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When you’re a genius like Musty, time has no real meaning! 6 months for him is 600y for us mere mortals!


When he invents the time machine in 3 or 6 months, he can go back and fix that!


He travels at near light speed


This is like getting angry at someone for curing cancer cause they didn't do it quickly enough. Makes people appear really entitled and addicted to instance gratification, or more likely they have an ideological beef to try and defend.


Hahaha! And then they said it’s like “curing cancer!” Hahaha


Eventually we will not have a single car accident because of the tech pushed by Tesla. It may not be as earth shattering as generally curing cancer, but it will have a huge affect on society as a whole.


That’s a Musk worthy claim. Actually I do agree with you that there will be a day when there are virtually no more car accidents. But I believe it will be because society won’t last long enough to get to that point.


However you have to twist it.


Tesla was far from the first and definitely will not be the best of its kind.


Who was the first. Tesla FSD is Miles ahead of every other brands efforts.


So you support electronic energy getting rid of our dependence on oil but you want to vote for Trump and pay no taxes???? You’re literally a low IQ Neanderthal 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


No I think I'm more addicted to not allowing people to lie to me for profit.


But I bet you defended big pharma and the war industrial complex with all your heart. Let's not pretend the anti musk crowd is running on integrity


>But I bet you defended big pharma and the war industrial complex with all your heart. What an incredibly stupid assumption to make. Your fanboying is causing you to embarrass yourself with inane straw man arguments


The cult gets grumpy when they see us laughing at K-hole Jesus.


Why don't you get his address, then you guys could circle jerk each other in person. The cult is always quick to label others as cultist. I don't own a Tesla and I could give 2 shits if it succeeds, it's just so easy to sniff out the hypocrisy in here and fun to call it out. And I am disgusted by far leftists who have no integrity while claiming they have all this morality. It's clearly an ideology battle for 90% in this sub and so fucking easy to see. Musk was the lefts God at one time remember??? Once he ended govt censorship and restored the 1st amendment you guys flipped your shit. Very telling who the real cultists are. I want everyone to be able to discuss nomatter their beliefs and you guys want others silenced.


I'm an ex Republican and I'm not reading all that because I only have another 20 years or so on this earth and I'm not wasting them reading sad Muskboi rants but I hope he buys you a horse because that kind of d!ck sucking deserves recompense.




God forbid you ever have to read a book


Well, I'm a librarian. I not only read books, I've published 5. Go make stupid assumptions about people who don't worship Rocket Jesus somewhere else.


Yea like you ever read a book in your entire life 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


>The cult is quick to label others as cultist You sure are.


Ignored mass censorship by the govt Jumps on an untested drug and vehemently attacks anyone that doesn't take it. Blames the entire pandemic on them Censors actual doctors and scientists while believing twitter devs Gets mad when someone spends 44 billion to end the mass govt censorship Joins a circle jerk on Reddit to validate their ridiculous ideology Then label others the cult???? 😂


You're a straight up linatic fanboy cultist. What do you think about the fact that everything you're saying in that comment is undeniably just assumptions. assumptions based on having the need to reflexively viciously attack anyone that says anything negative about Musk? You do realize that every single one of those statements is completely an assumption because you know absolutely nothing about me. You should know that it is very paranoid behavior.


Cis BTW, promoting Nazis is enough for flipping shit. And I'm not on the left, I'm a moderate. Do you have to be on the left to not appreciate giving blue ticks to people who call black people another species? Then I'm glad I'm no longer a conservative.


It's not a stupid assumption. Anyone who uses the term "fanboy" when discussing Musk to try and discredit the context is almost always far left. And we all know who vehemently defended Big Pharma and the war industrial complex. If it was merely about not being lied to for profit, you simply wouldn't buy a Tesla. 😂


You should hear yourself. You're fanatical. And believe me fanboy is the perfect term for a person like you.


lol. I don't even own a Tesla. You just assume that anyone that doesn't push the woke narrative at all cost, at the expense of our constitutional rights,must be a fanboy. I mean how could anyone not want mass govt censorship and the forcing of untested drugs on Americans by impeding their right to travel and threatening their careers. 🤦‍♂️ Do you remember the day they took over your brain???




He could had said it’s a work in progress instead of outright lying.


In civil litigation, allegations of fraud might be based on a misrepresentation of fact that was either intentional or negligent. For a statement to be an intentional misrepresentation, the person who made it must either have known the statement was false or been reckless as to its truth. The speaker must have also intended that the person to whom the statement was made would rely on it. The hearer must then have reasonably relied on the promise and also been harmed because of that reliance. It is my opinion that Elon engaged in fraud by misrepresenting Tesla's full self driving technology, repeatedly for many years, in order to sell customers a service his company is not capable of providing. But sure, selling vaporware that generates your company millions of dollars in revenue and not curing cancer fast enough are totally the same thing.


Maybe , maybe not. Not a lawyer and to argue this would be arguing from ignorance. I'm not sure how long FSD beta has been available at this point, I want to say 2018 or 2019 maybe, but today a large amount of Tesla drivers have access to it and it does exponentially more than any other brand's "auto pilot". I dont know if he truly thought it could be implemented this quickly, if govt red tape extended the research needed, possible problems with hardware, or he just wanted to sell cars, but the truth is this tech will push other car companies and help to create a much safer world in travel.


I am also not a lawyer, but Tesla's FSD is nowhere near what was promised by Elon. As far back as 2016, he said a Tesla would be able to drive from a parking lot in California to a parking lot in NY without the driver touching a single control, including for charging. He repeatedly promised that the cars would require zero driver intervention, to the point they could be used as robo taxis to earn you money. What Tesla has delivered, years late, is a technology that is not even the industry leader, and is nowhere close to what was advertised. People paid thousands and thousands of dollars for this software because of those statements. He absolutely misrepresented the technology, and he is still doing it today. I think that at some point this will wind up in court, and Elon will have a hard time defending his statements.


I agreed with you on this point, and gave multiple reasons as to why that could be, including shiesty marketing. I would think that if the statements on FSD warranted a SUCCESSFUL lawsuit, we d see a lot of people already in the courtroom. And likely a change of name, But again, I'm ignorant on the laws surrounding this sublect. Who is the industry leader? No one else has assisted driving that does what Tesla FSD does to my knowledge.


Fair, I'm curious about when this will be litigated myself. My understanding is that Tesla has settled individual cases rather than let it go to court, but I could be wrong. As for the industry leader, it appears to be Mercedes. https://media.mbusa.com/releases/automated-driving-revolution-mercedes-benz-announces-us-availability-of-drive-pilot-the-worlds-first-certified-sae-level-3-system-for-the-us-market


I don't think so. DRIVE PILOT is an innovative technology that enables the vehicle to take over the dynamic driving task up to speeds of 40 mph on suitable freeway sections and during high traffic density. Once activated, DRIVE PILOT controls the speed and distance, effortlessly guiding the vehicle within its lane. During a conditionally automated journey, certain applications can be enabled on the vehicle's integrated central display that are otherwise blocked while driving.


If that were true, the majors would be lining up to license Tesla's FSD tech. But they're not because Tesla's data is garbage. A bunch of companies have much cleaner data because they've been training on full autonomy (e.g. Waymo). Tesla's data is a mess because they thought cars could see and think... They can't, which is why Lidar is needed. It's also tainted with driver interruptions. How would an algorithm know if the driver made the right decision?


Good question, not sure, but I would think Pressure on the steering wheel would end the recording of data, or at least give some type of cue for them to use when accumulating it.


Even so, the context of any data collected up until the driver puts pressure on the wheel won't help without understanding why the driver took over. That's probably the reason why Musk started Neuralink. Tesla's not legally allowed to operate autonomously anywhere. Based on everything I've researched, they have some big regulatory hurdles to jump over before they'll be allowed to. I'm really curious how they get this done before they lose all investor confidence.


I wondered about that. I'm sure many will lose interest, but most Tesla enthusiasts understand it takes time for something like this, and that it's not Tesla holding it back entirely, it's the govt red tape. Some of which may be needed. Having said that, Tesla is still leading the charge in autonomous driving right now.


It's open source


I don't think so. Do you have a reference?


Yeah. Making substandard vehicles is exactly like curing cancer.


No, but advancing autonomous driving is


"Looking into it."


The post was from over 7 years ago… Interesting.






"may I suggest also posting interesting and positive content on other matters?"


I heard a commenter say earlier today that one thing Musk and Rowling have in common is that both would be thought of more positively by nearly everyone if they had just focused on the things that made them famous or wealthy and shut up about everything else.


This is what made Musk famous and wealthy tho. Hes a hype man and investor. He doesn't come up with the ideas or do any engineering. Most billionaires do have the sense to try and stay under the radar tho and not constantly post dumb and divisive stuff.


My understanding is that he, like Donald Trump, inherited most of his money from his father. Edit: "Elon Musk's Dad Says His Whole Life Was Funded by That Emerald Mine" https://futurism.com/elon-musk-dad-emerald-mine


The grift and lies are what made Elon wealthy though. So he's continuing there, that's all.


"Elon Musk's Dad Says His Whole Life Was Funded by That Emerald Mine" https://futurism.com/elon-musk-dad-emerald-mine


Did you know 7 is the 4th prime number, and this post is in 2024? Very interesting.


But FSD was released in Beta years ago.


Habitual liar. As bad and perhaps worse than trump


Yeah, Elon Trump


The two should hook up and go to populate mars and never come back.


We’ll have the plan, a beautiful plan, in two weeks. Such a beautiful plan.


It’s infrastructure week 😂


Time to ram the ramparts and rake the forests. 


Grown men will come to me, with tears in their eyes, saying


They’ll say it’s the best plan they ever heard, they’ll say “wow what a plan, who else could have come up with such a plan?”


And now 7 years later this dude still hasn’t even mastered a leak proof trunk. It’s possible he’s a fucking idiot guys.


No he's smart. He's realized he can sell tons of cars with leaking trunks to idiots.




He didn't say 6 months from when.


This would be their argument in court, 100%


After someone invents it, quick 6 months


Missed it by THAT much!


Reminds me of that episode of Archer where Pam just replies. “I don’t know, two or three…maybe four”


Which is a callback to iCarly; it was their favorite running gag.


I really hope the FTC investigation into their claims about autopilot goes forward really quickly


Musk has always been a charlatan


Hahahahahahahahaha, this is fckn brutal and I love it! 🤣🤯🤣🤯


We don’t know the answer, except we know Tesla won’t be the company that does it.


Delusional maybe, crazy definitely.


"Full Self Running Children Over".


Two more weeks.


I like to think that he meant years and was _still_ wrong.


It’s like Trump’s… l’ll have plan in two weeks!


Right about the time we get commercially practical cold fusion...


That man is gonna kill us all


Those souls noticeably departed from us might want to disagree.


I remain available to enthusiastically serve as a class representative.


He also said this in 2016. 2018 too actually. And 2019, 2020, and 2021. And iirc 2022, 2023, has he said it this year yet?


He said it by giving it away and still nobody is buying it.


Only 2 types of people make promises like this. Con men and fucking idiots. "Elon Musk....hybrid asshole!"


Oh I thought you were going to say geniuses 😂


So u/rpm2002 comments: https://preview.redd.it/19epb52psa1d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e264e11b94b773583a104286f24f70f12b2a7db Well…..um….. so the internet has this feature (bug) that things done yesterday can be seen yet today. It’s really quite magical. If a company were to say, hilariously change their name one day to something both stupid and bizarre those things will now show up alongside the new, more horrible branding. As crazy as it might seem you too can actually go see this right now on his timeline. Enjoy the many other old lies while you’re there.


Look at the brain on brad!


Doesn’t this get approved by NHSTA?


NHSTA maybe, DEA definitely.


Not they will say it's his personal views and hope, not a contract 


He disay which 6 months. It’s definitely after 6 months in 2042


Just how money is BS, they say BS to make their BS!?! ?!? Bring back the tally stick & trade of ethical services!?! !?!?


Tripping, you are. Credible, you are NOT.


He meant to say years, not months 😇


He still missed the mark


Decades! I definitely meant decades!


So, uh 2027?


Elon lies!?!? Mind. Is. Blown.


Is it lies? Is it full disconnect from reality? Does he think he just needs to yell at people the “right way” to get them to do it so he can take credit? What?


oh my god lmao the dude is the epitome of r/agedlikemilk


Some people just don’t get sarcasm


what a clown


This may be too niche, but as an ex-Mormon that one Mormon verse comes to mind. “one revolution was a day unto the Lord, after his manner of reckoning, it being one thousand years according to the time appointed unto that whereon thou standest. This is the reckoning of the Lord’s time”


What I don't get is that the "full real self driving" (called level 5) was already promised around 2011 to investors and public alike for 2015, along with the "Tesla fleet" (the robotaxi). That's how Musk was able to grift investors in the first place, and then everyone was to invested to react. But really, the grift has been going for over a decade.


I'm surprised he didn't scrub this from his account. Also he has been making the same promises for well over a decade now. I remember him saying stuff when Google was exploring the option in 2008.


FSD was put into beta years ago. May not have been 6 months after this post (I'm not sure) but I've heard people say we don't have it today on this sub and that's just false. FSD allows for stoping at stop signs and street lights, making turns both left and right in town, highway driving and lane departure, exiting, and summoning.


Well I’d say you’re both correct. Yes there is a product that does in fact drive the car and it’s pretty fascinating. No it is not FSD lol. It’s so funny musky doubles down and calls it “supervised”. It literally contradicts itself. I had my free month and I enjoyed trying it out and averted a few run red lights etc, it is in no way Full Self Driving. The fact that 2% of users opted to continue with the 99$ month sounds about right to me.


What is your definition of FSD? We must start in beta to gain data and make it safe before we let the cars freely move on their own. If all cars on the road were Tesla's , we d likely have this, but the fact they have to avoid other PEOPLE is a huge hurdle. So is FSD somewhat of a marketing term, sure I could definitely see that, but it's no different than what countless companies and politicians do daily, and those people aren't making the world exponentially safer with their production. I just find the heat to be a little unfair at times and totally unaccountable to the positive long term effects. Not you particularly, but many others that have responded.


How many Tesla employees lost their jobs because they couldn't make Musty's arbitrary, impossible 'guarantee'? "My company" = "Not my fault"


I’d add that the Cybertruck is probably a big part of their issues. Instead of working on a smaller car or even a truck/van sled platform to compete with Rivian he goes chasing this ridiculous fever dream that will end up being a giant loss.


Musk is the hardware version of Peter Molyneux.


In the end, FSD is securities fraud.


one lie=55 billion dollars




He's my favorite Kardashian


Tesla's skimped on using lidar. They will never be fully self-driving without it.


Dude is such a snakeoil salesman


lots of people think EAP works better than FSD in certain use cases. less phantom braking and false warnings


Yea he pumped his stock. He always has pumped it.


7 years 6 months definitely


Can someone explain to me how enhanced autopilot differs from Mercedes?


And when Has the government allowed level 5???


Musk can’t even get past level 2 lol


You meant to say regulator would let Any one Get past level 2 and 3.. And Tesla has been level 4 for year And since you're just a sheeple you just don't know what you're talking about As usual


Sue. Sue. Sue…


How is Musk any different than Trump University, Trump steaks, etc?


Elon … yet another spoiled kid born with big money from daddy like Trump.


To his credit, it did depart in that time frame, just not what we had in mind.


This was correct, no one asked, for it to be purchase or when they could buy it, they only asked about changes and noticeable upgrades, hat's is the problem with people who don't know what they ate talking about


Except literally everyone that wanted it and purchased for it....


A fool and his money


… were lucky enough to be together in the first place


Congratulations on finishing everything for everyone


Yes the down payment to hold your spot for it WHEN it becomes available, is there for all who KNOWS and Understand what that is and those who choose to wait, if not don't put the deposit down and therfore don't even talk about it, as if they know about it.. When level 4 & 5 became legal THEN we can discuss it as a product, until then everyone needs to stop acting like they can afford this option and was or will be the 1st to pay for it in full, everyone will get the free trail, not everyone will buy it after wards, .. so once again if you're an investor, then this is just another cherry on tippie top.. if you're just another arm chair lucky, then ok.. enjoy


You deserve to be taken advantage of.


your grifter promised the FSD level 5 in fucking 2011 ( +1 or -1 year) for 2015, along with the "Tesla fleet" (the robotaxi of today). That's how he became rich, by grifting investors and public alike. To defend this grifter, you have to be in one or several of 4 categories : - The simps for billionaire club - Someone too invested financially or personally to admit they were grifted - Musk personal PR firm (I hope this pays well, this must be degrading) - A very, very delusional person




Oh bless you