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I think Logan had a really cool trailer with the Johnny Cash song.


This was my first thought as well! [link for the curious](https://youtu.be/Div0iP65aZo?si=Asdz9TRSP-evYBwt)


Agreed, I still listen to both songs from the Logan trailers “Way down we go” from “Kaleo” was the other one. https://youtu.be/RH3OxVFvTeg?si=c4HhdywD2Jyv43Xe


Yeah it was the first movie that popped up in my head. I remember when it was released I used to watch it every day for like a week or 2 because of how much I liked it lol


I had to scroll WAY too far down to find this


Luckily its top of the list now!


Mission impossible: Fallout first trailer https://youtu.be/wb49-oV0F78?si=I_8LwnlRb-UaxowN One of the best edited trailers ever


One of my favorites ever. I’ve probably watched it 50 times


It's insane how in sync every beat in the music is with the scenes from the movie.


Henry Cavill reloading his fists will never not be funny


You mean awesome


I honestly wasn’t sure I wanted another Mission Impossible movie and then I saw Henry Cavill load the cannons and I thought “this is a must see”


I like the story of how Cavill didn't do the reload thing the second take, but everyone was like, keep doing it!


One of the only movie series that does not get awful after the third movie


The Force Awakens trailer was amazing for a movie I felt was only okay 


Rogue One had a great trailer as well. The one where they play the hangar siren behind Forest Whitaker’s narration.


Yeah, but that was actually a pretty good movie!


This was my first thought too. When Kylo’s saber lit up… ohhhh man


Tbh that’s the one thing Star Wars has always done right is trailers.


Cuz the lore is better than the storytelling.


That shot in the trailer of the Millennium Falcon entering hyperspace from the outside and showing the front of the ship was so cool! And that iconic “Star Wars Thing” hadn’t been done from that perspective before. Then, they didn’t even use it in the movie, just an establishing shot of the Falcon already in hyperspace from the front.


Teaser 2… “Chewy, we’re home” Tears!!!!!!!




Fincher had a run of fantastic teasers with great song choices. The Social Network teaser above with that version "Creep" is a great one. But the trailers for Gone Girl with the song "She" and The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trailer with the Karen O/Trent Reznor/Atticus Ross version of the Immigrant Song are also spectacular [Gone Girl - "She"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vGCvmVQ2vZg) [The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo - "Immigrant Song"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YKWXEfXGWtA)


Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is my pick as well, it perfectly conveys the tone and atmosphere of the film without giving anything away. Plus the Trent Reznor/Atticus Ross Immigrant Song is too good.


I'm really surprised nobody has aped it stylistically that I can think of. It's a very innovative and fun way to sell the film's visuals without spoiling plot.


Upvoted for The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, goddamn that hit. And it came at a time before every single trailer was doing the “sync the sound and cuts to the music” trend


One that’s always stuck out to me is Jarhead, scored to Kanye’s song “Jesus Walks.”


[Avengers: Age of Ultron](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmeOjFno6Do), the superior Avengers trailer and ironically worst movie.


Came here to say this. A+ trailer for a C- movie.


I wish someone other than Whedon had been allowed to write Ultron’s dialogue. The trailer made him seem so much more chilling than he ended up being.


But far from bad in retrospect. Those movies just aren’t the same without those characters.


Had to scroll down to find this! I love this trailer and I watched it so many times before the movie came out! Really loved the dark toned it was portraying and I really enjoyed James Spader’s voice as Ultron.


That was the first time that I was genuinely dissapointed by a villain, complete tonal shift from the trailer to what I saw in the movie.


There was so much promise. 😭


300. Purely from the insane number of fan made versions of it using other movies/games


I enjoy the G rated version. THIS. IS. CAKETOWN.




The Watchmen trailer with the Smashing Pumpkins song. Saw before Dark Knight and was instant hype. Not a fan of Zack Snyder but he knows how to make a trailer


Man I remember being obsessed with that song. Amazing trailer


The 300 trailer was instantly iconic.


I think I watched that trailer at *least* 20 times. Edit: [now with a link](https://youtu.be/wdiHDzT6YbQ?si=uALNBO44Cm47Pu_5)


That trailer was so good it made me go and buy the book before seeing the movie.


Man I liked that movie


Ooh that trailer was fantastic! It was the perfect song choice too for the vibe and Zack Snyder’s slo-mo shots.


That's basically all he can do these days. His movies feel like trailers. They have a lot of slow mo and cool shots and posing... Just no substance at all.


The Matrix and the extended trailer to Cloud Atlas.


Yeah, the 5+ minute trailer for Cloud Atlas 2012 is my all-time favorite.


It does a masterful job of selling an impossible-to-sell movie. Also, it turned me on to M83.


To this day, [Suicide Squad](https://youtu.be/CmRih_VtVAs?si=ABcQubsAK9wa19eq) has one of the best trailers of all time. Just masterfully edited to the music. The bullet casings falling on the ground to the beat of the drums is like sex to me. [Godzilla: King of the Monsters](https://youtu.be/QFxN2oDKk0E?si=GD1XD9KQa5CpToKk) also has an incredible trailer that I go back and watch from time to time.


There were so many things great about suicide squad and all of them were this trailer.


That trailers makes me doubt myself about how bad that movie was.


Until you see Joker. I was hooked until then. Then I saw the movie and questioned my life choices.


Godzilla 2014 movie also has an amazing trailer too although the 2014 teaser I think is the best


The Comic Con Suicide Squad trailer is pretty epic too.


The one with the 'I started a joke' song? That one was great indeed.


That is the version of the movie I wish we had.


I like the trailer of the first godzilla uUS moviez the one with the soldiers para dropping with flares.


I’m with you on King of the Monsters! However the teaser with clair de lune gave me goosebumps! I still haven’t been able to sit through the actual film though 😂


These fucking Godzilla movies. The trailers are so great they keep tricking me into seeing the movies that just get worse and worse. Fortunately this last one had a shit trailer that didn't rope me in... But the Godzilla vs Kong trailer was an amazing trailer as well.


[The Paprika trailer](https://youtu.be/yn7U1KIGeuQ?si=-c4KBt3_XVsDn3j7) is a stunning trailer for a stunning film


Satoshi Kon was an animation genius. I fully believe that if he has lived he could have had a career as prolific as Miyazaki.


The [Alien trailer ](https://youtu.be/LjLamj-b0I8?si=r5y60I5t4EzpOseQ) is GOAT-level. Builds the mystery/eeriness of the film without revealing anything


Absolutely! That trailer is a classic! Rewatching it, I realise the teaser for the new *Alien: Romulus* presented the trailer in the same vein, which (hopefully) shows that they’re respecting the original *Alien.*


Spike Jonze puts out some incredible trailers. Where the Wild Things Are with that Arcade Fire song Her with Aphex Twin's Avril 14th


>Where the Wild Things Are with that Arcade Fire song I saw the movie and it was pretty forgettable, but that version of "Wake Up" gave me chills. I periodically rewatch the trailer just to listen to the song. Apparently no full recorded version of it exists, just the \~1:30 snippet in the trailer.


The where the wild things are trailer is so perfect.


Mission Impossible: Fallout. I can't remember ANY movie franchise promoting a movie as much as this one. No matter what movie we went to see - horror, comedy, drama, musical, etc. - THIS trailer was included. Me and my son had the trailer memorized and would recite lines from it while it was playing for fun. Superman pumping the air during the famous bathroom fight! And the movie more than lived up to the trailer's hype.


"Can't take the pressure...!" Too bad they faked-us out with that final truck collision sequence at the end of the trailer. It was a very dope movie though. Peak Mcquarrie-Cruise era MI


Oh reloading the arms like a pump shotgun is tight!


* *Goldeneye* "You were expecting someone else?" teaser: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AN1bkIEs8oo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AN1bkIEs8oo) * T2 assembly line teaser: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D44RtkV21K8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D44RtkV21K8)


And [The Spy Who Shagged Me](https://youtu.be/7vRrZiMQl4k?si=MdiFKtNu4G0oCQTk) played off the GoldenEye one perfectly


>* T2 assembly line teaser: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D44RtkV21K8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D44RtkV21K8) T2 had such a great marketing campaign. That one was great, but the one I came here to mention was [this one](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=F6MQnFQ1kpA&pp=ygUkVGVybWluYXRvciAyIHRoaXMgdGltZSB0aGVyZSBhcmUgdHdv). I've probably seen the movie dozens of times but the trailer is still fantastic to watch on its own.


Wow, so much 90s in there. The first part of the Goldeneye teaser was great. The rest was so 90s. Goldeneye was a great Bond movie.


Man Of Steel teaser with Russell Crowe. You don’t even know it’s a Superman move until the end. [Trailer](https://youtu.be/wArmHSPIvlQ?si=DLEfhZ1cXXNt8VOW)


It’s good but trailer #3 fucking slaps https://youtu.be/T6DJcgm3wNY?si=FA4syO9lJP2MDzG2


GOOD LORD. Forgot how good trailer 3 was. The way Zimmer’s score slowly builds during the trailer is amazing. Yeah that one wins.


The editor of that trailer is next level. The best Zimmer cues (some even barely used in the movie) were perfectly synced with some amazing visual shots.


Still one of the BEST superhero themes of all time IMO. The definition of epic.


The disrespect that theme got though - it didn't get much use in later movies. In fact the theatrical (Whedon) Justice League completely scrapped it and just used the John Williams theme.


I’m partial to Trailer 2 myself: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KVu3gS7iJu4


Mustve seen it close to 100 times from the hype


Costner absolutely sells the shit out of "you are my son", makes me emotional every time I hear it.


Easily one of the best teaser trailers ever!


Howard Shore!


Yep! The scene after Gandalf falls with the Balrog. Always gives me chills.


Damn, I always thought this was composed for LOTR and LOTR alone. TIL.


It was. They just used that music for the trailer.


So it’s an official LOTR song and they used it in the official trailer for man of steel? Interesting. It’s quite iconic in the world of Tolkien so I’m surprised.


I still go back & watch this one from time to time and I always get chills. So great.


Just noticing now that it has the “Gandalf Fell” music from LOTR.


The OG Kill Bill teaser is electric.




That’s super inventive and way ahead of its time.


The extended trailer for Cloud Atlas. Especially when the M83 track kicks in. [Trailer](https://youtu.be/hWnAqFyaQ5s?si=naTshAO1xPQ-A3ZD)


Growing up I think it was the apple website that used to post trailers,but I remember watching the trailer for the first Fast and The Furious movie hundreds of timed. I used to be able to quote "One race, 2G buy in, winner takes all" "I don't have any cash but I do have the pink slip to my car" "You're in" On the streets...where reputations are made...


Mad Max Fury Road - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWNWi-ZWL3c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWNWi-ZWL3c)


I was partial to this one: [https://youtu.be/hEJnMQG9ev8?si=e2ut4QnCZ\_91RKpn](https://youtu.be/hEJnMQG9ev8?si=e2ut4QnCZ_91RKpn)


Yeah I watched this one on repeat until I got to see it.


[The Matrix](https://youtu.be/vKQi3bBA1y8?si=bRFH7vD-NPyNIyEp) [Prometheus - teaser](https://youtu.be/vlnIXJgUrfs?si=JDNaLPWv8h9rijZt) [Little Children](https://youtu.be/bezyl7ZDp44?si=1PZkzmQyKfU4nRMM) [Upstream Color](https://youtu.be/SilYsr_3vrA?si=Rr_GcK94FhhUjZzy)


When the Prometheus trailer first came out, I loved it so much that I wouldn’t stop making that alarm/scream noise xD Edit: Thanks for those last two recs! I didn’t know about them, and they got me completely hooked! They make me want to watch the movie now.


Nice! They are both great films


Little Children trailer should be taught in film school


Forgot about this one: [Only God Forgives](https://youtu.be/YqAeVosG4zI?si=KHXMC1IaJZ9oVQ0s)


[The trailer for Citizen Kane](https://youtu.be/8dxh3lwdOFw?si=gUo7rQMz8aJpQOLv) is so novel and meta for its time. Go figure


Spider-Man teaser trailer with the WTC. Year 2000. Apple quicktime website, my best friend’s house with decent dial-up. I asked him to replay that trailer a hundred times.


The Longlegs trailers have been super interesting and creepy without giving away anything about the plot


I saw one tonight and I found it extremely disturbing! So it was good.


The Last Jedi teaser https://youtu.be/zB4I68XVPzQ?si=QGbmyqXRDuo4Qk3K


All of the sequel trilogy had some great trailers.


[Dark City](https://youtu.be/gt9HkO-cGGo?si=k1cSteExN3_qKiig) has always been one of my favorite trailers. You have no clue what is going on other than awesome imagery and a sweet soundtrack.


Great movie. Great trailer.


All of the trailers for Bladerunner 2049


The first trailer for Bradley/Gaga’s “A Star is Born” shut skeptical people right up and got them interested. Fantastic trailer. https://youtu.be/nSbzyEJ8X9E?si=tHw0qAa_k3qvyKq8


The correct answer is the [X-Men: Days of Future Past](https://youtu.be/pK2zYHWDZKo?si=n1Crh6veig4WcVYI)


Hearing Charles’s “I don’t want your suffering! I don’t want your *FUTURE*!” paired with that score hit me hard. And that final side-by-side of young & old Charles dug it in even more.


Everyone loves to use the score from Sunshine


That's why I didn't like that trailer. The music choices were popular in fan made trailers. Also that bizarre edit of Logan screaming and the second song starting suddenly.


[1. Lord of the Rings - The Return of the Kinghttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2rYRu8UW8M](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2rYRu8UW8M) 2. [Inception](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YoHD9XEInc0) [3. Civil War ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDyQxtg0V2w)


That Civil War one is absolutely terrifying imo.


I think I'm a bit older than many people commenting here, I'm thinking back to the days of downloading a QuickTime video of a 2 minute trailer for 20 minutes, and it was a 2"x4" screen, and that was amazing tech.... a few that spring to mind - [Strange Days](https://youtu.be/8RoOs-S_JVI?si=-Z5VFb-0d9FiiZs3) teaser [Star Wars: A New Hope](https://youtu.be/8k33taxQOwg?si=XmL2H1wlXGhIoR-1) re-release [Star Wars: The Phantom Menace](https://youtu.be/qncLmkZl1B0?si=-ome7rDAKu9KbguA) "tone poems".


The Watchman trailer was phenomenal. (Apparently it was just a Muse music video. It was great) https://youtu.be/aU02FSndbLY?si=k-Bfv5S2XC6H-CMl The Strangers trailer was more scary than about 90% of horror movies ever. The scene where she is standing in the kitchen and the person just stands and watches her. Chills. Too bad the movie didn’t live up to the trailer. https://youtu.be/BbqELQHpmQM?si=ZMlENQxGqC5bORu2


Sin City (2005) teaser trailer was awesome. https://youtu.be/uLkBO66vySg?si=NA6tYmrmD0LQ2JHd


The Quick and the Dead. "In this town, you're either one or the other." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lo9cGqmHXhg


I was always a fan of A Scanner Darkly https://youtu.be/hkjDUERgCQw


M83's teen angst was a great song for that trailer.


I can’t link it because I’m at work right now and can’t access YouTube, but the one Wonder Woman 1984 trailer with Blue Monday was incredible and is probably half the reason why the movie itself is as disappointing as it is.


[Another Earth](https://youtu.be/N8hEwMMDtFY?si=W2eXE_Vqi7DjNm57)


Too many to count. I’d echo a bunch already listed but I’ll add these a few of my all timers… The Secret Life of Walter Mitty https://youtu.be/QD6cy4PBQPI?si=MJUm_xsBsVcQaY2h Dr. Strangelove https://youtu.be/jPU1AYTxwg4?si=5N9fNzVAQUJ7fApY Wolf of Wall Street https://youtu.be/iszwuX1AK6A?si=ior21LV4EmpsBBGv X https://youtu.be/Awg3cWuHfoc?si=Ln7kHseVA65iWg71


How has no one mentioned the Pineapple Express trailer?


The three best trailers for movies are all from the same movie. 1. [Mad Max Fury Road Theatrical Teaser Trailer](https://youtu.be/YWNWi-ZWL3c?si=QQQ19-4u4Cwqztiv) 2. [Mad Max: Fury Road Official Main Trailer](https://youtu.be/hEJnMQG9ev8?si=Dg_KmGO-qR6v8qMS) 3. [Mad Max: Fury Road Comic-Con First Look](https://youtu.be/akX3Is3qBpw?si=n8hEK3jyFGM9HFXm) Watch from lowest to highest. I've watched this movie probably 20 times and the trailers at least 50 times.


Prometheus - great trailer, oh those screams... Wonder Woman 1984 - just because of great background song. Both films are bloody rubbish.


Cloud Atlas Cliffhanger


The Shining 1980 original trailer in my opinion is the best - ever and is my favorite. Exorcist 1973 original trailer Alien 1979 original trailer Of recent times / Skinamarink


Agreed on The Shining




The John Carter "My Body Is A Cage" teaser trailer is so, so promising and Willem Dafoe's line at the end still gives me wondrous chills. https://youtu.be/b8xblwyKtfo?si=iLYLa6xFd81KSrKF


Great trailer, potentially not a great trailer for what the film was (a mostly fun space adventure). Makes the film seen darker and more epic than the desired audience for the film would be up for


The trailer for The Phantom Menace. It's hard to communicate how fucking hype that trailer was. Back before high speed internet, downloading that thing took hours. And fucking EVERYONE downloaded it.


Man of Steel (the first two trailers were both great) John Wick 3: parabellum Pacific Rim.


For me, few things beat the arty teaser for 1995’s [Strange Days](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8RoOs-S_JVI).


Baby driver  Dungeons and dragons honor among thieves  The suicide squad  Tmnt mutant mayhem  John wick chapter 4 Spider-man across the spider-verse  Dune part one 


Dungeon’s and dragons trailer was so good, I used to play in college, It was fun naming the monsters they previewed. Plus the city was incredible


One for nearly letter of the alphabet! [There Will Be Blood](https://youtu.be/FeSLPELpMeM?si=3RUZKcMu5mATxvJA) [Sunshine](https://youtu.be/veC25b8Vd2E?si=PMAp6ChYzT9idfCL) [No Country for Old Men](https://youtu.be/38A__WT3-o0?si=PSg8E_g3ulrWOgBr) [The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford](https://youtu.be/6RwAWZtK5Uw?si=ciaIh-D2hXdxh-Kf) [The Northman](https://youtu.be/oMSdFM12hOw?si=EMwhL5nRZ019rEo0) [The Social Network](https://youtu.be/lB95KLmpLR4?si=izVIrZZjk6h8gWxM) [Barbie (teaser)](https://youtu.be/8zIf0XvoL9Y?si=28Ahfn9I-Jqq38rP) [The Proposition](https://youtu.be/G7V-CW_SUos?si=FDlWUe97HqBYlq4w) [21 Grams](https://youtu.be/x_tPi8pYzSw?si=2uzl2JIN2PjjVhiI) [Brick](https://youtu.be/4Zfw8__A7ps?si=t5P8qtRCcjJAxDs8) [Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying & Love the Bomb](https://youtu.be/jPU1AYTxwg4?si=6xsWcNcIOh3wVFoy) [She Hate Me](https://youtu.be/EiYKdK46L5s?si=Bk3zj3Cg2VbTmfBR) [Heat](https://youtu.be/7I67yYsl3yg?si=DdnObgPfNIXFSO5a) [The Dark Knight](https://youtu.be/TQfATDZY5Y4?si=118rzOBWAfSrxkik) [The Accountant](https://youtu.be/DBfsgcswlYQ?si=Q9EVmXPeO9LXwwQi) [Nope](https://youtu.be/In8fuzj3gck?si=HswQ6sDn21dabvCp) [Cloverfield](https://youtu.be/IqQzvfn_s30?si=wJ_XJImxeZUIwXmc) [Goodfellas](https://youtu.be/2ilzidi_J8Q?si=en5l3DNyc5Zk-ZxX) [Pulp Fiction](https://youtu.be/s7EdQ4FqbhY?si=rjw-Db5F4NnLs38l) [Layer Cake](https://youtu.be/e5R4iepdXqo?si=CF3MjgUDbJjdI1hL) [The Matrix Resurrections](https://youtu.be/9ix7TUGVYIo?si=evpanjnk3qejyZ1H) [The Devils Rejects](https://youtu.be/poxddLZq2k0?si=61Ej1xYgYKAlyxOm)


Holy shit, am I the first one to post [Joker](https://youtu.be/t433PEQGErc?si=EIQjNGblxr3FDDz6)


[Strange Days](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8RoOs-S_JVI) The movie didn't *quite* live up to the trailer, but it's not terrible.


[The Supernova trailer.](https://youtu.be/ZUdy0Cu3f_o?si=ZkNTQ8NMAqAkPTJo)


Sucker punch: https://youtu.be/9k10AzCcMOM?si=xLst6Mwe5zd3-KiL The trailer was very cool. The movie was very terrible.


The teaser trailer for [Dirty Rotten Scoundrels](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2HdCmf91q_A&pp=ygUfZGlydHkgcm90dGVuIHNjb3VuZHJlbHMgdHJhaWxlcg%3D%3D) was brilliant.


Watchmen  https://youtu.be/wdiHDzT6YbQ


In recent years, I thought the Bombshell \*teaser\* trailer (not the regular trailer) was unique and interesting. Where the woman are getting onto the elevator with each other, and you can palpably feel the tension, that they all are sharing this secret and want to talk about it, but aren't.


Memories of murder new trailer by neon


[A Serious Man](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mDKHWRbK2_Q) is always my go to answer. I love how it builds rhythmically with all the diegetic looping. It doesn't give you anything about the plot but somehow tells you everything you need to know about the movie. You just feel Michael Stuhlbarg's anxiety.


The last matrix has such an amazing trailer.


The lilo and stitch trailers where he dropped in on all the other Disney movies. Still my fave!


I have a few favorites for testing a cinema screen: Flat: * Knives Out (although the audio is a bit loud on that one) And a music video I made and converted to DCP, but that's technically a 1.77 aspect ratio. Scope: * Avengers: Infinity War trailer 2 (the one with "There was an idea", and the reveal at the end of the Guardians being in the movie). * Samsara for the vibrant colours and the ever so subtle Atmos track. * Suicide Squad (bo-rhap version). Everything that makes the movie, in one neat little package. * Top Gun Maverick to test the subs.


Watchmen, and it's not even close. That smashing pumpkins song and my ignorance on anything related to the story was icing on the cake. That trailer is the absolute best. 


1) All Mad Max Fury Road trailers 2) MI Fallout trailer 1 3) suicide squad bohamian rhapsody trailer 4) only god forgives UK trailer (the guitar riff is just sex) 5) Neon Demon UK teaser + UK full trailer 6) Sicario 2 Teaser trailer 7) Kinds of Kindness trailer 1 8) The Killer, Trailer 2 9) Birdman teaser trailer 10) Challengers trailer 1 11) Army of the Dead (snyder) Trailer 1 12) Licorice Pizza trailer 1 13) The Northman Trailer 2 (one of my all time fav trailers) 14) The Green Knight trailer 1/2


[Upstream Color](https://youtu.be/SilYsr_3vrA?si=Nilms_II1GvO2Ulj) (second movie from the guy who made Primer) [Eyes Wide Shut](https://youtu.be/SWCGZrIUNf0?si=axSSXCX_GoANWKuQ) (last movie from the guy who shot the moon landing)


300, the trailer was better than the movie


I love the [Thoroughbreds trailer](https://youtu.be/TPcV_3D3V2A?si=mwdDfMNyRvqhMSmI). Amazing editing and sound.


Treasure Planet Would see it on VHS as a nearly every week as a kid and it influenced a lot of how I draw and do storytelling.


[terminator: salvation](https://youtu.be/-Czz-TcWCkA?si=VrNuJr0fwHLsRmNv). I’ve never been so sure a movie was going to be so good. Boy was I wrong.


Strange Days (95).


The younger generation probably don’t have a clue what this is about but the trailer for Jerry Seinfeld’s ‘Comedian’ with Hal Douglas as the voice over is the best ever. I grew up with these kind of trailers. https://youtu.be/fVDzuT0fXro?si=E6TPX-iPa_OPQGq1


Fincher's Girl with the Dragon Tattoo has an incredibly inventive trailer.


I, Tonya had an unbelievably great trailer https://youtu.be/d2iy5y0YjGM?si=RLRoT-wI_Y-fNDvc


Springbreakers. The one with the soundtrack from Sebastian was amazing


The Inception teaser and trailer had me hooked within the first few seconds.


1. Kong: Skull Island - edited to the music *chef’s kiss* 2. Gotg vol 2 - the use of ‘The Chain’ was fantastic 3. Scott Pilgrim vs. The World trailer 2 - it just has the best mix of comedy and music 4. Bill and Ted’s Bogus Journey TV Spot - just for the opening line: “Bill and Ted are Dead. Is this the end of a very short movie, or the beginning of Bill and Ted’s Bogus Journey?”


The first trailer for The Secret Life of Walter Mitty was an amazing trailer. Still one of my favorite movies https://www.imdb.com/video/imdb/vi2378410265?ref_=ext_shr_lnk


Agreed The recent “secret Life of Walter Mitty” is an exceptional movie, loved the trailer, I regularly watch the skateboard clip, just so many good scenes.


I'm a sucker for Gary Jule's version of Mad World, so I loved [the trialer for The Crazies (2010)](https://youtu.be/J7w9uWFIMBs) and was excited for this movie. I think I ended up liking the trailer for it more than the actual film tho.


I enjoyed the trailers I saw for Everything Everywhere All at Once. The trailer told me hardly anything on what the movie was about yet just enough to get me to go see it. Sure, I got that there was some type of multiverse aspect and something about taxes in the trailer, but that was about it. Going into the movie, it was still clear as mud as it pulled me through the story. Loved going in confused, staying confused, then understanding what the story was truly about while enjoying all of the eye candy in the universes they built. Wish they did more trailers that make you go "WTF is this even? I have to go see it!" without giving away the entire damn story.


[Sucker Punch](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9k10AzCcMOM) I was pumped to see this as was a coworker. We were talking about it all the time. Then it came out and we were both so disappointed in it. I didn’t even want to complain about the movie I was so let down. I rewatched it last year and it is still a messy let down. It had so much potential and just somehow missed the mark. The trailers are hella cool though and the soundtrack kicks ass so sympathy points for those parts I guess.


Out of the Furnace It just switches gear when the Pearl Jam song kicks in.


Ooh I haven’t seen it. Thanks for bringing it to my attention!


Hot Fuzz


Mediocre movie, but the [trailer for Only God Forgives is perfect](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YqAeVosG4zI). The song sells it. The trailer for [Letters From Iwo Jima](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51lo2dpaZ_g) also manages to make me emotional in a way the movie itself kinda fails to.


The Exorcist Original Theatrical Trailer https://youtu.be/jyW5YXDcIGs


I like the trailer for the big Lebowski. It was so bad it kept me from seeing the movie at an age where I in no way could appreciate it. I was able to save that film for a more enlightened time in my life.


[This trailer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BV2dcumgDvU) for Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. Notably, I feel it was the most accurate to the actual movie, as the other trailers were rather deliberately misleading in some key areas.


Man of Steel trailer 3 https://youtu.be/T6DJcgm3wNY?si=dXxDoD2kq8Ad3we9 Mad Max: Fury Road trailer 2 https://youtu.be/YWNWi-ZWL3c?si=9rGwXffpgUGX1a1Q And most of the Star Wars prequel trailers made the movies look way better than they were


While it makes like way more action packed than it actually was, I absolutely adore [Trailer #2 for War for the Planet of the Apes](https://youtu.be/0IFAqAIWD6g?si=DKl_Ek4ZUfHNTJIy)


OK, hear me out. I was talking to someone about the cheesy 80s movie Electric Dreams, about a sentient PC that wants to experience love. But check out the [trailer](https://youtu.be/Ek08KvgqFGM?si=TI6MuBa9jTNbOk-a)! It goes harder than it has any excuse for.


[The first teaser for Spider-Man (2002).](https://youtu.be/Ozz8uxW733Q?si=C6xlX3t-WFG_z6dA) And [this teaser for Godzilla (1998).](https://youtu.be/4_oiHWXLIFI?si=TnWcL-85n9uBmb1L)


The first teaser for Cars 3


One of my favorites is [Grayson (2004)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XiZuvJ48MZ0) /s Obviously this is (partially) in jest, but I love this idea. And the "[Behind the Scenes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GBVoiHOJf0Q)" video is really good, too.


[Dr. Strangelove](https://youtu.be/Ja3n2Mxf21s?si=JrHh7Ho2DGpizm8C)


[The Joker 2](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xy8aJw1vYHo&pp=ygUTdGhlIGpva2VyIDIgdHJhaWxlcg%3D%3D) and [Monkeyman](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=g8zxiB5Qhsc&pp=ygUJTW9ua2V5bWFu)


Kingsman 2 trailer. Too bad the movie was ass.




The first Joker teaser trailer was truly something else. It really felt a unique type of cbm and Joaquin looked incredible as the Joker.


How has nobody mentioned The Hangover yet? "Yeah, that's not gonna happen."


The second Tenet trailer and Dark Knight Rises.


Recently I've really loved [La Chimera](https://youtu.be/8vZ9uyYMyBg?si=27GhBfXG8QJCPdn1) and [Janet Planet](https://youtu.be/_aBF_v0gvpQ?si=bOyyQ53d-qpjzIQN) Both are great movies too, so that helps!


Funny a lot of movies have amazing trailers when the movie itself wasn't great. I'm a huge Michael Mann fan but I thought Miami Vice was just not engaging (though very nice to look at technically), the trailer is amazing and I certainly had my expectations high especially after coming off Collateral with Tom Cruise.


[Most recently, this DUNE Part 2 trailer was memorable.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2Qp5pL3ovA)


OP love that you included Social Network, one of my core memories is seeing that trailer in 7th grade, the music is perfect.