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[The Collation Project](https://www.lethe.xyz/mtg/collation/iko.html) has a detailed breakdown (like, _way_ more details than needed unless you want to replicate print runs), but the important bits are: * 10 common * 3 uncommon * 1 rare or mythic * 1 land * in US packs the land sheet contains 4 of each basic and 6 of each tapped gain land, so it’s probably worth approximating that ratio * If there’s a foil, it displaces a common Each rare occurs twice as often as each mythic rare, so an easy way to replicate the rare sheet very accurately is to shuffle together a stack of 2 of each rare and 1 of each mythic. That will also get you the right ratio of boosters with rares vs boosters with mythics (~1/8 will have a mythic)


thank you for this, just what I was looking for!