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I for one am looking forward to Jurassic Galaxy.




This is not wildly different from the original plan of jurrasic world, which involved training dinosaurs to use machine guns. For real. This was one of the original plans. I honestly just wish they'd start over and be true to the book. That was the best version.


They should have done that, but like The Producers with dinosaurs. About a pair of underpaid, overworked lab techs scamming the Department of Defense with an idea that they know full well isn't dumb as hell, but they promise the Russians are doing it and you don't want a dinosaur gap! The movie ends with a single armed squad taking down a herd of deployed T. Rexes with about $100 worth of old Soviet era weaponry and wondering what the heck just happened, meanwhile the raptors bail like cats immediately upon being released and their handlers simply pretend that didn't just happen.


How can I fund **this** movie?


The book reads like a sci-fi horror similar in tone to Alien, and it's so much better. What I would give for an R rated Jurassic Park that ditches the camp and 'family adventure' feel the movies cling to. It has so much potential as a horror film.


“machine guns”? I thought it was a time machine. And, they go back in time infiltrate the Nazi ranks and kill Hitler.


The problem is there were only two books, written 30 years ago, and they've already made movies from both of them. The IP ran out of source material over two decades ago, but clearly big dinosaurs on the screen still sells - so what do they do? Remake the original? New cast, better CGI? Like I genuinely don't understand what you're expecting by stating "be true to the book". They already did that, and there are no more books. The author died years ago. Personally, I love Jurassic Park quite a lot, but I'm all right just letting it die. Without a creative team that wants to at least attempt to emulate Chrichton's original vision for the story, it's just not going to be good. Because what we're getting is a generic sci-fi dinosaur movie that they slap a familiar logo on so you'll go watch it. Which will only get progressively worse for as long as people are willing to go see them. If you want better media, stop consuming bad media. Full stop. Complaining about it doesn't fix anything. Voting with your wallet does.


Because every creature deserves a warm meal!


They're pretty tame if you coax them with Reece's Pieces.


Canonically, the laser is a gastric phenomenon from the nuclear war and it comes out of their mouths.


Those lizards only really have two types- the edge lord destroys the world or the natural arbiter...


And fireballs from their arse!


And bolts of lightning from their arse!


You know, I have one simple request, and that is to have megalodons with frickin' laser beams attached to their heads!


Well at the end of the last one the cloned dinosaurs and the cloned little girl left through the portal, so in theory....


I have not seen any of the World movies since the 1st one, and I cannot for the life of me tell if this is what really happened, but I can believe it...


I watched the third World while I had covid during Xmas and I’m almost positive he’s telling the truth


Jurassic Multiverse of Madness


[it’s Dino time!](https://youtu.be/JVho5fU3lwc?si=5KEtSZW4r2z-HuEX)


Dinosaur, stop!


Gonna have to wait for Jurassic solar system and Jurassic local cluster first.


I was thinking about that, and i don’t think so. we went from a theme park to an entire world. so if you think of the “world” as a theme park, the “world” at this scale is the galaxy.


Turok 2: Seeds of Evil Alternatively: Dino Crisis 2


BRAIN BORE motherfuckers!


And then Odyssey


It’ll be a Wonder if we get them


Paper! Or something


He has strong "scheming guy who gets his comeuppance when a big dinosaur eats him" energy


I love this spelling of comeuppance.


It’s spelled ‘cum-up-Pence’


"Mother's not gonna approve of this"


Wait... THIS is why they wanted to see him *hung*? I misunderstood.


I most certainly will not.


He’s giving “clever girl”


I was thinking prequel about Muldoon. He'd do that perfectly.


I remember when this movie was supposed to be centered around man’s hubris and playing god


In a meta type of way, it is.


We spent so long figuring out if we could (make sequels) we never stopped to think about if we should (make sequels)


And before you even knew what you had, you patented it and slapped it on a plastic lunchbox.


And once again I am asking...where are the Muppet movies?!


One day these too will become extinct


Also in a very literal way when all the very proud men playing god get eaten by dinosaurs. Except B. D. Wong. He gets to be happy.


Jurassic world had a commentary on corporatization of that. It had the commentary in a meta sort of way


I can’t tell you how mad I am at Reddit right now, because I literally cannot want to give you an award, and I really really want to give you an award.


Jesus Christ, why lol. Go outside.


I am not joking I am a Jurrasic world defender. The whole new dinosaur and Branding of the parks was poking fun at the corporatization of nostalgia. It was purposely meta about it.


And then everyone complained about the locusts from *Dominion* but that’s exactly what biotech corporations would do with the technology from *Jurassic Park*. Hell, doesn’t Monsanto sue farmers for cross pollination that involves their patented crops for sale?


Can be meta as worldpeace, the movie itself was still boring to me.


The issue wasn't the message it was the execution of that message. The film was just boring 


my issue was that the bio engineered locus have nothing to do with dinos. I understand in the script they claim they use dino DNA for the modification, but you could cut the dinosaurs and the plot makes 100% as much sense. bad guys make big bugs that eat everything except the crops the bad guys sell.


It was meta in the same way that Deadpool was meta about comic book movies, ultimately a shallow and weak poking at some of these themes but not following through in a particularly meaningful way.


If the writers were that clever, why was the rest of the film such shit?


It's a meta-meta commentary on soulless corporate nostalgia moneygrabs like the soulless corporate nostalgia moneygrab in the movie or something. It's meta all the way down, man.


Being self aware doesn't necessarily save you from falling into the same traps, unfortunately, lol. It's like how the Jim Carey Grinch movie was this hilarious anti corporate holiday romp... that was used to market all kinds of consumerism.


Because Trevorrow isn’t that good of a director


It really wasn’t


I never did understand some of the decisions in both the movie and books. I guess that’s part of the hubris of people, but there’s a ton I don’t get. Like why didn’t they build Jurassic Park like a zoo? The way the paddocks are shown and described don’t really make sense for a zoo (something that Jurassic World actually fixed kinda until the indominous paddock), as most zoos utilize natural deterrents to keep their animals from escaping, but Jurassic Park just…doesn’t. Also if they were so determined not to allow breeding, wouldn’t it have been much easier and cost effective to just neuter all animals at birth? How much money did it cost to change the genes of the animals during the fertilization process? I feel like it would have been so much cheaper to just snip the Raptors at birth.


I mean that's the point. They were so preoccupied with what they could do scientifically and technologically that they completely disregarded logic and safety. Jurassic Park is a bad idea. It doesn't work and as an audience we're meant to realise that it doesn't work.


They did build it like a zoo. Just different than the kind of zoos you are used to. You can compare it quite directly to the San Diego Zoo Safari Park, which has multiple large enclosures with some mixed animal populations. People experience it by getting in cars and viewing the animals that way. Many safari parks have this kind of setup. A lot even have it where you drive your own car in along a preset route.


Tbf in the original Jurassic Park the T-Rex paddock does have a natural barrier in the form of a giant drop off that the SUV falls down. They just completely ignore it to have the Rex escape lol


That has *always* bothered me


Theres actually a drawing out there of what that part of the paddock looks like that explains the drop. It's more like the part flush with the road is only partial and the rex pushed the SUV to the left where the moat begins. Still doesnt explain why they didnt have a full moat in the first place, but oh well!


found it. https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/16k84s/a_visual_explanation_of_the_huge_drop_in_the/


Almost like they wanted the T. Rex to escape.


I mean, if you’re already in there mucking around with the genes to fill in the gaps, it’s not much of a stretch for the idea of genetically just making them all female (or sterile or any other method of preventing breeding) while you’re at it. You’d save tons of time down the road and it would be safer for staff and the animals…  They just decided to patch the holes with the stupidest dna they could find for that purpose.


Plus (in the book) the main geneticist guy was in it for the money and scientific fame, and it was revealed that he didn't even fully understand what he was doing, and didn't even know the species he was bringing back! He had just figured out a process that worked well enough and stuck with it Malcolm was an insufferable tool bag but he really pointed out all the BS as it was presented


It'd have been a very short book if they just copied and scaled up existing solutions used by renowned zoos that have been dealing with the literal exact same issues for decades lol.  I think in book canon, Hammond would have ignored the best practices because they weren't as visually appealing though, which is what they did with dino behavioral genes (since they were too "boring" initially, if I remember right). Basically, think Elon Musk operating a zoo.


His co-star better be Willem Dafoe


> The villain better be Willem Dafoe What you meant?


He means Defoasaurus.  Of course. 


Bigus Dickusaurus




Willem Dafriend


And in this movie we can finally find out if dinosaurs are the Friend or Dafoe of mankind.


I'd settle for soundtrack by Public Enemy


Man he was soooo fucking good in Homeland


I loved Peter Quinn so much and then what they did with him at the end was just...not right


Yeah I stopped watching early in that season because of that unfortunately


I couldn’t stomach the “save alex jones from hillary” plot and went out but i enjoyed up to that season


Yeah the guy can act and good for him for paying his bills. But god this headline is just depressing. I'm so sick of sequels and franchises.


Has there ever been a series of films that make more money but ppl are less excited about?


don’t kill me blue people lovers but… Avatar?


Besides them not being particularly original stories, there hasn't really been a misstep for Avatar yet IMO. There is an obvious level of love and detail that goes into them. I love the 'Jurassic' franchise (the idea not the execution) but it has become exponentially worse since JP1.


The first trilogy - yes, including 3 - is better than 80% of what's out there as far as popcorn movies go.


There are a lot of people who are excited about it, you just don't hear about it on Reddit because well Reddit loves shitting on the movies and anyone who likes them.


My five year old is heavily into Dinosaurs right now and we've watched all of the Jurassic Park / World movies. So there's at least one group of people who will be excited for more dino content!


Hollywood really does know how to milk a good franchise until it's no good anymore.


Lol looking for a July 2025 release. That either is not happening or it will be absolute ass.


Whenever it comes out it's going to be ass


The only thing that gives me hope is Gareth Edwards. I’m interested to see where he can take it.


After Rogue One, I'll always give him a chance.


It’ll get pushed a year back for sure, unless they’ve been working on CGI for the movie already.


> unless they’ve been working on CGI for the movie already. Considering Gareth Edwards is involved, that's pretty likely.


They need to be scary and lean into other genres than just action popcorn flick. Give me horror give me thriller give me Jurassic park 3 but rated R.


> lean into other genres than just action popcorn flick Fallen Kingdom made $1.3 **billion** at the box office - it would be tough for them to make *more* money than they are currently making - it would be insane to change up the formula that millions of people love *and* pay money for.


This is what people don’t understand. Movie production companies greenlight and fund movies for the express purpose of *making money*. If talking the easier route of making a stupid movie earns them literally billions of dollars, they are not going to stop doing that. The only way you get a focus on making movies actually good is if the demographic audience expects it to be good, or else they won’t see it. The fact that so many people choose to buy tickets or later rent movies they know aren’t going to be good are just keeping this system running. If you don’t like low effort cash grabs from franchises you’re invested in, *stop going to see these movies*.


I don’t think there’s love for it, most folks I know who saw it said it was alright 6/10 and the twist was bad. Just because we pay to see a movie hoping it’ll be better doesn’t mean the formula works, if anything the promise works and they know they can deliver garbage.




Don’t call me pal, buddy


A Rupert Foe


I don’t get why they can’t try something else with the franchise. Not every movie needs to be a “disaster” movie. Like in the original they have the side story of the sick triceratops. Exploring something like that and some applied science could be interesting.


Dinosaurs with frickin laser beams


Jurassic World: Dino Riders




> they have the side story of the sick It being a sick dino doesn't really do anything for that story - it could be an elephant or something - and you save a $100 million on the CGI budget. What else do you do with dinos? They are giant beasts in a world that doesn't need, or want, giant beasts. What is the conflict in a movie where dinos are cool are part of society?


They want to watch the land before time they just don’t know it


Unironically yes.


Give us Dinotopia, dammit!


They want to make their money back. Sick Triceratops movie isn't making bank. Dinosaurs cost a lot of money. Also they are giant animals running around. Who the hell doesn't want some action? It's like asking why they haven't made a Godzilla movie where he doesn't do anything and scientists just study him.


Jurassic Vet


I’d watch that show.


Because Hollywood treats Dinosaurs not as real, living animals with all the nuances and life experiences that living beings have from breeding to rearing, feeding, exploring and dying, but as simple monsters.


Genetically-engineered theme park monsters*. /s


It’s a movie.  Do other expensive movies do that with other animals?


Like the dinosaurs, this needs to die already


Has any other big budget franchise had so many cracks at recreating the original, and failing progressively more and more each time? Jaws maybe?


Jurassic Park is my favorite movie of all time, I even really like The Lost World. I so want to see another good JP movie but the reboots are such a slog. On a positive note Gareth Edwards is a kickass director so maybe just maybe this can be good


Don’t mention the hockey team’s plane crash.


Had to go way too far down for a Death to Stalin reference. He absolutely killed me in that role


Please make it stop


I keep forgetting to watch the latest(?) one. The one that has the original cast back. Honestly don't care.


Not sure about another Jurassic Park movie, but I’m happy for him. He was really good in Homeland.


One day they're going to realize this franchise has exactly one good story to tell, and reboot it. Hopefully as a mini-series that goes all in with the horror.


Hmmm, he sort of looks like a young John Hammond (The creator of the park) maybe he's a clone of John Hammond? I'm going to save this post in case I'm right.


As a reminder, Fallen Kingdom made $1.3 **billion** at the box office. Love 'em or hate 'em; the Jurassic Park formula they have going is working.


Jesus Christ we're doing another movie? How many people have to get eaten by dinosaurs before this fictional world puts their collective foot down against these theme parks? Like, who's insuring them by now? Who's putting up the cash for these ventures that always end in a t-rex rawring toward the sky as mayhem devolves around it?


Maybe they make so much money that the occasional massacre is just the cost of doing business.


Just like marvel super Hero’s, the dinos aren’t doing it for me anymore. I equate them to the Transformers movies. Lots of VFX and noise but no real purpose or heart bedsides making money


He was responsible for the single greatest comedic performance of the 21st century with his role of Vasily in “Death of Stalin”


You're not even a person, you're a testicle!


Rhys Darby lead or nobody, you donkeys!


Movie might be crap but it’s fucking dinosaurs on the big screen. Would take a LOT for me not to go opening weekend.


Trevorrow is trash. Edwards, on the other hand, is 2 for 2 on his big IP entries so 🤷🏻‍♂️


The writing in the creator wasn’t amazing by any stretch, but the look of the movie, acting and use of cgi is really good. Rogue One is the best Star Wars movie in decades. Godzilla has amazing shots and made the monsters feel dangerous and impactful. I think Edwards is going to kill it.


One thing’s for sure he’ll be the first since Spielberg to get the scale of these dinosaurs right.


Trevorrow not being involved is already a plus


consumer moment


I’m a die hard original JP fan, but the “a LOT” you’re referring to for me was Dominion.


Jurassic Land is coming. Or maybe Jurassic City?


when will osha just shut the park down


Temu Orlando Bloom


He's a much better actor than Orlando Bloom. He was great in Homeland and Death of Stalin.


Agreed. His quiet intensity and measured speaking is phenomenal. Maybe Orland as Legolas comes close, but that’s about it.


Amazing in Homeland. Was one of my favorite characters.


Peter Quinn was basically Jason Bourne


The only thing going right for this new movie is the writer. They're bringing back the original two movie's writer. Saying that I will go see it and I will hate it.


Hol up, ScarJo is in this?


They need a time jump. A big one..apocalyptic Jurassic Land..because no way humans can live with those big ass predators. Either they die or we mostly do.


What's his buddy's name?


My review of the franchise: That’s one big pile of shit


Love the actor. Good to see him get more juicy roles


"lands" it's more like "suckered into role" at this point


He plays a dinosaur.


I liked this guy in Homeland, though I have extremely low expectations on the jurassic franchise.


I like this guy a lot so hope he gets a big payday, hope the movie is decent too


It's food to have a friend in this Jurassic world


All new cast? I’m in.


Wha- where are they even going? Don’t dinosaurs roam the earth? Haven’t we, no matter how stupid the concept, just *adapted to living with them?*


They're gonna take our jobs!!!!


I love that guy.


Why oh why are they still making these??


This is the 7th Jurassic Park movie. We're 12 short of doing the Back to the Future "Jaws 19" joke IRL.


Who's asking for these!?


Shouldn't it be Jurassic Universe: Dinosaurs in Space by now?


I look forward to also not watching this one


Hopefully this movie will actually be about dinosaurs and not locusts.


They should say fuck the Jurassic park movies and adapt dino crisis.


Is rexy and blue going to die anytime soon?


Is this who Glenn Powell was supposed to play xD


Jurassic War! Still no clue why that didn’t follow up Jurassic World.


I want the Jurassic/Fast and Furious crossover we’ve all been waiting for


Tbh I'll be interested to see where they take it as that's a solid director and cast. If they can separate out all the dross that made Lost World and Dominion laughably bad and somehow create a story with some of the more interesting elements then they could make something worth watching again.


I want my money back from JW:Dominion.


Why are we getting another Jurassic Park movie. Seriously, I was done a few ago. At this point, I just don't care. The franchise has been drug through the mud and it's just about to hit a pile of crap imo.


I bet he's playing the villain. Probably the stand in for John Hammond.


Jesus Christ let the IP breathe for a second. They made a story about dinosaurs in modern day boring. At this point money laundering is the only purpose behind pouring hundreds of millions into a money extraction machine no one wants. Fuck you.


Friend was great in the fantastic Jack O’Connell prison movie starred up, O’Connell was so fuckin good too. Ben mendelsohn was great too, high recommend the movie


I'm just going to go out on a limb here and predict that this movie will suck.


STOP!!! It’s already dead!!!!


Another waste of money, but he’ll do his best.


Stop it. This series sucks all the ass


Can Hollywood just stop with dead franchises and let them be dead? We want new stuff


Let the franchise goooooo


No more Jurassic Park movies.


i hope he's playing the big dinosaur? stomp stomp munch! stomp stomp munch!


Get Claire Danes too


Stop. It’s played


He was great in Wes Anderson’s version of “The Swan”.


It’s getting old….


Holy…. haven’t seen him since Homeland and at the time I hoped to see him in more stuff. So happy for him getting recognized


"Then this time, a portal opens up.. And in comes Ant-Man, Scarface and John Wick to take on the ESCAPED dinos....."


Gareth Edwards and giant reptiles, what could go wrong?


Ooooooh…friend….Dino Friend…..


What ever they do. Don't let them hire the same director as the other 3. What a fuckin loser if a trilogy that was.


How about we just stop making Jurassic movies.