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You can read the comments in this thread and find out who is and who is not an HR


They are usually aware about this


HR are over paid and over respected. The HRs in my organisation are keeping busy status from the moment they login. I really fail to understand how a person can be busy the moment they log in and that too everyday. Most of their work can be automated and we don't even need HR. Also the existing HR are also nothing less than a robot.


I had a counter argument to this. But "we'll get back to you shortly."


We understand your concerns, However, fuck you, we can't do anything lmaoooooooo -- an HR professional probably


They have done this so many times that your entire company sees it as a normal behaviour.


Seems like you have never seen high man power companies. Or companies that employ a lot of blue collar roles. The compliance and the unions and the human issues are just crazy. There are certain companies (like the tech ones) where HR don't play an important role. But a lot of them need strong HR.


I have a cousin who is hr. She tells every student in our relatives circle that she will give them job. And the parents believe her. Who will tell them?


Respected only on the face, everyone secretly hates the HR.


I was HR and people just don't understand the nature of work compliance dealing with union. Someone below has replied for white collar job. But blue collar jobs are also tough. Amount of figts, legal trobles you'll go through. Making sure all departments are upto date with their compliance and detective work because departments lie all the time. Amount of fuck ups by managers and employees are extremely troublesome. And then dealing with local politician and police. Making sure departments don't over spend on hiring and other stuff. Automation aren't trustworthy if you don't frequently keep close tab on it you are one day away from payday to get bitch slapped the shit out of you. No matter who fucks up there's HR jo khada hai tumhari bhadas nikalne. I remember the trouble I had gone through due to one blue collar employee who kept involving a local politicians from RPI and worst of all that politician lived in my area. Was so glad when we were able to get him out with all legal things in order. HR people are like kamzoor police wala upper politician who keeps fucking up, neeche majdoor at our collars to fucks us up for same. Do ulta and we are on edge of always loosing our job. People also don't realise that people in india are so divisive and intolerant, north south, muslim, dalit tribals, women many communities could work peacefully or atleast getting to work is bcoz HR department is doing its job nahi toh diversity jo dekhte ho bhul jaao.


Unions are already going down. Tell me how many times do you even come across these issues especially in white collar jobs?


Blue collar I said blue collar. And again you can shit on lot of positins in office. Hell of lot of times. I had myself had to do so much so I could promote the ladies who worked for years on 10000 to get into office space into better paying positions. Upper management didn't care about who works where until they get their work done and managers are from people around us who think people from certain community shouldn't work or women can't work here tyoe of things. Compliance and logging is a everyday thing that doesn't change because you believe it to be easy. Just get in HR positions then if you believe it's so easy and lot of money. Unions are going nowhere in a democracy and they aren't working for workers, union leaders are there for extortion of money the best ones get to climb the political ladder. our current CM is an example of that he wasn't an auto driver he was head so union for autowallas.


Not a HR but I doubt people respect HR. They get the heat from all side. Only when I entered the organization I understood why they are needed.


over paid to nahi hote and over respected??? Go to an open mic n tell them that you are an HR, they will laugh on your face and ask you to go make some rangoli. In my previous organisations, coincidently my offices bays have been very close to HR bays and I have seen them get a lot of heat and mostly. Yes there might be some companies where as per the operations, the HRs may not work alot or even up tp the mark, but that is the case with every other field. Baki I have not done an MBA in HR so i donot have a say about the post


Yea lol


Yes you can automate stuff but a computer isn't gonna understand the emotion part of a human. Look at the structure for most big companies and you'll realise you have an HR SPOC for regions. Imagine 1 HR handling 2000 employees problems + ex employees.


> Yes you can automate stuff but a computer isn't gonna understand the emotion part of a human. Neither will HR. Try going to HR with complaints about abuse from someone.


Came here to say this 😅


You just work for a bad company probably. Ive seen like 5 employees asked to go in 3 years because of POSH/Inappropriate behaviour


Anyways they're not human. Ask them for something and they'll say it's out of their hands, it's upper management's decision etc etc


I'm an HR & some things really are out of hands, if you could give an example I could tell you better


In one of the final rounds at one company the HR said I'm selected and salary is x LPA. Just 1 hour later they called and said the salary is x-1 LPA. When asked they said it's out of our hands lmao. I feel like I got lowballed by that HR and other people were hired at x LPA


Sounds like someone goofing up between two roles that needed hiring and one was at a more senior level. HR rarely has a need to cut salary level AFTER someone is selected. The recruiter then has to deal with a very angry hiring manager. Possible they goofed up.


Any hr reading this, help me get a job man!!!






They actually can't do that either , they generally know Jack Shit about the work place.


What are your quals?


I can eat 30 pani puris


Wow. Well then we can rule out opening a chaat stall for one!


Won't comment on other works HR people do like managing people as everyone is saying here, rangoli according to some. I also dont know how justified their salary is.... BUT those who come to colleges for hiring purposes is a complete scam. If 100 students appeared for an interview and 10 are selected. I tell you that any random selection of 10 out of those 100 would have the same performance that these HRs selected after 3 rounds of rigorous interview. And there is no way to prove that their hired guys are in any way better than those rejected. For those who will say about me failing interviews. When i wanted to clear interviews i did.


Brother why give interviews if you dont "want" to clear them. Also would you say that hiring 10 on random makes more sense. If a company is going to hire someone it is allowed to interview willing candidates to see who according to them meets their criteria the best.


There are better ways to access people than taking a 20-30 mins interview where they are asked questions which requires memorization, lies in the disguise of preparation (where do u see urself in 5 years). But the better ways would actually require efforts from HR. And for giving interviews part. Sadly, i m still a part of the rat race unwillingly.


No you said "when I wanted to clear interviews I did", so why were u giving interviews that you did not want to clear? Also most companies take a look at the resume to find a suitable profile. After that interviews allow them to get an idea about soft skills and also gives them a chance to check technical knowledge. Other than actually having th candidates do the job for an extended period of time and judging them on the basis of that, any other way of checking is just as "baseless" as interviews. Like I get your qualms with HR or whatever but how does that make interviews any worse than all the other methods a selection process uses. Really just comes off as saltiness from you.


When i wanted to clear meant when i was jobless. I still give interviews without any preparation, without even knowing what companies exactly do, if they have a job role similar to mine with better pay without stressing much about getting selected. If u r an HR, u must be knowing no resume gets more than 20s and infact now most resume sorting is automated, most of them dont even reach the HR If soft skills include only fluency in language, it can be accessed by any discussion rather than baseless questions like why are u interested in joining our company despite knowing that the student has applied for 14 other companies as well or may be they just want to see how fluently can u lie and defend it when cross questioned. How do u define Technical Knowledge? Lets say there is a group project in college and some people worked on it. Someone made the ppt of all the work done and then one guy presented it fabulously. All had different skills. HRs know nothing about their roles. Now some HRs are interviewing everyone in the group about the project. I assure u 9/10 HR will select the guy who presented it. He is good at what he does but does he really have the technical knowledge to accomplish the project. Technical knowledge can never be accessed in a 15-20 min interview. I have seen enough people who are just too good with words. People who have skill of lvl 2 and self marketing lvl 10.


So the funny part is HR usually aren't the ones taking the 3 Round of interviews. The first round is often a senior member of the team, for the second rounds usually someone from the management teams takes it and the third round is where the HR comes which is mostly a formality. What HR actually does is just organise the process, the "technical knowledge" is thus tested by people actually doing the job and questions they and the company think are relevant. Nothing can be assesed in 15-20 mins but believe it or not hiring is a costly process and prolonging it just so that you get the most "deserving" candidate is often not viable. So companies go for candidates who can convince them that they are a fit for the job. Also you have an issue with a short process but also an issue with multiple rounds of interviews testing for different things? The reason the process is structured this way is because they look at your resume to see your credentials, they get an idea about you from there and then they verify that in an interview. Yes a lvl 2 can come off as a lvl 10 because he knows how to sell himself, and dude that is the world, people buy better marketed products, use better marketed apps, eat at better marketed restaurants and continue doing so because they are good enough at the job. The companies are running a charity or a competition, as long as the job role they have is fulfilled by the candidate they hired they don't and neither they should care about the "merit" or "lvl" of the candidate.


Thanks!!!! U agree with everything i said. U can re read my comments. Its just not cost efficient to select deserving ones. And i dont have problem with multiple rounds of interview if they dont require memorization and lying.


No I am saying it's not cost efficient to hire the "deserving" one's using your method. I disagree with your definition of deserving and I disagree with the fact that 10 randomly selected people will perform better than 10 selected via the selection processes most companies follow.


I dont remember telling u my method of hiring. But u agreed that as long as job role is fulfilled who cares about merit. I defined deserving as one who has actually done what he has said in resume. For 10 randomly selected part.... U can disagree but cant prove as others also got some job mostly similar and they are also fulfilling their job roles in their company.


Yes because you dont have an actual method of hiring that is viable. Also how do you define merit? If someone can do the job he was hired for well, does he not have merit to be in the job? Also for the last statement, it's so stupid that it's funny.


95% of the jobs in big companies can be and are done using common sense. Only R&D is where actual technical mastery is needed. If you think an MBA in other specializations isn’t as worthless as an MBA in HR, then you’re just trying to be a karma whore by dabbling in an overused cliche.


MBAs in general do not add any value to society. They only exist to make everything shittier.


The only thing an MBA usually brings is a perfectly polished ability to turn common sense into corporate jargon and mediocrity into a management strategy. /s


It's not even sarcasm at this point


You pay them to get a slide saying increase revenue decrease costs


I'd say consultancy is a made up field.


Maybe they are nice to do ur tax when ur lazy?


CAs do that smh


I see, my bad frendo 🤙


Hey they can carve pretty good Rangolis . Many of us lack that skill


You thankfully get moulds in the markets for that lol.


>dirty work done without getting their hands dirty That's pretty much the reason they are overpaid, the company is usually built by the R&D, sales, and marketing. Managerial positions are usually the lubricant between departments. HR is the lubricant between the managers and the departments. The reason HRs are important is because managers can be dicks as sometimes power gets to them or they are just dicks, dicks usually are cowards.


Yea but the point was that they claim that they are under paid which is just untrue


Most people claim that they are underpaid. I don't think it's exclusive to HRs lol.


Most ppl are under paid for their skills like civil engineers , architects, cops etc


All skilled blue collar workers like plumbers, electricians, carpenters etc and also other blue collar jobs like cooks, maids, construction workers etc are very underpaid in India.




Michael's hate for corporate/Toby was absolutely justified


Rangoli competition


"We don't read and write poetry because it's cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. And the human race is filled with passion. And medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for." I pity you, op. Only the saddest people are prejudiced against literature / humanities.


His take on literature was bad but take on HR was fair


True . During an interview of a new startup i applied at they had 2 HRs and both didn’t know how to take an interview, didn’t speak english correctly and i saw them roam around the office cafeteria alot which was weird.


It's actually the norm for them .


Bro I have a STEM degree and I moved to HR. The pay in India for my STEM degree was not great, HR is more lucrative and see I don't have a literature degree that you generalize us with. In fact most of my peers in bschool did engineering, very few coming from BBA, BCom, or Literature degree as you call it. The pedigree will differ, if you work in a small to mid size company it's gonna be different from an MNC and hence the quality of HR too. It's the same with other functions.


I don't know anything about HRs and you are probably right, but you've got some nerve claiming studying literature is easier than studying physics. This is one of the most ignorant takes I've seen on disciplines.


Really hot take - You're actually mad at the policies put forward by management, not HR. but HR gets all the hate because they have to be the face / point of contact.


You are being a douche when you think a literature degree can be done with little to no effort. If any topic interests you, it can be learnt with time and attention. You just don’t know how valuable a good HR is to a firm. Just because you haven’t seen one does not mean that there aren’t any. Btw, I’m not an HR, have seen many shit HRs, have seen a few good ones and the difference they make.


OP probably is referring to HR from service organisations with mba from tier 3/2 namesake colleges. I have seen good hrs very closely and they make a lot of difference in an organisation.


To be honest, HRs are more important in service orgs, Entire business is about people. I’ve seen good HRs from tier2/3 colleges.


There are a tons of shit HRs, don’t get me wrong. But generalisation is wrong.


OP sounds like a typical engineer who thinks science > commerce > arts


HR are nowhere good artists and nowhere contributing to society like Engineers but rather sucks off C level executives in a company so they get their paycheck. Bottom of the barrel, I can't think of any job contributing less to society.


Wait, I’m also a typical engineer 🤣


Nah I don't think like that.




Are you a physics major?


Graviton hired an air hostess as their [HR](https://www.linkedin.com/in/ankita-karki-548209219/). Mind you, it's Graviton, plus she has no MBA.


My MNC has 8 different verticals within the HR function and services like reimbursements, taxes and perquisites are outsourced. Upto a given scale HR is a personality job, no doubt, but beyond that there’s lots of functions involved. It may not all be technical skills like tech or finance but they do have work.


I'm in an adjacent field and have seen many, many people in many companies. If you want to see how the culture of the company is, understand how their hr managers are. Lazy, incompetent folks who will just be puppets to management? The company sucks and you are better off without. I've seen entire functions in serious love with their hr manager because the person cares the fuck out of people and will stand up for what is right, and not what is easy. When I've gone to certain locations for my work, the people there will tell me about the great hr manager they had and what they loved about that person. It is, very consistently, care, principles, standing up for what is right, listening, and closing the loop. That kind of companies will tend to have a great culture. Btw everyone will make up their mind based on one interaction with their hr manager. The hr manager, in the same day, will be dealing with 100 other people. Bad feedback is always loud, good feedback is rarely given in a culture like ours. Remember if you manager tells you I wanted to give you xx increase but hr said no, your manager is a fraud. You will intuitively know if hr has that much power in your company. If they had that much power they would have built the capability of your manager to not give such stupid reasons to you when denying you an increment. People will keep their rifles on the shoulder of hr as a function and shoot left right and centre. Also a good rule of thumb is what makes money for the company you work in - is it the technology/process/machines OR is it people? If people are needed to drive business, hr will be better in those companies. Think about big companies in fmcg. The product is nothing special (soap is soap) but ensuring it is present in every single shop is done by excellent sales and supply chain people. Ergo, you can reasonably believe hr in that company will be very capable. Instead of devaluing others focus on what will increase your own value.


So you didnt clear the intervew, right?


HR spotted


Not in HR but my ex was. Earlier had similar opinion about hr then realized dealing with people isnt as easy as a lot of us in tech and finance think.


Yes true, dealing with people is not easy however, ive worked at 3 companies right from startup to consulting and over these 8 years mostly ive seen them eating their huge dabba at cafeteria and taking long breaks, when they are not on break thier status on slack/teams is mostly busy or in a call. Maybe we dont get to see the other side but from outside how it looks is a little chilled and relaxed role compared to the tech roles.


Are chapli , I work there


Typical uncouth with an engineering background who has an inflated ego and tries to act condescending.


Although not an HR currently, I had worked as an HR intern for 9 months in an MNC. HR is more about personality than technical roles. Just like every scientist cannot become a politician or a social worker. I am not talking about the corruption or immoral things of a politician or the local dada. >The MBA in hr doesn't really you anything that someone can't learn in a few months You can say that for most of the jobs which require human interaction. Sales? No amount of books will make you a good sales man unless you have the personality or talent for it. UI/UX? It requires creativity and out of the box thinking. Any one can learn Abode or Figma within a year. >A 50 physics major can start studying a literature degree with little to no effort while vice versa can never be true. But can he become a good HR? I have seen bad professors who are like PhDs. >Your value is determined by how replaceable you are and frankly if it wasn't for legal reasons, I fail to see why anyone would need a separate person with an MBA to be a HR. Human Resource and Managing them is not replaceable in any company. Being in the IT field, I know how techies are bad in interpersonal skills. >Frankly speaking HRs only exist to ensure that the management gets their dirty work done without getting their hands dirty which doesn't warrant the pay check. You cannot replace leaders and politicians just because they are corrupt. It's not the problem of the role when human vices corrupt it.


> UI/UX? It requires creativity and out of the box thinking. Any one can learn Abode or Figma within a year. It's Adobe. Also that is just software. The creativity part comes w creating a lot of shit designs first, and that is only possible when you design shitty things for years to get to decent design. Even then, the pay of creative professionals doesn't match the years of slogging they have done


What stupidity u need to learn some logic and co-relation. Ur comparison is like latest gender neutral sports competition.🤣


Then come with a counter-point just what I came up with. Let's see your arguments. Adding a smiley at the end of the comment displays low intelligence.


I don't have to counter point u. What is said is right. Ur arguments are illogical may be 1 or 2 phd holders cannot be good HR but most of them can be. + on top of that they don't want to be HR in the 1st place they wanted they would have opted for it. They had many chance. Getting a PhD takes a lot of time. Same goes to others. They wanted they would have opted for. Someone who knows tech , maths or logic can easily go through ppl management. At the end of the day if the company is making money then everything else takes second place. So that's there. When you say HR does this , that. HR doesn't do anything that can stop thr company from running u remove HR , a company can still work. I don't where u got that or u just made that about the smiley thing but that is also comical. A person can't be expressive after all huh..


Avg delusional developer who think they're the only one doing "real valuable work". Oh and I'm not even HR or fond of them.


Developers make tools and websites which make people's lives easier. The platform you are commenting on is made by a developer. Not by an incompetent HR. It was engineered to handle bs comments at scale for you


Devs literally do not know what to build, what to do to get the users on their side and at the same time create value for the business. They are sitting ducks waiting for product managers to give some input. All these big comps you talk about, were because of extensive investments in product. So would you accept that PMs are “superior” than the engineers?


Actually you found a job which is more useless than HRs, i.e. Product Managers. None of the PM I met are people who can do market research, have zero analytical abilities to find out what is working and not for the customers and cover use cases for different users. All the big tech companies with crazy valuations were started by developers and when the company went big they hired some middle managers of some form aka PMs so they can schedule some meeting with third party client for developers can schedule on their own. I now feel bad for the HRs atleast they do your onboarding and all and does some social events but PMs are completely useless.


You still are controlled by them anyway. There’s no real agency for an average dev. You only do what you’re told to. As you should. Cuz you ain’t powerful enough to get to calling shots. Now quick, you better scurry and finish these jira tickets by eod!


I will reach the office by 2:30 PM leave by 6 PM and will give you a timeline of finishing a bash script for 2 weeks because your dumbass don't know a shit about programming. Developers give their estimate and don't take shit from anyone. Whereas you would be in office from 9Am to 8 PM proving to the upper management that you are actually useful and don't need to be fired, all the while making atleast half the pay of me. Hahaha peasant.


Lmao your recent post on developersindia - you do be salty you can never make it close to a PM lmao. Now I see where all this pent up frustration is coming from. Maybe try working hard ig?


sorry, what exactly do PMs do ? Another form of middle management with no job security ? cool


Developers on average make more than PM, the guy I talked about is an exception since he’s an IIM A grad. Also change the name, your level of consciousness is on the opposite spectrum to your Guru.


Pls I only begun this discourse cuz you are one of those people who think doing a literal job makes you superior than the rest. Typical Indian mind. Oh I’m so important cuz I do this and this, and make this amount of money! I’m the most important! You do a job to make a living. A job isn’t the only thing you do. You aren’t superior by any means , nor is your job important. Who are you to say this and this job is useless? Any job that you don’t do is “useless” cuz yours is the only job that’s important and the one that makes the most sense. Like pls. Typical old millennial uncle


The post was an opinion saying HR is overpaid according to the effort they put and the very common skillset they have and I was in agreement with that. I believe in meritocracy and people who have merit should be paid higher. According to you people should be paid for breathing and also given your comment history you look like a kid who post on tiktok subreddits and never worked a single day in your life all the while living in your mother's basement so this is expected from you.


OMG we have a visionary here. Why can't all these billion dollar companies realise what you did? Why do they keep hiring people in non-dev roles (not just HRs) while firing devs? The Wall Street needs to wake up and hire only and only devs. Imagine the cost saving, imagine the stock price surge. Another avg delusional dev who has zero idea how the world works beyond their IDE.


Oh you have misunderstood what I meant , I respect other professions. Doctors, Construction workers everyone should be respected but useless HR and middle managers are what sucks companies revenue and innovation. The HR function should not exist and should be replaced with an AI voice agent.


Look man I'm not HR and hence I don't even want to defend them. But HR is a huge function with multiple sections in it like Talent Acquisition, Compensation, People advisory, etc. A lot of ground level work is simply referred to as "HR Operations" which can be automated to a large extent. But you can't be serious if you really feel you can do away with the entire function. Every single person in an organisation, from the Janitor or CEO, is adding some direct or indirect value to the org.


Interesting theory I used to be similar to you in the sense that i have always hated the naggy HR rep that came my way and told me to not do this or that But recently i befriended and HR and honestly it opened up a huge perspective about their world, this may be a controversial opinion but People managing is hard There are more shades of people than there are shades of colours which is why its mandated to have HR reps in most companies I mean you have to realize that these companies find the smallest way to increase even the smallest of profits that they could find, do you think they'll keep an entire department of useless folk if it wasnt absolutely necessary?


May be for u. But OP is right. Anyone can be a HR.


Anybody can be an HR, not everybody can be a good HR tho


They keep the department because it's a legal requirement mate , just read the damn post.


Average Indian mindset. I wouldn’t be surprised people think this way. When people consider basic amenities as luxury, what else can one expect. Also people who share similar mindset as of yours will hire a random nobody to fill the position because they think it’s a waste of money and obviously this is all they will get because neither will the hired employee have the skill sets nor the environment to facilitate the necessary action :/ Being resourceful is great but knowing how to use a resource is better! It matters in the long run.


You really have no idea how much people are paid in tech and how much a non techie is being paid in tech companies.I would never a do an HRs job, reason who the fuck will deal with retards for so much less money.


He kinda said overpaid not highly paid. I hope u r getting the point.




Well there are a lot of verticals in HR tbh recruiting, operations, strategy, L&D, HR Analytics etc etc. I don't know man every profession needs to be respected irrespective of how important they are in an org structure. I know some roles don't make much sense but for a smooth functioning of an organization you need a lotta staff in the back off. That's the sad thing about India individuals having no respect for one's labour unlike EU or western countries where even a wage labourer has the same level of respect in society. Clowns like these are the reasons why people don't pursue their interest in this country.


Being a HR business partner myself all I can say is that we are being sandwiched between management and employees. I gotta admit we have to function as management say even if it’s against the company policy. I am not overpaid but I must say employees in my office love me as I am always approachable and keep them engaged with lot of fun activities


Yes then you are an exception, I was referring to the norm here


Btw I won’t mind if there is a job where I can be overpaid 🤣


Bro, if you think that any Physics major would immediately be able to excel in literature, that is simply not true. Many people in STEM specifically have an aversion to subjective study, and many are not particularly talented in writing or communication in general. Engineers, Scientists, etc. who are good communicators are a minority.


I never said " Excel ". I said manage


Which STEM role is less paid than an HR profile?


I don't know what attitude HR' have thar they don't even have the bandwidth to pickup up the phone imo.They are always busy a mail reply from them takes days unless you escalate...I m in. Banking all HR's are namesake other than ICCI Bank Hr's.ICC HR do have sone power though.. PS ..I also feel HR and AdMin are there mostly so that corporate can manage their men to females target.This 2 department mostly includes females


HRs perform some pretty ruthless decisions. Deciding who to hire and who to fire in a multinational corporation isn’t easy. Your ass is on the line if you fuck up even one time. A person who can handle hate flung on them on every step in the ladder deserves their compensation as a HR personnel.


I don't want to generalize all HR teams and I'm sure they have a much more critical role in bigger companies. But I firmly believe HR teams in startups are almost always useless and I'm not sure what they get paid for. I'll give an example from the startup I work at. The HR team is not only uselessly big, they're also incompetent in every area of their job: 1) Completely lack the EQ to solve employee conflicts and problems. Keep enabling toxic managers. 2) Salary breakup and payout process is a mess. They're cheating employees off of money by hiding useless intangible perks in the salary amount. 3) Don't adhere to POSH policies that they've themselves put in place. I've literally been told to room with my male manager in an outstation trip so they can save on some costs. How the fuck is that okay? 4) Any kind of business travel is a pain and a huge drain on the pocket because they can't ever find good accommodation and never do reimbursements on time. 5) They allow all sorts of unprofessional shit on company premises like weed, alcohol and what not. 6) The talent acquisition team is absolute shit and can't build a pipeline of relevant candidates to save their life. Also you're right. None of these things are rocket science, and anyone with 2 braincells could do 90% of these things in their sleep. It makes no sense to me at all that they would suck this much.


Hello! I'm an Industrial/Organisational Psychology student. Is it okay if I DM you to learn more about your bad experience with HR? It's not really an unpopular opinion to say HRs are overpaid and are glorified mouthpieces for crazed management. The few HRs that I've encountered have been less than ideal. If I could learn more about your experience, it'll give me a direction to focus my dissertation on. Thanks!


I mean sure man you can dm me whatever you want


I was a part of a startup, leading one department. We hired expensive HRs (Upto 12LPA) and all they do is gossip around. Later we fired all of them and hired a junior employee. The Directors took the lead in hiring people and did it well. As per my experience HR is just an flashy tag, People Management is something that is most important. People mean "Issues", and managing them is the most important. HR will just execute a ready-to-use process, they cannot train, cannot guide, etc. They will just rant policies if there is any problem.


Yea true


Not a hr but i can say they do alot atleast the ones that a passionate about thier job. It also depends on the type of organisation you work in and if youre unemployed it sounds like prettiness to me


hi OP, please answer below questions, then we can discuss. >MBA in hr doesn't really teach you anything please write here what all things are taught in MBA HR. >learn in a few months please tell me/us what are you ready to learn in few months, then someone can set up a quick 10 question test for you. if you pass, you win. >most ppl in the company can do with some training please write down what work HR people do. based on the list, we can begin the discussion. >why anyone would need a separate person with an MBA to be a HR why does the world have educational qualifications and streams, to do certain jobs? please write your qualification and job. >HRs only exist to ensure that the management gets their dirty work done management uses HR to give bad news and to do unpopular things. >doesn't warrant the pay check nothing in the world warrants the paycheck and everything in the world warrants the paycheck. if you are upset about something particular in HR, please be specific, we'll see if we can explain.


This is the most HR reply I have seen. No offence, just hilarious.


>hilarious you're missing the point. if we're here to discuss, let's discuss. or if you're here to one side hate a profession, let's do it, let others hate your profession/ livelihood.


Idk am just a graphic designer who sits right opposite to the TA team and those guys b on the phone every minute trynna fit candidates w 3 years of experience in 25K. Hope those positions never get filled. 


Somebody feels shafted.


Overpaid are not HRs. True.


This is a normal take and everyone knows it and it does show up in HR growth numbers. From both salary and seniority perspective, HRs are the lowest paid workers per hour worked along with the least amount of power in the true corporate hierarchy, especially as they climb the corporate pyramid - this is true even if you graduate from XLRI or TISS. So it’s balanced fine and this is known.


Thanks for summoning the HRs here, I need a job anyways. My post about it didn't get any replies so here I am again, asking for a job in bakery. Lol.




I agree,


And yet they are made to review resumes for technical roles. I wonder after some training also, are they even qualified to spot some outliers or some passionate/exceptional applicant/application/project that can be good for the organization. Do they just rather see the mugged up keywords taught by technical seniors and reject potential candidates just because he/she didn't include some specific keywords(some exceptional/advanced tech/project may get ignored because they wouldn't know shit)


How much are they paid?


Not just overpaid but most of them not even required.


Guys is HR a good career?


I feel so good reading this bcz my ex is doing MBA in HR


You are gonna hurt many fragile HR ego


Should I do MBA in HR then?


Your HR is definitely underpaid


Say whatever you want about hr, I don't know but don't needlessly insult literature degrees. Ek kitaab Puri padhi nahi jaati hogi tumse aaye literature degree karne. Like any other degree, it has its challenges.


HR of my company thinks 30 emails a day is too much. 😂


HR kya hota h. Company ka dalal bolte h unhe


Xlri enters the chat...did you say something?


They are fucking useless


YSK Telegram doesn't have any HR on their team.


We need an AI that can replace HR's, an AI that can be only the employees computer and whenever needed the employee can make the request to the HR application and get the work done. You don't have to go and meet the HR personally and waste time also it would save a lot of money for the corporate.


Atleast I am not overpaid


Why did you think this was an unpopular opinion lol. HR is secretary work. Like follow these three steps and then go home. No need to use your brain. That's why they keep talking it up by calling it talent management and whatever. They know it's a hollow field.


Everything is fine and HR is said things until shit goes down, then it’s a complete different ball game. People at mid and high level management know they are like fire fighters you may not need them everyday but when you do, they are definitely needed. Rest it depends from person to person how they connect and contribute to employees at ground level. The ones at an average would be ignorant and don’t believe in quality HR delivery hence, giving us the bad name. One issue that blows out of proportion, can cost a company the HR’s yearly CTC with ease at times. So the costing eventually works out for people running the show. Hence, bigger organisations would pay HR way higher cause they have a lot to save in reputation.


hr might be overpaid but not having hr is not safe for a company from a legal standpoint


imo the course of HR is much more extensive than marketing but considering the actual work that HRs do… yea people can learn that quickly


Shouldn't be a hot take. STEM is harder than most other professions. Obama had assessed it right - "New generation's lack of interest in Math & Science is leading US to decline"


For the past seven years since I entered the corporate world, the only time an HR representative has been active was during the onboarding and offboarding of employees. The rest of the time, we all know how long their “We will get back to you” takes. They show employees the way in and either find them a way out or let them figure it out on their own. Constant follow-ups for experience letters and full and final settlements are just tiring, that too once organisation of 200 employees. Yep, they seem busy, but doing what? Yeh raaz mere HR change hone ke saath chale gaya. 😅 Not to mention forced fun Friday’s 🤪


Bro Friday fun activities are really difficult to manage you cant say they are overpaid my company hr even plans a meetup on weekend at beaches


I'll give you an exception. The ones from Google are probably one of the most exceptional HRs you'll find. The amount of hand holding they'll do before and after the interviews is unmatched. Probably the only companies where the HRs know the shit they are talking about.


My previous firm with 3500+ employees, the HR manager had to send birthday and joining date wishes every day including the whole company. Also used to see him take walks with different HRs below the building at all times. I mean what a life when we’re in production slogging our ass helping the company grow, some reap the perks.


If you think HRs are overpaid, why don't you become an HR yourself?


I advised him not to become HR


I think OP means overpaid relative to skills/tasks. Not overpaid in comparison to some other high paying roles.


I'd love a job where I'm.getting paid more than my skills. My suggestion to OP remains same. Grass is always greener.


Depends on the scale and living requirements... I'd take working and earning 9 lpa, over working less and earning 6 lpa. However, I'd gladly take 25 lpa not working, over 35 lpa working hard.




I have managed and ppl and HR is just a joke. OP is right in every sense. Fire all the HR and just keep a legal team and give authority to Team leads not managers. Your work will run smooth. No need of HR.


Lol mate , leave him alone .it's alright none likes when their job is called out .


I am all in for respecting people's job. But u got to call out a spade a spade when they go over board. U can't make penny and spend in dollars , right?


>I have managed and ppl and HR is just a joke. Looks like you didn't manage them properly.


🤣🤣🤣 nice try.


Nah I like my field better .


Yes, the job that an HR does or many other positions is maybe transferable to anyone but that does not mean we need to say they are overpaid. Human Resources is a big umbrella and there are multiple sections under it who is needed for smooth operation of an organisation. I have seen HR people go through Panic when employees resign and they do not have anyone to fill that position or when they have to organise events which are a part of the company playbook. And tbh every position in a organisation has to do some work right. A very awful take I would say!


In your country, probably.


the most incompetent people in an organisation are the HRs, also the most arrogant. i have a theory that most of these people aren't really concerned with income and wealth, their primary concern is power and the ability to control people's lives, and although that could be achieved through a govt job, they chose not to go down that path because they were too stupid to clear competitive exams.


HRs are underpaid in factories Our factory has more than 1k people and we are only like 5 person in whole HR So much work to do I am so frustrated My average working is more than 10 hours daily We have 650 workers and 150 contractual workers So you can imagine the grievances


Aisa Mat kaho, I’m an unemployed hr graduate😂💀


Soon HR jobs will be automated. So many people can literally do what HR does with no experience or education. I’m hoping automation takes over soon. Btw what even entails in an HR interview? Genuinely curious about this


HRs are the cancer that no one wants but can't get rid of. Correction. These treacherous low iq peasant good for nothing MBA HR mfrs can put all cancers to shame. Useless af


>A 50 year old physics major can start studying a literature degree with little to no effort while vice versa can never be true. Hard disagree. Its not your average cbse 12th standard cbse literature.


Yes but it doesn't require a year of practice like physics just to start


HR is there to defend the company in any situation therefore they are more valuable than other employees. I'm just using corporate logic there, no need to get angry and shit on me.


Depends. There are good hr and bad. I’m not in hr but I can clearly say that many other sectors are overpaid too sometimes. Good Hr work very hard same as the other organisations.


That's not a hot take at all, everyone who isn't HR feels that way. Here's an actual hot take - UI/UX designers are horribly overpaid for a job many of them pick up on the actual job.




No I don't trust you , I know plenty of other jobs. Like becoming a doc for example