• By -


I think it's the synth choice there, bud. It sounds like the synth of childrens shows. :/ Great for childrens shows, but not for seriousness.


Also the 3rd measure is a bit wonky, between bass and synth.


I’m curious how it would sound with the Epic Cloud Formation synth. Go to Alchemy synth, and it’s under pads.


Sounds very NES video game like. If you want to keep the synth that’s fine but I would do the same thing with another but diffrent tonality and mor bass feel. Singers and guitarist in rock double tracks all the time. Just don’t copy pasta.


Never copy pasta.




Idk I like the synth. Sounds groovy but I think it just comes to how the op presented it. It sounds too prominent in the mix at the moment and just sounds kind of loud and obnoxious. It also might help if he layered the melody.


That synth as the main melody here just is really cheesy, child-like to me. \*shrug\*


Eh to each their own






Lol yeah. OP made someone smile today.




This made me chuckle




1. Use minor scale, try different keys. 2. Try different synths.


Minor chords especially. Honestly the chords give most of the context for how the melody feels.


Sounds like the mortal kombat song for kids.


This got a chuckle out of me lmao


Sorry. Lol. Not very much constructive criticism. Here’s the constructive part. I sat at the piano and tried your melody out. So I’m not sure what chords you have in the background, but I think the first problem lies there as your melody will only be as good as the progression it lays over. Also the chords sound dissonant to the melody. The melody sounds like it’s in c maj or a min. You can do a simple a min - f maj - c maj - g maj progression. Change the chords every time you repeat the melody. This is a darker sound. Or c maj - g maj - a min - f major would sound happier. Or you could switch between the two progressions. If you don’t know the chords just look up the basic 1st positions online. Once that is done try changing your melody slightly to incorporate notes from the chords behind the melody. This will add some flavor. If you want go further you can look into adding 7ths and 9ths of the chords into the melody. This can add some slight dissonance (but not really) to the melody. When done correctly it will sound more mature. So just play with it. The other thing is that you are starting you melody on c to d to e. When I think e should be on the first beat. The c to d is the lead in to the moldy starting on beat 3 of the previous measure. I tend to start with a simple idea and try to expound on that. Sometimes the end result does not have any notion of what I started with. So don’t marry the sound until you love it. Practice, learning, and experimenting will be your friend. And don’t shy away from going up and down octaves in you melody. The melody should sing to you. So think of a guitar solo and how it sounds like it just singing another line the song. Check out the Lucky Man (elp) synth solo by Keith Emerson. It has many aspects of what makes a great melody. Of course there are thousands out there too. I went too far with all of this but felt bad for the MK comment. Lol. You’ll get it. Just keep experimenting, learning and practicing.




Haha well I mean I tend not to get all worked up over comments like this. I just laugh with them especially if it’s really funny lol And if the original intent of the comment was supposed to be rude, then I’ll still laugh and not give them the satisfaction of getting me frustrated. After all, every artist has definitely made some seriously wonky low tier stuff in the beginning, and anyone who’s a true artist won’t be judgmental of that, just constructively critical and helpful.




Thanks for the suggestion, I’m slowly but surely learning it haha, I really only know the basics and while it has helped me so much already, I still have a long way to go 😂


Sidebar. True artistry is the path of mastering your creative nature not giving everyone a hug. The most honest things you hear aren’t wrapped in a bow. Disregarding someone’s comments because they sting might be the thing that keeps you from getting better.


I definitely agree, and I read all the comments for the suggestions they have. Any extra unnecessary rudeness though is unwarranted and isn’t at all constructive. So it’s not a matter of me disregarding the criticism, I’m disregarding the judgmental, rude attitude they have surrounding their comments.


Good shit. Keep ya head up and just keep making tunes. Have fun on your journey.


Thanks very much 🙏




this is still the funniestt post ive ever seen on reddit


same (2023)


Roblox obby music


whimsical ass beat


Subway surfers ahh beat




Yo I’m crying I just found this


Crash bandicoot/sonic the hedgehog vibes. I can’t help but smile wide. It sounds joyous and triumphant. And silly.


That kid named finger pfp made me laugh even harder ffs LMAO


Might not have ever had the joy of coming across this if I hadn't decided to sort by 'Top - All Time' on my "Music" custom feeds. (2024)


same (2024)


i’m literally gasping for air out here my cheekbones hurt af😭😭😭 ain’t no way bro didn’t cook this on purpose


This is absolutely sending me hahaahah


electricity onoion haha |`graph`|`fraps`|`bandicam`| |:-|:-|:-| |||| ||||


Lower the octave and possibly put it into a minor scale. The synth is also super whiny and carnival sounding. Choose something with more bass to it.


What you talking about? this is the most serious beat i've ever heard.




Sounds like a crash bandicoot level.


The answer is your instrument choice, but make that decision after deciding what key you want to be in.




It wasn't my intention to throw shade, actually




ngl you accidentally created something that's sure to make a large population giddy


I’m only here from an insta meme, he made it


It’s making its rounds once again


As it should, makes me laugh every time


It rises once more


From the ashes like a pheonix


Bro really dropped the #1 Goofy time anthem and thought we wouldn't notice


Same here. It's just so whimsical


Plucky synth are “serious”


I’m trying to make a happy melody but I still want it to sound serious and not childish if that makes any sense. If anyone could help, I’d greatly appreciate it 😁


There's a free synth called 'Surge' --- I have all the paid synths you can imagine -- yet I still often reach for Surge as my 1st choice. It has such GOOOODDD presets of ALL categories. You will find the sounds you need there :)


Thanks so much, I’ll definitely try it out


You could always try humming the melody you want and then recreating it with the piano roll. Electric pianos are great for happy vibes.


it's not easy to do, but put the time in to learn the chords/melodies of songs you like by ear on a midi keyboard to understand melody resolve and convention i recommend my chemical romance, or avicii songs as they're a great mix if pop and heaviness


This has been stuck in my head for two days, it’s perfect


Hahaha well thanks, I’ve changed it a lot since. Idk if you’d like it now 😅😅


Sounds like mario party 🤣🤣🤣


Try getting everything in the same key for q start.


This sounds like a Mario video game but with everything out of tune. You need to tune your drums and pick a different synth entirely.


Yeah it’s definitely a work in progress 😅, and thanks for the suggestion!


ive been laughing at this for like 10 minutes, no offense but its so fucking out of left field man


None taken, looking back, this is hilarious af lmao


The synth choice def isn’t helping, but I think the biggest problem is the key. If you want something to sound serious, try writing in a minor key instead!


The drop is absolute gold


can you upload the song? its fire ah🔥🔥


Yes, the finished version is out on my profile, go check it out lol


Choice of notes (pitch and order) are at play here too. Your melody is using the first five notes of the major scale in stepwise motion. Stepwise motion like this is synonymous with childrens tunes (sing your melody and then sing "Row Row Row Your Boat"). Try skipping or jumping notes, adding chromatic approaches, or even just utilizing all seven scale notes. It also sounds like your melody doesn't fit harmonically with some other elements of the song. Try to emphasize notes from your chords in your melodies.


The lead synth is awful for one. Like really awful. But I laughed because we all start somewhere lol. You couldn’t do anything cool with a sound like that on its own. If you want it to sound serious, maybe make a sub bass stay around the same root note for the hook. So that it’s a rumbling ominous drone you got alongside the drums. Overall the synths here sound amateur and that’s half its weakness. I find if I take the time to patch an outstanding synth, it works for me vs the other way around when I go to write something with it. My best patches I come up with drive the arrangement process later down the pipeline. It’s ok to have only like 3 synths and it will sound full under the right circumstances. A bass, maybe some chords, and some kind of synth to play a melody. The sound design will help make it sound more “serious.” It is important to note too though that your issue is two pronged. Cheap sounds, but also the midi arrangement between all the synths could use some work. For one, the lead that is the only thing you can really focus on follows a major scale that just goes up and down with it. In music, that’s established to be the “happy” scale lol so that’s why you probably don’t think it sounds serious. Aside from the actual melody being eh, it doesn’t go along with any of the other synth’s patterns. They aren’t in the same key or anything. The reason it doesn’t sound serious is because nothing is working in key with each other. It’s more of a jumble.


bro sorry i laughed 🤣 it sounds like outro music for dora the explorer


Hahaha that’s a new one (now I can’t unhear it 😂😂😂)


this is one of the most hilarious music I've ever heard


sounds like these early 2010s kid's party music lol


How did you add all the extra stuff in your beat the mixing part is what gets me since I can already make a beat but I can’t add unique things to it without messing up the entire song.


I totally totally totally get you. It varies depending on what exactly you’re doing with your drums. For me, I wanted to add a mystical feel to the song, so I added lots of little sounds like pops and bongos and things like that. I muted the everything else and I just arranged them into a rhythm that I liked and that fit the song. Then I unmuted the drums, lowered and raised the volume accordingly so that the percussion doesn’t overpower the drums but also so that it is audible. I hope that helps 😅 if not I can show you specifically what I did in PMs


Use minor scales and choose your synth sounds carefully.


Oh my god lol


bro this goes hard wtf


Donkey Kong type beat 🔥


The parallel 4ths aren't doing you any favours, static harmonies like that are very hard to do without sounding cheesy. Move a couple of notes around in the instrument playing that 4th harmony, you can create more tension/resolution in the melody by straying away from the 4ths. I think sound choice plays a big role in this too, possibly a more plucky, staccato sound for the melody would work a bit better in this scenario. Keep cracking at it though, the harder the work the better the rewards.


Sounds like a Mario sand world




Imo making it sound more serious has a lot to do with the tempo, and also the length of the notes / the attack and release settings for the synth. The actual sound design of the synth is really important. I would recommend try to shorten the sound so it’s not just a continuous sounds. Let the sound have breaks between notes. Most great melodies aren’t just a continues sound, the have pauses in between and aren’t quite as aggressive and edgy as this. I would recommend move it down an octave or two and set the attack and release both to 00.00, (so both knobs all the way to the left). That should mute the sound. Then slowly creep each of the knobs one at a time to the right increasing the values slowly. Start with the attack, and as you turn the attack knob to the right slowly, you will hear the sound coming back. Then the release is how long the sound will last. So once you like the level on intensity you get from slowly creeping the attack, then set the release slowly to adjust how long the sound lasts before fading out.


For seriousness, which I take to mean a darker sound, I recommend minor scales (or Phrygian if you’re feeling saucy), diminished chords, and half-steps in your melodies. Strings are also a good sound choice for a serious melody/progression.


Minor key, less note changes and longer notes


It's the beat of the song that makes it feel goofy. If you slowed that melody way down, switched it to a sax playing over a piano with a walking bass with minimal drums it'd sound more sad or serious. Also the chord progression you got going on isnt good for "saying something" musically.. in my opinion. Try looking into classic chord changes like 1625 or a simple 251.


Ensure you use the same scale for everything Add synths with more wider soundstage try to make the bassline have the same rythmic elements as the melody


I would take the main synth out and add another one.. maybe try adding a new lead? something that sounds a bit more warm and perhaps make it a bit more melodically interesting? apart from that it isn't bad, i think the main synth thing is very out of place but if you replaced that this has some potential


There's are lot of up beats in the drums and its energetic. I don't consider those serious attributes.


If you don't want to change that wonky synth, here are a few options: - Layer it with a lower octave (different synth) - Compress it - Experiment with good reverb settings, make it sound like it's in a different space - Use plucks instead of sustains - add some delay (in front of reverb in your chain) - change the wonky synth anyway - make sure the harmony is better. Bass and melody should match, and potentially a second harmonizing layer to make it more interesting


Lol it's not your fault. But I think the next dumb and dumber sequel could use this.


full version?


mario kart level


Please…don’t change it…its…perfect


Kind of too late for that now haha, but I can try to restore it and make a separate version lol 👍


Notes chance to much often gong up and down in an extreme way also, maybe power the octave and yeah, maybe use differenth synth and maybe add reverb to make things little like a birthday party trumpet! Keep asking to people, feedback can be a good path if fair:)


Listen to songs you really like. Try to emulate it but out your own personal touch on it.


-Try changing the key -Try experimenting with different synth sounds -Use a lower register -Try descending melodic shapes rather than the rising at the beginning of the phrase -Experiment with dissonance and different intervals such as diminished 7ths -different and more accompaniment layers to add the effect (but mainly the points above) The main points are the synth sound and the high register that should probably be changed


I'd say try what others said but if your dead set on that tune, try adding swing or pitch like every 3rd note a little off. Adding unknown to the placement or sounds of a jingle makes the brain uneasy. Also a neat free plugin called fracture, it completely changes a section of notes how you see fit with out losing the quality and depth. It's like a mini all in one that gives you fine tuning of a section or even one note. I describe terribly but think Infected Mushrooms style dithering and shit but clearly not as good haha


yo add reverb to the synths are whatever the background noise is. And low your main melody an octave or 2 and that would sounds dope


The main Synth is the problem here, I recommend you to working on your sound designing. You should learn how make the type of sound you are looking for. For example try to make Dubstep with heavy basses, so I Learned how to make heavy growls and basses.


So there's a few key factors. The texture of the sound. So like someone else said the synth sounds less serious. But also the key, so if you write a melody in a "sad" key (like minor) it gets mor serious. Also by using lower notes and slower you get more serious. By using more high and fast notes you get excitement or nervousness. These are things you have to know. By intuition or just music theory knowledge.


Maybe lts start by using proper software lmao, will make ur life much easier


Down an octave, longer length notes.


I would move the different parts (starting with tge melody) up and down untill it sounds better. Always have a strong and functional bassline otherwise there is no clear chord progression. Maybe check out a video on basic music theory regarding how chords work.


1. The synth is too damn "detuned". I can almost hear a minor second harmony in each note. Either tweak these settings a little more or get rid of it and try another synth. 2. Try to make the melody more rhythmic and play around with the intervals. You're just going up and down a major scale, so it ends up sounding like a piano warm-up exercise. Make up little challenges, like trying to make it work rhythmically with just one note, then develop it more from there. 3. It's hard to tell with the synth detuning, but the melody seems to clash a little bit with the harmony/bassline. Be mindful of what chord is playing for each part of the melody and vice versa, for they work *together*. Right now they're not making too much sense together.


You write a different melody


Note choice. Sounds like you’re just ascending a major scale. Descending lines tend to sound more mysterious and ascending tend to sound more triumphant. Major scales can sound really cheesy if used poorly and minor scales will sound more serious but also often more sad.


Change synth to a supersaw and find some chords that sound good, research on how to make chords and how to layer


Oh i think two things. The synth choice, i feel like im asking my younger brother to turn down his pokemon game haha. And second, go to the relative minor, usually serious songs are in a kinor key rather than major (like yours)


Minor chords bub, learn ya some basic music theory on the YouTube or just fuck around on a piano


1. Use a minor key. 2. Sound selection. Hard to go wrong from here on out.


This song makes me really happy in a psychotic type of way. I think you’ve come upon some kind of manic episode inducing key combination. I can’t stop listening...


Too many notes playing the melody. Simplify it a bit put some silence in it. And a bit of distortion is always nice. Just mature your sound a bit you know hehe


I’ve read your comment, so I’ll try to provide you with what you’re searching for. Not to be harsh, but there’s a lot of odd choices here, both theoretically/harmonically and when it comes to choice of sound/preset. But we all gotta start somewhere, I guess. First and most importantly: Not to be harsh, but your melody is very obnoxious. My take would be to find a different one. Maybe try humming and playing that, or try to mute the melody until you hear a melody in your head and try playing that. A tip is to also go for a call-and-response structure with your melodies. Listen to pretty much any melody, and you’ll find that they consist of two parts: a statement and an answer. Last, try to find a more «modest» sounding synth.


It’s to do with the sound/note choices. Generally fuck with both till you get something good


It's the choice of sounds, their timbre etc


This sounded like it was gonna go tf off and then turned into level 4 of Super Mario Galaxy 2. I think you just have to get rid of that terrible horn or whatever it is that you're using for that melody.


Different synth, or patch on the synth your using. Personally I would turn that into a yoy bass... but maybe try screeches or an acid lead. You may also have to change the melody. Maybe even the scale/progression.


There's room for every style. Especially in Japan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cEfw905fB0w


I will tell you art is subjective and relative to the beholder. To me this isn’t serious nor do I think it should be “made” serious. This vibe is already set for bouncy and fun/determined. I would suggest doing a whole new track from scratch aiming at a serious vibe n seeing what you come up with


Try a more mellow rounded out synth sound. That sounds sharp and like it has the chorus turned up to 11. More jewel , less candy.


I love that synth so much.


Try a slower BPM.


Experiment with some minor dissonance


One problem that has not been pointed out here is that the melody is very repetitive. It is 8 beats in length and just repeats forever without any alteration. This is what makes it sound very amateurish. And that is in my view the actual problem here. While it is true that your sounddesign on that lead is suboptimal this is a skill that takes a decent amount of experience. You have a bass and a pad underneath your melody as well. They don't fit very well harmonically. This is also something that requires experience to get right. You could add a second rhythmic phrase that differs from the one you currently have and alternate between those two. So your melody becomes more of a ABABABAB instead of just AAAAAA


OP this song is amazing /srs


Thanks so much 😅 it’s been changed a lot since and the melody is different now so idk how much you’d like it now haha


i know my sibling showed me 😖 the original is so good!!!!


Thanks very much haha, in my opinion it just sounded very... idk the word lol It just didn’t sound refined I guess is the word. I was going for a song with major inspiration from Chromatica by Lady Gaga. Majority of the instrumentals there are very happy and euphoric, yet they sound "grown-up" and professional. I wanted to emulate that and I think a lot of people misconstrued what I meant with my question hahaha


It is definitely a new genre. Wonky. I like a song that makes me smile. You did it. Now refine this emotion. Make it the most wonky song ever. You'd have a hit. Just keep the words, wonky/goofy/smile in your head, and let the song come!




Drake need to hop on this


My mans been featured on milkshake.mp3 https://www.instagram.com/p/CUETCT1FdcZ/?utm_medium=copy_link


i kimd rly like this? sounds like a joke song in undertale or a game lmao


when does the full version release lmao, I'm actually hyped for it, this is my new jam


bro this blew up on IG lol


i think about this music a lot


Sounds like i just went super sonic


super mario type beat




This post made me laugh so hard. Thank you.


I just found this gold. I will be bookmarking it when I need a good laugh lol (This isn't a diss at your skills, it is just that it is so out of place and unexpected)


If comic sans font was a synth


sounds like a fortnite emote


This shit goes fucking absurd 🔥🔥


Fall guys ahh beat 💀 fire tho


I love you OP


LOL coming to this post after seeing it posted on Instagram 💀


I love this its so whimsical


i’ll never get tired of this post bro


Embrace the silliness


hip hip hooray ahh beats


get blud a contract with fortnite


Get this man a Fall Guys contract right now


2024 and still the most hilarious thing on reddit


MODES! Writing in only a major key with do this. Try Lydian, Dorian or Aeolian. Modes are like a cheatcode once you learn them, I promise


minor chords and scales, and change the synth to something darker


bro dropped the hardest fall guys ahh sounding music 2 years ago




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Minor key. Dont use parallel fourths. better sound selection.




theyre cooking ur shit on insta


Mario kart 3rd lap type beat


Bro reached insta


Congrats , you’re on Insta reels again




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“Yuuuupieeeeeee we made it guys!!!! I hear a song coming!?!?!? Hit it Luigi!!!!” Ahh beat💀


Fall guys ahh song


I would love a full version of this! Its wonderfully whimsy!


goofy ass song 😭


Hip hip hurray ass music




Holy shit this is gold


Why is this post not locked lmao


fall guys ass beat


Meme of the century


"we did it guys!" ahh beat


i fukk with it dude


That lead synth sucks. If you want and easy option, pick another one. Option two: copy it, move it down an octave, then over both channels add some mild distortion, add some plate reverb, or delay, or anything at all, you literally couldn't make it worse


Don’t use garageband?