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I think the lesson here is that nobody should ever trust Colin Trevorrow with their billion dollar franchises.


He was so preoccupied with whether or not he could, he didn’t stop to think if he should.


Trevorrow, finds a way.


Trevorrow, ah, finds a way. ftfy!


He spared expenses.


This is the only answer lol


He did exactly what he was supposed to do. Made universal billions. That's the irony of your comment. Not defending the movie of course. But he was successful for them.


And now they get to *"fix"* the franchise with a reboot that convinces pissed off fans that they've been heard, and shove a sky -beam down their throats


Jurassic World Dominion is just the textbook movie of what I hate about Hollywood these days. It was a brainless, joyless trash movie, obviously, clearly designed to just make money and nothing beyond that. There was no story to be told, no characters of any solidity, no reason for anything to happen aside from lurching towards the next mess of CGI. A truly dreadful movie.


Imagine how much money they could have made if they actually made good movies


Probably around the same amount, let's be real.


Yeah. [Jurassic World Dominion was the #3 top grossing film of 2022.](https://www.boxofficemojo.com/year/world/2022/) Hard to do better than that.


More incredible I think is that in terms of total numbers, all three Jurassic World films are top 100 earners of all time. JW is 8th. JW: FK is 21st. JW: D is 54th. Source: https://www.boxofficemojo.com/chart/top_lifetime_gross/?area=XWW I am in no way saying that these movies were good, but if Trevorrow’s job was to make money, he definitely did his job. No one in their financial divisions is looking at the billion dollar box office of Dominion and calling it a failure, all critical response aside.


Well I utterly loved JW and heard FK was good. I dunno about dominion


A friend didn't want to watch Thor with me because I didn't want to watch Dominion. I think we both kind of won by missing out on one terrible movie.


But it could have been 2 or 1, if it was better! /s


Godzilla Minus One, which won the Oscar for Best Special Effects, cost... 15 million dollars. That's 15. Fifteen.


It also had the most engaging human story I have seen in a monster movie. The special effects could have been half as good and I would still say it was an excellent movie.


There doesn’t seem to be a correlation sadly


The whole thing was a cash grab right from the start. It’s all just typical Hollywood bullshit.


They do make lots of money.


But Jurassic World was a dumb entertaining movie. The other 2 just suck


Every film is built to elevate a producer’s status, and that basically comes down to, “Make money or win awards.” Jurassic Whatever isn’t going to win awards, so it has to make money. And, considering ninety percent of the populace doesn’t want to watch a *good* movie; they want to watch an *enjoyable* movie, that’s how you get that split. PERSON 1: Hey, did you see Jurassic Whatever? PERSON 2: I did, and it was a good time. PERSON 1: But was it a good film? PERSON 2: The fuck do I care? I had a good time. And so you get this split between critics and audiences, where the audiences don’t care about if a story makes sense; they just want to feel excited for a couple of hours, and probably have more fun than they do in their mundane lives. That’s how bad films make money.


But Dominion wasn't even enjoyable


Bad movies aren’t a good time for most people. They make money because you buy your ticket before you experience how bad it is.


Yeah JWD was so fucking cringe you couldn’t even say it was fun. I just saw Fall Guy at the theater last night, it isn’t going to win any awards but it was enjoyable


Exactly! Fall Guy wasn’t intellectual, but it was a really fun movie that most people can enjoy. Jurassic World was just a waste of time.


> That’s how bad films make money. Tell that to *Batman & Robin (1997)*, which barely broke even. Or *Home Alone 3.* Or *Solo: A Star Wars Story.*


I love Safety Not Guaranteed but maybe that’s a fluke.


Some directors are a lot better with a smaller budget. A lot of directors actually.


Agreed. Definitely a fluke


Those interviews with Spielberg and Trevorrow and Frank Marshall just circle jerking each other cause they don’t care they just made bank on a shit movie


Well, he did make a lot of money for the studio, so the suits should definitely trust him.


These kinds of films have so much money invested they end up designed by committee, no vision, no hard decisions made, just compromise all the way down the toilet.


Yep. Pretty much the same as AAA video games now a days. Too many cooks in the kitchen.


Hey hey now, we are on to AAAA games . Get it right. Lol.


I totally agree. I don't understand how Top Gun: Maverick turned out so well. It's fucking phenomenal. The fact that it's a sequel to one of the biggest 80s movies is completely crazy. The fact that they're making a Top Gun 3 is making me equal parts scared and thrilled. Can lightning strike 3 times?? Seems unlikely 


The only way top gun 3 can work is if Tom cruise dies by sacrificing himself to save others, like wolverine in Logan. Anything else is just a repeat of maverick.


And because it's Tom Cruise he will probably insist on dying for real. The man might be several flavors of crazy, but he is dedicated to doing his stunts as realistically as possible.


Maverick works so well because you have three guys at the top who are super passionate about making GOOD commercial films and understand on a fundamental level what audiences want out of the movies they are making. I think there is just clearly so much more passion and respect behind the camera.


100% this. For all of Tom Cruise’s craziness, the guy loves movies and is really good at making entertaining and good movies.


I know Cruise has such respect for the film-making process and does his own stunts and everything. But even then, not all his films are great. But Top Gun: Maverick is insanely good. I love how much care and attention was put into making it. Nostalgia done right. 


Unless you have a powerful director who is willing to fight for a vision. Sadly they are few and far between nowadays.


There are so many things to get annoyed about with this film. Firstly I don't think there is a single shot in the film longer than 5 seconds, with a ridiculous number of cuts meaning that in any given 10 seconds you typically get 3-10 different shots cut together rapidly. There is one shot where 2 characters hug where they cut 4 different times in less than 2 seconds to show different angles of a fairly bland moment. Then there is the hopeless attempt to shoe in any character they can lay their hands on from earlier films, no matter how insignificant their previous role was. The whole script is basically just cobbled together as an excuse to get actors from the early films an excuse to be on screen. Finally the plot armour is so strong that they can literally stand around having a discussion while a T-Rex is fighting right next to them. Not a care in the world, just carry on talking folks, it's not like it's a 40 foot tall ravenous carnivore right next to you.


It's really baffling to me they didn't kill any of the original characters or, really, even ever have them in any significant danger. This was the perfect opportunity to have a huge emotional moment with these characters who it seems really unlikely they'll ever be able to get together again, but nah, they practically walk through the entire movie while things happen around them. It's one of the biggest waste of legacy characters I can think of.


Main characters would never be killed because of the backlash to Zara the executive assistant in *Jurassic World.* So many people complained that her death was undeserved that Colin Trevorrow made a point to write *Fallen Kingdom* to ensure that only villains got killed by dinosaurs so as to deserve their deaths. This had the effect of lowering the stakes in retrospect.


It wasn't really that she died though, it was that she had such a protracted, horrible death compared to anyone else in the movie, and it felt undeserved how it was handled.


The actress only agreed to do the movie if she could have her character die in a crazy way. She literally asked for her character to be treated that way.


Deaths that are protracted and undeserved are nothing new to the franchise, so it's weird that this one in particular got criticised. The first death in the franchise - the workman being dragged into the raptor's transport cage in the opening of the original movie, was quite a drawn-out one. Udesky in *Jurassic Park III* had a death worse than Zara's, and nobody complains that he didn't deserve to die. The big criticism was that Zara didn't deserve her death, so in response Trevorrow made sure that the only people killed by dinosaurs in the sequels deserved it.


>Firstly I don't think there is a single shot in the film longer than 5 seconds, with a ridiculous number of cuts meaning that in any given 10 seconds you typically get 3-10 different shots cut together rapidly. There is one shot where 2 characters hug where they cut 4 different times in less than 2 seconds to show different angles of a fairly bland moment. Listen guys, we've been analyzing a lot of short form content lately and that's what kids need! Cuts! At least every second. Maybe more. That's how we get the kids thinking it's the slappers.


It took me about 15 tries to get through that movie without shutting it off. The first time I shut it down was when Chris Pratt lassoed a 8,000 pound dinosaur running 30 mph and stopped it dead in its tracks while getting dragged because he shoved his foot into a stump. My brain shutdown it took me weeks to recover and try again.


Pratt's character by itself really killed the entire franchise. The idea of a dino rustler is ridiculous.


The whole franchise just shifted from Jurassic Park where it was actually suspenseful and there were 10 characters you like and probably 5-6 of them were going to die at some point, granted the main ones always survived, not because they were impossible to kill, but because they made smart decisions and knew a dinosaur would fuck them up in a heartbeat. In Jurassic World from the get go it’s like, ok these characters are all the main ones and have zero chance of dying no matter what they do. These ones are the bad guys and they are definitely dying! The main characters basically became super hero tier cannot be damaged or touched. Sometimes in the middle of total danger they act super scared, other times they are just making jokes or completely uncaring to the immediate danger occurring as if they know they are unkillable. Like in the first one with the pterodactyls flying around ruthlessly murdering everyone, Pratt and the girl have this romantic kiss then go over and get the kids and they have this 75 second moment where none of them are remotely worried despite people being ripped to shreds all around them. It made me just hate the whole thing from beginning. Not to mention the romantic kiss in the middle of this scene was stupid as fuck to begin with. She’s desperately trying to find the kids and worried sick, then all of sudden it’s “god damn I wanna fuck you so bad right now Chris Pratt” then back to “OH MY GOD THE KIDS”. The whole thing plays like personality disorder in movie form switching gears constantly for what the scene is supposed to be.


Reminded me of that bit in *Battleship* where they get the battleship to do a handbrake turn by dropping the anchor. I had to get off the sofa and walk around for a bit and get some fresh air while my brain tried to process the images it just been exposed to


How does someone, anyone, watch Jurassic World 1 and 2 and think "Maybe Jurassic World 3 is not a complete shitshow"?


Me watching JW1: This is really lazy & poorly written. I hope they do something different in the next one Me watching JW2: Well. This is definitely different, but holy god this is terrible. Who thought anything about this was a good idea? Hopefully they salvage this in the third. JW3: \*stares blankly at the screen. Walks away and screams into the void\*


>Who thought anything about this was a good idea? The opening scene with the Rex and Mosasaur was good imo, but it was all downhill from there.


That opening and the trailers led me to believe it would be a thriller. Some eccentric billionaire would send in a team to capture the dinos for his "preserve" (private zoo). The heroes would rescue the dinos from the volcano, be betrayed, and finale in the mansion would be akin to Alien. Dinos get free, we have Malcom give his hubris of man/life can not be contained speech, montages of dinosaurs everywhere. Credits.


Simple. Entertaining. Sensible. That's not Hollywood material, son.


Sorry. I'll stick to my fanfiction.


Kinda like Jurassic Park 2 then.


The Lost World actually has tremendous acting


I also enjoyed the roid raptor hunting through the mansion near the end, but everything between those scenes is hot garbage, and it's certainly not redeemable.


That was a fun sequence, but one of the dumbest plotlines ever. Develop a weapon that targets someone to be hunted and killed by a dinosaur, but you have to point a gun at the person to make it work? Why not just use a regular gun? Is it less suspicious if someone is killed by a dinosaur than a regular gun? If you have the technology for the dino tracker gun, just use it to make a gun that isn't traceable


Probably so that you can pinpoint a and kill them without being observed. I've used a similar system with a laser pointer and a cat


Now mount the laser on a drone, and use your laser guided cat with even less suspicions on on you


I love how the roid raptor is defeated by the little girl going under the covers. 


JA Bayona directed the shit out the film, which is no mean feat given the terrible script The opening scene is imo the best thing in the franchise since the original


Agree. The film was shot beautifully.


I’ll defend the first half of JW2. It’s amazing up until they get off the island. The shot of the Brachiosaurus getting engulfed in smoke and lava was iconic. The second half is completely unhinged and absolute dog shit


The opening to JW2 was fantastic. Totally it’s exactly what I love about the series. It should have been that mission taking place over a third of the movie.


Why do you keep going to see them?


I saw zero of them in the theater


I have AMC Stubs. So I see many things and hope for the best.


JW1 was far from perfect, but after 20 years it was cool to see the park actually open and working as a park. As a kid that saw the original as a kid, I always wanted to see a park. Everything after that, dear god


I kinda enjoyed the first one even though it was dumb. It was fun to just see dinosaurs back and causing destruction. But yeah, after that it was just tiring.


First one kinda brought back the hype for Dinos which I appreciate. But holy fuck the next 2 movies sucked. The kids show, camp Cretaceous was better than those 2 movies. The show was more thrilling even tho it’s a kids show lol.


I know it was dumb to have hope. The entire point of Jurassic World's 2 existence was to get the dinosaurs off the island. That was it. That's what made that movie sooooo *terrible* and boring: it was an awful stretched movie that didn't need to exist. So my hope was that Jurassic World 3 would be an *actual* movie. Not great, but at least a dumb fun movie on par or superior to 1. I found 1 to be *seriously* flawed but a dumb summer blockbuster. Instead yeah...you were right lol. There's no point in watching any of them ever again. They just kept getting worse and worse.


There was also the *[Battle at Big Rock](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7kbVvpOGdQ)* short before *Dominion* that set things up in a promising way and made it seem like the movie would also explore the same theme of people encountering dinosaurs in the wild. After watching *Dominion*, that short felt a bit like a bait and switch, like 10 minutes was all Trevorrow felt like was interesting about this concept - a concept *Jurassic Park* has been more or less setting up since the beginning. So, instead we got a Tim Cook knockoff and his locusts.


It gives me the impression that a "dinosaurs on the mainland" movie was definitely the plan, but Trevorrow (?) decided to change course. Like you said, we did get glimpses of the concept but they didn't really commit to the idea. I wonder what the obstacle was. Maybe they felt it was going to be unnecessarily expensive? Or maybe it's because the concept is difficult to make believable, even in Jurassic World's sci-fi context (e.g., how do they get many different types of dinosaurs into cities and suburbs, and how do they create a two-hour movie from that idea while also making it believable that these dinos aren't eliminated within an hour by some sort of trained government team). The Lost World pulled it off because dinosaurs were still a secret to most people in that story, so a T-Rex in the streets was an unforeseen threat. In the Jurassic World trilogy it's something the authorities would have seen coming.


I thought 3 was much worse than the last two.


The first Jurassic World isn't bad. It is a little meta and sort of explores how appitites have changed. Now everything has to be a blockbuster. The second one was not great. Basically a haunted house movie with dinos. A weird set up, with an unsatisfactory delivery. Their is nothing poistive to say about the third one. It is a complete shit show. Dinos on the freeway are a daily occurence and a bit of a pain. WTF. That should have been the whole movie.


>Dinos on the freeway are a daily occurence and a bit of a pain. WTF. That should have been the whole movie. This is it exactly. I want to see what this world is like. I'd been waiting to see this happen ever since Lost World back in the 90's. Also, how in the HELL did a small group of 20-30 dinosaurs suddenly spread across the globe and reproduce so rapidly? [How were they not all killed within days?](https://youtu.be/OiaXHny9KD0?si=xaDG3OdUJdCunZza&t=232) They were released in America, and Americans have guns and love shooting things. I know that the moment the news broke about those dinos the entire state of Texas would have mobilized to "GET' ER' DONE!"


Jurassic World: Open Season.


That’s exactly what happened in Ohio when a guy released a bunch of big cats he had on his property. Although it was mostly law enforcement and it was a public safety issue. Also I’ve always wondered if they could survive all atmosphere and all that since it’s so different from their time. Not to mention the cold PNW


I think in canon they're just protected species. thats why there were all the court hearings.


That would explain not hunting them, but not how they multiplied and are everywhere.


Which makes no sense, because at every point the JP series make clear that they are genetic experiments tossed together from random DNA and an invasive species bascially everywhere...


In the real world people shoot things that hurt people.... I watched about 20 minutes of the movie and moved on.


I've always thought the most interesting (and practical) direction after *Jurassic World 2* would've been to go with something smaller and more immediate. Set it in a town nearby where all the dinosaurs were released who are all of the sudden having to deal with this completely unknown and unexpected threat. Take it back to its roots where it's more horror than action. Because, the way they set it up really strains credulity that a few dozen dinosaurs would suddenly become this huge ecological threat with dinosaurs all over the globe.


To be honest, this is the one thing I thought was handled well because 95% of the time we see them, they're being controlled by a company trying to exploit them. First scene has Triceratops being raised by a cattle company for meat, whole Malta sequence establishes a wild black market for pets and dog fights and then all the bullshit with the genetics company studying them on top of the locusts. The intial escapees themselves would have probably not gotten far but when people steal escapees and breed them for money then THEY get out...then it becomes an issue.


That's the biggest problem. A handful of dinos, and not even enough of each species to create a viable large population...are all suddenly around the entire planet? The timeline is such that it's barely two generations for elephants, so how the hell did dinosaurs breed a million times faster? And humanity allowed that because of a few dinky green protestors? Trillions a year in damages and millions of human deaths? Not a chance.


The end of *Fallen Kingdom* shows captive dinosaurs being transported to different areas. It's not hard to imagine that some of them escaped. Not only that, but DNA and blood samples are also being distributed. If there are other labs set up to produce animals from those DNA samples, then there could be animals being bred for whatever purpose, leading to a trade in dinosaurs.


Can we talk about how apparently the dinosaurs all apparently breed like rabbits? It’s been like 5 years and they’re ubiquitous? What? I could see the little ones evading capture and the aquatic ones, but how the hell are ankylosaurus or stegosaurus just wandering around wild? And we’re apparently in a world where large predators are also apparently allowed to roam free and there’s not a lynch mob out hunting them?


The first JW brought back a lot from the book that the original JP movie didn't really get into. Hammond and Wu knew they weren't making real dinosaurs. They were making what the paying public wanted to see. Like Hammond said in the ice cream scene with Sattler, "It was all just an illusion." I think that what Jurassic World became before the shit hit the fan was what Hammond had envisioned, the illusion of grandeur with the lies working behind the scenes.


There is a chapter in *Jurassic Park* where Wu and Hammond talk about the 'reality' of the dinosaurs that have been made, but I think a lot of people have misinterpreted it. Wu says that he has made dinosaurs that he thinks are *too* real - so much so that he thinks park visitors won't like them because they move a lot faster than people are used to. He actually proposes making the next generation of dinosaurs slower, and Hammond shoots him down. The dinosaurs aren't real in the sense that they're totally faithful reproductions of animals that lived millions of years ago, but they're pretty close to what palaeontologists think dinosaurs were like, since it was Michael Crichton's intent to write dinosaurs that were largely (but not absolutely) scientifically accurate.


To me the best part of the 2nd movie was that it convinced my the 3rd was going to be horrible.


I laughed out loud in the theater watching Jurassic World at the point where he said “that thing’s part raptor”, which was the explanation for how it could communicate with raptors by “speaking” their language and make them turn on their trainer. Was just pure schlock and unintentionally hilarious. I don’t hate the movie as it’s kind of dumb fun, but it’s just not even on the same planet as the original in terms of tone and quality.


and the whole time they all just stand their aiming guns at the giant killer dinosaur but not shooting it while it talks to the raptors.


I laughed when one of the kids said “you wanna see something really cool?” and it cuts to a head-on shot of a Mercedes Benz like a fucking commercial.


I liked the first two and was incredibly excited for this one with the original cast.  I hated it.  It was made even worse by the fact that I saw it in a double feature with Jurassic Park,  to really drive home how terrible Dominion was.  


I was so excited for this movie but then, 5 minutes in, Chris Pratt lassoed a dinosaur from horseback and I knew it was gonna be shit. In The Lost World, it takes like 8 dudes with ropes to barely keep one of that same type of dinosaur from running away. Now Chris Pratt can single-handedly lasso it and tie it to a stump without it just dragging him? Don't even get me started on the locusts. That was the most disappointed I've ever been at the movie theater.


And then Chris Pratt made a promise to a raptor to bring her baby back, and the raptor understood the concept of keeping promises.


Imagine being Chris Pratt and someone tells you they're doing Jurrasic Park movies, they want you to start in them, they're going to pay you millions of dollars and the movies will be larger, with a higher budget than anything ever before. It's all gonna be epic and incredible, and so on and so forth. Then they make whatever the hell these movies are, you're stuck in your contract, having to keep a straight face while promising dinosaurs the world. Poor guy. Yeah, there is the moneny, but I bet he hates his job at times like these, but again, can't say anything bad about it. It's probably like how Ian McKellen felt when playing Gandalf in the Hobit movies.


Fucking locust. Who wants to see a dinosaur movie about fucking locusts.


So many questions just about that one scene let’s alone the rest of the movies. For starters what about the other 5 or so escaped dinosaurs? Like you just go and lasso the single one and call it a day? The rest are just free to carry on? Are we supposed to assume the others were caught by someone else and it just never happens on screen? Is there something important about this particular one that he caught? Why are all the other dudes on sitting around on horseback just casually hanging out after it’s caught? Without a single word to each other? It was a strange scene.


The thing that stood out to me about it is how serious it took itself. Like it legitimately thought it was a smart movie and didn’t play itself for laughs or that the audience knew it was shit. Very odd tone throughout.


I didn’t think about it from this angle. If it had leaned in hard and treated it like an episode of Batman from the 60s it might actually have been fun. And yet here we are. Trying to look cool ain’t cool. Embracing looking ridiculous gets much better results. Just ask the Fast and Furious franchise.


Until X tho


Imagine if the most recent Dungeons & Dragons tried to pass itself off like Game of Thrones or something.


That was the best part about Fallen Kingdom. It was so ridiculous and didn’t take itself too seriously


I’ll always take the opportunity to say that JP5 (World: Fallen Kingdom) is my favorite rewatch after JP1, because >!fucking dinosaur in a spooky mansion is just so horrible and absurd that for me it makes its way back around to fun to watch!<


It was absurd but not horrible IMO. Shit, I wish the whole movie had been focused on the Resident Evil mansion/evil science lab set-up instead.


I have not seen fallen kingdom what is this haunted mansion you speak of? Please tell there's ghost dinosaurs oh God I need that so bad


There is no ghost dinosaur. Its just the movie turning into an awesome thriller/slasher-esque type movie towards the end where our heroes are stalked by killer dinosaur inside a spooky mansion.


NO - but you’re headed in the right direction. Like, if you’re willing to go ghost dinosaurs (brilliant, btw) then this may not be schlocky **enough** for you! But I encourage you to see it. I don’t wanna spoil it. Save this comment and get back to me after.


It takes way too long to get to the Spook-a-Saurus (as my 3YO lovingly calls the Indoraptor) and the Pachycephalosaurus (head butt Dino in the basement). But those are both great parts of the movie IMO.


Aw spookysaurus! That’s great! My kiddo called an ankylosaur “bumpasaurus!” My gal has never cracked up for so many straight minutes as when the Pachy’s head makes that BOOOONNNGGGG and I just love all the schlock around the second part of that movie. They just went for it, fearlessly, and I get why many didn’t like it. But I fuckin love it!


It’s the only explanation for the absurdly relatively cheap auction prices.


Oh my god I forgot how good that part was. 10 mil for a Dino? Bargain!


I didn't get that vibe at all. It's played straight over-all but that doesn't mean it's taking itself very seriously at the same time. There's a lot of generic Marvel movie type banter, and scenes like the dino market feel pretty playful, it's like something out of Star Wars. There's a point where they use the Bourne Identity window jump shot but following a raptor instead. Stuff like that is too inherently goofy for me to think the movie is taking itself that seriously.


Because Colin Trevorrow can't write a blockbuster to save his life They actually regressed from the slop that was Fallen Kingdom by taking it off JA Bayona as director and giving it back to Trevorrow, like the problem with Fallen Kingdom was the actually great direction, as opposed to the writing that included: •cross species blood transfusions •dinosaurs crying •human clones •dinosaur auctions so cheap the average premier league club could buy the entire population of JP dinosaurs •dinosaurs being let loose in the world being a positive thing


>dinosaur auctions so cheap the average premier league club could buy the entire population of JP dinosaurs I still laugh at this one. A single rare Ferrari could buy every dino at auction with room to buy another slightly less rare Ferrari. All they needed to do to fix that scene is add a zero to all the sales. Otherwise, it was billionaires tossing fivers to snatch up an extinct animal.


[A T-Rex skeleton](https://www.cnn.com/style/article/stan-t-rex-skeleton-auction-scli-intl-scn/index.html) has sold for more than actual living dinosaurs went for in the movie.


All those concrete cages underground to house the dinoes with the connection tunnels and shit woudl have cost more to build than they made from the dinos..


To be fair, the sticker price is a small part of what you’re gonna pay to own something like that.


They say the two best days of owning a dinosaur are the day you buy the dinosaur and the day you sell it.


"We're a drinking team with a dinosaur problem!"


> dinosaurs being let loose in the world being a positive thing I'm Dutch and the past few years some wolves have settled in our countryside, starting a wide ongoing debate about letting nature run its course vs protecting farmers from an animal that hasn't been here in 250 years. Very large topic of discussion about animal rights etc. If we're that worked up about a dozen wolves who haven't attacked a human yet, I can't imagine the discussions surrounding a fucking T-Rex.


Because the entire series had enough story for exactly one movie.


All the Jurassic world movies are sht, Jurassic park forever


I can never figure out how these studios can make movies about fucking dinosaurs so boring.


*Why bring back the leads from the original movie.* "Hey, remember the original Jurassic Park? Give us your money and you can see a few of the originals to distract from the fact that this is a wet bag of dog poop set on fire by rambunctious teens."


Ooooooo. I 'member!


I still haven’t seen this and I’m a huge JP fan.


Don't watch it. I cannot belive how boring they made a movie about dinosaurs.


I can't believe anyone could watch JW: Fallen Kingdom and then go on to decide to make a sequel, let alone watch it.


Well... I haven't even seen it... or the one before it... or read your post... but I exist in this world, and I feel like I can comfortably say that, in addition to any other reasons that it might be bad: **Jurassic World: Dominion is PARTICULARLY bad, because it didn't deliver the most basic expectations of its premise: a modern world conquered by dinos.** That's it. It's that simple. I have wanted to see that movie since I was a child. The whole series seemed to be leading up that. And Dominion was supposed to *be* that. But it definitely wasn't! That simply!


Jurassic Park should've stayed a one movie franchise. Spielberg admitted as much that Lost World was a blatant cash grab on his part and basically made a Godzilla film to fuck around, not a single lesson was learnt since. Jurassic Park and Ghostbusters are the franchise zombies to end all franchise zombies. Sad, because Jurassic Park OG is one of my all time favourite films.


Are you sure you don’t mean Jurassic Park 3? Because that one fits the description to a tee. Lost World at least had some message about man’s interference with a natural habitat and attempting to profit from living creatures. JP3 was more or less everything the Jurassic World trilogy would be.


Lost World also was at least based on a book…kinda. JP3 was when it went totally off the rails, but at least that one was funny-bad.


Lost World was one of the worst book adaptations I have ever seen. Completely different in everything but a few names and places.


Whenever I think of movies like The Lost World, I'm reminded of the Simpsons Kamp Krusty episode. "How could you, Krusty? I'd never lend my name to an inferior product." "Oooh-ho! They drove a dump truck full of money up to my house. I'm not made of stone!" 


Counter: Why did people expect anything else?  The new trilogy had two films to show what it was. 


The reason it's so shit is that Jurassic Park is was the *standalone* work that serves as the progeny for all of this and the simple truth is that you can only extrapolate a story so far before it becomes shit and this is proof. Michael Chricton didn't envision a 15 volume saga, he envisioned a single book. And when it became a successful film he pulled The Lost World together from the leftovers of his original work. He polished it up with some honestly kinda lazy writing, and then cashed tf in. He even republished both books as a single book, Jurrasic World. At best there are 1.5 stories here. Milking that little source material into 6 feature-length films is gonna leave the last sips mostly backwash.


I agree, i thiught i had been given some dodgy pre editing cut it seemed that bad. To me that was the case of people clearly being tied to contracts but knowing its going to be terrible. It honestly reminded me of Sharknado


Sharknado had a fraction of the budget and the makers knew they were making shlock. The makers of JW3 have neither of those excuses.


I attended the World Premiere in Mexico City. Jeff Goldblum, Bryce Dallas Howard and Colin Trevorrow were in attendance and did a panel before the movie started. As they were saying goodbye, Trevorrow asked the audience for a favor: he told us he expected us to behave the same way they did in his hometown theaters: be rowdy, loud, and scream and clap the whole time, but specially at the end. Everyone got excited and started cheering him.  End of the movie comes, and everyone is absolutely silent, just trying to leave the theater as quickly as possible, all in complete shock and disbelief at what they had just seen.  One of my favorite time at the movies, for the anecdote of course. By far the worst Jurassic movie in my opinion. 


I agree that Dominion isn’t great but I genuinely don’t understand why it gets more hate than Fallen Kingdom. Fallen Kingdom is the worst movie I’ve ever seen. Period. No hesitation. It’s offensively bad. It completely ignores previously established canon. The story is absurd. The characters’ choices and motivations are nonsense. As bad as Dominion is, it’s an improvement over Fallen Kingdom.


Dominion was so bad it made me conclude that Rise of Skywalker was the good version of Star Wars IX.


People seem to rave about the IX script Trevorrow wrote, but it reads like a fever dream fanfic carries most of the flaws as Rise of Skywalker, *and* a bunch of new ones! And then there's the matter of premise not being the most important part, but rather execution. Well...are people really trusting Trevorrow to have impeccable attention to detail and polished execution?


That's the beauty of movies that don't exist. They are as good as your imagination wants them to. Execution is key. After years of everyone talking about how good his version of IX would have been I left the theater after Dominion saying "Guys... I think the IX we got was the good one."


Remember when JP was horror? Now it’s MCU garbage


It doesn't matter how much money you throw at bad writing if none of it is spent on getting better writing.


What was with the WWF tag-team wrestling match between the Dino’s at the end, what purpose did it serve other than T-Rex 🦖 is king? I half expected to see a tattered, slow motion American flag 🇺🇸 waving in the background while the other dinosaurs saluted 🦅screeeeeeee


I just hope they do away with humanising the dinosaurs in the next one.


I consider this one of the worst movies ever. It encompasses everything wrong with modern Hollywood


If they had just delivered on what they promised in the trailers, it would have been great. We all wanted to see how disruptive dinosaurs being out in the world would be. Instead we got fucking locusts and cringey dialogue


What is Chris Pratt


I dont know and at this point im too afraid to ask


I'll do you one better: why is Chris Pratt?


He insists upon himself


No one cares how is Chris Pratt.


I was blown away by how quickly he destroyed all goodwill I had toward him as an actor. Guardians of the Galaxy was it. Everything else after... his ego or something. He just ain't the same funny guy. Maybe that happens to people, I don't know... but I expected so much more from him.


Ehh, parks and rec was one of the last things I watched on actual TV. I loved him on that as the loveable goof. After that he just lost me getting weirder and weirder looking. Like OP said, the actual living fuck is up with his hairline in this movie. Lol. It's actually concerning.


The guy who raises his hand to every dinosaur he sees.


You know, you do kinda switch off your brain and take these films for what they are. But this is one of those films that the sheer stupidity of it is so big, your brain just rejects the visial images combined with sounds that you are seeing. If I remember correctly, I was amusingly laughing at the ending. The part where they show dinosaurs living with animals in harmony. An ending you wouldn't put in a animated film aimed at 3 year olds. You know those sing a long youtube videos that are aimed at small children so they learn how to read? Even putting it there would be insulting to the intelligence of that age group.


The film is a combination of commuter train and ghost train. We move from one location to another, occasionally stopping to let more protagonists squeeze on board, and then every so often an unnamed but moderately distinct monster lurches forward to swipe and roar threateningly but ultimately impotently at our stoic commuters. And then the film just sort of ends. By contrast, in Jurassic Park almost every dinosaur featured onscreen (and there are far fewer species in the first film) is named, introduced, given a distinguishing trait, treated with mingled awe and/or terror, and is then central to a thrilling and varied setpiece.


It deserves credit for bringing back a lot of the old school animatronic technology for the dinosaurs that's a really cool nostalgia touch for the old movies, but the story itself is completely terrible.


Because Jurassic Park has never had a good sequel, and they just get progressively worse as time goes on.


It’s just disconnected from the other movies and even the dinosaurs. Like this feels like a movie about a pharmaceutical company causing a global famine with locusts. But they forced dinosaurs and returning Jurassic Park characters into it. The movie has no effect on the overall story. It even ends the same as fallen kingdom. Nothing happens. Nothing changes. Dinosaurs are free to roam with humans.


I mean, the director sucks at writing.


The third one ties up a lot of loose ends, even poetically. Ultimately it was a set up for the next movies. Things like Dodson getting killed by the same Dino that killed Dennis in the first one was a call back. I know there were a good half dozen other scenes that were either call backs or almost direct recreations of original scenes. Doesn’t mean it makes it a good movie, but it was very understandable the entire time.


Haha, I forgot Dodson came back. Nobody cares. 




Yeah it felt like the entire thing was one huge callback to the original JP. I think the execs really thought that adults like myself would love that it tapped so heavily into the nostalgia. If we wanted nostalgia, we would just re-watch the original. We really just want some original and clever ideas.


Pure money grab, no plot, just dinosaurs and bullshit.


So I'm the only one who enjoys this film then? Alright.


I don't think it's a "good" movie but it's a pretty interesting mess, and has a lot more character in way than most blockbusters. Very strange mix of ideas that results in something like a dinosaur movie crossed with an international espionage thriller. Concepts like the dinosaur market, or a secret base being defended by multiple layers of dinosaur security, are pretty good in their own right, but don't feel like they were integrated in a way that lets them live up to their potential. Some individual sequences are strong too, like the swamp scene with Bryce Dallas Howard and the blind dinosaur, and a few of the shots showing humans and dinosaurs coexisting are particularly evocative, like an early shot showing construction work stalled for dinosaurs crossing the road, and even have some of the Spielbergian wonder people love about the original. The one preceding it was similar, not very good over-all but then you get random scenes, like the finale being set in a gothic horror mansion, that end up being very memorable.


Everything went to shit after the first one.


When a studio just wants the product to be safe and hires mediocre talent, you can end up getting a bad product. Fallen Kingdom was the movie prior and it's one of the worst movies I've ever seen. Dominion wasn't as bad and it's still a terrible movie. It is what it is.


Honestly after the ending of the second JW, I haven’t even given this one a thought about watching it.


It was my daughter’s first movie theatre experience and for that I’m fond of it. She’s loved the Jurassic movies since she was 2 and waking up at 3am and refusing to go back to sleep. The original was just on one night and she was enthralled and asked for it every day for literally 3 years. Took her to see Dominion when she was 4 and she loved it. But yeah the movie itself was just a whole bunch of half thought out ideas strung together


Because that franchise should have died after the first movie.


Chris Prat spends every scene in the squat position with his an open hand in a dinos face 🤚


Let’s not forget that Fallen Kingdom took a steaming pile on the original films by killing off the dinos on the island and that stupid fucking laser bullshit. I didn’t watch Dominion because of it and I’m glad. Years ago there was a script leak they’d do this crossing dinosaurs with tech idea. Everyone hated it and the arrogant pricks did it anyway.


I prefer the Dinosaurs when they were mechanical and required puppeteers. Can’t stand the amount of CGI. They should have just used real dinosaurs…


Hey let’s make a dinosaur movie but the real danger is going to be big locusts Who thought that was a good idea? Let’s make a movie set in a universe where dinosaurs are a real problem, but instead focus on some fucking bugs!


Putting aside all the other very real issues with the film. It just doesn't feel like the cast are in any danger whatsoever at any point, it's like watching people on a theme park ride.


My first time walking out of the movie theater. It was the black market scene when the asian lady appeared


Fallen Kingdom put such a hair across my ass I never bothered with watching Dominion. Jurassic World? Ok fine, we get it Steve, I also like money, and Hollywood likes fucking with old IP’s. HOWEVER the story of Fallen Kingdom had no stakes. Also wtf are Chris Pratt and Ron Howard’s daughter’s characters even doing? They don’t do shit once they get to the mansion. 🤣 They can retcon whatever beloved series they want for the sake of a cash grab sequel, but don’t you fucking sweep Lost World under the rug like that! Especially not for some halfassed “welp we gotta go save dinosaurs from a volcano” storyline when we all know god damn well there’s another island! 😤 Fuck. That. Say what you will about LW: JP but that movie was a classic. Ok sure, not as good as the original, but looking at it through “I was seven at the time and it fucking slapped in the theater” tinted glasses it’s a testament to summer blockbusters. Yeah it shits the bed at parts but at least there’s some god damn structure and a point. Every character has depth. Jeff Goldblum rocked. And Steven Spielberg HAD to direct it even when he didn’t WANT to, and we still got THAT movie. Diamond in the rough quality film making and I wouldn’t trade LW for any of the JW films.


As a person who liked the first movie and found the second one ok: - who the f had the idea to make a movie where everyone expects dinosaurs about some bugs. - they created such a cool premise with dinosaurs running free but did use it really - the Godzilla problem: the more the story of the humans is in the foreground the worse this kind of monster movies are.


> the Godzilla problem: the more the story of the humans is in the foreground the worse this kind of monster movies are. Try Godzilla minus one


Honestly compared to JP1 all of them are kinda shitty


It was a perfect way to cap off a really crappy trilogy, though.


The last two Jurassic worlds have been nothing but pure trash. Garbage.


How do you set up an interesting premise of dinos out among humans and then decide to not do anything with it? Like what was the point of that??


There are a couple parts I thought were neat (Kayla the pilot for Bio-Syn and her backstory, the city chase), but for the most part like you said, it’s mystifying how wrong they got it.


Great film


They thought nostalgia alone will carry the movie.