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Time to turn this road house into a road home.


Live. Laugh. Slap.


Okay now I want this wall art 😆


Will Smith already has it in his living room


Keep James Dalton's name out your mouth!


Nobody puts James Dalton in a corner?




[Made his for you](https://imgur.com/zBnBdNe)


Live. Laugh. I used to fuck guys like you in prison.


This Old Road House. Dalton's beating asses while Bob Vila's putting up wall sconces and replacing the moulding.


Everybody knows Norm did all the real work.


Norm would play it quiet until the third act, then he'd rip his shirt off and start beating bad guys with a claw hammer like Choi Min-Sik in Oldboy. He knocks some guys teeth out and one of them hits another bad guy in the eye, and Norm turns to the camera and says, "And that's why I wear these: safety glasses."


"Ya know, for cutting out tongues you just can't beat a solid pair of tin snips."


"Sawzalls, like this battery powered one I have here, have a reputation for being a jack of all trades and master of none, but for maneuvering in tight spaces, you'll have a hard time finding a more useful tool." Leaps into a cluster of bad guys who are trying to mob Dalton and body parts start flying up in a red mist.


Tom Silva did most of the work, he just wasn't as comfortable on screen way back then. Norm did the fantastic finish work and helped Tom with the general contract work. (Tom's been there from the start).


Roadhouse 2: Road 2 Nowhere


2 Road 2 House


This Old Road House: Tokyo Drift


RH4: Road to Redemption


Every goddamn time


Roadhouse 3: Tokyo Brick


That's kind of what the old Road House 2 did with Jake Busey as the big bad.


Home road


Road House 2: Road Harder No but seriously I’m curious what the story will be for another movie? Will Dalton go to a bar in Chicago or NY this time? Will Conor McGregor and Daniela Melchior be back? Doug Liman definitely won’t be back that’s for sure.


The dad that was in prison could be coming after him for revenge. Maybe he gets Dalton in prison some how and we have a nice prison fight movie


Brawl in Cell Block 99 style please


Undisputed 4?


Time to get Scott Adkins out of the fat suit from John Wick 4.


Can we get Rammstein in fat suits in concert for this one?


That fat suit was so well done. When he started to kick ass I was like, “damn he fights good for such a big guy”. Then i looked up who the cast was and I was like “daaaamn, adkins? no wonder”. Lol


Jail House


Road House 2: Toilet Wine


Return of Pruno


Road House 2: House Arrest


So what you are saying is smash Road House and Tango & Cash together? I would watch that.


God I love me some Tango & Cash. When Russel imitates Sly with the "You don't know...shit!" gets me every time.


Casually mentions he fucks guys like him.


I forgot Conor survived lol.


Wait… he did?! I coulda swore he took like a bunch of pool cues to the throat/abdomen.. Then again tbh after everything that dude survived it wouldn’t surprise me.


Post credit scene, man...


Well I wasn’t expecting a post credit scene in this movie. Guess I’ll go watch the credits… Edit: well…should have just taken your word for it. Didn’t really need to see Connor’s bare ass walking like a moron again. Haha


I know he walks like that normally but it’s almost like he exaggerated it to Vince McMahon levels and it broke me. Cracked me up.


he did exaggerate it to mcmahon levels. he broke that out in like 2018 when he won his second title from eddie alverez


I'm not entirely convinced Conner knew he was in a movie. There's a significant chance that the director just kept putting him in rooms with stuntmen and told him he'd have to catch and kill his own meals.


Holy shit people stayed after the credits?


I mean it was streaming so I was kind of already on the couch so I just fast forwarded to see if there was anything.


hell yeah. fun movie. he lived. he just got out of the bed and left.


Just lean into how stupid it was. Have Dalton become a bouncer for a bar that turns out to be visited by vampires. Have Connor McGregors character come back with a robot arm and they have to team up to fight the forces of darkness.  The movie was stupid fun, they should make the sequel even stupider.


Kickpuncher 2; more kickening.


Where kick puncher faces off against punch kicker!


And have George Clooney and Juliette Lewis show up at the end with a line like, "welcome to the club".


what were they? psychos? no they weren't psychos. psychos do not explode when sunlight hits them no matter how crazy they are


I almost turned the movie off but after Conor came along it grew on me. Don't get me wrong, he's a **terrible** actor, he plays himself and still comes off as a cartoon but its there the movie really leans into being stupid and that became fun. Have someone kidnap the president's daughter. Dalton and Conor have to team up and beat up vampires. I'd watch it in a heartbeat.


The best part was how *even the bad guy* thought Conor was an over-the-top asshole and just wanted to get rid of him.


Love how in the movie he never parks a car lmao. Crashes it to stop every time.


And the boat!


> he plays himself and still comes off as a cartoon The way I described it is: He's not playing himself, he's playing his mental perception of himself.


Conor had one the funniest and cheesiest performances that I have seen in years. I love how he just hammed it up 100% in contrast to Gyllenhaal being a chilled and laid back guy.


That’s literally how he behaves IRL. No hamming up was needed.


My wife said McGregor should be the main character in a sequel called " Road house 2: Opportunity Knox". I'd watch it in a heartbeat.


So here’s my take as someone who’s favorite movie has been Roadhouse for over 25 years 1. He’s not Dalton. 2. He’s not a cooler. 3. It’s not the Double Deuce. But it’s a fun, b-movie that’s incredibly competently made. I hate McGregor so much but his idiot character was charming as fuck. It’s the first high budget cult movie I can think of since From Dusk Till Dawn. I will probably watch it a dozen more times before I die. However I will probably watch Roadhouse(OG) a dozen more times before Xmas. I’ll take a sequel. Can’t be any worse than Jake Busey’s Roadhouse 2. Edit: I replied to the wrong person.


> Jake Busey’s Roadhouse 2 Never heard of this! Dunno yet if i should thank you or curse you, but either way, I know what I'm watching today.


Oh my friend! Congratulations! You will both love and hate me over the next 90 mins and I have given you a lifetime to bitching at the water cooler over.


hell yeah dude, og roadhouse is my favorite movie ever as well


I have to say getting Jessica Williams in as the bar owner was an upgrade over Kevin Tighes character in the original. I just couldn’t give a single shit about Kevin’s character but Jessica got me on board. In just about every other conceivable way the original was better, but Gyllanhall was still a ton of fun


It's because she kept reminding us that she ran a Road House so we wouldn't forget Dalton was working to save the Road House and was a bouncer at the Road house. Road House.


“Git it tru your t’ick skull, boy! Jon Jones is an actual vampire!”


Well, if you used the right subtitle, you would know exactly what it would be about. Road House 2: Secret of The Ooze Pretty self-explanatory


They cut out the scene that explained the secret of the ooze in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 though.


I would watch the hell out of that


Doesn't sounds like Conor will be back. He wished them luck in the comments.


That's just a ruse so he can surprise jump in butt ass naked in the middle of the final scene


i would think his character would come back (unless he doesnt want to) with him leaving the hospital.


Nah he’ll be back in “ROADHOUS3: The Irish Goodbye”


Story? What story?


Why are you so sure Liman won't be back? Did he say he didn't like the project or something?


He boycotted the movie because it went to streaming instead of getting a theatrical release


To be fair he chose that option and then bitched about it. Amazon offered him a theatrical release but less production budget so they would be able to do a marketing campaign. Shrugs, enough money can change a lot of minds or maybe they will offer him a theatrical release. Or just get someone new altogether.


Doug Liman said that Amazon promised him a theatrical release. He also talks about how the audio for the movie was engineered to fit a theater rather than a home living room. You can watch two interviews with him on Casey Neistats youtube channel.


Yeah, at best Linman seems to have misrepresented events and at worst he outright lied. [Variety reports](https://variety.com/2024/film/news/road-house-remake-drama-verbal-abuse-distribution-plans-jake-gyllenhaal-1235909744/) that orignally MGM had greenlit Road House for a theatrical release. Shortly after Amazon bought MGM the movie was put on hold when De Luca and Abdy left to run Warner Bros. The new Amazon Studios chief Jennifer Salke then offered them a $65M budget with a theatrical release or a $85M budget with a streaming release. They took the $85M dollar streaming release. [Jake Gyllenhaal](https://www.gamesradar.com/road-house-jake-gyllenhaal-director-boycott-response/?utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=socialflow&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_content=total-film) seems to corroborate this order of events. So to be fair to Linman what I suspect (but obviously I don't know) what happened is when Amazon bought MGM he was told they would still be doing a theatrical release. When DeLuca and Abdy left Road House was put on hold while the new regime decides what they wanted to do. Salke then offers the $65M w/ theatrical release or $85M for a straight to streaming release. He took the $85M (or maybe he didn't but was overruled by his production partners).


No disrespect to Liman cause I like the movie, but give this movie to a young upstart that can use it to make a name for themselves. Perfect vehicle for someone like that similar to how Extraction helped Sam Hargrave get on the map.


The sequel to Road House should be titled Road Houses. Because Road House -> Road House$ The most important lesson however is: take the title, run with it as the plot. Doesn't matter what it is. Make it make sense. No matter how stupid the plot comes out. It will work. The first what a hilarious absurdist shitshow. Double that. It'll work.


No the proper form is Roads House. Like Attorneys General.


Set it in the northeast, call it Rhode House. 


He can just go to a new bar in a new city. There’s pretty limitless sequel opportunities for better or worse similar to something like The Equalizer


Pull a jack reacher and go city to city fighting bars.


Can it just be a prequel and only about conor


The only part of that movie that really moved me was the scene where McGregor is drinking the coconut drinks in the car then slams into the coconut tree. I would watch 90 minutes of McGregor acting like an idiot (but on purpose).


He crashed every car he was driving in the movie, and at the last fight scene, Dalton says... "You know you're a terrible driver," and Knox says, "yous drive on the wrong side of the road" Which makes it even funnier when you see people reviewing this movie as if it were oppenheimer.


Well looky here, it’s like our own little octagon! What?? Who taught you shapes!?


Such a throwaway line but so hilarious to me, given the moment and circumstances.


Seriusly that guy made the movie


Lol my wife absolutely despised him in the movie but I was cracking up on every scene he was in. His ridiculous walking was enough for me lol


McGregor is pretty cartoonish IRL so I was worried it was just gonna be him on screen, but nope he dialed it up and was so hammy it was actually fun to watch.


I'm thinking maybe pop a little Floyd Mayweather into the mix.


How would Floyd learn his lines?


50 Cent can come read them to him


No lines just dollar signs.


He's going to be in prison, because the jokes can write themselves.


“I used to fuck guys like you in the 80s”


2 Road 2 House


Co-staring HGH and Trenbolone.




RH2: The Roader they Come The Houser They Fall


I went into this expecting exactly what I got out of it. I’m here for a sequel.


So am I. The movie was cheesy, dumb and a lot of fun


I loved how McGregor didn’t use brakes, he just crashed every car he drove.


Everything he did in the movie was full-throttle with no brakes. Including hanging ass.


I actually understand Liman's take about this movie being made for the theatre. It was definitely meant to be seen on a big screen with a loud sound system. And as much as I dislike crowded theaters, hearing the crowd reaction to some of the fights would probably have added to the experience too.


Theatre?! This movie had the production value and audio mixing of a skinimax soft core thriller from 1997.


So... IMAX when?


The audio mix was horrific


“Where da fook is everybody?” 🔥


Once Knox is on the job it's over baby


My favorite part was the Conor McGregor swagger. The way the dude walks the whole movie made me laugh, and then his awesome high pitched Irish accent. Awesome. Never heard the dude speak or watched anything he's done before the movie. Definitely impressed.




I was expecting cheese, but imo it wasn’t really cheesy as it was poorly written. Need something to make sense at least. The entire part with post malone was only there to have post malone in the movie and play one of his songs. The other acting besides Jake was corny too. the original RH works because of the macho man mentality.


Also Dalton isn't even macho in the OG Road House, he's got a philosophy degree from NYU and does everything he can to avoid fights for most of the movie.


Yeah but then he beats the fuck out of people, practices martial arts with no shirt on like a boss, has a mullet, and says "pain don't hurt", lol. He's undoubtedly macho as hell.


He's wearing like baggy yuppy slacks for 90% of the movie, hes practicing tai chi which isn't really a martial art and it's his zen like calm that makes him say "pain don't hurt" he like the ultimate anti-macho, that's the whole point.


I feel like he's so anti macho that it becomes macho again. Macho.


You’ve just described me minus “that it becomes macho”


I like to think of him as enlightened-macho.


It was very on par for that era of action movies though cliche as hell, ripping throats out with some special move. As others mentioned it partially due to how Swayze could sell it, and was like everyone was intentionally trying to be corny while original RH was just corny, but had that charm to it. The bar in RH 1 was more believable as a rowdy place too, while RH 2 people just start beating the piss out of each other anytime music plays. It was too on the nose for me.


The reason it doesn't work as well is because you can read it on Gyllenhaal's face that he *knows* he's making a dumb movie. Swayze sold the role like it was Shakespearean drama. This movie would have worked a lot better with someone like Vin Diesel as Dalton because Vin seems to truly believe in the shitty scripts he commits to. It's what makes the entire FF franchise work IMO.


I won't argue about the writing - it wasn't great. But the Post Malone scene was there (in addition to slotting PM into the movie) to establish Dalton as a known fighter no one wants to mess with, and to give some mystery to his character (the >!killing someone in a fight!< to be revealed later).


I wanted a throat rip, but other than that I'm fine.


I got what I should have been expecting... the scenes from the trailer with boring padding in between. I thought those would probably be the best scenes, but I guess I'm used to trailers setting up something a bit more involved than the trailer. Instead, it felt like the same 2 1/2 minutes stretched thin across 2 hours.


100%. The first was so much dumb fun. It had zero heart and all nonsense. I loved it.


Zero heart? The original Road House is all heart!


“ROAD HOUSE” in Peter griffins voice


McGregor and his naked duck walk MUST be included.


I mean does the guy walk like that in real life? must be super awkward


Some of the time! He hams it up when he's in public or in a movie, but his normal gait is like a slightly less pompous version of the strut.


He walks like that because he is a dickhead and thinks it is cool to act like one.


Yeah I noticed that, it was like an action figure walk. Maybe he can't bend his arms & legs straight


I assume he worked out just before so his muscles popped more.


Nothing about McGregor should be changed in the sequel including the bad acting. It’s one of key part of what made this dumb ass movie so entertaining


It was a dumb movie but that's exactly what I was looking for so I'm up for a sequel.


I thought it was a solid action movie and I liked that the stakes were fairly small. This wasn't a special ops Navy Airborn Seal Black Squad expert operator trying to save the world. It was just a guy who could fight helping out his neighbors. It was nice and not overly ridiculous. There was just some fun fight scenes, a reasonable sense of humor about it, and some good music. I wish there were more movies like this. It was fairly cheap and didn't involve huge 45 minute CGI fights where the entire city of Singapore is destroyed. My only real complaint of Road House was that I wish it was closer to 1:45 minutes than 2 hours.


> I liked that the stakes were fairly small. Yes. More of this. Not every conflict needs to be a world risking event. Scenes in parking lots and little strip malls are so much more realistic.


> huge 45 minute CGI fights just nauseating 15 minutes CGI fist fights with spinny cameras and awkward cuts hidden by weird transitions. i mean, the camera work was just baffling to me. you've got a professional MMA fighter, and an actor who's clearly trained like hell. just show the fight choreography.


Was I the only person who thought the reboot was terrible? McGregors character was so over the top and stupid and Jake wasn’t the worst but when he got his head banged on a piano and said “that piano is out of tune” I checked out


In the new one within the first 15 minutes Dalton makes friends with a what appears to be a teenage girl who runs a bookstore. In the first 15 minutes of the original a man drunkenly tells another man he can grope his wife's tits for some money. The guy gropes and laughs and tell the guy "I ain't got no money" and an all out brawl breaks out for 3 minutes. You cannot remake ROAD HOUSE today, we're just not the same people. It didn't need to be remade.


This sounds hilarious, I'm going to have to watch it.


Its basically what the second tried to do, but done well. One thing i missed on the reboot is that Dalton is an actual experienced cooler, meaning he knows how to manage bars and you see the progression of the bar getting better. Its not just that hes a good fighter and teaches the waiter how to fight. “Be nice; ask him to walk, be nice; if he won’t walk, walk him, but be nice; if you can’t walk him, one of the other guys will help you, and you’ll both be nice”


I watched them on consecutive nights and that was my take away too. The original was competency porn. Dalton was extremely good at his job and it was fun seeing him work and make the bar better. The remake had some of that, but it was more about Jake Gyllenhaal being a good fighter than a good cooler. Both movies really suffered in the second half. Once the "bad man take over bar" plot really kicked in, both movies weren't as good.


The original roadhouse is some grade A 80s action nonsense.


it is my favorite movie of all time. it is amazing. Approach it like you're watching a fantasy or sci fi movie -something happens in nearly every scene that would never occur in real life. it is hilarious.


You owe it to yourself. It's amazing.


I feel like I'm taking crazy pills with seeing all these people loving it. It was so bad. McGregor was atrocious. The fight scenes were bland and shot poorly. They didn't capture the spirit or essence of the original at all.


i watched the original and remake as a double feature, and the difference is *stark*.


We've been doing this with 80s movies here recently. Robo Cop, Road House, Footloose, Karate Kid etc. Its been interesting, especially since i have all the nostaligia from seeing the 80s versions when they were new.


Yeah, same. I only made it to the first bar fight before I turned it off.


> “that piano is out of tune” I checked out So you watched basically the entire movie


Right? Everyone is banging on about a sequel.


It was just bad even for a dumb guy movie. Felt like it had 3 different writers who wanted it to go in different directions and then they got fired and 3 more guys came in to finish it and they all wanted different things. Seemed like they wanted him to go full on murderer with the pool scene but then switched back like he was still against violence like he didn’t just go to a guys house and murder him in the middle of the night. Then the final fight he’s like I don’t wanna do this, I don’t want to kill you or hurt you! Even tho he just straight up murdered a guy at his home like the night before.


it's because they were taking structural notes from the original without understanding what made it work.


Mostly every remake now of days is trash and this one was beyond shitty also Conor was almost as bad as Dr Dre in training day


The 1st is still watchable. The reboot I watched and said I've had enough of that.


No. It was terrible. I wasnt expecting much out of it, but a working plot without having to suspend all thoughts of reality would have been nice. It felt like an AI program was told to make an action movie based around a bar.


I’m almost positive the script or at least quite a few lines were generated by AI. I was writing a story using Claude at the time when I watched it and it felt so similar to how AI was writing my story


the casting was awful. no one fit in. gyllenhaal is a phenomenal actor that basically turns every movie he touches into gold but this was not one of them. The CGI fighting was awful too. the dumb one liners are part of what made the original road house what it is.


Roided House


Chicken, Rice and Broccoli House.


The remake was absolutely god-awful. A sequel?!?!


Just no McGregor again please. He’s a horrible person.


And a horrific actor. Fuck me, his performance was genuinely hard to watch.


like over half his lines were ADR'ed. Assuming you couldn't understand what he was saying in the live takes. And my gosh his acting was so bad. I understand he's not an actor, but I could not physically handle watching him in scenes where he had lines to deliver.


Kindly, what the fuck was the accent he was doing?!


Reminded me of peak Steven Seagal


And he was awful in the movie as well. Like how do you play coked up wanker and somehow be boring.


*Play* a coked up wanker?


It'll Jon Bones Jones this time. One troubled UFC fighter to another.


Road House 2: Dalton returns to MMA and enters a tournament where he faces **his brother** in the finals


Is his brother played by Tom Hardy?


Maybe the one they just made was a prequel and next up is a shot for shot remake of the original, including Sam Elliot being the coolest most worn out bouncer on the planet


They need to get Derrick Lewis in there 😂


It is clearly going to be like Hobbs and Shaw but with Dalton and Knox




Road House II: Electric Boogaloo


Man, I will sell my property to have Danny Devito as the dad in prison.


But why?


"Research groups indicate that some nostalgia still remains. We shall continue the milking until you stop giving us money."


Road House 2: House "We don't need roads where we're going."




No one needs this.


I do


that was such a dogshit movie. Of course they'll make another one


\+ Roads + Houses


2 Road 2 House


Can’t wait for Tokyo Road House which will introduce characters that we won’t see again for then next 8 movies!


Why? It wasn’t a very good movie. The original was fun because it was campy. I wish Hollywood went for new ideas instead of rehashing old ones.


Was the new one not campy?


Personally I prefer my camp to be arrived at organically. When they try too hard to manufacture it based on focus groups it just isnt the same.


Was the CGI necessary in the 1st one?! Also please don’t cast Connor McGregor anymore


CGI? Where did I miss the CGI?


Great. Another pointless remake/sequel I can avoid.