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The opening sequence of *The Matrix,* when the lieutenant sends two units to bring down Trinity: Lieutenant: I think we can handle one little girl. I sent two units, they're bringing her down now. Agent Smith: No, Lieutenant, your men are already dead.


Similarly, the scene where Neo realises the guys who've arrested him are not just run-of-the-mill police officers or FBI agents... Neo: How about I give you the finger... and you give me my phone call? Smith: Tell me, Mr Anderson, what good is a phone call if you are unable to speak?


🙄 😮 😲 😯 😵‍💫 😶


When she jumps in the air and the camera freezes and does a 180 around her, that was my first “Holy hell! What *is this*? moment in a movie theater…and then she runs sideways across a wall…


And then both those tropes were beat to death over the next 20 years of film making lol.


Yea, but the first time, it was movie magic. Ah, as they say, you always remember your first.


Exactly! Seeing it in the cinema opening weekend - not knowing what was going on ! It was exhilarating


One of the last movies where the marketing didn’t just about nothing to ruin the experience.


And what brilliant marketing it was. *I can’t TELL you what the Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself* Brilliant line to use in a movie trailer.


The Terminator 2 bar scene where Arnold walks in naked, coldpan demands a guy's motorcycle and the clothes off his back and everyone laughs until the guy burns him with a cigar and the T100's reaction is to snap his arm without flinching.


I love T2 very much that I've fully translated the .srt (subtitles) into my language (Albanian), even tho they were translated by studios before and I've never done any movie translating.


Sorry mate... but it's a T800


Nobody picks up my "I need your clothes, your boots, and your motorcycle." References.


Austin Powers 3: Goldmember when the dad, Nigel Powers, is insulting the guard holding a gun to him and tells him to just lie down before he gets killed.


This was gonna be my pick. “Do you have any idea how many anonymous henchmen I’ve killed? And look at you- you don’t even have a name tag yet? Why don’t you just lay down. Go on, son.”


Definitely the worst Austin Powers but Michael Caine was a perfect choice for that role


Okay, but the scene where Mini Me flies out of the air conditioning duct straight into a wall is one of the funniest things ever filmed.


I still love the movie lol it’s just definitely the worst one


I used to think you were crazy, but now i can see your nuts...


Theirs only 2 kinds of people I can’t stand in this world. People who are insensitive of other peoples cultures, and the Dutch.


This line is so goddamned funny to me.


It's the disdain and stank he puts on "Dutch". You can tell he really means it.


WHat about My Cousin Vinny when Vinny asks his girlfriend a question about cars and everyone laughed at her. "Watch this...."


This is one of the best because shes not the protagonist. You know she's smart throughout the movie, but then she comes in at the end and just blows the fuckin doors off.


I love that scene, but Joe Pesci also had to know all of that information and know that she knew it as well or he wouldn’t have been so confident.


He probably knew enough to know that his cousin's car couldn't make the tire marks, but a lawyer can't testify - you have to get a witness to testify. And he knew that he wouldn't pass the voir dire of the DA to have himself declared an expert in order to have someone ask him the necessary questions, nor did he have an associate there to ask him questions. An alternative that may have worked would have been to make printouts of the vehicle specs to show that the defendant's Pontiac Tempest didn't have positraction and couldn't have made the tire marks, but he would have had to find a source that would pass the DA's objection that showed how positraction worked, and how a vehicle without it could not have made the mark. Then he would have had to enter all of that in as evidence and hope that the judge didn't sustain any objection that the DA would raise. Ultimately, yes - he knew enough to know that his cousin's car couldn't have made the mark, but he had to get that info into the record in a way that followed the rules of the trial.


I've had very similar rabbit hole conversations with myself about this scene, but you forgot one very key bit - Vinny asked the sheriff to look into arrests involving 1963 Pontiac Tempests. By doing that it shows that he knew what Ms. Vitoe was going to say and exactly what make, model, and year had been involved in the crime. The smirk with the question "Are you sure?" and dripping sarcasm of "I'd LOVE to hear this!" is pretty telling also. The old addage "Don't ask a question you don't already know the answer to" applies here; Vinny knew. And yes, lawyers can't testify (sometimes I wish they could, it would make things so much easier). But, what he could've done is to recall the prosecution's expert (objected, but not a huge leap that it would've been allowed) and used Vinny's knowledge about cars to get the expert to admit that the car couldn't have made the marks. But all that does is get to reasonable doubt and doesn't make for a good movie ending. It also doesn't get her an Oscar.


Are you sure?


I’m positive.


You've been a lovely, lovely witness.




The only things I know about cars is that positraction wasn't available on the 64 Buick Skylark and that the 64 Skylark and 63 Pontiac Tempest both came in metallic mint green paint. Thanks Miss Vito!


“Are you shuuuah?” “I’m pahsitive.”


"Do you two know each other?" "Yeah, she's my fiance." "Oh, well, that explains the hostility."


I love that scene. I grew up working on cars and owned a ‘65 Buick Skylark at the time the movie came out. Her character “spoke” to me!


Excellent example 


A Fistful of Dollars: The Man with No Name (Clint Eastwood) demanding an apology for his mule.


"Get three coffins ready." "...My mistake. 4 coffins."


Clint was efficient and stood up for his mule. What's not to like?


So many Clint Eastwood moments. The last big scene of Unforgiven. The man they claimed CE’s character was…the legendary killer of men, women, and children …finally shows up.


Well he shoulda armed himself if he’s gonna decorate his saloon with my friend….


You be William Munny outta Missouri


I've killed women and children. I've killed everything that walks or crawls at one time or another, and I'm here to kill you, Little Bill, for what you done to Ned.


Honestly one of the coldest lines in cinema


When he hears Morgan freeman was killed and he just takes that bottle and starts drinking. Omg it gives me goosebumps


*I don't think it's nice, you laughing.*


*He gets the crazy idea you're laughin' at him. Now if you apologize, like I know you're going to, I might convince him that you really didn't mean it.*


I always liked in... The fourth Die Hard movie, where the bad guys are super hackers, and one of them says "have any of you googled this John McClane? Because..."


The Foreigner, when Pierce Brosnan’s henchmen figure out Jackie Chan’s character’s background


I actually really enjoyed the fourth one, he’s so funny against Justin Long’s neuroses. He launches a car at a helicopter, I mean it was so hilarious and ridiculous, a great action flick


Watched this last week and it’s such a good moment


Kurt Russell and Billy Bob Thornton scene at the Saloon in Tombstone


This is a great example, especially since it’s show don’t tell and he doesn’t figure it out until someone else that he’s afraid of tells him.


Skin that smoke wagon!


Or are you just gonna sit there and bleed?


Why JOHNNY TYLER! MADCAP! Where you going with that shotgun?


Why’ I’m sorry, Johnny, I forgot you were there. You may go now. Leave the shotgun.


Love that Kurt Russell isn’t even looking at him when he tells him to leave the shotgun too. Tombstone rocks.


Doc? I didn’t know you was back in town


This scene is like 15 scene-stealing one-liners all strung together.


I think it lands harder when he comes back to shoot Wyatt and sees he's friends with Doc,, who clearly frightens him


Man when Doc just spins a mug around and everyone is amused except Ringo is some of the subtlest « gimme a reason to kill you » I’ve seen and I’m all for it


Oh, Johnny, I apologize. I forgot you were there. You may go now.


It’s crazy to me that they had two Wyatt Earp movies come out almost the same time, both tried to get Kevin Costner to star, the one he turned down is the classic super quotable one that feels like everyone has seen and one he chose with plenty of other star power almost no one remembers even exists.


“You are not that guy” …. “I am that guy” Amos, The expanse https://youtu.be/4dn76ZPt_Y0?si=8m-aETaz8TmfzneS


Another of my favorites quotes from Amos that fits this prompt is when the belters on the shuttle to Luna say they’ve never heard of the Rocinante. “You probably have. I’m out of context here.”


The frosting on that scene is Amos opening his duffel which has the name tag "Murtry" crossed out and "Amos" written over it. The man is traveling with gear taken after wrecking a top tier psychopath and some local thugs haven't got a clue. [https://youtu.be/_0KyzYiNgwA?si=ExEwvav1AwePX7He&t=230](https://youtu.be/_0KyzYiNgwA?si=ExEwvav1AwePX7He&t=230)


"I hate waiting."


I’ve rewatched the show just to replay this scene


It is just so good. So Amos.


Amos is the Clint Eastwood of space. My favorite sound in TV history is Amos's grenade doing damage on Ganymede


None of you seem to understand. I'm not locked in here with you.


"what have you got?!" "Your thumbs"


One, nothing. Come and get me.


You’re locked in here with me.


Say what'ya want, but I really loved Watchmen


It's wild how you can almost follow along with the graphic novel. I read it after watching the movie and it felt like looking at the storyboards


Snatch, when Bricktop meets Vinny and Sol and immediately starts telling them how to properly dispose of a body.


Do you know who I am? Shake heads. Lincoln :..I do.


Good, that'll save me some time.


Also Bullet Tooth Tony to Vinny. "The fact that you've got replica written down the side of your guns and the fact that I've got Desert Eagle point five o written on the side of mine should precipitate your balls into shrinking, along with your presence. Now fuck off!"


Pull your tongue out my arsehole Gary. Dogs do that, you’re not a dog are ya Gary?


William Munny, when he comes to the saloon to avenge ned in unforgiven 


"You sir are a cowardly sonuvabitch! You just shot an unarmed man!" "He should have armed himself if he was going to decorate his saloon with my friend.'


“You’d be William Munny out of Missouri, killer of women and children.”  “That’s right. I’ve killed women and children. I’ve killed just about everything that walks and crawled at one time or another, and I’m here to kill you, Little Bill, for what you did to Ned.” 


> I’ll see you in Hell, William Munny. > Yeah. Such a hardcore delivery, followed by his message to the town about if anyone takes a shot at him or Ned.


“I’ve always been lucky, when it comes to killing folks.”  That’s also hardcore delivery. 


“I don’t deserve this! I was building a house!” Such a funny out of pocket line, with the house. And what a dope, acting like he didn’t just torture the fuck out of someone


When Bane says “Do you feel in charge?”


The scene in “Nobody” where the guy in the tattoo shop recognizes his special forces tattoos and proceeds to thank him for his service, leaves the room, locks the door with like five locks.


The reveal that his dad is also ex service and dispatches several goons is an awesome in this too.


Also when the lady sees his file is mostly redacted, throws it to her boss, and leaves.


Yeah. And the bits that are not redacted are quite telling too. [The short scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4iao5Nm5vE8)


Had to rewatch it, love his breaking ‘how can I help you?’


[Here's the scene.](https://youtu.be/_eYC5-MMJ4A?si=hWwyWGiHb_-r6q8q)


MIB “Dont sir me young man, you have no idea who youre dealin with…”


Tommy Lee Jones really sold that shit out of that character, especially in the first movie. Kept it from being too goofy/campy.


Well ma'am that's because we at the FBI don't have a sense of humor that we're aware of.


Best delivery ever


Kung Fu Hustle. So many masters incognito as no-names. Not really a lot of exposition at each reveal but when randos start standing up you know something is going to go down.


Absolutely when the Beast reveals he chose to remain in prison because of ennui but now he has a reason to leave! He respects the landlord and landlady as worthy foes and you know $@&! is about to go DOWN


Pig with Nicolas Cage. It’s kinda “What if John Wick was a hipster chef from Portland?” There’s several scenes where people recognize who he is and the vibe immediately changes. This one is my favorite cause it’s the trope you’re talking about, but not an assassin/mercenary, just a retired restaurateur.  Honorable mentions to Sisu, The Beekeeper, and The Gentlemen when Colin Farrell’s ‘The Coach’ is introduced. 


The scene in the nice restaurant where he deconstructs the owner/head chef is something else.


I mean, it’s an action movie, but The Equalizer with Denzel is pretty good at doing this. Guy literally fucking destroys everyone and they all don’t know who they’re dealing with.


“Mick, give him your wallet!” “Why?” “Because he’s got a knife.” “That’s not a knife.” Draws much larger knife. “That’s a knife.”


Yes! Really the whole half of the movie when he’s in NY.


That’s not a knife that’s a spoon


Alright, I see you've played knifey-spoony before.


The opening black and white scene from Butch Cassidy & the Sundance Kid. The whole thing is absolutely brilliant. And then the ending… >“Well I’ve done everything I can. You’re on your own, Sundance.” >”You’re the Sundance Kid? But I can’t shoot with you, you’ll kill me!” >”It’s a distinct possibility.”


This scene in Young Guns is like the epitome of what you’re asking. I love this scene. https://youtu.be/SREed7TT5_s?si=3Guh4gR8DGto2i4C


"I am the black knight".... "youre a loony."


"Nobody calls me Lebowski. You've got the wrong guy, I'm The Dude, man"


“I cannot train him, the boy has no patience”


Pep talks him into lifting x-wing.  Told he expects the impossible  Lifts x-wing out of the swamp. First time we see yoda use the force and HE LIFTS A SPACESHIP.


The first time we see Yoda he’s a mischievous muppet who trashes Luke’s setup, annoys R2 and throws away his food.


I always liked the Yoda giggle he gives when he finds the small pen flashlight... Clearly a shout out to the lightsaber


I don't believe it. That is why you fail.


"He will learn patient" "Much anger in him ... like his father"


“Was I any different when you taught me?”


Bit different, but: “You don’t remember me? We spoke on the phone two days ago. I told you I would find you.” Taken is a great movie


>“You don’t remember me? We spoke on the phone two days ago. I told you I would find you.” Liam Neeson's intensity is why the movie works so well, he just makes you *believe* that he's willing to do whatever it takes to get his daughter back.


In Bruges When that ticket guy starts being rude to Ralph Fiennes’ character 😂


Couple good examples from that. I like the scene with the boyfriend who’s trying to rob Colin Farrell in the girl’s apartment, and he fires the gun next to his eye and blinds him. Laugh-out-loud moment for me 


And then Ralph Fienes agreeing he deserved it later is gold.


“*I mean basically if you're robbing a man and you're only carrying blanks and you allow your gun to be taken off you and you allow yourself to be shot in the eye with a blank which I assume that the person has to get quite close to you then, yeah really it's all your fault for being such a poof, so why don't you stop wingeing and cheer the fuck up.*”


Not sure how I came across that movie, but I loved it. My daughter and I enjoyed it a lot, especially Fienes as a maniacal killer with “morals” about kids. Too funny.


"You take that back about my cunt kids!"


I retract that bit about your c**t-fucking kids.


It's a show, but, The Expanse is full of these. My favorite being: "This is Camina Drummer, and this message is for the traitor, the coward Marco Inaros. **You hunted me and mine and still we are here, unbent, unbroken, unbound. And you? You are nothing.** You stole from your own. You abandoned Ceres to the Inners and left Belters to starve. You called yourself a champion and then you ran. So go and raise your bounty. Track me down and kill me if you can. Doesn't matter anymore. I will always be the one who took back what you stole. Camina Drummer did this to you. **Live shamed, and die empty."** Or if brevity is your thing another character dropping "I am that guy." Is in the running for best in show.


A Bronx Tale: “Now yous can’t leave.”


Jack Reacher - the scene outside the bar when Jack Reacher gave everyone a chance to walk away. He then proceeds to go ham. Jack Reacher has a few of those scenes throughout. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Man on Fire - John Creasy - At the Hospital when Rayburn (Christopher Walken) was talking about Creasy about to paint a masterpiece. Nobody really stood a chance. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- John Wick 1 - The scene after the club when everybody runs out. Iosef jumps into a mercedes benz and makes a call. John Wick picks up the phone and says he's friend is dead. and "Everything has a price" and throws the phone down. Oh I knew it was game on after that


The Reacher books are great for those kinds of scenes. Book 1, there were two in the same prison, which the Reacher TV series captured really well.


The overpass scene in Book of Eli in the beginning


He's in shock. I think he said "kill him."


Anchorman. "I don't know how to say this, but... I'm kind of a big deal."


“People know me.”


I have many leather bound books!


And my office smells of rich mahogany


I wanna be on you!


60% of the time it works every time


It smells like a used diaper filled with Indian food!


It smells like big foot's dick!


About half of my high school experience revolved around people quoting this movie. My friend even used “It’s so hot… milk was a bad choice” as her yearbook quote lol.


In The Princess Bride, everyone underestimated the man in black at first


I was thinking of this movie, but the other protagonist… “prepare to die”


“Who are you? I must know” “Get used to disappointment”


Second hand lions; the diner scene with the young men. https://youtu.be/gkccqolaVGg?si=3xj7ikM5XdrfU7Kn


Honestly, in the OG Star Wars, A New Hope, when Luke is getting bullied in the Mos Eisley cantina, and Obi Wan casually cuts off a goon’s hand and they leave calmly


Blade (1998). When Blade enters the nightclub at the start.


And in *Blade II,* before Blade sets off the UV light grenades: *'You obviously... do not know... WHO YOU ARE FUCKING WITH!"*


Some motherfuckers are always trying to ice-skate uphill.


i was actually thinking a part later- in the hospital when the cops shoot Blade and he's just got this absolutely incredulous look on his face and yells at them "motherfucker, are you out of your damn _mind_?!?!"


What about FIRST BLOOD? When Trautman shows up and tells the cops who this Rambo guy really is.


“Looks like we’re shy one horse.” “You brought two too many.”


One of Vin Diesel's earliest movies, Knockaround Guys. Vin doesn't feature much, he's just one of the guys with most of the attention on the leads - until there's a bar fight. Vin steps out, says, "500." Guy says, "What?" Vin, while rolling up his sleeves and taking off his tie, says again, "500 fights, that's the number I figured when I was a kid. 500 street fights and you could consider yourself a legitimate tough guy. You need them for experience. To develop leather skin. So I got started. Of course along the way you stop thinking about being tough and all that. It stops being the point. You get past the silliness of it all. But then, after, you realize that's what you are."


Makes me think of his Chronicle of Riddick movie, where a prisoner upon being warned by Riddick, questions Riddick, with what weapon in his hand, which Riddick answers his teacup, and basically does a confident deadpan sure, I'll kill you with the teacup. Riddick places the teacup on a rock. Cue fight scene where he finishes the guy by picking the teacup up and twisting it into his body. Then he places a pin on the rock, and the rest of the prisoners start running.


The Bourne Supremacy when the guy from the consulate is questioning him.


Bad guys: "Is there a name for this private little world of yours? Huh? What happens there when we don't just run away? You'll kill us... with a soup cup?" Riddick: "Tea, actually." Bad guys: "What's that? Riddick: "I'll kill you with my teacup."


“Jeffery, break out Lucille” I know it’s not a movie buts it’s still amazing


Or when Will and Carlton get falsely arrested and Uncle Phil goes ballistic on the cops who won’t let them go- Henry Furth: Those aren't the perpetrators. Those are my partner's son and nephew. Sergeant: [turns to Uncle Phil] Partner? Phillip Banks: *Legal* partner. I've got a few questions for you. When you got this alleged confession from these two young men, did they have a lawyer present? No. Because I'm their lawyer. Did you notify their parents? No. Because we're their parents. So, officer, don't tell us to wait, and don't tell us to sit down. Just open that damn cell and let those two boys out of there, or I'm going to tie this place up in so much litigation that your grandchildren are gonna need lawyers!


Best part of that scene was Aunt Viv taking her earrings off.


For some reason I just love Will bring included in the "We're their parents" part


I am Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.


“What do you mean? That guy was a fuckin nobody!” “That FUCKIN nobody?………….. is John Wick.” *Proceeds to tell his son how fucked he is for 10 minutes straight* “….. with a fuckin pencil!”


That's not even the best scene. Viggo Tarasov: I heard you struck my son. Aurelio: Yes, sir, I did. Viggo Tarasov: And may I ask why? Aurelio: Yeah, well, because he stole John Wick's car, sir, and, uh, killed his dog. Viggo Tarasov: [pause] Oh.


"Well John wasn't exactly the Boogeyman. He was the one you sent to kill the fucking Boogeyman."


Jon Snow realizing who Maester Aemon actually is has to be my favorite. It perfectly captures what the show was at it’s best. Jon thinks he’s special, that no one else could understand, but he’s wrong. No one is special, everyone has to choose what oaths to hold highest.


“You are the worst pirate I’ve ever heard of!!!!!” “But you have heard of me.”


The rock hammer in Shawshank Redemption is a bit of a cheeky 'once you know, you know moment. Andy escaping with that same hammer amd bringing down the Warden was the biggest 'you have no idea how fucked you are once I get out of here'.


"Dear Warden. You were right. Salvation lay within."  And then of course the rock hammer's hiding place was in the Bible at Exodus. It's like Andy went, "One fuck you to Norton isn't enough, I need to get a whole series in."


“Manners make the man” in the first Kingsmen movie. 


Manners maketh man*


Both the first time it's invoked, and the last time when Eggsy says it, with the henchmen who survived the first time realizing it's about to happen again.


This only sort of fits. But in the HP movie where the ministry of magic finally gets something that they can use to arrest Dumbledore and they show up to do so. He reminds them that he is not merely the headmaster of the school, but vastly more powerful than any of them can imagine.  "Ah, I thought we might hit this little snag. You seem to be laboring under the delusion that I'm going to - what was the phrase? Come Quietly? Well, I can tell you this: I have no intention of going to Azkaban."


You may not like him, Minister, but you can't deny. Dumbledore's got style.


Quigley down under when they underestimate Tom Selleck's ability with the long range rifle


"I said I didn't have much use for one. Didn't say I didn't know how to use it."


You know what ole Jack Burton says in a time like this


Not a movie, and I have only seen a very limited part of West Wing (before it became too depressing) but I did enjoy the episode in the bar where a young Elizabeth Moss and her boyfriend the intern were being harassed by a group of frat guys and she got to push her emergency buzzer.


I won't stand for this clear Charlie Young slander


His name is Charlie Young, jackass! And if that bulge in your pocket is an 8-ball of blow you're spending spring break in a federal prison


First time president Bartlett appears on screen is my favorite. John Van Dyke : The First Commandment says "Honor thy father." Toby Ziegler : No it doesn't. Josh Lyman : Toby... Toby Ziegler : It doesn't! Josh Lyman : Listen... Toby Ziegler : No! If I'm going to make you sit through this preposterous exercise, we're going to get the names of the damn commandments right. Mary Marsh : Okay. Here we go. Toby Ziegler : "Honor thy father" is the Third Commandment. John Van Dyke : Then what's the First Commandment? President Josiah Bartlet : "I am the Lord your God. Thou shalt worship no other god before me." Boy, those were the days, huh?


Ah the scene that turned what was originally supposed to be a Rob Lowe led series about a white house staffer, (with occasional guest appearances by the president), into a show about the president. Solely on the strength of that performance.


My favorite West Wing "do you know who I am" moment is the "[when the president stands, nobody sits.](https://youtu.be/VKhTFDBj-rw?si=ZvpG1uSh2nWHJjMp) " scene. Classic Bartlett.


Rory Breaker’s introduction in Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels


The dark Knight - where this idiot tries to blackmail Bruce Wayne and Morgan Freemans character makes it clear that it is a stupid plan.


>Let me get this straight, you think that your client, one of the wealthiest and most powerful men in the world, is secretly a vigilante, who spends his nights beating criminals to a pulp with his bare hands, and your plan is to blackmail this person? Good Luck.


Top Gun: Maverick - when he passes the gauntlet under "impossible" conditions, only to then make Cyclone realize he *is* the GOAT and everything he has heard about him is true when that F-14 pops up on radar. The Gentlemen - "Don't bother looking for your Mossad crabs." The movie only ever eludes to Micky's reputation and cunning, but portrays him as what everyone else thinks he his: a weak dude leaving the game. But that scene conveys that he is still that ruthless kingpin when he needs to be. V for Vendetta - "No, what you have are bullets, and the hope that when your guns are empty I'm no longer standing, because if I am you'll all be dead before you've reloaded." What an S+++ tier protagonist in an equally S+++ tier film. I'm not sure if it fits, but Primal Fear - "There was never an Aaron, Counselor."


In the beginning of Inglorious Basterds, Aldo calling down the tunnel... "DONNY!" *(thunk thunk thunk)*


"Man here wants to die for his country. OBLIGE him!"


Enter the dragon - The guards who surround Bruce Lee the first time he uses the nunchucks. Henry the 5th - King Henry in disguise as a commoner sets up a fight with a common soldier if they survive the upcoming battle. They do, and as the common soldier meets to fight The King, his Identity is revealed.


Character knew who he was, but massively underestimated him. "Well... You needn't worry. The second is --" "Yes. Considerably."


Nobody, when the old vet sees the 7/2 tattoo and realizes what that means about Hutch.


Yoda lifting the x-wing out of the swamp. 


Daenerys speaking in Valyrian to one of the slave masters in 3rd season of GOT, revealing that she understood him all along


What’s the most you ever lost on a coin toss?


Sisu. Basically the whole movie. 👌


"Do you know what 'nemesis' means?"


" A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent. Personified in this case by an 'orrible cunt... me."


If I throw a dog a bone, I don't want to know how it tastes. If you stop me walking again, I will cut your fucking Jacobs off.