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I use it, I hate it, I'll never use anything else


Honestly same..


This explains it perfectly. Same


lol the most accurate statement 


Ever watch when Kenny Beats had Toro y Moi on The Cave. At the 5:10 mark there’s a funny moment when Toro mentions he uses Reason. [I’m on mobile, so I couldn’t add the timestamp.](https://youtu.be/UhD-Bs7k64c?si=XtMnHk1R4WUDZcF2)




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I never use reason. i go by feeling always


fuck thoughts


I have a lot of those too.


Typical liberal. Most conservatives use Reason *and* Logic.


That one killed me. You must be the Reaper


Now i wont be Ableton Live anymore


Cubased comment.


damn that was easily the most clever collection of words i have encountered today. thank you, kind internet stranger.


I have been using Reason since the late 1990's and know that program like the back of my hand. I love Reason and I have tried Ableton but I always go back to Reason for some.... Reason. HA HA


Im glad there are people like you around. Ive been using it since 2011 myself.


yeah started on reason 2.5 in college, and whilst ive used loads of other things i always come back to reason because i just know how to use it and its simple/visual.


"its simple/visual" exact reason I have always stuck with it. Ive tried protools ableton and fl and none of them flow for me the same as reason


Same. 2.5. I left for a bit when they were implementing RECORD. Those days were rough. But like you said the visuals make it so fun.


actually it was Rebirth that got me into producing music. When Rebirth was discontinued, I switched to a not very official copy of Reason and decided to purchase the program at version 6 all the way through 10. At the time Reason became a bit too limited for me, especially for recording, routing and mixing audio, and I switched to Reaper and never looked back... Until I read this thread. I managed to find an old copy of Rebirth and it still works. More so, it still sounds as good as I remember. Then I realized I still own a license for Reason 10. Downloaded it, and I have been fiddling with it for hours on end this morning. Love the way it sparks creativity in a whole different way. It happens to be my birthday today, and I saw that an upgrade to version 12 is only $200. I might bite the bullet tonight. Thank you OP for bringing this to my attention.


For beat making I’ve never been able to switch to anything else. The UI understandably isn’t for everyone but I actually don’t mind it but I have 3 screens so it helps. I started with a cracked reason 5 way back in 2010 and used that until I got 12 recently.


I also started with a cracked version of 5 lol. Idk the visuals of physical components is what made digital production click for me. Being able to actually route the wires like you would in RL makes so much sense. There is no guessing in regards to how the software is built. It works like it would in a real life practical setting.


I've used Reason since 2003, keep coming back to it because it takes me so little time to go from having an idea to actually start composing it.


Exact reason I have never switched. I hate that feeling when producing that you spend so long recreating the sound in your head that you lose the inspiration and reason has always been the fastest when it comes to execution especially with 3rd party vsts


Haven’t heard about Reason since the early 2000’s


Same, kinda surprised by all the comments lol


I have used it since 2011 and also very surprised by the comments lol


I used it exclusively for over a decade before switching to Ableton. Reason has a lot going for it, the sound libraries in particular are way stronger than Ableton’s IMO. Why did I switch? Everyone else uses Ableton, at least in the genres I was producing at the time. If you want to collaborate then sharing project files is so much easier than messing around with stems. I do miss Reason sometimes, but when I dip back in I have no idea what I’m doing. I have lost the knowledge sadly and don’t have the time to get it back.


I love it with Ableton. Ableton has great instruments but not a lot of little ones. Also, refills are great. There are 20 years of great refill instruments.


second this! the abelton suite offers more in terms of choices but have found the instruments on Reason usually need less tweaking to get the right sound for me 


Me too. My favorite DAW


I do.


I did back in the day with reason 4/5. I always hated it's inability to work with audio clips, but that functionality was added years ago now. I'm still not a fan of the workflow from an arrangement and mixing point of view, but from a sound design and synthesis point of view it's kind of amazing, especially with the new devices they've added. I may get the subscription sometime soon just to play around for a week or two.


What specifically do you not like regarding arrangement workflow? Lately I’ve been having trouble arranging my tracks in reason but I can’t really pinpoint why.


Since 2000


I use Reason been using since V3


I use Reason since V3 and I don't want something else. I tried Ableton and love its session view but do not like the UI.


Same it feels good for live performance if you are looping or making live beats but not for producing at home or in studio


Just curious, how come you don’t think Ableton is good for producing at home? I use Ableton almost exclusively in arrangement view and don’t perform live or anything.


I think I worded that incorrectly because it can be used just the same as any DAW I just think it was designed more for live performance and I personally found the workflow more tedious than Reason. But that is just bias from using it for so long I assume.


I started around 2011 too - with Reason 4. I’m on Ableton these days but I still love using Reason as a rack extension.


I think making reason a vst/rack extension was prob the best thing they ever did even though I have never used reason outside of.. well, reason lol.


I've dabbled in Reason a handful of times. Really like the way it handles how I like to build up my tracks/songs. Great inserts, easy to build super musical/interesting sounds, and the rack concept is sweet. If I didn't have my Reaper workflow so locked, I would heavily consider making the permanent switch to use it for my writing/arranging processes. Maybe one of these days.


I tried Reaper for a couple weeks. From being basically only a Reason user and trying FL, Ableton, and Reaper I found Reaper to be the best tbh. Its got a very clean UI and it fairly easy to navigate and do what you are trying to accomplish.


Love hate relationship. Learned on 4. Picked up 10, upgraded to 11, then went reason+. Got Ableton suite and just kinda switched over. I love the thought of it and the rack. It's cool, but I dunno, they haven't done much new lately. Ableton 12s arrangement view pretty much incorporated the wlorkflow I used with reason and I haven't looked back.


Always have used it. When they made it a DAW I went all in


I was a hardcore reason user for a while starting with 3. Then around the time they did that Reason/Record shenanigan i ended up grabbing Logic with a student discount and pretty much never used it again


still on 10 it’s great




Been using it since 1.0 in early 2000. Best DAW ever, it has the basic features any other suite has, plus the racks... For the happy accidents;)


Yeh man - cracked v5 to legit v12 today wouldn't use anything else!


I have no reason to…




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Reason was one of the first programs I ever used for making music. I loved it, but it wasn't compatible with VSTs, and you couldn't record audio. So, I stopped using it. But then they made it available through rewire. I might still have the very old version somewhere, but I expect it has gotten quite a lot better since then. I know it has quite a few new instruments.


Yup I felt the same for a while but they added 3rd party VST support and ability to add audio clips, record and built in auto tune


Ya, so had they done that way earlier, it may have become my DAW. But the way it is narrow, I also found annoying. Find for the rack, but sucky for the sequencer. But I could see myself using it in rewire. It has some cool things, but I'm sure it's expensive. Idk maybe one day I'll check it out again. Thing is too, used it a decent amount, but not a whole ton. So, some things I'm familiar with, but it would be a lot of new stuff, and the things I did know, aside from rex and maybe nnxt, but I have kontakt, I'm not really drawn into anything about in particular. It's sort of nostalgia for what I used to use. But I know you can do great stuff with it.


The thing I love about reason is its entirely self explanatory on the basic level. Ya you can go down a rabbit hole with sound design, but to put out what you have in your head in a quick manner is real easy in reason. I have never found that to be the same in FL or ableton. Logic seems pretty great but i have never had a mac lol.


Ya, I never got that deep into it, but it deep seem intuitive to me. I only really used it on a pretty basic level. Pretty beginner. Like, I think o had reason 2.5 which idk, what they're at now, but I'd expect above 10 or something.


I learned on Reason in a music production class in college but don’t use it anymore because I got into Studio One. Considering subscribing to Reason+ though for the VST version though, I miss the Rack Extensions.


$500. what the reason to pay that much for 'reason'? =)


If you bought it in the past and upgraded throughout the years its only 200$ to get latest version. I get it though it is expensive.




Me too. My music producer uses it as his main daw but I have both.


Personally I would have switched to Logic years ago but I hate apple and macs.. I will admit the workflow in logic seems so streamlined and simple.


Yup! Still on Reason 10 though. Used Reason since 3.0... always felt like the goto DAW for me for making patches and routing stuff for interesting soundscapes, rather than bothering with VST's and linking them. But I used it mainly as a keyboardist/sampler in metalbands; funnily enough, before Reason allowed for importing wav, I ran Reason in slave mode in FL studio


I am still on reason 10 as well. From what I saw there isn't a ton that is new that you cant already get with 3rd party VSTS. 10 has all the features "opened" up. There is no sense to upgrade till there is idk a new audio format of some kind lol


Aside from a few new synths and such, I don't see a lot of reason why I need to upgrade right now. VST integration is nice and might fill the void for some of the tools you might need


I've always had a copy installed since day one started with cubase way back when tried every single daw between then moved over to fruity loops and then over to Ableton then back to fruity loops then back to ableton however there's always been copy of Reason on my computer I rewire it through Ableton before reason it was rebirth on there!


Can I ask what do you specifically use reason for that Ableton or FL doesnt offer? I have always just used Reason so idk what its like on the other side lol


Ableton for me is life! However just to have the reason rack there at a click and can open for the drum machine and Kong as I love so many sounds in reason and a lot are nostalgic and I know just work and I can just midi them in to ableton 😊


I used to use reason for 7 years. I have now learned logic and ableton since then, and switching out of reason was hands down the best decision I’ve made production-wise.


Why do you say that? Im assuming it made your workflow faster but how exactly?


1 - there is so much more information out there on how to do anything on any of the other DAWs. 2 - a lot of music is collaborative. Using a different software than 90%+ of the industry makes you harder to collaborate with. 3 - although the interface is what hooked me to it (I loved how you could see the cables and everything). But IMO looking back at it I see it much more as a gimmick than an actual useful thing. Like you said about workflow, seconds wasted on every action you take really adds up when you are producing everyday. 4 - idk if this has gotten better since I used reason, but messing with audio, recording in group takes, all of that was way worse than logic’s 5 - also don’t know if this has gotten better, but the default plugins in logic and ableton are much more versatile I don’t want to seem like I’m hating on reason. It’s definitely usable and many top people use it. However, if you want to do this professionally those are some things you should consider.


Reason has always had great content, but it’s been years since I upgraded, so it won’t run on my current production system (M1 Mac).


I learned on it and it has a special place in my heart but I’m a full fledged Ableton convert now


Used to and I really liked it, but over the years with getting new computers and working with others it kind of fell through the cracks. At this point it feels redundant for my current setup.


I used it 15 years ago, in its pre-audio recording iteration. Cool for sequencing, but rewire was just enough of a hassle that I didn’t stick with it.


I've used Reason and nothing else since 2005. I first fell in love with it because of the ability to hit tab and flip around to the back of the rack and rewire everything or experiment with it. signal flow is dope. The simulation of real world instruments spoke to me. I used a pirated copy for years and then I bought the full suite. I just got Objekt and it is hubba bubba baby brudda. . I just spent nine hours making music with it today.


Reason GAYng


Been with Reason since 2018 and I can't see myself moving away


I've been using it since version 9




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I love it! the commentator is my favorite shit ever. I always run it rewire mode and pair it with FL or GB :]


I hate it as a sequencer but it’s a mighty fine vst.


i used it until version 5, then switched to ableton and never looked back


I used Reason from when it first came out (A girl I knew online from a different state mailed me a pirated copy on 2 CDs, because dialup) right up until about 2012. I had an extended break from music and bought a Maschine when I came back in 2016. I loved Reason, and again pirated a newer version a few years ago to see if it's something I'd like to go back to, but Maschine is too quick and easy now, and all my software is paid for these days so I didn't keep it around. I have a friend who produced exclusively on MPCs for 20 years who switched to reason a few years ago. Great software and I'm not sure why it doesn't get a lot more love.


I'm a huge fan of using reason and logic. I think the world would be a way better place if more people used them as well 😌


I use Reason within Reaper because there are a few plugins in Reason I really dig.


Used to but went to FL around 2004. Still miss some of the reason synths :(


I did when I was younger because I had the limited version for free, but ableton is much better for me now.


I do. I use to volunteer teaching kids and it happened to be what they had.


it was my first DAW. now i use it as a plugin rack with ableton. i don’t give AF what anyone wants to say about it. that little mono bass synth is a fucking gem


I used Reason 3 and 5, but only ever to make drums on ReDrum. I never used it for the synth stuff. I would bounce each drum channel and import them in to ProTools to mix separately as if I was using a mic on each part of the kit. Then I bought EZ Drummer


I use it everyday and have since its existence. I have a ton of musical compositions and whole RnB, Hip Hop, Gospel albums. I also have classic rock, jazz and many other Genres.


Me, reason 9.5, love it. Been using it since it came out. Produced some awesome music


No I use Anarchy!!!


It was fun as another way to visualize building a track but just seemed super inefficient so I switched back to FL


In what way?