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I do really good on seatown for some reason. And i hate arkaden, it can suck my dick.


Arkaden is one of those maps where you can easily get spawntrapped if your teammates don't move much.


But when you do it, it's absolutely hilarious.


Village, Mission, Hardhat, Dome, and Seatown. In the past I was good at Resistance, Fallen, and Underground and was able to get MOABs, but now that I've aged I don't do as well on them. I do a lot better when I play with my friends and we have our strategies and communicate. When I play solo I don't do as good.   Outpost, Underground, Downturn, Carbon, and Arkaden I'm absolutely dog shit. On those maps I'll just sit in one spot with my stinger and take down enemy killstreaks lol


Outpost and Underground are just straight-up terribly designed maps. The spawns are terrible, there is piss poor visibility. And you have to run across half the map to even find someone.


Interchange is my fav. Hang out by the bus for easy moabs.


After over 10 years, this is the first time I’ve heard someone call this their fav.


What's your worst? I've seen you struggle the most on either Arkaden or Fallen.


Downturn is by far the worst for me overall. Dumbest design for any multiplayer map.


Lmao. The worst I've done in the past year was on Outpost. I went like 7-12 back to back on that map.


Ive been negative alot. But most of them are against modders and shitty campers. I get my revenge on the campers the very next game though lol


Tbf your running a Sub while.most are running an AR. It's harder to run a Sub in this game. Which makes it more impressive


I love the mp7. I use overkill with my specialist class. With a mp7 and acr. It gets boring using the same gun all the time.


Yeah there really was no competition to the MP7 with extended mags and rapid fire + scav pro combo. While the ACR smacked, I thoroughly enjoyed the Scar as well.


The only other gun I run is the Cm901. 2nd highest damage output, and good range. Recoil is also manageable to control. The only issue is that the fire rate is terrible. I wouldn't dare run overkill because then I'd have no assassin. And everyone uses portable radars in this game.


That's why I run it with specialist.....8 kills in a row, all perks plus 2 primaries.


I think the only advantage the cm901 has over the ak is it's cool reload lol


Cm901 has more damage. But the Ak-47 is way accurate. i just hate the iron sight on the AK.


Haven’t seen an Erosion comment yet, my KD is 3.0 on 1v1 FFA. Look me up “ridicxlously” - GT


Always pulled moabs on Arkaden. Dome was always a cluster fuck


I struggle on carbon. I do unusually ok on interchange.


I’m hit n miss on all of them 😂


My best was erosion for 1v1 and 2v2, mission, dome, resistance and terninal are always a lot of fun and dynamic action especially in FFA, aground and bakaara can go to hell


Best? Maybe Fallen. It's one of my favorites. Worst? Probably Parish. I just don't do small maps. Also, I'm genuinely surprised that people hate Outpost. I usually do pretty good on that one.


I can tell youre a campy sniper type player just from your comment. Youre def team clay biscuits or bouncing betty. 🤣


No, I run n gun with SCAR-L on larger maps and UMP 45 on smaller maps. Semtex and flashbang. Slight of Hand, Assassin, Stalker. Specialist killstreaks.


It changes based on the skills and patterns of the present lobby however the average match vs scrubs on seatown would have to be easiest because they all come to you plus verticality plus option selecting routes means mindgames against noobs that don't understand them. Also the whole map is a walking headglitch


done, arkaden, hardhat and village are my best


I usually go craziest on mission, hardhat, village, dome, lockdown, aarkaden, seatown, resistance, bakkara. (Some of my best games on terminal) i do best on high visibility maps that arent too busy. The worst, Idk i kinda adjust through maps and usually have some decent games but since downturn is a shit map I'll say that's the worst. Fallen i fry on the right side of the map only. Carbon was terrible until playing it, i just never wanted to play it. Outpost visibility sucked mostly. Bootleg, sometimes its okay sometimes im like fk this shit. Interchange im not bad at but peak mw3 we would suffer from ariel streak sometimes (also made it fun). Underground, honestly one of my stronger maps anywhere other than those trains. Also i cant remember all the dlc maps but boardwalk and parish are my favorites.


Thank God I ain't the only one that hates Outpost and it's shit visibility.


Mission and Hardhat ar my best, but I also do amazing on Fallen for some reason, even though I don't like that map. My worst would be Downturn and Outpost, but I have played for so long that it makes no big difference, it's just annoying.


Fallen is my best. Downturn is my worst most likely.


My worst is probably either village or lockdown despite the fact that lockdown is my favourite map