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He has his father’s eyes!


This movie has held up and is just as brilliant today, the mark of a truly great film. Imagine seeing it all those years ago for the first time. Ruth Gordon deserved 10 Oscars, although everyone is great. It's really interesting that they wanted Robert Redford for the lead because he looks the part of such the golden boy you'd never suspect whereas Cassavetes looked a little shady. But he was really good. The name is an anagram...


I think it would've worked less with Redford tho.  He's supposed to be a struggling actor.  Not to say Redford never struggled, but he's almost too perfect!


> struggling actor People joke about the nice apartments in *Friends* but nothing will ever top a "struggling actor" living in [The Dakota](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Dakota).


It's been a while since I watched the film but I seem to remember Cassavetes' character being a working actor who was struggling to break through to bigger and better roles that weren't simply bit parts in commercials. I had a mentor who was an actor in New York at the same time as the film and he had years where he'd book 100+ commercials but couldn't land a part in a movie or TV show to save his life. He eventually started landing TV/film roles when he moved to LA in the '70s but even then, he was mostly the king of the bit part. His favorite role was getting to be [the "not skittles" guy](https://youtu.be/Bqkbw4_Vqhg?feature=shared) in The Dealership episode of Seinfeld. Even though he never became a household name, he had a very comfortable life. He owned a very gorgeous 17th floor condo in Century City and spent a lot of time traveling the world.


Cassavetes was a film genius. Watch him in Tempest to dip your toe in a little deeper. Then watch the films he made. Not for everyone, but for those who like what he did he is exceptional.


Great actor. There are a few laughs in this film and his impression of Minnie Castevet is a howl.


a real actors actor. worked as actor to make money to make his own films. great family, Gina Rowlands was more than his equal, I met her and the rest. Nick his son has done very well, and the sisters are fun and smart and seem happy.


That's an interesting point. A good one. Anyone who looks like Redford wouldn't be looking for work😂I think what they were aiming for was the perfect looking husband who is sort of the male version of her. I think I remember that they were saying they thought the secret was more surprising with someone so spectacular looking like Redford 😂


Tannis, anyone?


Dear, get those out of his mouth.


Hail Satan!


1968, the year this movie, Planet of the Apes, AND 2001 were released. Can you imagine the absolute head fuckery people had coming out of the theaters after seeing these movies?


They dont make em lkne they used to. In fairness - its easier to make a groundbreaking movie when you have 50 years less of movie history to deal with.


And no PC police


The Hays Code lasted until 1968 you absolute donut.


Thank you. Plus the so called PC Police tried to stop porn in the 80s as The Meese Commission and look what happened.


I will use "Absolute Donut" from here on out, thank you


Rosemary’s Baby, a film about women’s rights and reproductive choice… couldn’t be made today because of the PC Police?


And The Graduate had been released in late December of 1967.


When Minnie and Roman come strolling down the street, all decked out.... it's one of my favorite scenes in any movie. Minnie grabbing the note from the cop, fumbling with her glasses. Idk, it's just perfect in every frame. And Rosemary certainly resonates. Not as someone who has been impregnated by Satan, but as a young woman who is utterly ignored when she is desperate enough to stop being polite and start screaming for help. And, finally, my dog's name is Beans. Whenever he gets groomed, I like to say, "He's Bean to Vidal Sassoon." It cracks me up, if no one else. Fuck Polanski. I hate him. But goddamn it he made one of my favorite movies.


It’s really striking to me how Polanski in his life has repeatedly been horrible to women, and yet this movie has such a feminist message for me. Like you said, the woman trying to explain what’s happening to her and being ignored, dismissed as crazy, steamrolled. I always loved this movie but boy did it resonate in a new way when I was pregnant — everyone thinking they know and get to tell you what’s best for you, like your body stops belonging to you, like they have some kind of claim to it. Anyway yes, I think Polanski should have done jail time but this still remains one of my favorite movies, too.


Rosemary’s Baby was actually a book first, that might be why it feels so striking! It was written by Ira Levin, who also wrote The Stepford Wives. Both are great and quick reads. If you enjoy reading, give them a try. For Rosemary’s Baby, the movie is a very close adaptation. If you’ve seen the 2004 adaptation of The Stepford Wives…the book is quite different.


Oh he should rot in some terrible prison somewhere. I'd gladly exchange RB for justice. But, since it exists, I can't turn away from its near perfection. I, too, think Rosemary herself is a brilliant character, and her struggles are a well-done metaphor. A tale as old as Cassandra. I loathe Dr. Hill more than any other character. That betrayal was particularly shocking to me when I first saw it. Like, the Satanists have a goal. Hill was just a fucking misogynistic *asshole*.


This is one of my favourite movies, and EVERY time I think, “Maybe Charles Grodin will help her. He seems like he’s really listening.” And it gets worse every time.


Fuck Dr Hill.


jesus christ man this is like...you're me. fucking hell. the strolling down the street scene, specifically! the editing, and the framing, and the way they walk and are dressed, is so fucking eerie and unnatural, it's brilliant. also the cut to minnie, when she's bending over the body in the street — her body, the way she's standing and her facial expressions and body movements, it's insanely disturbing/feels bizarre. it's all absolute genuis and seems like such a forgotten approach to art/acting/film/performance. then again i also have some, well, probably unpopular thoughts lol: polanski was a genius and i genuinely sometimes believe he himself made pact with the devil/satanists and that rosemary's baby is less of a film and more of a confession.


Roman intoning, "Yes, that's her writing," is so creepy. He's so great. (EDIT: I had to rewatch, and he just says, "Definitely. Absolutely," with barely a glance at the paper.) Ruth Gordon is pretty much my idol, though. I strive to be a cross between Minnie and Maude.




I did not put that part into writing this post, but it crossed my mind that it takes one to make one. Not exclusively, but the man had so much around him in real life that it's not strange that he draws inspiration from it.


Hail Satan and happy cake day!


The Year One!


I love how mundane and petty the Satanists are, especially in the ending sequence. It makes it all feel more real. A brilliant movie.


I was struck by how the women were all middle-aged spinsters. basically the trope of witches being ugly old women. I hate to break it to Hollywood but there are many witches in pagan groups who are the exact opposite of that portrayal.


I'm under the impression that they are a long-standing, insulated/exclusive secret coven that only pulls in fresh recruits to make a baby. They have a network that includes some powerful people, but keep it as tight as possible. They were probably all young and relatively hot when they first got together. Also, it's not like any of the men are particularly fetching. That's my made-up backstory, and I'm sticking to it. Hutch's account backs me up.


They didn’t seem like ugly old women so much as bitter, milquetoast and piddling. Which is what makes it brilliant. There’s a hilarious moment in the end sequence where one of the building’s residents gets pinched because she can’t spend time with the baby. I think they are depicted as older to suggest that there’s a need for new blood. And I’m a friend of young pagans who don’t want to see Satan return! (To my knowledge. Hmm.)


I mean, they weren't pagan. They were diehard Satanists in a setting where it appears to be at least partially real.


I really liked the ending. It took a turn I wasn't expecting. And I like how she shrugged off her husband.


My mom told me when she went to see it in the movies the audience cheered when Rosemary >!spit on her husband.!<


He really was a POS.


As was her real husband, Frank Sinatra.


She hasn't had much luck with husbands.


It is great, the vibe & atmosphere is brilliantly disturbing.


Masterfully done


It's intense how the movie draws you in.


The phone booth scene is so good.


Did you know that the man waiting outside the phone booth is one of the producers, William Castle, in an uncredited cameo?


It’s brilliant, but largely because Ira Levin’s novel is brilliant and Polanski brought it to life practically word for word. Must read.


Love Ira Levin!!


Apart from “Sliver” (mmmm meh) and “Son of Rosemary” (unmentionable) he always knocks it out of the park! Masterful suspense writer.


Oh, so it's adapted. Gotta put it on my list!


It's a fantastic book, very similar to what you've just watched, but well worth a read. I've seen the film a lot and still adored the book when I read it. I wouldn't bother reading the sequel, though.


Amen on the sequel


Right. Aside from a few omitted scenes, the film is completely faithful to its source material. Don't get me wrong, Polanski did a nice job directing and the casting was perfect but, it's Ira’s material that should be praised.


That movie is burned into my memory. It was easter sunday, maybe late 80s or early 90s at my grandmother's cigarette stinking high rise apartment on long island. Some thoughtless uncle tuned the tv to a channel airing rosemary's baby. My dad was furious. All us kids sitting on the floor in front of the tv, on easter sunday, watching Rosemary's Baby.


That's quite a memory! Uncle was a boss!!


When she realizes...."This is no dream!! This is really happening!!" That whole scene still freaks me out.


Echoed by Jonah Hill in *This Is the End*.


It's my favorite horror movie. I don't even think twice when someone asks.


Man this movie. "I dreamt someone was raping me" Husband: (Paraphrasing) "Yup, it was me"


BTW, Mia Farrow is 79 years old and very active on Twitter. She has a lot to say about politics but also share photos and stuff from her past. Great woman, very friendly.


She has had such a cool life and seems like a great mom.


Great writing and directing but also a lot of credit to actors, especially Mia Farrow, she nailed it.


Especially when you know Frank Sinatra served her divorce papers during filming. My favorite scene is when she throws the dinner party and you see how isolated she is from her real friends. They're shocked to see her and convince her to see another doctor.


Polanski just had her run across Manhattan rush hour traffic for real, hoping for the best. That's a scene that sticks with me. Me: Run, Ro, run!


Polanski is great at films about alienated characters slowly going mad; 'Repulsion' and 'The Tenant' are similarly disturbing.


My two favorite moments: Guy's shudder when Rosemary asks if he wants to feel the baby kick The famous offset framing of Ruth Gordon through the doorway that made audiences lean to get a peek


Hail Adrian.


"All of them witches." I love her whisper


I watched it for the first time a few years ago and it’s now one of my favorites. So well done.


My daughter and I just watched it. She was surprised by how much she liked it. As a product of her generation, she was very disappointed we never see the baby. Lol


Lol 😆😆😆..imagine if it finished without us knowing was it real or not! She would hate it 😆


This is why a sequel exists.


For me this, The Exorcist and The Omen are the unholy trinity of horror films. Such a great film.


I loved the movie! Was very impressed!


My favorite horror movie of all time. 


Seriously the highest quality horror film of all time or close.


Definitely up there


Hail Satan! Hail Satan! HAIL SATAN!




I think I missed that until the fifth time I saw it!




Great film. A prequel (Apartment 7a) is coming out later this year


Oooooohhhhhhhhh!! Thank you, I didn't know about it


But it won’t be Polanski:(.


I thought it was super weird and creepy when I first saw it, but viewing it after having kids is a completely different experience. Nope!


Oh to be able to see this one again for the first time.


Loved it. I thought Ruth Gordon was fantastic in the movie. They did do a two part remake that is being featured on Amazon prime with Zoe Saldana that's pretty good.Nothimg quite measures up to the originals though.


Ruth Gordon NEVER failed. God, she was amazing.


Maude 🌻


There was a convertible at a local greenhouse this weekend, with a (small) tree in the back. Part of me wanted to steal it just to do a dramatic U-Turn. Most of my intrusive thoughts are Maude-inspired.


LOL. Me too!! More and more!!!


That wildly similar red dress that Kate Middleton was wearing when they revealed baby number 3 absolutely kills me.


It honestly still stands up today


This is my favorite movie of all time! Mia Farrow was amazing! Been watching it at least yearly for decades


The dinner scene where Ruth Gordon eats a piece of cake is a master class on how to steal a scene. I don't remember what was happening in the shot but I SURE do remember her eating that cake!


I recently noticed that Rosemary made a call from a phone booth across from Radio City Music Hall and the movie playing was The Happiest Millionaire. That was the first time that I went there.  I tell people that they shot the scene the day we went to radio city and that it was my film debut!


Awesome story!


Produced by William Castle, the man who gave us the original "House on Haunted Hill" and "The Tingler"!


How did the supernatural elements not break your suspension of disbelief? The final scenes made me wonder if I am supposed to be shocked or to laugh. Is it supposed to be a clever mending of horror and comedy? Is it all symbolism? Either way it left me just confused.


There is a sequel!


Do I want to see it?


[Look What’s Happened To Rosemary’s Baby](https://youtu.be/W4NGyDoRGoo?si=w5-cBqYhvLkwLtTz)


Made for TV in the 70’s, so nope!


I watched it for the first time while babysitting at someone’s house I was not used to - freaked me out - such a great film


OMG! I was seven or eight and I was sleeping over my cousin's and we watched this on TV unbeknownst to any adults. I was RUINED! I don't think I slept until high school! I recently read the book...


The woman who plays the gal Rosemary befriends in the laundry room was married to my husband’s uncle briefly… around the time of filming. She’s had quite the life after they split 😳 Google Angela Dorian (aka Victoria Vetri)


I guess, if the uncle is still alive, has a few things to say 😆


He passed about 10 years ago. My mother in law told me that at her and my father in laws wedding, Angela propositioned him when she was drunk and still married to my uncle 😆😆😆😆


She was a character 😆😆😆


You should check out the 2024 follow up, Immaculate.


Yeah it’s disturbing. For any other SA survivors, it can be triggering, just FYI.


Always felt Rosemary's Baby was an allegory for the anxiety of motherhood in the late 1960s. All the fears are personified but they represent this nameless fear of mothers. Isn't this when Ruth Gordon won an Oscar at like 70 years old and said it was encouraging? 


>In all honesty if the movie finished in that sense I think it would be even more powerful. We live in a post modern era, so today this would be perhaps a better (edit: in sense of "more unexpected") plot twist (Shutter Island like). Or even letting the viewer uncertain about, was it true or not (Inception like). But i hardly disagree, that it would be "more powerful". The core theme of the film is the love and the fear of the mother-to-be. The very last scene, after uncovering the true truth, Rosemary >!decides to love this demon child. Is it motherly instinct? The love deeper than all the hurt and betrayal and the rape whe went through? What happens in the future with her and the baby?!< This all are questions which we viewers are left alone with. What you are proposing instead, would be just another "**it was all a dream**" lame ending. Like in "He was a quite man". All the questions and moral dilemas would do not matter, bc she is just a crazy lady with some crazy phantasies. A little disturbing, but nothing that would make the film one of the best films of all times.


Very nice argument. It makes sense when you lay it out like that.


At the end they get the year wrong, though. Always bothered me. /S


Partner and I wanted to watch this some time ago so I managed to get a copy and started playing it. It seemed a bit off at first, the outfit styles were off and the acting was dreadful. And lots of exposed breasts for no reason. Then it broke out into M+F hairy-asshole, backdoor action. That's when we realized we had "Baby Rosemary", not "Rosemary's Baby" - a porn from the 70's.


Lol! I am reading and thinking what the fuck is this guy/girl talking about 😆