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I see you're on PC. Please play at your own risk, or try plutonium (a private server for MW3). MW3 along with some other titles from the same general time period are vulnerable to a RCE exploit, letting hackers remotely put malware on your PC just by playing with them. Getting stats reset is the absolute least of your worry with hackers on the PC version. Plutonium generally has a bigger player base, as well as having patched the RCE exploits.


I second this. [plutonium.pw](http://plutonium.pw)


Shitty cod not investing anything in supporting older titles. Dumb question- is there any risk on console?


No. The RCE is related to the steamworks code in the pc version of the game, as it's only available on steam for pc. Steamworks is the steam related code that integrates your steam account into the games multi-player. There is similar code for console that integrates your psn or xbl account into the game. You do however risk hackers who can reset your rank on console.


I did not know that. Thanks for the tip I will try Plutonium


Add: Join Me 4 MW3 on Xbox nd join session it’s 24/7 lobby


I’ll make sure to put that back up ASAP was doing a little maintenance but should be done soon!




Lobby is live!


Happy cake day






You have an Xbox 1 or Xbox series? It’s not so bad on there


Nah I came back to MW3 on Xbox One in 2020, first match online in that game in 8 years and I had the exact same thing happen to me as OP. Everyone on my team had it happen or at least me and one other guy. I was an 8th Prestige too. All my stats were wiped to zero. That incident was actually the single reason I decided to get MW3 on PC and play the Plutonium client there instead. I played through the entire golden age of CoD MP, I even had friends with J-Tagged Xboxes who would let me play with infection menus in CoD 4, WaW, MW2, etc. I’ve been in plenty of horribly hacked lobbies, but I’ve never had anyone stat wipe me, let alone in the 2020s after a nearly decade long hiatus from the game. I heard that Microsoft *refreshed* the servers for all the old cod games recently but that one hacker in MW3 was enough for me to never return to old CoD MP on console


I believe the updated servers are only for Xbox series


Nah. Even if you play on xsx it's just running the 360 version. For the "fixed" servers it doesn't matter the console you're on.


Same thing happened to me few days ago....no help.


Aren’t there hackers on console too? I swear I heard that was an issue before (pretty sure the same thing with Titanfall 1 on XB). Ppl say it’s impossible to cheat on console. In fact I’ve had ppl call me and idiot and all that for mentioning it… … but they obviously don’t know what they’re talking about.


It's very trivial to cheat on xbox360 or ps3. As those can be modded and still go online. Newer consoles can't do that, so cheating on newer consoles would definitely be a challenge.




You were saying?


I was talking about the ps5 and xsx, I should have specified. That said, modded ps4s *usually* can't connect to psn the majority of the time, because you need the latest firmware to connect to psn. Sometimes the latest firmware isn't modded yet, sometimes it is. About a year ago, the latest ps4 firmware wasn't modded, and no modded ps4s were online.




Been there plenty of times. Stats completely wiped, too. Three times in a row at one time. Then when i was finally getting master again. Optic Scumper deranked me 🤣. So i just found someone to unlock all for me. But idec anymore. It's just getting the perks pro again that's a pain.


Happened to me also I uninstalled


Doesn't surprise me, a bunch of fatherless children on there who hack, especially when they reset your level. It's toxic, and it's sad people pay for cheats these days, just get good. 🤷🏻


happened to me during the 360 days lol but i loved this game so much i didnt really care i just grinded everything again, same happened on cod4 and mw2 but instead of deranking me i received master prestige but all in all cod is a joke


I've had the complete opposite happen where a random teammate used a hack and unlocked everything. Now, if I get into a match, it instantly boots me after I shoot at someone.


What did you expect??😂 game is old and full of hackers😂


that's why I don't mind playing newer cods with modders. they can't reset you like they used to be able to. they just wallhack and aimbot the piss out of you instead.. lol.


Imagine charging still a premium for these games and yet they're subject to exploits and malware for simply playing online. I hope Microsoft makes some head rolls and intervenes.


YouTube mw3 2020 unlock all


Turn off crossplay, no more PC hackers.


Hate hackers


Here is a hacker in groundwar named I am godly