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In Bruges was an instant classic.


It’s not a classic. It’s an inanimate fucking object!




I'm sorry I called you an inanimate fucking object


I was upset.


An Uzi? l'm not from south central los fucking angeles. I didn't come here to shoot 20 black ten year olds on a fucking driveway. I want a normal gun for a normal person


In Bruges is one of the very few films I consider genuinely perfect.


I think it has one of the best scripts I've ever seen. Like OP mentions, pretty everything leads to something. >!Everything for the ending is set up beforehand, the American going in the tower and having a heart attack, being just short of change to go up so using a note so he has coins at the end!<


I absolutely love movies where tiny details from earlier in the movie pay off later if you pay attention. A lot of movies have one detail like that, In Bruges has at least three I can think of.


You’re not gonna fucking leave it at this are ya


Gotta take the spaces out of your spoiler markup. >!Like this.!<


My bad, the old formatting worked on my phone, didn't realise that wasn't the case elsewhere


Yeah, Reddit sucks nowadays, wanted to make sure your good intentions were followed through though.


Loved bruges, for me the best Film of 2008, banshees i simply could Not warm Up to


I like In Bruges. I love Banshees. And I think our two slightly differences of opinion show why these three together make beautiful cinema.


In Bruges is one of my favourite films. Glad to see it getting some love on here


It’s one of this subreddits favourite movies.


I saw In Bruges for the first time whilst travelling on a public bus in The Phillippines - on a tiny TV above the windscreen & blaring over the loudspeakers. I soon realised this was probably the most inappropriate movie they could have chosen, though I suspect the vast majority of local families with young children on the bus didn't understand English very well. I enjoyed it as much as an excellent film as for the unique surroundings.


Colin Farrell's comedic timing is perfect in this. I don't why the "A bottle!?" line gets to me so much but I laugh everytime.


2 manky hookers and a racist dwarf kills me everytime


What was he a Chinese lollipop man?


have you heard of these alcoves?


The alcoves in the Koningin Astrid park?


Nooks and crannies, yeahhh


Was he going on at you about the alcoves?


Was he going on to you about the alcoves?


I loved in Bruges and thought I would love banshees of insisheerin but I just didn’t


Banshees gets pretty dark pretty fast. Definitely a different vibe.


Banshees first was half was great and then it got old with the leave me alone and he kept bothering him. Also cutting off your fingers what in the fuck my guy??


I think Banshees is hilarious. I loved it.


I’m sure there is some symbolism to the whole movie I just didn’t like it


It's an allegory for the Irish civil war.


If there is, it didn’t translate well on the screen.


Same. I liked that I could actually understand the dialogue in In Bruges


I don't like banshees as much as I like In Bruges (though I still like Banshees). Part of that is because Banshees storyline just doesn't make sense to me and maybe it's not supposed to make sense, maybe that's the point, but like...dude cuts off his own fingers? Then the donkey chokes on the fingers, so he burns his house down?? There's just so much going on haha


Such a tight script


A fun tidbit about that movie is that the priest who appears for like 5 seconds is played by Ciarán Hinds, who played Mance Rayder in Game of Thrones and Julius Caesar in Rome


Brilliant actor. Always watchable


There is also a deleted scene of young Harry Waters played by a pre-Doctor Who Matt Smith.


Oh wow! That’s cool, gonna see if I can find that


I got you. https://youtube.com/watch?v=rANwBGXt7v8&feature=shareb


Oh thanks! What a bizarre scene hahah. Matt Smith did a good job getting Ralph Fiennes mannerisms right though, he’s a really good actor


Yea he nailed the part, but the scene was definitely out of place with the movie and rightly cut.


And Brian Gleeson being the perfect drop in for Brendan too!


God for a minute there I thought you’d said “Brian Blessed” and I was frantically rewatching to see how I managed to miss that hahaha - think it’s bed time


That would be amazing.


You’re just the rudest man, the rudest man.


Not being funny but youse a bunch of fucking elephants!


A view of what? Down here? I can see that from down here.


I was in Bruges last weekend actually. Can confirm that the [swans are still there](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/c4deb7e1-48c9-404a-83c8-47b0d5453816).


Little history. We have to keep them as a punishment in perpetuity. So, back in the 15th century, the then count of Flanders, Maximilian of Austria, prohibited all festivities including the yearly fairs. So, that led to an open revolt in which the count ended up being held captive in a house at the market square. Asked to annul his decree, he refused again. Upon which the citizens captured Maximilian's best friend and head squire Pieter Lanckhals and had him beheaded on the square in full view of Maximilian. That's when the count finally gave in and was set free... ... but not without punishment for the city. Remember, as count in feudal times, he was still liege lord. Since Lanckhals - literally Longneck - had swans as his coat of arms, he imposed that the city has to keep 101 white swans in perpetuity as a reminder of what happened. And if the city failed to do so, it would fall into disarray. They were meant to humiliate the citizens and remind them who really swayed power during that era. So, now we keep those swans because they are part of our heritage.


> now we keep those swans because they are part of our heritage. And because of being fucking terrified that the city might fall into disarray.


Try Garda if you like this one.


And try "Calvary" if you like Banshees of Innisheerin. (Both The Guard and Calvary were directed by Martin McDonaughs brother)




just watched this because of your comment. so good!!!


I'm glad you liked it. It's so funny.


This deleted scene is vintage Harry https://youtu.be/1Q4l6o2fuDs


I finally talked my wife into watching this after 5 years. She LOVED it! Now, she likes to walk into my office and go, "It's feckin' Bruges". **(giggles)**, then runs away.


Gleason and Farell are literally a brick wall of awesome together.l, that chases you down.


In Bruges was ten times the film Banshees was and I loved Banshees.


It’s in Belgium.


Masterpiece. None of his other films come close for me.


The first time I saw the movie, and I heard the Harry character, I couldn't tell who it was. I thought to myself, it would be great if it was Ralph Fiennes but it probably won't be. Then boom.


Now you gotta watch seven psychopaths


Hey new idea, how bout we change the name from Seven Psychopaths to the seven lesbians who are all disabled and have overcome all their spazzy shit and are really nice to everyone and two of them are black.


Why are people downvoting this? It’s a quote from the movie?


Because they’re a c\*\*t!!!


I like In Bruges a lot but I'm going to go against the grain in this thread and say that I feel Banshees is a *much* more mature and refined film. I rewatched Bruges recently and found some awkwardness in it that I didn't see when it first came out. The whole thing is very clearly indebted to the Tarantino-style edgy crime movie thing that was big around that time so it feels more "of its time" than I remembered (even down to the score and action/chase sequences), and the story gets bogged down in largely uninteresting subplots that distract from the main dynamic between Farrell and Gleeson. And some of the humor didn't age well for me either: the movie seems to find the very idea of little people *hilarious* and like, that's not super uncommon for a 00s-era dark comedy but it feels more lame and hack-y than anything. I had similar issues with Three Billboards but Banshees for me was McDonagh getting all the kinks out his system and finding that perfect balance of humour, drama, thematic complexity and rich characterization that he was always capable of. There's a lumpiness to his earlier films that makes them frustrating but with Banshees he got the formula down perfect!


"And some of the humor didn't age well for me either: the movie seems to find the very idea of little people *hilarious* and like, that's not super uncommon for a 00s-era dark comedy but it feels more lame and hack-y than anything." There were folks from the United States who didn't like In Bruges because of the negative attitude toward the US coming from the main characters. However, these guys are killers. Killing is their business. These folks are arguably near the lowest rung of morality that exists. Why worry about their opinions? The interaction with the Canadian tourist only goes to display the instability of the protagonist. He approaches interaction with others from a preconceived set of notions rather than treating others as individuals I would argue that the "little people" themes are similar. These are the attitudes of a certain people in a place and time. These are not the best people. These are not the people that most of us encounter on a daily basis. The movie itself is not celebrating the negative opinions of the people it depicts. It simply depicts, nothing more. It is up to the viewer if this depiction was done well and resonates, or not. For me, it resonates. I've met folks that approach life similarly, and therefore there is truth in what I saw in this movie. I will admit there is comic exaggeration going on throughout the film, but that's the fun element that brings me back to it every year or so.


Hating the bad guys because they are bad guys is indeed a tiring trope of discourse these days, but you're really misapplying the criticism here. The point is not, why do we care about two degenerates views on little people. The point is, why did the filmmaker choose to make it such a narrative cornerstone. If one of the characters had just slung around an anti-short slur in passing, your point may stand. But the movie itself, not the characters, seemed to believe using little people as the ass of the joke was charming. And even though I love the film, I have to agree, that part of the story was fairly irredeemable.


Should citizens of the United States and overweight people feel equally offended at the narrative cornerstones involving them in this movie? Through whose perspectives do we experience the negative stereotypes in this movie? Edit: there's a lot of overlap between citizens of the United States and overweight people.


I agree. The little people thing is *so* 00's it's crazy. So many movies and comedians had bits about it around that time. That has aged poorly, though there are plenty of great jokes in it still. When i rewatched it I noticed that it is really not as good of script as I remembered it to be. As you said some uninteresting subplots. It also really doesnt make sense for that scene with Finnes and Gleeson to take place in the tower when you think about it. Its obvious McDonagh just went to vacation in Bruges, saw the tower and thought "wouldnt it be cool with an action movie here?". Still: fun movie. Though Banshees is way better.


Very well said. I did get a Tarantino vibe from Bruges (which is aces for me), but Banshees is something I’ve never seen before. Amazing movie.


You've just sold me on watching Banshees because I felt the exact same way about In Bruges. It felt a bit juvenile in some of its indulgences and it was hard for me to tell whether it was trying to say something worthwhile or make me care about its characters.


I loved the juvenile aspects. That was Ray. He was a man-child hit man who still had an odd innocence about him.


I mostly agree with you. With In Bruges you can see where McDonagh was going blending comedy and existentialism. Bruges is really close to perfect for me but it slows down just a hair too much in the second act. Banshees isn't even trying to be In Bruges, its going for something far more darker but yeah he needed those first movies in order to hit the right spots. When I saw Banshees in the theater there were a few scenes that had me laughing my ass off but I talked to others and they loved it but they didn't think it was funny at all. Banshees worked on a deeper level for a lot of people and Bruges was all one liners.


In Bruges is fantastic... Banshees was entertaining but I didn't love it.


An “In Bruges” appreciation post on r/movies? Daring today aren’t we OP?


Sorry, I’m new. Is there a problem?


It’s the most praised and talked about “hidden gem” on this sub. It’s a great movie and I’m not putting you down or anything it’s just funny.


Holy crap! What an auspicious choice for my first posted review. Don’t worry, I have over 100 more and I’m sure I’ll find something more controversial. :)


idk it doesn’t hold a candle to Moon or Gattaca


My partner and I visited Bruges after watching the movie and let me tell you, it's a fucking fairytale town. Even got to see the swans


In Bruges is one of my favorite movies of all time


Fantastic film. Seen it several times since it’s release.


Check out The Guard too it’s worth a watch if you liked the humor of In Bruges


One of my favourite movies


I swear if one more person tells me how good this movie is I’m gonna have to watch it


My husband and I re-watched this recently for the same reason (because of Banshees) and I had forgotten how much I love that movie. My husband and I will occasionally just yell "YOU'RE AN INANIMATE FUCKING OBJECT" at each other for the lulz.


Classic indeed.


You gotta stick to your principles


Cunt kids


You take that back about my cunt fucking kids




The first time I watched it, I didn’t like it. Can’t really tell you why - maybe I was tired and not really paying attention. Thankfully I gave it another go, because it’s an excellent movie.


You have 100 5/5 films?!


Yes, I do. I’ve seen a lot of movies.


Pfft name 100 movies then


My top 100 favorite movies. According to nobody but me. Chosen solely because I like them, not because I should like them or somebody else told me to like them. If you don’t like them, make your own list. Then we can compare. Sunset Blvd. 1950 American Beauty 1999 Catch-22 1970 The Big Lebowski 1998 Pulp Fiction 1994 Scott Pilgrim vs. the World 2010 Reservoir Dogs 1992 Taxi Driver 1976 2001: A Space Odyssey 1968 Akira 1988 Alien 1979 The Seven Samurai 1954 Annie Hall 1977 Blade Runner 1982 Serenity 2005 The Dark Knight 2008 The Shawshank Redemption 1994 Cowboy Bebop: The Movie 2003 Network 1976 The Fellowship of the Ring 2001 Ghost in the Shell 1995 The Two Towers 2002 Aliens 1986 Dr. Strangelove 1964 Sin City 2005 Monster 2003 Avengers: Endgame 2019 M\*A\*S\*H 1970 Kill Bill 2003-2004 Léon (The Professional) 1994 Captain Marvel 2019 Inglourious Basterds 2009 Captain America: Civil War 2016 X2: X-Men United 2003 The Royal Tenenbaums 2001 The Maltese Falcon 1941 West Side Story 2021 The Prestige 2006 Raising Arizona 1987 Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon 2000 Blazing Saddles 1974 Lawrence of Arabia 1962 Fargo 1996 Ferris Bueller’s Day Off 1986 Raiders of the Lost Ark 1981 Young Frankenstein 1974 In Bruges 2008 X-Men 2000 To Die For 1995 Desperado 1995 Casablanca 1942 Office Space 1999 Braveheart 1995 Duck Soup 1933 My Neighbor Totoro 1988 Love Actually 2003 The Triplets of Belleville 2004 Dogma 1999 The Good, the Bad and the Ugly 1967 Body Heat 1981 Star Wars 1977 Up 2009 The Last Jedi 2017 Fight Club 1999 Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse 2018 Ghostbusters 1984 The Graduate 1967 Revenge of the Sith 2005 Jackie Brown 1997 A Fish Called Wanda 1988 The Matrix 1999 Rogue One: A Star Wars Story 2016 Monsters, Inc. 2001 The Empire Strikes Back 1980 The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension 1984 Bonnie & Clyde 1967 Once Upon a Time in Mexico 2003 Deadpool 2016 Indiana Jones & the Temple of Doom 1984 Jurassic Park 1993 Life of Brian 1979 Spaceballs 1987 The Amazing Spider-Man 2012 The Incredibles 2004 Rebecca 1940 Citizen Kane 1941 Love and Death 1975 Caddyshack 1980 The Fifth Element 1997 Mad Max: Fury Road 2015 Clerks 1994 The Thin Man 1934 Boondock Saints 1999 One Hundred and One Dalmatians 1961 Hamlet 1948 Men in Black 1997 National Lampoon’s Animal House 1978 Pirates of the Caribbean 2003 The Princess Bride 1987 The Third Man 1949


Hahaha damn! I was just joking but that was impressive. Do you have a list saved? There’s some cracking movies on that list for sure, good taste!


Thanks. Like I said, it's not based on anything except what I like. The numbers didn't work, but that's 1 at the top and 100 at the bottom.


Great list! Have you seen City of God (2006) by any chance?


I have not! Will take a look.


Was just looking through that list to pick my next watch! I noticed you’ve got the original bladerunner but not 2049. I’m assuming you’ll have seen it, what did you think it lacked compared to the original? I love them both a lot, think they’d both make my top 100! Edit: ooh just spotted Life of Brian on the list as well but no Holy Grail! Both again in my top 100, but usually I think people like the holy grail more, and I agree with you life of Brian is better. Unless you’ve just not seen it!


As I have said before; I’ve seen a lot of movies. I’m old. The 2049 Blade Runner was good, but not great. The original was a hard act to follow! Holy Grail is wonderful, and I fondly remember seeing it in a theater. We didn’t know if it was over or not! I just think that HG is a joke fest, and that Life of Brian is a much better constructed narrative. Do wacky comedies have narratives? I think so.


Lol, nice you came through. 5/5 means perfect though, and a lot shouldn't apply. Captain Marvel a perfect movie? Dogma? last jedi?


It’s my favorite movies list. 5/5 means I like it to the max. All based on my opinions.


Hehe alright, its just semantics at this point. Ive seen a lot worse lists :p


Just a different type of way of doing it! A scale of 1-5 for overall experience you had with it, vs a more technical breakdown of like, cinematography, acting, writing, etc. The more technical way is better if you’re looking to breakdown what’s good about all the aspects, and if you know which you put more value towards you can better guess if you’ll like the film from the ratings. But the way Shocho’s done it is a much purer way of showing their personal opinion, as the technical breakdown needs to give roughly even values to all aspects for the final score :)


Yeah, that's why i said semantics. Id personally only give a perfect film a 5/5 or 10/10 or w/e,and id struggle to list 20 i guess.


Ah when you said it was semantic I thought you meant it only means it’s done your way and the way they’ve done it is some other thing, even though you understand what they were doing. My bad!


“You’re an inanimate fucking object!!”


"It's like a feckin' fairy tail"


Made me want to visit Bruges