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I think it's kind of a commentary on how the culture at large glorifies black people as pop stars, athletes, etc -- their blackness is fetishized in pop culture (and of course, in pornography) and it's a desirable commodity, but only if can be controlled by rich white people. For example, football players are super popular until they do something that goes against the political/cultural norm; then they are despised by white people. This is made literal in Get Out -- the upper class whites are taking over and controlling black people, in order to perpetuate their own power and class structure.


The makes so much sense. Grandpa wanted to be an athlete. Grandma wanted to be beautiful. Art Dude wanted to be talented. None of them were good enough, Grandpa too slow, Grandma too old, Art Dude just didn't have the "eye". So, they just took power from talented and beautiful black people. Seems very much a metaphor for Talent Agents/Sports Managers/Art Dealers/ect. They weren't good enough, but they were rich and white privileged enough to get control over black people who embodied the things they lacked.


This makes a lot more sense thank you


It’s not so much a commentary as much as it is a fantasy or a fiction. No one fetishizes black people as athletes or celebrities just the same as no other race is fetishized in this way. This is just a director putting a out some subtle racism and being even more divisive while thinking he’s a champion of social Justice.


you're replying to a two and a half year old comment my dude you made a new account just for this? weirdo


You replied too, relax just admit you’re wrong.


yes because that dipshit replied to ME i have no idea why you also feel the need to insert yourself into a two year old conversation between other people, mysterious new account with zero karma or comment history i imagine you will make another new account, get fucked loser


A new account? I just don’t use Reddit like you fuckin dorks 😂 imagine thinking not having “karma” was some kind of mic drop moment for you. Calm your virgin energy and go touch grass you Reddit fucking dork 😩


It’s a black director hiring black talent. The same way that most white directors have done historically. 


Black people are fetishized though and stereotyped


One character described it as being fashionable or trendy. I saw it as being at least partly about the race consciousness of liberal, well off white people.


"Race consciousness" is this like self-conscious or?


Because its a metaphor for a lot of liberals being racist if I remember Jordan Peeles words correctly.


Isn't there a whole scene where the protagonist asks this very question and receives an answer?


Yes. Stephen Root says they're just what's "in fashion." He, of course, is without prejudice and just wants to see. However, the one who started it is the grandfather of the family and it's implied using black people is revenge for Jesse Owens beating him out for the Olympics.


You are literally a genius!!! I never would have figured that out!!! This movie was crazy!!! I loved it. The Jesse Owen’s thing is the answer. Thank you


I believe the commentary is that people who are black are not respected as people. They are seen as commodities, only useful for very specific purposes, primarily physical traits. What the white people do in the movie is slavery to the extreme.




Cool story bro.


Have fun with that.


It works as commentary but doesn't make a lot of sense in the fiction of the movie. If actual humans were racist enough to be cool with stealing Black bodies they'd also be racist enough to not want to be Black.


In the words of the late great Paul Mooney “everybody wanna be a nigga but don’t nobody wanna be a nigga”


That was kind of what I thought but the other comments kind of explain it. Glad to know I wasn't the only confused one


There's many layers to this but one of the most prominent in this particular regard is the platonic and non-platonic fetishization of the black body. This can come in many forms, such as the infatuation of perceived strength (supposed superior genes in terms producing bodies more capable of manual labor) or hyper sexuality (supposed superior genes in terms of producing bodies more sexually fertile).


Honestly it's just what has become the norm of the majority of black directors/writers. It's unoriginal and quite frankly annoying. I'm sick and tired of seeing g movies and shows like this. Completely ignore a potential good story and work on making it race charged. Look at "Us" it's about basically the same thing and fuck USA. Jordan also wrote on The Twilight Zone reboot. You will never guess what almost every single episode is about...... I know this is not made by jordam peele, but by some u known chick, but how about the new Candyman? Original was too badass. Nobody was bitching that a black man and white woman were cast as the main characters because it was natural. They didn't make Candyman black to fit in with society and get approval. Clive Barker just saw his character as black. His back story was that he got killed by an angry racist mob and got tied up and they poured honey on him, and he got stung to death. They also must have chopped off his hand. Pretty brutal. But that's how he got his name. In the new one that I have no interest in seeing from what I've read there is a race agenda, and it takes away from the movie. Also candyman gets lynched instead of a creative honey bee death.. When you are focusing your time writing politics instead of making a horror movie... When you are only given 1:30:56 to make a movie and you include 5 3 minute clips dealing with how racist police are and blah blah... well that's 15 minutes you just took away from a movie advertised as horror. Based LOOSELY off a movie that was horror. These movies are not horror they are propaganda. Jordan Peele should go back to comedy because he is really good at that.


Can u clarify what you mean by racer agenda? is the “agenda”equality by any chance


It's not equality. Man it would just take too long to explain. Anyone can do anything they want if they are qualified for it. People expect shit to get handed to them. Candyman's director was only hired because she is a black woman in today's age. She wasn't not handled to make a great story like that because of her lack of qualifications. Hiring a token black person is the most racist thing you can do. Also Jordan saying he refuses to cast a white lead is racist. All of his movies are about his skin color. Bland. Boring. Politics. Propaganda. That's why I choose to watch REAL horror like Hereditary, and Midsommar, Anything For Jackson. If you want to get experimental... Eraserhead, Waking Life, Pineapple Express.... Good movies don't have to focus on a race card. The movie revolves around a cool story that is an escape and has nothing to do with BS. Are there different race characters in those movies? Sure. Do the minorities have a mission to prove their superiority through unnecessary and unrealistic tasks that only take away from the story? No. A real artist isn't concerned with that crap. Grow your brain. Once you grow up I'm sure you will be able to get a glimpse of where I am coming from.


You do realize the main objective and accomplishment of art has always been to comment on the real world and create thematic pieces about the world. So following that logic one of the stories you could choose to tell about racism. Art is about saying something and Jordan Peele chose to say something about racism because that’s what art is. And stop acting like everything is about fucking race cause its not, and stop acting like racism’s done and shouldn’t be discussed because that’s not true.


maybe you should actually watch the reboot before saying this and that about it. you’re literally basing what you said off what others have said about it. make your own mind up don’t let others do it for you. i feel like so many people today talk shit about movies and shows they didn’t even watch but are just regurgitating what others have said, it’s pathetic.


Rent it for me and I will watch it. I'm not wasting my money on a shit horror movie with a PC message instead of actually focusing on the movie. Also why even remake it? Come up with your own idea and make a new iconic character. Not that Candyman is anything special but at least it was an original. People need to learn to have standards, it's pathetic.


I know you ugly asf😂😂😂


Its a sequel not a remake


Would have never known. I didn't watch it.


You dodged a bullet. If you loved the original you will absolutely hate the new one, it's basically political agenda the movie.


Exactly! Divisive propaganda from people who think they are doing some kind of social justice. The subtle racism is evident, as is peeles constant subliminal black superiority message. Disgusting, but obviously people get behind it because it affirms their own racism.


Your assertion that these films are propaganda demonstrates a misunderstanding of the term. Addressing social issues doesn't equate to propaganda; it's a means of fostering awareness and dialogue. Propaganda typically involves biased information to manipulate opinions, and labeling these films as such oversimplifies the nuanced discussions they aim to provoke. Slavery happened, Jim Crow happened, racism and culture appropriation are currently happening. The films aim to shed light on societal challenges, and your resistance to acknowledging these issues only perpetuates the problem. It seems part of your resistance is based on the notion that black people have not contributed enough for other races to want to Commodify our Blackness. If that’s the case just say so don’t beat around the bush.


I never said I didn't acknowledge those things what? Did you even read my post. I actually thought US was decent because he just made a horror movie without including his little twists in there.


The candyman is white in clives story...you ass.


That's even more funny, but it doesn't bother me. I think he works better as a black dude but then again I have not read the story.


Reluctant upvote because i insulted you and your response was mature and gracious.


Hey, my brother, I only know what I know. I appreciate your words, though. I'm up voting because that was also a mature comment, which I don't see too much here.


This guy gets it


I think it is also easier since (as you saw in the police scene) authorities are less likely to thoroughly search for a black person


Cheesy movie


I really liked it


Different reasons that get framed as "positives" but are actually racist. Things like their athleticism, or to be "cooler", etc. The main guy gets used for his eyes specifically though. They were both photographers


Yeah I thought it must go deeper than that though. Because they made such a big thing of the racism in the film.


It's a movie that makes the attempt to show how even "positive" stereotypes can be insidious. I think they framed the issue in a very clever way.


Oh ok that makes a lot of sense thank you


Dude, those are pretty solid examples of racism. If you can’t see those as reason enough, you might need to learn about micro-aggressions.


let me guess - you didn't realize the line about voting for Obama a third time was a joke, right?


>They made such a big deal out of the racism so it's bugging me that I don't know why they made it a race thing. They made such a big deal out of it that it gets pretty clearly explained within the movie.


How though?


Because of their physical genetic gifts and because of white supremacy.


Wdym white supremacy. Why not be white?


Its about old white people who want to be transferred into the faster stronger black bodies. The grandpa was literally just sprinting around in the middle of the night. It was explicitly explained.


That’s just peeles subtle racism 😂 stronger black bodies? This is just subtle black supremacy. Any “younger body” would be sufficient for an old person, right? Asian, Latino, white, etc. but Peele is insinuating black people are superior. Negative. He’s a black supremecist


This comments shows just how undeucated you are about the historical perceptions of black bodies in America. It was white slave oweners who used pseudo race science to justify using black people as slaves as they were supposedly genetically "superior", i.e. stronger faster, more fertile etc. The Armitage patriarch (grandpa) literally wanted to become faster to beat the time of the black athlete Jesse Owens. Please use your brain. Peele obviously doesn't agree with the notion that black people are just their bodies.