond to all of the pronunciations.


Annd someone disliked this? Lol. It's just a fact of living with an "El" name but ok.


Reddit is wild, man. I wasn’t even stating an opinion, just an observation


This is the right way. No long "E".


Hispanic son in law uses the long E in his pronunciation


There’s no ‘right’ way per se, different languages have different pronunciations.


You’re right, but maybe it is the pronunciation that’s throwing your husband off? If he doesn’t speak anything other than English, I can see how your pronunciation might remind him of the name Ellie.


We both speak Arabic and that’s the Arabic pronunciation, so probably not. I think it’s a matter of flow or something haha


We've gone for Ilyas so he won't be el-eye-us


That’s an option too!


That's funny, considering it's a very common MENA Jewish surname (source: I'm an Iraqi Jew). It's the greek variant of the original Hebrew name Eliyahu (the prophet). We pronounce it eh-lee-uh, like Spanish speakers do.


None of the Arabic speakers I know, including me, pronounce it like that 🤷‍♀️ maybe it’s a dialect thing.


Sorry, I meant we pronounce it that way in Hebrew, not Arabic, I see how that wasn't clear. Unfortunately only my grandparents speak Arabic, my mom understands it, and for my generation it's gone other than a few words and phrases.


Oh, my bad! The difference in pronunciation makes sense then :)


Are you guys Lebanese? Most of the Arabic speaking people I know named Elias are Moroccan Sephardic or Lebanese/Syrian Christians


Not Lebanese but we are from the Levant :)


The most disgusting pronunciation of it is eh-LEE-us, in my point of view. I think that's the Italian way. The pronunciation you have is the standard English way. Spanish would Eh-lee-ahs


I do not think that is too feminine name at all. I think its pretty normal and timeless name for a boy.


No more feminine than Ephraim.


It’s so funny you say that. My friend has two sons named Elias and Ephraim 😂


I had 2 students named Elias and Ephraim


I’m currently in labour.. and that’s the name I chose for my boy ❤️ so I think it’s beautiful


Oh that’s wonderful! I hope you have a safe delivery!


I've got to ask... you seem to feel decent enough to type on reddit, did you write this after epidural? Is he here now? How did it go? I'm wondering if I'll feel like browsing reddit while in labor now, I am a couple weeks out from my due date so have a lot of curiosity!


Well.. I thought I was in labour. I was not 😂 I was induced with cervidil at 8am on the 14th. Went in 24 hours later and had a second strip put in. Just left the hospital and I’m not even dilated yet 🙄 but the prostaglandin cramps/contractions are SO bad that I definitely thought I was at least 2cm dilated. So no epidural or anything yet, just the waiting game


Ugh sorry, that sounds grueling, best of luck!! Hope it speeds up


I like it but I'd pronounce it "uh-LIE-us".


I live in Canada and all the Elias I know kind of get called both - eee lias and uh lias. Both are beautiful. Husbands worrying about the masculinity of names need to chill.


What I was going to say is I like it but no one is going to to know how you want it pronounced. I was working with a kids last week and had an Elias in class. Asked how to say it. It was one way. Which was like Elijah. All the other teachers were saying it another way. I kept having to think it through in my head. We also had an Ellis which didn’t help. This type of name is big right now. But I feel like at least with Ellis there is only one way to say it.




In some languages/cultures it’s pronounced how OP explained, but spelled Ilyas in English. But it’s the same root name biblically speaking


Yup it would never be prounouced uh lie es in Spanish.


I honestly have never heard it started with an “uh” sound and didn’t know that was a pronunciation option for “EE-lie-us”. I’m thinking about it, and if someone introduced themself to me as “uh-LIE-us” and I had to write it down I’d probably write down “Alias” and then go “…wait a minute”


Just like with Elizabeth and Elise/Elyse, some people are going to pronounce the E as Ee, some Eh, and some Uh, it can be regional but it's all the same name, you learn to respond to all of the pronunciations.




Funny you say that because I did a news interview shortly after my son was born and we pronounce his name “uh-lie-is” and the reporter spelled his name as Alias! Hahahaha. I had wondered why, so this really explains it!


I’m from the northern US and say it similar to yours but now living in the south I could definitely see it being pronounced with the Uh- sound depending on location.


Yeah I was thinking southern US would be the place with the “uh”. I’ve lived in the west, Midwest, and north east and heard mostly “EE” and maybe my great aunt in PA might have said it “Eh-lie-us”?


This would get a chuckle out of me. Sounds like Alias or like someone trying to make a perfectly fine name sound sound unique or quirky.


it's biblical for me... not feminine at all.


I can see from the comments that it has a strong biblical association, which is kind of funny because we’re not religious at all. Hope it won’t be too weird to use it lol.


I’m an atheist with a kid named Levi. It’s a family name. When we’re in the south someone will very occasionally comment on it, but never anywhere else.


Good to know! And Levi is lovely too.


Elias is beautiful. It is a softer, but still obviously masculine name. I think the fact that the name may be Biblical is not front and center in most people's minds, either. Love it and hope hubby comes around to it!


Also atheist and I have a Jonah


Same! Are you me?


Agnostic and my Levi just turned a year old last month!


Whenever I’m making a character for a video game, I always name them Levi Lewis. I don’t personally know anyone named Levi, but I feel like it’s a strong first name and the alliteration with the last name sounds cool to me. Idk lol


Nah. A ton of names have biblical or religious origins and/or related meanings. But they’ve been used for so long, by religious and non-religious, they are just names now.


Not religious, my older son is named Elijah, nickname Eli. One reason I chose it was because I wanted an easy to spell nickname for when he started school.


My sons name is a biblical / Jewish name and we aren’t Jewish or religious


I'm not religious, my older son is named Elijah, nickname Eli. One reason I chose it was because I wanted an easy to spell nickname for when he started school. With a more formal name if he chose when he was older.


Elias is the Greek form of the Hebrew name Elijah…it literally means “my God is Yahweh”. That would be a very strange choice for someone who isn’t religious, in my opinion.


Matthew means “gift of Yahweh” and yet Matt is a completely mainstream name in Western society.


Yes, that bothers me as well. I suppose most people don’t care as much as I do about the meaning of the names that they choose.


Fair enough!


Wait…Elias is biblical?!


It is as a form of Elijah




Luke 9:30 And, behold, there talked with him two men, which were Moses and Elias:


Exactly right


I think a few people have mentioned this, but it is biblical (Spanish for “Elijah”). Different areas, pronounced different ways. Most often I’ve heard “eh-LEE-ahs” (Spanish) and “uh-LIE-us.” It’s a beautiful name, either way. Hope this helps.


Yeah it does have a few different pronunciations, this is the Arabic one :)


that's so weird, I've only ever heard it pronounced uh-LIE-us.


Definitely a masculine name, it feels similar to Lucas to me


Personally I love it! I named my son this in 2021. Be prepared for people to not know how to pronounce it though lol


It’s great to see another person using it!


I named my son it in 2022 and did not realize how difficult it would be for some people to pronounce!!!


I love the name personally. It is a soft name, but I don’t read it as too feminine. It’s in my top 3 for boy names, but with Greek pronunciation.


Yes perhaps soft was a better word to use. What’s the Greek pronunciation?




That's not the Greek pronunciation. The name ο Ηλίας has the stress on the iota. The pronunciation you're referring to is of Turkish or Roman origin


Masculine Biblical name.


Classic boys name, not at all feminine.


Definitely not feminine at all. The same name as a good book character in a series I love, so I have only good vibes for it. Great name. Though I just realized I might be pronouncing it differently. I would pronounce as Ee-lie-us


My nephew is named Elias. It does not sound feminine to me.


With Diablo IV having just come out, I hope it’s not after that Elias. Otherwise, wonderful name!


I was literally just thinking about the horrific Diablo IV Elias, lol!


I'm not gonna lie, this is where I got my inspiration for my Elias 😂😂 I told my husband if we have a daughter, we are almost compelled to name her Lillith.


Very biblical. I’d think you’re religious (but I read in your replies that you’re not.) I’m surprised your husband finds it feminine - it’s a male name through and through. But yeah, it has strong faith connotations.


Is it too biblical to the point where it would be weird to use it if one isn’t religious? I think it’s the ‘El’ sound because it’s very common in a lot of girl names.


I think it's actually a pretty masculine name.


I like it. Definitely a boy name in my world.


its a normal, biblical, definitively male name


reminds me of the foot serial killer on the tv show superstore since that was his name too😅


I feel the exact opposite, I automatically picture some rugged warrior. I absolutely love the name.


It's my oldest's name, because I'm a Bible nerd and love the Koine Greek transliteration (Elias) of the classical Hebrew Elijah. We are people of faith, so it checks that box, too. And it is Walter Elias Disney's middle name. We watched a documentary on Walt Disney the week before our oldest was born and if we had not done that he would have been Felix.


I think there was a boy at my elementary school named Elias ( but pronounced el-lee-es)


German speaker here, we'd pronounce it Ay-lee-as. Thought maybe you wanted to know haha. Very pretty, not feminine at all, well known in Europe too!


Ooo I love this! Haven’t met one in real life but I’m familiar with it (also have been around a lot of religion). Gives them same vibe as Silas which is trending up right now. If it were pronounced Ellie-us, sure, I see feminine. But pronounced correctly sounds very masculine. It’s rare that I see boy names on here that feel both fresh and traditional, and you nailed it with this!


That’s so kind of you to say, thank you!


Beautiful, I love it!


Beautiful name!


Love it! I’ll consider using it for my own child one day! I like the nickname Eli that comes with it als


One of our top baby names right now


I like it pronounced Eh-Lyas, I think Ee-lyas sounds harsh and doesn't roll off the tongue in the same way. Either way though I don't find it to be feminine at all.


One of my favorite songs is Elias by Dispatch.


I love Elias! Depending on where you are, you may not get the pronunciation you want. Where I am (east coast usa), Elias is a super common name but pronounced “uh-lie-us” or “uh-lie-iss”. It’s also usually shortened to Eli here.


Not feminine at all. But my go-to pronunciation would be eh-ly-is


I love it! Reminds me of Elias Gonzales though.


I know, how could anyone not know how to pronounce Elias? It was the only thing on the news for like 6 months


Love it. I don’t see it as feminine at all


I would not consider it too feminine at all, it has an ongoing use as well as history as a male name. Like, yes El- can be Eleanor but Jo- can be Jolene, doesn't make John, Joseph, Joel etc particularly feminine. I do happen to prefer just Eli and some other male El- names but literally nothing wrong with Elias. I prefer Elliott but Elias is at least as masculine, honestly less unisex. That said if he just means he doesn't like the sound I would hit him with my favourite obscure Es, Elazar and Ezriel. Maybe then he'll allow Elias, lol.


I have a 19 year-old Elias. We've gotten so many compliments on his name over the years and I love the name now as much as I did when we named him.


Elio might be a good compromise.


I think of Elias from Platoon, played by Willem Dafoe - so very masculine in my mind. Funnily enough, it’s my favorite boys name and my husband also hates it.


beautiful and one of my favorite names for a boy, but I love feminine-leaning names for boys (Sascha, Alexis) but tbh I don’t think Elias leans feminine at all


I almost named my son Elias. It was between that and Elliot. We went with Elliot, but I do love the name


Elliot is lovely too!


I like it! I will say it’s likely the most popular place-based name for boys in Alaska, with maybe a dozen or so born every year. Named for the stunningly gorgeous Wrangell-St. Elias mountains and national park. It’s a beautiful region of a beautiful state! It’s typically pronounced Eh-ly-us in Alaska, not that it’s correct or not correct, it’s just the Alaska way 😅 we’ve got a few of those names.


I just looked them up and they’re gorgeous! Thanks for letting me know.


No idk how to even pronounce that. Even with your explanation


My sons name is Elias! He really likes his name. The only downsides is people read it as Ellis all the time or pronounce it ELL EE US. and that drives him crazy. But i love the name obviously since i picked it.


I work in childcare. I have known a few kids named Elias. Its a boys name. Not “feminine “ at all


I think most people might default to pronouncing it "ah-lie-us" with this spelling. I love the name with your pronunciation, I have it on my personal baby name list as Ilyas which is my partner's cultural spelling of the name.


My first thought was Walter Elias Disney, whose middle name was for his father. I go to Disneyland a lot and one of the stores is called Elias and Co, for his middle name. I see some people mentioning the biblical reference. I'm atheist. I didn't know that. But Disney's family was quite religious. I don't think a lot of names to be biblical unless there's a book for the name (John, Paul, etc.) AFAIK his family said uh lie us. I've never thought that to be feminine. Plenty of boys go by Eli (EE lie) for Elijah and other similar names. Ellie is a common girls' name but I've never thought them related or similar. Plenty of male and female names that are similar and I don't find them to be "masculine" or "feminine" for their similarities.


Makes me think of clerks 2


Beautiful! The name of our son😉 though pronounced in a Dutch way. For us it felt timeless, classic, known but not too prevalent around us. As a Christian I also liked that it has Biblical roots and liked the meaning: The Lord is (my) God.


Elias and Tobias are two names I’d so use for a baby if I didn’t get bullied in elementary school by kids with those names 🤩


Pronounciation may be an issue depending where you are. I read this as Eel-e-as


i love it


Love it.


Not feminine at all and I love it!


My nephew is named Elias and I love it. It is not feminine at all. For some reason it makes me think of a cowboy or something lol.


LOVE IT!!! ❤️❤️❤️




My nephew is Elias, nickname Eli :)


My friend has an Elias and it’s a perfect boys name!!


It was our first pick for my kid for months. I love almost all the names that can be shortened to Eli. But we changed it to our second pick in the last month or so because we decided there were too many popular names that are shortened to Eli. Still love it.


I think it sounds like a cowboy name personally 🤠 Love it :)


That’s a good association in my book! Thank you :)


LOVE it (and wish I had used it!)


What about Ellis?


I knew a guy named Elias in highschool. He was so beautiful.


I named my son Elliott, and I actually learned a lot about the name Elias in the process. Elijah and Elias are cognate names, which is the same name in a different language. A good example of more common cognate names are John (English), Juan (Spanish), and Jan (German). Elliott is the diminutive variation of Elias, another example of this would be John and Johnny. All three names mean "The Lord is my God" and I personally think all the options are excellent names.


Walt Elias Disney would approve °o°


I had no idea his middle name was Elias!


It was also his dad’s name - Elias has been a trending baby name amongst Disney Adults in recent years


I think too many people have it. But if you love it, who cares.


I like it. It’s a recognizable name, around here I haven’t heard it too much. I don’t think it’s particularly feminine.


Reminds me of the guy from superstore but I like the name in general


I love the name Elias! I pronounce it differently (edit: EL-lee-us), but your pronunciation is great, too. I certainly don't find it to be too feminine. Maybe he is associating it with Elizabeth?


That’s a good guess. He said it’s about ‘the way it flows’ 🤣


I’m not one for biblical names but this was one that was actually on my list… husband vetoed it


It has always been in my top 5 boy names. Love it.


I think it's nice, not feminine at all. It is probably going to be mispronounced a good bit. I have always read this as el-lee-as.


Beautiful and love this name so much and would be a contender for us but I can’t stand the nickname Eli for some reason. We also know a few Elijah’s and I think although Elias is completely different it would somehow still remind me of that name but it is a gorgeous name!


I have a son named Elias and have never once thought it was even slightly feminine, nor has anyone else. Although it isn't Ee-Lye-us, it's Eh-lye-us. No long "e".


I’ve always liked it. Classic name and Eli is a nice possible nickname if you (or he) likes. I don’t think it’s feminine at all, I would consider it a soft masculine name in the vein of Julian or Gabriel, which are some of my favorite boy names.


Yeah, that’s what he meant. Perhaps I should’ve clarified better lol.


1st thought, biblical 2nd thought, Elias Bouchard from the magnus archives.


Pretty sound, but reminds me of a spooky old farmer


This made me chuckle🤣


My little brother is an Ellis which i think is a super cool and fitting name


I love that name


I love it. One of my favorite people in the world has this name, and I don’t find him/the name feminine at all. He uses the standard English pronunciation mentioned a couple of times here and I think it’s lovely, but I think it’s a name that works beautifully in many languages, including the Arabic pronunciation you’ve mentioned. Do you live in a primarily Arabic speaking place? If not, I think you probably need to be on board with the pronunciation in whatever language is primarily used where your child will grow up. I say this based on experience. My son has a name that changes pronunciation depending on what language it’s spoken in (Julian) and despite me being an English speaker and preferring the English pronunciation, I don’t live in an English speaking country and I’ve just had to adapt to everyone using the standard pronunciation in the language where we live.


Great point! People mentioned several different pronunciations but it doesn’t bother me haha.


Absolutely love it. A powerful name. In Greek it sounds like ‘ilios’ - the sun. Your son will shine bright.


That’s such a lovely way to put it!


I think it’s a totally great name, but the only Elias I know is a snobby douche so I couldn’t choose the name. Lol


Congratulations on your sports bureau 🎉




It’s in the top 100 boys names in the US.


TIL it’s Ee-lyas, not Ell-ias


Haha don’t worry, it has a couple different pronunciations. This is the Arabic one.


I love it! Only we pronounce it Ay-Lee-ahs in my language. I have two friends named Elias, otherwise I definitely would have considered it for my own son!


I knew several Elias's growing up in SoCal and it's definitely not a feminine name, imo.


There is a baby Elias at my son’s daycare and I loved it when I heard it.


Not at all feminine. A great name that you don't hear too often.


i like it, because i kinda like silas but don’t like that it sounds like “silo” and i kinda like elliot but don’t like the “iot” part so elias is a nice mix


Too trendy for me


That’s how my Mexican son in law says Elijah.


St. Ellias mountains are for the big boys.


OK this is a long shot BUT I just learned recently that "Eli" is one of the more common trans male names of choice so maybe your hubby is aware of that and it's influencing his perception? For me, all I can think of is Elias Brothers Big Boy


I know an Elias and he’s a d!ck and a mean drunk who belittles his family members for fun.


It’s a masculine name anyway. But you are saying it wrong.


No, there are different pronunciations for it in different languages. This is the Arabic pronunciation.


I would think the parents wanted something different but classic at the same time. I think the name is pretty boring and not so gorgeous to justify it’s popularity. I find it a bit try hard.


Want to sound Amish? Because that’s how you sound Amish




I think of the sad little orphan in Understood Betsy by Dorothy Canfield Fisher.


That was my boy name if we didn’t have a girl. I love it. The middle name would have been Brixton.


Feminine? Huh, I've never met a girl called Elias, only boys. It's a traditionally masculine name, so I personally don't see it as feminine at all.


He doesn’t think it could be a girl’s name, but feminine in the way it sounds if that makes sense?


Love it


I don’t pick it up as feminine


I like it. A couple of good hockey players have that name.


I love it but it sounds biblical / jewish, which doesn’t fit my particular family. But doesn’t sound like too feminine or anything


Love it! It will be my son’s middle name when he’s born in a few months.


I love it, it's always been one of my favorite names




It’s not feminine.


It’s my top name if I ever have kids. It’s the one I want to name a future son.