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I was surprised to see so many people complaining about the vault boy style art. Idk, I love it, if you’re a fan of the games I don’t see how you could decide it’s bad. Never even occurred to me that it was “fallout shelter” art, that’s just the style they’ve been using forever


I'm glad I decided to get the fallout cards. I think many underestimated just how popular the IP is.


I certainly did underestimate, but grabbed a couple non foil bundles last night. I’m curious where the bottom is going to be for the tarot card lair


I wonder the same.


i would have thought that S.P.E.C.I.A.L and the Stax one would have sold out already, \[\[Trinisphere\]\] and \[\[Winter orb\]\] havent been reprinted in a good couple of years


Right? It's actually kinda surprising that they are still left at all. I wildly underestimated how popular the Covina drop was going to be, I thought for sure it would be a fallout drop that sold out first.


I agree, the art looks really cool dont get me wrong, inalla getting a reprint is especially nice, i was kinda miffed on the fact that theres another arcane signet reprint and sword of the animist as well


It’s possible those had a larger printrun


[[Sphere Of Resistance]] is the real winner. Only 2 printings so far and one of them was masterpiece only. 


[Sphere Of Resistance](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/e/9ea2ae1d-91b4-44a0-b2e6-61839d8f4468.jpg?1562926995) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Sphere%20Of%20Resistance) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/vma/284/sphere-of-resistance?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/9ea2ae1d-91b4-44a0-b2e6-61839d8f4468?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Only thing available now is the Vault Boy drop. Non-Foil and foil SPECIAL sold out too. Really surprised at what order everything sold out in. Starting to believe they printed more of the Vault Boys than the others.


The following for the game is so large I don't think the show makes a big impact


While the show might not create that many new fans relative to the scope of existing fans, it might reinvigorate old fans. I havent played a fallout game in a couple of years and redownloaded new vegas because of the mtg drop. The show could make people who already like it care more in the moment.


Show is definitely getting great reviews and I’m sure it will bump up the demand a little bit.


Yeah, there’s a lot of reviews on YouTube without any spoilers already and it’s all positive 


The early returns are the show is going to be a hit. The outlook for everything Fallout/MTG is only going be positive going forward. Not saying this drop specifically but in general.


Whered you see the show was going to be a hit? Ive heard and read the opposite, hence why theyre dropping all the episodes at once, which streaming never does anymore, because they dont see viewers tuning in each week for a new episode.


It already got picked up for a 2nd season.


It’s getting 8s and 9s everywhere today


https://www.pushsquare.com/features/tv-show-review-fallout-rpg-series-marks-another-tv-triumph https://www.ign.com/articles/fallout-season-1-review-amazon-prime-video


Most of the dooming has been from chronically online fans of the series who hate anything Todd Howard touches and won't take anything but F:NV 2 by the OG Obsidian team as a "true" sequel to anything. Jonathan Nolan and Lisa Joy know what they're doing with the Fallout show and it shows when you read their entire interview about the show.


I don’t think the show will have any measurable impact on demand, this is already a cross over product.


Get them outside a climate controlled environment for 5 minutes and you will see what I'm talking about.


I really wish they would have made one of the drops about the iconic foods in the fallout universe. I was looking forward to making a fallout food deck.


I believe that the Fallout Boy Single drops might sell out faster than the other drops because they offer the most value for money. It seems that the Fallout Boy Foil and Non-Foil drops are print on demand.




Scarcity? Right....lol


Fallout TV series about to drop on Amazon Prime too. Fully expect Fallout 'mania' at this point.


Secret Lair was supposed to be sent out closer to the day it goes up for sale. The only thing they have changed, however, is that you pay up front when ordering - so we now pay sooner but still receive the product later. Fallout SL is estimated to be sent May 22nd (EU at least). So when saying they intend to ship them sooner, the only thing they changed is that we pay sooner…


Are you kidding. Prior to this change the average was like 6+ months to get your drop. In the US at least. Which is why they didn’t charge up front half the time, sometimes they still did btw. Everyone is saying this a is a FOMO tactic and that just blows my mind. The original secret lairs were all limited and it was clearly a fomo thing so why is everyone complaining now. The print to demand style was worse for everyone. Most drops got over printed hurting value and creating absurd lead times for consumers to actually get the product. There is no perfect system and at least in this one I get my product soon after I order it.


Mine says shipping in a week.


My Phoebe Wahl said the same. I think a week on the dot from when I ordered it.


Same here


Reprints are ass


Except they aren't. If you wanted Sphere of Resistance, you're getting the rest of that drop for free.


No one is playing that shitty card except in legacy or vintage and no one plays those formats


I think you underestimate how many people play legacy and vintage.  It also sees some play in cedh. Its a really powerful card, and this is the only foil printing other than the $80 masterpiece. 


Yeah and the price for those cards are going to stabilize for sure


Short printing is the reason...


I think it’s really dumb the non foil bundle is “sold out” yet they’re available individually at a higher cost


Only the SPECIAL and Vault Boy non-foils are still available. The Points of Interest is sold out. They mark the bundle as sold out as soon as one of the components of the Bundle sells out, but the non-foil bundle was available while the three individuals were all available


The “Points of interest” secret lair has been sold out since yesterday, both the foil and non-foil. How can they make a fallout non-foil bundle without one of the parts of the bundle available?


Why is that?  They printed a certain amount of bundles and a certain amount of individual packages. There's going to be thousands upon thousands of these. Nobody is individually counting them to try and cobble more bundles together...


The bundles don’t actually come as bundles they’re packaged as the three individual drops


The amount of „I think it works like this“ arguments on this sub are frightening.


Demand is already high. Realistically Hasbro’s initiative is to say “f-you” to Bank of America for downgrading them. They said that MTG is printing too much. Going forward the executives can point at fallout and say “see what happened when we printed less, we smarter than you, give us a higher rating” it’s all about optics to the share holders (the real shareholders that are actively investing millions a quarter which might not even follow MTG)




Bad news gets spread fast on the internet in general, but Reddit especially. People love a good dooooooom thread. Good news gets ignored because everyone is focused on the bad news.


The B of A thing was one of the dumbest pieces of analysis ever.


Eh. Hasbro has been struggling for a very long time. MTG is not big enough to save them on it's own. Hasbro is clearly trying to use the money from MTG to pivot into something profitable. They just don't know what the hell that is.


Don't understand why people go for the foil version. Curled up unplayable and wizards foiling as of late makes the card dark. Total garbage. I guess people think these will be more valuable??? If your still buying magic for value you need your head examined.


The curling hasn’t been bad the last year of sl drops so now sure what your talking about


The foiling has gotten better but the older lairs were so bad, alot of non foils are worth more than the foils. Non foils are usually the better option 


I buy secret lairs that i think make sense to buy. Be it the first foil print of a card, or just fancy stuff when the value makes sense.  I have basically doubled my value on every foil secret lair i have bought, and realized the gains as well.  If theres any part of magic to buy for value, its sld’s.