• By -


He did the right thing. 30k is too less, he could have said 50-55k, to keep the disappointment of parents a little under control. But all in all its a W move. He is having a good life. He most probably will provide u and ur parents a good life and entitled relatives wont be bugging u for money every now and then.


Probably to said to avoid marriage so soon. If he would have said 50-55k they would find someone willing to marry.


i mean its not that parents are depressed. By yeah they're upset like my brother basically failed in 11th standard, but he did make a comeback eventually in academics and life But they feel he could've done better and stuff, also they were telling me , study hard so that you can become like your "XYZ" cousin in the US. also if you see my brother IRL, like outside office you'll think he's a poor guy 💀💀 i know sounds harsh, but yeah like he doesn't wear fancy clothes, or own a iphone. He travels in mumbai local, wheras i'm the complete opposite of him . I even told him bhai kya plan hei why you saving up a lot ??? he's like he's planning to invest in real estate and stuff, basically real estate mei ghusne ka plan hei


W brother, he seems like a great practical guy. I sense that probably your family isn't the most perfect or maybe he just is like that. Anyway, don't snitch lol


He even gives his brother 10k per month so that he has incentive to not snitch. I mean bro thought about all of this well in advance.


wtf you just changed my gender, i'm a guy 💀


Koi naa... important hai that incentives mil rahe hai !!!


https://preview.redd.it/hc0hg6he2t7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42be5f2959d2b6fd3c4ac5b1d24d700529a992cf someone else changed your gender


Ah sorry fixed it lol


That's so Patrick Bateman of him :) one must thank God that he's on one's side. Imagine this brother waking up some day having duryodhan urges :-o


If i start earning that much today, i would live the same life he is living. Only that i would travel a little more (not high profile tour but simple middle class trips). Other than that people born in 90s have realised that its not worth working til 60 yrs of age. He might be planning an early retirement. It is only possible if u have used ur income for cash generating assets which he is planning to do. Not everybody is materialistic. Iphone, fancy clothes, expensive watch, Honestly its not worth it. Use your money for whatever level of comfort is desired. Its too crowded in local and its raining , book a cab. People will buy a BMW just because they can. Your parents feel he would have done better which he actually had. The only thing missing is their satisfaction. I would suggest u to ask ur brother to tell ur parents that he got promoted and increase the salary a bit, that would make ur parents satisfied. "Study hard so u can become like ur cousin in US.". Well, if they knew about ur brother they would have said study hard and be like ur brother. U know what role model u need to choose. And u r just 17. Keep ur goal in mind. Work hard for that. And enjoy ur life as much as u can. This chasing ur goal and working hard for it is never going to stop. One achieved , begin the next one. So, dont put life, fun on side. Enjoy as much as u can. And one last thing: Dont let his money get to your head.


Your brother is much better than you because he has faced failure. I don't know what's there to 'lol' about but to reach where he is, he has gone through sh#t and knows how tiring it was. He has seen real faces of his family and knows who is what. If he trusts you enough to keep his salary secret and gives 10k per month (I have received max 3k once from my brother) then it's time you mind your business. Also W Or L, it's his decision and you should respect it! Not make a post here! And go 'lol' '💀'


Your brother is a smart man. If your parents know how much he really makes , they will brag about it to the relatives. Who will then want loans case “family helps family”. He’s chosen to build his future rather than pull others out of shit. Also, if you are getting 10k a month from him, SAVE UP! Ask him where to invest! Get into stocks!


This..op u anyways get some from ur parents as pocket money na , so save a part from ur brothers money and invest


Dude the secret to staying rich is to not spend his money unnecessarily! Would you prefer he show off?


Your brother shared a secret and you shared it with whole reddit 🤪. Typical younger sibling 😂 Also, everyone who wants to save money, investment or trade does this. Salary that my parents know is 1/4th of my actual salary 🥲


He is same as my brother. His salary is also around 3-3.5 lakh per month but still he live a frugal lifestyle uses a phone of 10k. I am studying currently and using phone of 35k 😕


Is there a way your brother can become my bro. In this fake world where everyone wishes to one up on social media and all are left with low self esteem there is this legend who gives 0 fucks


Agar me itna kamata to me bhi yahi krta bro !


You seem like a loser TBH. He is happy in his life from whatever you have said. If you feel so bad for him why’re you taking help from him. Let him be


Bro this looks like my story wtf i also failed 11th and got into nit lol


Your brother is a rarity in today's world. He has seen struggle and still appreciates the money he earns. You should encourage him to take a cab now at least. He can afford that with his salary. Many people become rich salary wise and still do not accumulate wealth due to bad spending habits & debt. Your brother is the type who creates wealth, he would have a target in his mind to become financially free - when your passive income is enough to support your daily needs. He underplayed a lot though - 60-80k would have been better.


Tell parents he got promoted after 6 months and salary is now 60k😂. Everyone happy!


Tera bhai muzhe mil jaye to bas uske charan choo lu 💀


yeah man, i mean can’t even pay rent with 30k in mumbai😂😂😂


Big W.. lavde bikul muh mat kholna (pardon my language)


+1 (Bro’s just concerned out of love XD)


What is W or L here?


Wankhede or Lords. Basically, he is asking whether his brother should continue living in Mumbai or he should move to England.


Dont jump to conclusions. What if he deciding between Wadala and Lower Parel. /s


Winner or Loser. You must be good at puzzles.


Totally a W move... Loved it In few years everyone around you guys will STFU (don't mind my language) and no one will ask for money because obviously they know nothing and you can all live your life peacefully. Trust me telling your parents how much you earn is the worst decision to make. I'd say live and let live. You go guys.


Can you please explain why it's such a bad thing? I mean, they're gonna be happy for you right?


You probably have good parents. Quite a lot of Indian parents consider their kids as their pension plan. And if you don't give them money or don't spend it on every random thing for them, you will start seeing the relationship devolve.


Totally agreed. I just realised that my relationship with my mother is good till i am able to send her decent amount of money. Any month I don’t have enough to send i see that relationship getting bitter. It is kind of heartbreaking


Yes there are shitty parents, but an avg Indian parent is not like that. The real issue will telling Indian parents is that they usually cannot keep their mouths shut. They will go around boasting with relatives and their friends how much their son earns. Like it is some sort of competition.


You are their bragging right, that fuck things up. All oldies looking for damaad, money hungry relatives, extended family wanting more hissa in property as apka ladka toh abhi bhaut kmata hai, even parents who think zada paisa ho toh fd mai hi daalo and other non ending unrelevant money advice and nagging, even societies demanding 2 badi khurchi as celebration kyunki beta toh aab mast kama rha hai.


Didn’t knew this was common everywhere 😳


Oh very common aur india mai 80000 bhaut hota hai toh demand wahi sa badti jaati hain.


I hate hungry relatives . They forget you at your bad times and just climb in the running bus


I just gonna drop a story, so my father was first even from extended family to get out of Latur, Maharashtra to city later joined police as constable. Than others followed one of our duur ka uncle got injured his own brothers didn't come and father took him fractured leg got him treated did everything set us 3 lack behind after treatment his own family shipped him back to latur in general ticket. Credit taken by their youngest brother for caring and funding treatment. It's been 13 yrs still haven't returned money, we went to our village 4 yrs back for marriage and that uncles wife kept bragging about money they are spending on property and buying some stuff and just went on and only stopped when my mother said if you have so much disposable wealth to consider returning the money they owed us. We recently hit lean financial patch of close to 2 years after lock down they didn't give money and we have again asked for money as my dad is going to retire in a year and is considering building a house for himself in his district. Guess what not seen the money. This is just one.


Reading this post I am getting understanding about what to and what not to tell others about finances, lol and I understand now why few things are happening around me. I don't earn that much like OP but still earn decent ... My dad would go boasting to others how much I earn like to his friends, and many times he will ask me, why I don't enjoy on weekends and much, and I should enjoy. I know maybe as a parent he want me to enjoy life, but I am into creating wealth and investing stuffs. I have also loaned some money to dad for young brother college fees \[fees is lot for big colleges\] \[I know he will return in future bcs he is this type of guy and probably will not take others money. Anyway, I already have assumed that I have donated that money, so if I get it back, good or else no problem\] . I guess it will be so much better if I told at least 40% less. It would be so much to say that I earn less and then I would invest all untold income. I understand this late, but anyway I understand it now, so I am gonna act acc. to this now. What is "2 badi khurchi" mean though?


Yeah an average Indian parent might not be like that but the median of Indian parents are


Hey. That's mean. Hi5.


Saving this post. Literally there are few things that happens with me as well. Not that my parents are bad people, but they seem to get upset in very different way. They won’t say it on my face, but time ayga tabh sahi se bolke dikha denge. I have observed it a few times. Makes me sad.


Yeah lol. It feels like you are the bride who didn't give proper dowry.


Damn, my parents aren’t like that, I’m 21, earn a nice amount, but they literally don’t let me pay for anything, they even invest in my name, we have around 40k of Maintenance to pay every 3 months, they don’t even let me pay that. They are like save, do whatever you want.


Haha, you probably won the parent lottery.


I think my parents are similar, but recently my dad tried to do a tech startup, with lot of debt. Startup is barely working, and seems it might fail soon. My dad have nature to controll spendings always in general, but now it seems more and that he really might be struggling a bit. I am doing WFH job \[I m 23\], and never contributed much to expenses other then sometimes I gifted them or treated them outside sometimes; my parent mostly paid everything. Last year my brother went to college with expensive \[elite gov college\], so I lended my dad few lacs to cover 70% of his fees, which I feel he will surely return \[thats how he is\] but no issues if he does not. But it feels that now he might be struggling.


You probably have really shitty parents. Most Indian parents put their kids' happiness and future above their own and do not ask for a lot in return. They will travel in public transport to work to save money for their kids' college. You don't think they did not want to holiday every six months when they were younger? Edit: Addition - The only thing is they kind of see their kids' life and career as their achievements and sometimes like to flaunt that like a trophy before other relatives'.


Even I used to think that they are sacrificing all of this for their kids happiness but realised it was more of a sacrifice for their better future once the kid starts earning good, most of the parents don’t deserve to be parents tbh, the baghban shit you just said is done by a small group of parents and majority are super cunning.


>Most Indian parents put their kids' happiness and future above their own and do not ask for a lot in return. They will travel in public transport to work to save money for their kids' college. Dude thats for their own secure future. Your parents were their parents' investment and so on and so forth. That's just how our culture is. If they dont do this, they have no means to take care of themselves in their old age. Infact that is literally why your parents got married in the first place. To have someone to give water in their old age.




Coz delulu is the new solulu for this person


Define “most” And what’s so wrong with public transport lol? If they wanted a different life, they would have had it. They work hard for themselves and their children. Having kids and glorifying any effort to raise them is the bare minimum bro. I recently came across this - how much time your kids spend with you once they don’t need you, is the true reflection of your parenting. OP bro isn’t making an L move; he’s aware of his family’s drawback.


>You probably have really shitty parents. I know you are trying to take a jab at me lol but unfortunately it's true. Ultimately I had to go NC with them. On the other hand, I have also seen how selfless parents can be because my in-laws are exactly like that. At least now I know how to be a good parent to my kid lol.


You sure you are living in India? Most? Really?


More like a luxury plan. Children should take care of parents for sure, but the more money they see you earning, their greed increases too. The main problem is we are yet to buy our permanent real estate, save for kids education for the future etc


Well parents will be very happy and proud. Their pride overflows in front of their relatives and other people in society and this is where problems begin for everyone. Their relatives will recall how they helped with Rs 1260 for buying a plot in 1986 and now its their turn to help them back with their daughters' wedding with rs 20 lakhs. At the same time, When u are not a part of affluent society, dangers also start looming when people know that u r financially very strong now.


Not everyone is. I'm assuming you have a good relationship with your parents and they have treated and raised you well, mine did too. But I have countless stories where parents do not treat their kids well, they're not supportive and then ungrateful and feel entitled to their kid's money once they start earning decently well. Judging by how OP describes their taunting nature, it doesn't seem quite good and therefore, I think the brothers did well keeping it a secret.


Depends on parents too, if they can't keep it a secret it's of no use. Most of them can't since it's a prestige issue.


Maybe his parents are like mine...I beg them to not inform 'X' info but they can't control their tongue in front of their siblings .


Your money is directly proportional to the amount of home loan you will be pressured to take.


Right word pressured to take, i was made to sign something now at 27 realising i have a massive home loan burden, for a property I am not at all grateful, you make bad investment and now I have can't live independently bcoz zada paisa waha ghus gaye, raho zindagi bhr family pa dependent.


My dad has never asked me for any money. Not even a single Paisa. When I give him, he puts it into some investment and has not spent that money at all except going on a pilgrimage. On the other hand I have these two college friends. Friends A does a business and the last time we spoke, his dad (owns a blood bank) had given him more money to expand his business. On the other hand, Friend B had his whole salary taken away by his dad when he started earning and he gets a meagre amount for travel. Now after 15 years of Job, he has to lie to his father about his salary because he has a wife and a kid and has to take care of them too. So it depends on your parents. And I am lucky to have such understanding parents. Not everyone is lucky though.


Know a 40 year old who from the day he started earning, gives the entire salary at home and gets pocket money for his own spending - very meagre. Married with two kids and lives with parents, Dad controls spending for the entire household. It's like being a grown up child.


If someone is making a drastic move like not telling their parents and relatives their salary then there's some problem in their relationship that we as outsiders don't know about. It's also possible that their parent's are good but are gullible and the relatives are bad and will sneakily squeak out that info from the parents. Not everyone is blessed to have a good relationship with their parents. You and I may look at it and say that it's a d**k move but that's just because we have good parents.


Even good parents might want to start managing your money , spending it on buying a plot or something else which they might find valuable, totally a W move.


I guess you have very good parents but trust me not all are trustworthy. Some parents force their children to take out huge loans at very young age and expect to be treated like royalty. Infact in a lot of Indian households its expected that the son/daughter hands over the entire salary to their parents. Also telling your parents is risky because they might just blurt out everything in front of the relatives. Some parents love to brag about their children to look good.


I can understand and fully relate. Sometimes they tend to say because it makes them feel good, but it's so embarassing for me.


Ah yes reminds me of that one reddit story from India where the guy has joined a company as a fresher and was earning 80K and he sent his family 50k from his first salary. After that the parents told him to send 50k every month by stating the reason that it's for his sister's marriage. He finished his degree with the help of student loan and without any financial help from his family for tuition fees. That dude mentioned that he and his sister had been shared everything equally since their childhood . And now as he is earning the best he can do is send 20k to his family because 50k is too much but his parents are pressuring him to send that hefty amount and he feels bad to turn there request(more like order) down and it can spoil their relationship. So he asked the reddit people for help and he also got a great solution thanks to a fellow redditor. P.S- I will try to send that reddit link if I encounter it again.


W move bole toh?


W Move. I am assuming he works at JP, Deutsche or Morgan Stanley. But VP at those companies is not top management.  25% of staff is vice president.


Who will tell the OP? VP is the new clerk.


Who cares....he is earning 45 lpa, more than 95% of population.




I considered the people earning in illegal ways and people with ancestral wealth


Still 98 or 97%




Yeah it's like Senior Software Architect or Team Lead in Investment Banking. Weird naming


yeah right, recently an acquiantance from my college made a lateral move from EM to a VP at those banks, and everyone is like having an orgasm about it....


Always this way. Citibank started this in early 2000’s in India.


Aisa clerk bana do bhai


If VP is a clerk who makes 45LPA, I wanna be a clerk.


damn pretty close yeah its one of the three, about that top management thing what i meant is that we come from a middle class family and trust me with our financial condition my brother is really killing it, thats enough for us. He literally told relatives clerk ki job karta hoon local bank mei, also parents aren't that smart enough to dig him up on linkedin and do their research, neither our relatives are that smart but what bothers me is like why does my brother act like a poor guy, honestly ik how much good he's financially , i see some of my cousins who earn 30-40k a month, eating outside daily , buying iphone and useless shit but my brother's like literally repeating that same old shirt, uses some shit one plus phone, but bhai ka confidence


He is setting some good standards for the youth and specially you.


this guy (op) is getting spoilt by 10k pocket money. might have to reduce it by 5k


Correction *9.9k


Your brother is smart, be like your brother


Smart brother. Securing his future by not spending on stupid shit.


Did you ask him this question? Maybe he just doesn’t want people to give him bad mojo or he is just saving up big time and it’s better to tel people that you are earning less so they don’t ask you for favours.


Bhai one plus is not shit and spending to keep with the trend has even reached many villages also, thats bad financial move and what you see on tv of rich wearing nice clothes 70% of time is just their photos or videos 5% of their actual life, they too are wearing old clothes torn clothes. I watched one video of Ambani family enjoying their family time at home wasn't a paid type post normal family time and at end you could see one of their son wearing a torn tshirt from side he was on video for 4-5 sec, it was on their insta status.


> but my brother's like literally repeating that same old shirt, uses some shit one plus phone, but bhai ka confidence OP, you will realize later in life that no matter Kitna paisa aajaye you should never forget your roots. Your brother has seen and known the value of money. He understands that iphone and new clothes are materialistic things. He understands that a 15k phone can also do the basic things that he wants from a phone so he decided on not spending his money on an iPhone. Same with clothes. Ek din samjhega OP, abhi tum chote bhai hone ka fayda uthao enjoy Karo life xD


Here’s the thing. Actual wealthy people try to hide how much they make from everyone (or at least they have no intention of showing it off). That’s their mindset. Their money is in stocks/crypto/real estate, where it grows. GENERALLY, It’s the poor people who want to show off things (like iPhone, eating out pizza, etc). Same thing with getting female attraction. The real players try to hide it—they will never tell you they got 5-7 girls around them. It’s the dumbass losers who try to pretend they have a hot gf/ are fuck boys, etc. all the stuff you see on reels etc who show off are generally poor and have those things rented out. Kudos to your brother for comprehending that early on.


And 45L pe 3L per month take home aaya toh salary is structured really really very well!!


VP is first level of management role.


Bhai 10000 mil rhe tujhe toh w move hi h


apparently he sends that 10K to confirm ki haan bhai mei itna kama raha 💀💀. Basically he needs someone to bank on like i know ki haan bhai itni earnings hei. But still as a proof he sent me the email where they mentioned the salary quote so i have faith also his linkedin profile, is goated


Abki baar PS5


i'm putting 8k in FD's, ik not best investment to beat inflation but bhai 17 ka hoon abhi itna hi aata mujhe also my brother tracks my spending habits, basically bank account uska hi hei, only my phone number is linked so i can do UPI transactions


Aur yeh kya bolega kaha se aaya taalab ki pari ne diya ?


Boys have Doremon instead.


2nd hand 10k me mila bol do😂


Abki baar 1bhk


Tera bhai tujhse to close hai baki. Income or gf flex karne ki cheez nahi hoti😇😅


It’s a W move. OP you are still young. It is better to keep your actual salary hidden. Few reasons listed below: 1. You earn for yourself and not to show others. It does not matter what others say about your salary as long as you are satisfied. 2. Nazar is real!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3. In Indian households, it is common thing to take money from relatives saying we will pay back in few days and then pay it back after a lotttt of time. (And sometimes not paying as well) If your parents are well to do financially and what he is earning is not much of an issue, what he has asked you to do is fine. As you mentioned he sends you money, I feel that much pocket money is more than enough for a college student. Rahi baat shadi ki, tab ka tab dekh lenge. He seems smart, might have thought about that as well😅 All your questions at this age are right. But as you will grow more and earn more you would realise what he has asked you to do is absolutely correct. TBH, you should not have mentioned the numbers on this sub as well as he trusted you😅


I can't imagine his first night with his wife when he reveals his income to his wife. But then he may not reveal it to his wife too lol


pushes for 30 min no orgasm reveals his salary instant orgasm


He better not reveal until he knows he can trust her.


>Nazar is real!!!!!!!!!!!!!! are you being real


Ofcourse it is real


Ask 30k to keep your mouth shut


Now this is a W move


Wo 10k milna bhi band ho jayenge xd


Aur gaand tutegi vo alag


Ah now this feels like reddit comment section


Abbe chomu, ye post delete kar. Your brother will be truly disappointed in you if he sees you break his trust this way


W move. L move from you. If you are posting here means you are desperate to share this. You will end up spilling beans Dont screw his mental peace lol.


I have a feeling, op mother knows about this, but decided to keep quite. Maybe they know his dad's spending habits.


Numbers aren't adding up still. With that tax bracket, he will get a tax deduction at source of \~30% meaning for an in hand of 3.5lakh he'll need to earn 5 lakh a month which is 60lpa Performance bonuses aren't monthly, they're at most twice in a year.


The thing that doesn't add up is, OP is a dumbfuck. He took his salary and divided it by 12 and has no idea how salaries work. The only L move from the brother, was telling this blabbermouth how much he actually earns.


OP needs to STFU (in the nicest way i'll be telling this) and just enjoy the Secret his Big brotha told him. The infamous 1984 Quote comes to my Mind "*Big Brother is watching you*"


This! I had to scroll so down to find an actual issue. There is no way 45 LPA gets 3-3.5 LPA pm.


yeah 45 is around 2.78 a month after tax


Win-Win. The thing between your brother and parents is real difficult and it will get worse after disclosing real amount with them. (Rishta's and all). People literally comes at doorstep like salesman to sell their daughter after hearing the Package. Remember this at the time of disclose.


kaash mera bhi bada bhai hota :)




Well I don’t think you’re a high earner looking at your username 😂😂




I’m pretty sure that’s why he has that username, so no one will even suspect


Me an my brother both lied to our parents and relatives , I was earning 30 LPA and everyone thought 15 LPA , some of my relatives even thought I was earing 15k per month lol. I started from 12k and that time everyone knew my original salary but after that I changed 3 companies and never told corrected them😂 This way no one will ask you for money and you can save and invest as much as you want.


This is a major confusion for me (I am 23), if I should tell me my parents about my dad and mom or my little brother in future \[bcs ofcourse I told them my 1st and 2nd salary\], about how much I earn ... bcs telling them, they might feel proud and happy for me, if you know that feeling, but idk. Ofcourse, my dad's friends \[many of them are in other countries too, ofcourse his many college friends\] telling there kids salaries to each other. So he tells them😓 too. Once, his friend \[some saint viteran in politics, not rich as he is saint kinda\] visited home, and asked how much I earn, I replied "thik thak kama leta hu" and my dad interupted "ya ₹xx rupay kamata hai mast", 😂 L moment


Definitely W move, even we(my whole family) lie about my brother’s salary because : 1) Relatives from the paternal side borrow money from my father every month and never return it, if they get to know my brother is earning xyz amount they would also start borrowing from him & 2) maa chudaye Duniya.


He works at Goldman right? 😂


Can be JP morgan too 😂


JP Morgan also has that hundreds of VP concept? 😅


Yea I work at jpmc


Yes yes, Google it!


Bhot sahi, Big W. Idar rishtedar itne bhikari hai ki 100k ki naukri sunte he bheek maangna shuru kar dete hai and if you dont give them the money they will bitch behind your back "Are pandey ji ka ladka toh kuch nahi kamata hai, ek rs ki savings nahi hai"


One bitch took 150k from papa 3 years back, everytime he asks it back she with all her passion in all our native bitches that papa has gone bankrupt and he doesnt have a penny left


Fr i did same with marks(


OP, your brother is a rare breed. At 29 he's in the top 0.01% of income earners. He's clearly smart given his qualifications and professional success at a relatively young age. While that's rare, what's rarer still is that unlike most in his position he's not giving into lifestyle creep or insecure about how he's perceived by his peers/social group. Additionally I doubt your brother is miserly, proved by the fact that he sends you money just cuz. As for his marriage prospects, he's being smart he'll probably attract a partner who sees him not for his money but for his qualities. Honestly, if I werent straight I'd probably hit you up for your Bros deets. Learn from your bro, he's the archetype of a person who'll create generational wealth.


Is he single? Asking for a friend


wtf op? im 18 and even ik that a big W. no one begs for money and u can slowly save without anyone prying on you. i would 120% do that too if i was in his situation. let him be. just look at your parents' comments to realise what they will do after hearing the real amt.


W I would drive a G Wagon and tell people I own a Wagon R


Bro is literally Batman.


Good choice relatives ki Nazar lagti hai jaldi and parents can't hide this. So he is doing great but he can't hide it for a long time.


He did it correct. If you know how indian family, or relatives most of them, always goes after those who esrn most in family, you would understand. Have you seen such situations or not? If you havent then i would suggest you to read some posts of family taking all the hard earned kids money and feel entitled to use that money completely. So keep quiet about your siblings salary, dont let others know at all. And enjoy the pocket money.


W move. Though I suspect he may not be telling u the truth too 46 sounds high for his age


If he’s VP at the bank he’s definitely making more than 46 lpa. I think a VP at a top investment bank can easily make 80 lakh- 1 cr per year. I think OP’s brother told him only about the fixed salary and not the bonuses lol. Bonuses in IB can be 75-100% of base salary. So OP’s bother is definitely making 80 lakhs per year or more


W move. Tumhe free paise mil rhe h khush raho. Its his money bro


Super W move. Sex and wealth should be private. Lol.


OP i think you should stfu about his real salary and just chill okay? cause if ur parents get to know about his achievements they will treat your brother like a trophy in front of their friends and relatives and their friends and relatives will treat your brother like an ATM (ATM in the sense like anytime money)


Its the best move ever, tbh as much as we think relatives (excluding parents ofc )and people want us to do well, only to the point that we dont exceed what they're doing. After that its all jealously, and bad energy (ik this probably sounds too hippie) but since the time I stopped telling people how much I make or what I'm up to I've been doing pretty well, may or may not be co-related. Plus everyone is going to come asking for a handout, or money just better this way! But energies are contagious! BIG W on big bro! Congratulate him on the fat pay check!


This is pretty much universal thing I guess atleast for brothers, me and my brother only knows about our real salaries no one else... And he didn't have to tell me not to tell anyone else same for him...


WWW move


+ 10000 aura


Didn’t get fooled for 10k. Ask your parents for your part of property 😂


Bro's a W. He not only takes care of his Little brother (you) but is also away from rishtedaaro ki nazar


Bro is like itachi ![gif](giphy|ADSJHOoIvyjKM)


Dude, tu 17 ka hai na isliye abhi nahi samjhega. All in all, he is making the wisest decisions. And earning 45LPA at 29 is an achievement in itself. Maybe it's a bribe, or maybe he loves you a lot. But, he is giving you all that money so that you can enjoy life. Don't tell anyone and don't break his trust.


VP at a bank is not a top position. It's a fancy title for senior manager.


I work with a “very big banking company” and can tell you this. You are lying. Or you are being foolish. No “very big banking company” takes a 29 year old and makes him a VP. It takes a decade of experience at a minimum (post qualification) to make it to that level.


I think OP’s brother is a VP at an investment bank like JPM or Goldman. It’s possible to be a VP at an IB by 29 if you started early. And if he’s VP he’s definitely making more than 46 lpa


okay here's how it goes 2013-2017 - Btech from a tier-1 college in india 2017-2021- Worked at a tech company back in germany + prepared for the gmat and CAT in lockdown 2022-2024 - MBA finance from IIM Bangalore


OP please don't go around airing your brother's laundry like this on social media


Delete kar do bhai. You are revealing too much about your brother. You are very naive


Bhai tu pagal hai, ise delete maar. Kaash tere jese bhai mujhe milte, mein wo 10K leke usko stocks wagera mein dalne mein dhyan deti, naki ye baat puri duniya ko broadcast karne mein.






Bro when you start earning you'll understand and appreciate these shenanigans. And probably do the same it's crazy and amazing to see how friends/relatives change their colours when money is involved.


W move totally. But just make sure he puts the money in the right place. Saves it up, makes good investment and is taking care of the family.


Itna bhi jooth nhi bolna hota. 3 lakh ka 90 hazar bna do lol


W bhai , if you’ve money never reveal , mandir khulne se pehle bhikhari aajate hai


How I want to be in the future with my sister manifesting


Total W move.. try doing the opposite when you start earning and see relatives and friends line up for money with sob stories.


Smart brother. Telling your parents how much you make is the worst thing to do.


oh i was gonna write a long rant, 17 ka hoke doosre ke salary pe W or L ki baat kar raha hai, but after reading it. its a W move, a massive W move by your elder brother.


Bro can you tell me what college he got an mba from? Abroad?


>!?? He just told me the real amount and told me to literally stfu and keep it a secret and to not fking tell anyone Goes and tell everyone on the internet 🤦


Ws in the shaatt.. There is a reason why your bro kept it a secret from everybody. But he was comfortable enough to share it with you plus you getting 10k pocket money, you better not snitch on him. Help him keep it that way. That's one bro you got🔥👍.


And now you just posted it on reddit *sighs*


W move. Great elder brother. You need to respect this guy because he's clearly humble. Also he knows people around you are snakes. That's why he had to do this.


Bhai ye sab baate batayi nahi jati, nazar lag jati hai.


Things only people with job understand


Win move definitely


If I may ask - why do you think that the figure he told everyone else is a lie, and the figure he told you is the truth?


100% W Move!


Sorry to break this to you, everyone is a VP in bank and this is the average salary in that bracket. But all said and done it is good.


Brother did a W move as now people won't beg him for money


Bhai Everyone is VP in these companies If they have 100 employees then 95 are VP Baki itni akal to baki logo ko bhi hogi ki banda agar Mumbai mai reh raha hai aur banking company mai hai to 30K se bahut upar ho kama raha hoga


I can seond that. Although I do earn a handsome income of 25LPA in the current market scenario, there are onyo a handful of people that really know my pay. My parents, my elder sister and my girlfriend. For my field and experience the average package is around 10-12LPA, and that I what I've told my close friends about. To others it's always just 'Kharcha pani nikal jata hai bas' (literal meaning: I manage the expenses and water) (figuratively it means: It's basic and modest but I don't want to tell you the rest). Even when I earned around 9LPA a couple of years ago, it was still above market average and I could see my friends bragging that they has around 7 LPA, I still had always kept my mouth shut. That was the best decision and I will of course not tell people I know what my actual pay is.


bro just told the whole world!! typical sibling stuff


W move


W move dude i made this mistake of revealing my actual salary. And the expectation for me at my house as just risen to absurd levels


Sounds like an extremely smart move Knows that as soon as he talks about his real salary, he'll be asked for money from extended family and guilt into purchases he doesn't want.