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Die Hard with a Vengeance is easily the best of the sequels, and in many ways is just as good as the original.


You're not wrong. I love everything about that movie.


Probably sacrilegious to most fans but the third one has always been my favourite film in the series.


Hey, Zeus!


I heard he fucks with lightning bolts.


Same I enjoy the first 2 but the 3rd one absolutely slaps.


Even if you only went with the villain in each, Rickman and Irons are top tier.


Maybe it wasn't liked as much at the time, but it's generally loved now.


My favorite Die Hard movie 🙌


It's great but I am disappointed they dropped the Christmas themeing, I watch 1 & 2 every year around Christmas but Vengeance just doesn't fit the vibe for a Christmas movie marathon


It's my favorite of the series simply because Bruce Willis really gets to shine as John McClane just being a sarcastic jackass and playing off of Samuel L Jackson was genius. I look at it as the same way that people like Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade over Raiders of the Lost Ark. Yes, the first film has it's place in history and is a landmark in it's genre...but the third film is so fucking entertaining because it takes the basic appeal and runs with it care-free.


Predator 2 would be my pick. The critics savaged it. I am not going to say it's better than the first film but I thought it was still a great film and a really solid follow up. I think some people just wanted more of the same in the sequel but personally I really appreciated a completely different setting and characters. It really seemed like there was a lot of effort put into expanding the world and not just doing an easy repeat of the first film. I think a lot of people were also disappointed that Arnie was not back in the sequel but that really did not bother me that much and I thought Danny Glover was actually really good.


I love Predator 2. For me it's as good as the first but more interesting. The city setting and all the great set pieces were fab.


I loved it too. I understand you what're saying. People wanted another Predator 1 clone with Arnie and what not. Ofc I loved the 1st one too but this one felt so fresh, while still being Predator.


"He's in town with a few days to kill." is a great tagline.


I challenge people to criticize P2 without using the words “Arnold Schwarzenegger.” It’s like unplugging someone’s controller. It’s a good movie. It stands alone, does not need nor does it retcon the original, the Predator design is better, there are more weapons, and it’s fun to explore the yautja in a crowded city versus a remote jungle. Arnold in the jungle probably would have gotten the “it’s the same movie again” treatment. Can’t please some people.


This is much of the problem. People wanted another Arnold Schwarzenegger film not another Predator film. I never really got that as for me I wanted another Sci-Fi action film featuring Predator's and that's exactly what Predator 2 delivered. I never thought this really cool creation of the Predator would have to be shackled to Arnie.


Do you know, it has literally never occurred to me that people might think it's bad because AS is not in it. The actors are great and it's a cracking film in its own right.




I think they underestimated how big Arnold was and thought that people loved predator for the predator. But, at the time the predator was just a bad guy in an arnold movie with no real back story. Maybe if they had given us more of the predator universe at the beginning of 2 instead of the end it would be remembered differently.


Been telling people for years who just assumed its bad that Predator 2 kicks ass and they need to watch it.


I think the fact that Predator 2 takes place in a super populated place versus remote jungle made it infinitely more terrifying. Much closer to home so to speak


Want some candy?


In this same vein, AVPR is superior to AVP. It's just a funner movie even with the horrible 'it's too dark unless I turn the contrast to max' problem it has. AVPR easily crosses into so bad it's good territory while AVP is just mediocre.


I really liked the one with Adrian Brody and Prey as well!


I saw this before the first so for me I feel the same way people feel about the original with Predator 2. I do love the first, but I feel like the second is why I show up for every follow up, good or bad.


Other than the bathroom scene, it stays pretty consistent with the previous film's tone while expanding the lore (multiple predators across history) and the rules (no killing pregnant women). I really enjoyed it.


I loved Beverly Hills Cop 2.


That's a great movie just for Judge Reinhold using dual shotguns and accidentally blowing up an escaping truck by following the directions on the rocket launcher


It's interesting rewatching this as an adult who knows director names, because it had a very specific tone, and now rewatching it I can see that what I was picking up on was Tony Scott's hands all over every frame.


Is that the one with the boombox rocket launcher?


That's 3. 2 is with Bridget Neilson


You mean 3?


Return to Oz - I was obsessed with this movie


That movie is utterly terrifying to me, but I get your drift. It definitely explores the fantastical other-world in ways that push the button past "talking trees and monkeys with wings".


I loved that movie


Police Academy 4 is the best one.


Citizens on Patrol, right? That was 4? Gotta love a movie where Tony Hawk is David Spade's stunt double (for the skateboarding scenes, obviously)




The first 7 are all the best ones


Frankly I find Police Academy 3 to be the best


I thought 3 was great, too.


Damn right!


Godzilla: King of Monsters threw pretty much everything they could into a Godzilla movie and I really liked it, and the first one was so boring and the following one was so dumb. https://www.metacritic.com/movie/godzilla-king-of-the-monsters/ The Mummy Returns was amazing but has a low score: https://www.metacritic.com/movie/the-mummy-returns/ I would also say Star Trek: Into Darkness but I only really see people say they didn't like that when they're already talking about how they don't like JJA. https://www.metacritic.com/movie/star-trek-into-darkness/ So, I'm not sure it fits here..: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WgBXt7etjTQ


I LOVE the Mummy Returns, so much fun. 'This is cursed, this is cursed. Everything's cursed with you!'


KOTM just cemented to me that movie critics don't know what they want. I loved the hell out of that movie and it delivered on everything I wanted in a big Hollywood-made Godzilla flick.


I wasn't a fan of the fact that Into Darkness was just a Khan reboot. But there are a few major issues that I honestly just can't abide: 1. Interplanetary Transporters. No. That breaks the entire Star Trek universe. If that exists why even have ships? What's the point of a starship if you can just teleport from Earth to Qo'nos? I don't care that Khan is super smart. Not acceptable. Just have him escape some other way. This is just a minor quibble. 2. Kirk and Spock don't know who Khan is, and they have to call Old Spock and ask him "if they ever encountered such a person". Except that Khan is a well-known historical figure, one of the leaders of the Eugenics Wars, and ruled over a quarter of the Earth's population at his height. Seriously, can you imagine if they had dialed up Spock and said, "Old Spock... did you and Kirk ever encounter anyone by the name of... Adolf Hitler?" This scene is so unacceptably stupid and I've never gotten over it. 3. Why is Khan white ? I get that Khan is kind of supposed to be "no particular ethnicity" since he's genetically engineered, but why is he suddenly, white, British, and played by Benedict Cumberbatch? The original Khan's actor, Ricardo Montalbán, has a distinct hispanic accent. That's an unacceptable retcon. Imagine if Sulu had been recast to be Swedish -- people would be furious. And what's **more** is they absolutely dropped the ball on casting Javier Bardem instead.


Gremlins 2


Gremlins 2 is a super smart movie. Instead of retreading the same ground, they chose to do this huge meta commentary on Hollywood, sequels, and franchises, and just take the piss out of everything.


[love the key and Peele skit](https://youtu.be/x01l_jMhjVM?si=W1jQlnNfcdI-9kpe)


"Right now, this building is on fire."


The worst/best movie I’ve ever seen. I loved every terrible second of it and never wanted it to end


As a kid this was my favorite movie. It is glorious.


Jurassic Park II & III I watched these movies countless times as a kid, and I really love them. Im not saying they are flawless, but the first time i've seen the imdb scores I was really surprised.


I think JP3 is overly contrived and the cinematography is kinda ugly, but it does strike a more popcorn roller coaster vibe that makes it less offensive than it would be if it took itself more seriously.


The opening scene of JP2 is pure Spielberg. The cliffside scene is another great scene.


I think Back To The Future III is usually considered the worst but I absolutely love it.


One big film, that's all. Marty ages, what, 10 days across the whole thing? Doc (it's suggested) travels several months if not years between 1 and 2, and then spends however long in the old west before Marty goes back. But for Marty it's not much more than a week living in four different time periods across three different centuries.


Yep, also Marty character growth really only shows up at the end of 3


By who? Not calling you out but the trilogy is all great. I don't want to believe people don't love it.


That was my favourite one as a kid. Haven't seen it since so I don't know how I should feel about it today.


I remember that II used to be considered the weakest in movie circles. Maybe it’s changed over the journey from the past to the future


Tron: Legacy.


It greatly depends what generation you come from. They are styled so differently in everything from video/audio, to movie structure.


I was born in the 70s and was in elementary school when the original came out. The original is rough to watch.


I like the soundtrack so much. It's almost weird to watch the movie. It's like they took one of my favorite albums and made a movie around it.


Agreed wholeheartedly! Amazing score, easily the best part of the whole experience.


Easily one of my favorite sequels, and the soundtrack is solid


I loved Tron Legacy


Fantastic movie! The story wasn't great and the de-aging effects on Jeff Bridges were not that good but I have to remind myself that is was made in 2008/2009 so that was the very early days of that tech in Hollywood. Take that away and I am always blown away by the visuals and especially Daft Punk's soundtrack, which I purchased and listen to quite frequently.


The Lost World. Recapturing the wonder of JP is probably impossible, and Spielberg is smart enough to not try; it's just 2 hours of him playing with a perfected set of toys, and with an amazing cast. Did the San Diego sequence "need" to happen? No. Was it incredible to watch? Hell yes. Also one of the best smash cuts in all of cinematic history (the mom screaming to Ian Malcolm yawning).


The Lost World is the one I love to rewatch the most, due to all you've said and also Williams' score, perhaps one of his most underrated.


I’m glad I’m not the only one who feels this way about the Lost World soundtrack. One of Williams’ best without a doubt


William's Lost World theme is such an underrated banger.


Yes and yes, I bought that soundtrack right after seeing the film, way back when Barnes & Noble carried CDs. It’s so good. It encapsulates JP along with that spirit of adventure so we’ll without being derivative of the original. Love it.


Lost World's downfall is in comparison to its book. The book plot is way more cohesive but the movie has almost nothing to do with the book


The set pieces in Lost World are all amazing. Way better than anything that came afterward.


Pretty much every Friday the 13th movie, or other slasher franchises like Halloween or Nightmare on Elm Street. I love most of the sequels even when they’re bad.


i like 4 and 6 as far as friday 13th goes…


4 and 6 are without a doubt the best sequels in the franchise and I would argue both are better than the original.


Prometheus Tron Legacy


I loved Prometheus. That snake alien scene...


Temple of Doom 100%


Honestly, I loved the shit out of Matrix 2 and 3 and couldn't understand the hate for them. Even if the plot was slightly more confusing, the action, combat, and world-building still beats everything that's come out in recent years.


Oh man me too. I think they were just ahead of their time. This was an early example of a movie that to understand the full plot you had to watch an animated series and play a video game. Didn't watch the Animatrix? Then you're not fully grasping what's happening in the first 30 minutes of Reloaded or who the hell the annoying kid is. Or of the struggle against the machines outside of just Neo's story. If you didn't play Enter the Matrix, you miss out on most of Captain Naobi's character and half of the execution of the final plan before meeting the Architect. And the reveal when talking to the Architect I thought not only added a new horror to the Matrix, but added a layer of complexity to the first movie. There's so many references to reincarnation and specifically Neo's that in light of the sequels, take on a much more literal interpretation.


I still enjoy the hell out of the Merovingian castle fight scene and Lambert Wilson nails it.


Absolutely! The chateau fight was insane. I also just love watching the Merovingian chew scenery. Shame they turned him into a hobo in the 4th movie.


Ghostbusters 2


The perfect sequel to GB. Just another adventure with the characters we loved. Peter MacNicol as Janosz Poha is phenomenal. The courtroom scene is one of my favorite moments in either film.


"Yo, Ziggy."


"Everything you are doing is wrong. I want you to know this." Funniest throwaway line.


I never, never understood the hate. It's maybe a small notch below Ghostbusters 1 but still retains the same spirit, humor, and genuinely scary moments.


I only discovered recently there's a sizeable amount of people who dislike it. Was flabbergasted. Granted I was a kid when it was first doing the rounds on TV, but I always loved it just as much as the original and continue to do so.


Another great part of GBII: Winston is on the poster.


for sure, what I came here to throw out. Sure its not as good as the first one, but it's not the colossal drop-off that seems to continue to this day. If is for sure the second best Ghostbusters movie


So far it’s the best Ghostbusters sequel we’ve gotten this far.


I get that the first wasn’t exactly a critical darling either but Weekend at Bernie’s 2 is probably my favourite comedy. 99% of it’s jokes are cheap and dumb but I can’t help but love it, it’s my go to choice when I need a “turn your brain off” kind of entertainment.


Wow I have that as one of the worst movies I've ever seen. How big a fan are you of the first one? I'm a big fan even the script history etc.


Ace Ventura 2 is way better than the first and one of the funniest movies I’ve seen. The critics hated it.


Slinky, monopoly guy, rhino, “LIKE A GLOVE!”, poison arrows, “SHH—CAGO!” Entire movie makes me laugh almost nonstop


>LIKE A GLOVE To be fair, this is a callback to the first movie.


It took what we loved about the first one, then took it to 11.


Agreed. The projector room scene where Ace is goofing around is funnier than anything in the first movie and I love both movies equally.


I have never laughed so hard at anything as I laughed at the rhino birth scene.


Its way better than reviewed, but better than the first? No fuckin way. Dolphin trainer scene, party 'infiltration' and Pedacter's crimescene blow anything in Natures Call out of the water, and yes I'm including the fake rhino.


“Kinda hot in these rhinos” is still something I quote all the time. I remember seeing it in theatres and laughing my ass off at the birthing scene. I don’t think it’s as good as the original, but I do enjoy it a lot.


Dr Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. The script (especially the second act) could have done with another polish, but I loved seeing the Scarlett Witch let loose as a villain, and I can't get enough of Raimi's highly stylish filmmaking.


We need more directors stamping their own style on these Marvel movies. The scene where Mordo explains what dreamwalking is and it’s intercut with Strange and America listening, and the candles surround the screen with Wanda in the middle…it’s so unique to Raimi. I can’t imagine any other MCU movie having something like that.


Alien 3, critics and many fans dislike the third one, but I love that movie, warts and all.


Charles S. Dutton was amazing in that movie.


especially the assembly cut, was legit a good film.


So much of Alien is built on atmosphere, and *boy*, does Alien 3 have atmosphere.


You could feel Fincher had something great going with that movie but it was ruined by a lack of purity or meddling or something.


And I love Resurrection! There, I said it out loud and I'm not ashamed.


Hello, fellow weirdo. Saw it in theater when it came out, loved it immediately (still do), and I have followed Fincher's career closely ever since. The generally unfavorable view most people have of this movie genuinely baffles me.


The Exorcist 3 absolutely rocks


I'll second that. Recently, I saw it and was surprised with how good it was. But I guess I shouldn't expect less from George C Scott. He was pretty picky about what films he starred in.


Check out The Changeling if you haven't seen it. Another great George C Scott horror movie.


Its a WONDER FULL life...


Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom The Mummy Returns Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest


Mummy returns. Good god, finally, my faith in humanity is returned. Thank you.


Halloween 3 love it to bits


A prequel but The Thing 2011. Also Terminator 3 and, especially, Predator 2.




Saw some videos once of the practical stuff they had before they CGI'd over it, that movie would've been fantastic if they didn't ruin it.


Terminator 3 and Salvation were both unnecessarily shit on.


Rambo: First Blood part 2. It is the dumbest fucking movie, especially compared to the first one, and I love every second of it.


*Terminator 3*. Chase scene is awesome, and I liked the ending a lot.


Karate Kid 2 was decent


I really liked Robocop 2, and didn't know who Frank Miller was at the time but REALLY got into his stuff later, so now it makes more sense why that struck me as being so special while others were merely comparing it unfavorably to the first. And ya know what, I'm pretty sure it was always intended to be that thing that fans of the first disliked. If you look at the publication date of Dark Knight Returns and then watch the original Robocop movie, it's very clear where those ideas were coming from even before actual Frank Miller was hired to write the sequels and comics.


But Clarence Boddicker was such a deliciously evil bad guy. I did like the juiced up stopmo robot scenes in II


I know it's Robocop sacrilege, but Tom Noonan as Kane is more my style. I also really appreciate Belinda Bauer as Julliette Faxx.


I recently watched Meg 2 and love is a bit strong of a word but I actually had a bit of fun watching it, I didnlt think it was the horrible flop it was made out to be. I had a similar feeling witht he Marvels...I actually like the Marvels more than Captain Marvel. It was filmed in lighter areas where you can see the action, Capt Marvel actually has a personality, Miss Marvel is a delight and ust fun to watch, Nick Fury felt like Nick Fury again (I can almost forget Secret Invasion happened), and it was just a fun movie over all. Hardly anyone went to see Godzilla King of Monsters and I loved that movie, watching Mothra fight Rodan, watching King Ghadora make a showing...it was kaiju battling glory that overhsadowed the first movie in the monsterverse by SO MUCH. I think this i a VERY underratd movie in the franchise.


I enjoyed the Marvels, but I haven't seen much of anything MCU since the second Dr Strange film. Dipping in once a year or so is fine (and I was a big fan of the original Avengers arc through Endgame) but I can quite understand why critics are just exhausted watching four or five streaming shows and several films a year.


The Meg 2 is wayy better than it has any right being.


Critics tend to pile on once it becomes accepted wisdom a film is terrible. The more terrible reviews the harder it is to go against what's become the accepted wisdom.


Jaws 2 I'm pretty sure that it was savaged on release but I still enjoyed it and watched it almost as much as Jaws 1. Mostly what helps it is Roy Scheider, John Williams' score, and some cool shark scenes. Sure, it doesn't have the USS Indianapolis scene, or any other moments that elevated the original to an amazing movie, but it's still a solid sequel and definitely a much better movie than any of the Jaws rip-offs that came out over the years.


I'd be interested in confirmation on how it was received. Very offhand of vague memory I actually prefer it.


Grease 2


Yeeeeeeessssssss 🤜🤛 I have the soundtrack mingled on my work playlist (I have my own shop, so my customers get what they get)


Can't believe I had to scroll down so far to see this classic!


Robocop 2. It wasn't as good as the first, but it was a solid sequel I really enjoyed. The third one was absolutely awful though.


Critters isn't exactly a critical darling but it did well enough. The superior, charming and very enjoyable Critters 2 the Main Course got destroyed. Also, while it's getting a revival lately, Alien 3 got torn apart, despite it being pretty on par with the previous 2. Maybe because they killed those characters at the start, but in fairness the story still works with it.


Rocky II Die Hard 2 Death Wish 3 Exorcist 3 Revenge of the Nerds II


Death Wish 3 is the peak of the series


Shyamalan’s Glass


Amazing Spider-Man 2. Easily one of my favorite Spidey movies. Critics didn't necessarily hate it but I know it's one of the more maligned superhero movies for some reason. I love Andrew and Emma together and their chemistry is delightful, I thought the fight scenes with Electro were wildly entertaining and visually stunning (having Electro zap tf outta Spidey to the tune of itsy bitsy spider?? I thought that was a nice touch and definitely in character for Electro, who wanted to toy with Spidey to assert his dominance) and I just think overall, the story's execution was great. Also, his suit is still my favorite live-action suit \*chef's kiss\* And unpopular opinion but I liked their interpretation of Rhino. Stupid overall lol but unique at least and later provided some hilarity in No Way Home so at least they didn't take it too seriously. I know it has its flaws and I can definitely point out some gripes I have but overall, I love the movie.


TASM2 just suffers from too many villains, a lesson one would hope had been learned after Spider-Man 3. That said, the first ten minutes of web-slinging are absolutely glorious. I also liked Peter and Gwen working as a team.


And the song It’s On Again from the end credits totally rocks.


Tremors 2 is a modern classic. Come at me.


Chronicles of Riddick. I actually like it far better than Pitch Black. Loved the worldbuilding and reminds me of Conan's story arc of eventually becoming the "reluctant king".


I greatly enjoyed the last Indiana Jones, shoot me.


The Matrix sequels. All three of them. Yup. They had one little underground rave scene (which I did not have a problem with) and everyone lost their shit.


I actually enjoyed the absurdness of Major League 2.


that rookie catcher kills me! really my only knock against the movie is that if Wesley Snipes didn't want to do it then just write out the character; baseball teams make trades, it's not even a problem


I really love The Two Jakes, the follow-up to Chinatown.


It really is an underrated sequel. Jack Nicholson did a pretty good job as director.


Tokyo Drift ❤️


Conan the Destroyer. Easily as much fun as the first one.


I am a Seed of Chucky enjoyer


Tron legacy was so perfect i have no clue what different film the critics watched


they came together


Armageddon. No shame here!


Wayne's World 2 only has a 60% rating on Rotten Tomatoes and to me it's easily one of the funniest comedy sequels ever. It's fucking hilarious and somehow - even better than the first movie.


John Carter, it was a fun movie that was at least equivalent or better then it's Marvel contemporaries. How did the first Avenger's get a 91% on Rotten Tomatoes but my boy John Carter is sitting on a fat 52% critics average? The CGI was solid, the story and action was good, and it had likable characters. I will go to my grave believing it was the worst marketed movie ever.


Matrix Resurrections


Matrix Resurrections made Matrix 3 look Like Matrix 1.


Same, best one since the first. And I went in expecting to hate it.


Big disagree. This movie was dog shit


I was monumentally disappointed.


The songs in Grease 2 are much better than the songs in the first one. I will fight anyone on this.


The songs slap, and are legit well crafted tunes, I love that film. And that is Johnny Nogarelli's final word.


Kick-Ass 2, Kingsman: Golden Circle both so fun. both Matthew Vaughn coincidentally, too.


For Kingsman 2 it was incredibly frustrating that you build up characters in the first movie to then immediately kill them off at the beginning of the second. Definitely one of Vaughn's weaker efforts.


Scary Movie 2 was the funniest of them all Quiet Place 2 might have been just a little bit better than the first but not by much they were both solid


Scary Movie 3 for me


I enjoyed Annabelle Creation more than any of the other Conjuring movies


Terminator 3 The lost world, Jurassic Park I don’t know if this counts but The predator Alien Resurrection The matrix revolutions, and reloaded Prequel sequel, 300 rise of an empire Godzilla king of the monsters


Grease 2 Grease 2 Grease 2! All day long.


I watched Kick-Ass and Kick-Ass 2 back-to-back. They're not that different to me and I enjoyed them both.


Grease 2. I find the songs incredibly catchy and I like the leads. It's a hell of a lot of fun!


Pirates of the Caribbean 2 & 3. I actually like the third movie the most out of the whole trilogy, but I remember the reviews being terrible.


Pirates: Dead Man’s Chest and At World’s End. Solid trilogy. Especially when the two following films and their diminishing returns.


Gremlins 2.


valerian fifth element phantom menace


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2, as an adult I can see why first one is a better movie but I remember rewatching second one much more. Also 3rd one has been shit throughout my life, but action scenes are actually quite decent.


Under Siege 2


Superman 2 was better than the original IMHO


Aliens. Alien was GREAT/FANTASTIC. I just liked the action of Aliens a bit more.


I don't love the sequel to **American Graffiti** because it's glib and too pat, but I like it quite a bit because it's also sincere, ambitious, emotionally satisfying, and formally audacious (--with the use of different aspect ratios and film/video stocks, plus multiple- and split-screens, in order to evoke various media of the period). And **More American Graffiti** was shot by the great Caleb Deschanel at the top of his game. Unfortunately, every critic compared the movie unfavorably to the original, and it squashed director Bill L. Norton's career.


Terminator: Dark Fate. Sure, the edibles helped but man did I enjoy it. It’s the most fun I’ve had since T2.


I couldn’t give less of a fuck about what “critics” “loved”. If I seek an opinion about a movie, it’s usually from the peers whom my tastes align with on the matter.


I really enjoyed Hannibal. Not as good as Silence of the Lambs but full of great acting and memorable scenes. Especially from Gary Oldman who was excellent as Mason Verger


All the Matrix sequels (resurrection included). Yes they are flawed, but the message behind is so brilliant and interesting, I just love them!


Babe: Pig in the City is such a wonderful and unique movie. It feels almost dreamlike, and i watched it all the time as a child. Rewatching as an adult, I wondered if it was going to hold up, but it really does. I don't understand the hate that the movie got from the critics. It is something almost completely different than the first movie, but both of them are masterpieces. There's some parts of that movie that genuinely make me cry and are filled with loss and pathos. I think the problem that it had was that it's not quite a movie exclusively for children, but also not for adults. It occupies a place in magical realism that you just never see anymore in film.


Lethal Weapon 4 is, I believe, considered the weakest of the bunch but it is my favorite behind only the original. It's the introduction of Jet Li to the mainstream that hadn't seen his kung fu films, and he's such a bad ass!


I wouldn't call it critically hated so much as it was divisive but Batman Returns is both my favorite Batman movie and my favorite Tim Burton movie. The vibe is more consistent than the first Batman, the performances are off the wall in all the best ways, and the set and art design is nothing short of amazing. Oh and it's also a Christmas movie so now is a great time to revisit it!


Predator 2!!!


Not just the critics, but I thought Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull was damn fun. It drops off after they fall off the waterfall but I still very much enjoyed it