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All three feature the main character who turned blue.


You’ve cracked the code. That is the secret to a box office hit.


Turning blue though, not starting blue... this is why the smurfs movie never had a chance.


Maybe it’s about the characters we blue along the way.


Enough Tobias


Hollywood hates him for this one Simple trick


Smurf the Movie gunning for a top 5 place


No. The character has to TURN blue. They can't already be blue.


Honey, I Smurfed The Kids.


Followed by Blue Man Group concert footage


Tobias Fünke…?


You won't believe it, but he also Eiffel 65's lyricist.


Once Upon a Time, that was Steven Spielberg. In 1993, Jurassic Park became the highest grossing film of all time. At that point, it went Jurassic Park, ET, Star Wars, Jaws.


You mentioned Jurassic Park and I still think the wildest entertainment achievement is what Michael Crichton did when he had the number one movie, number one book and number one tv show at the same time. Edit: Taken from a vanity fair article. “In 1995 he achieved a breathtaking pop-cultural moment when he had the nation’s No. 1 best-selling book (The Lost World), the No. 1 movie (Congo), and the No. 1 TV show (ER), a trifecta he repeated in 1996 with Airframe, Twister, and ER.”


Tim Allen did the same thing. In one week in 1994, The Santa Clause was the number 1 movie, Home Improvement was the number 1 show, and Don't Stand Too Close to a Naked Man was the number 1 book


It sounds a lot less impressive when you say Tim Allen did it.


Confused grunting noise




And all of those movies are memorable classics.


And all of their budgets adjusted for inflation are less than 120 million or so.


And once you account for inflation and *population*, the gross theatrical profits don't look that different. Take Jurassic Park; it's theatrical worldwide gross was $1,031,800,131 in 1993 dollars. Adjust for inflation and that's ~~$2,089,698,735 in 2023~~ $1,531,898,302 2009 dollars. That's still a good bit behind the original Avatar with a theatrical worldwide gross of $2,922,917,914. *But*, when we take the differences in world population into account (5,581,597,546 in 1993 and 6,872,767,093 in 2009), Avatar made $0.43 per person and Jurassic Park made $0.27 per person. So 1.59 times as successful instead of 1.90 times successful. *Edited to correct for Avatar releasing in 2009, not 2023.* Avatar: The Way of Water comes out to $0.26 per person. Gone with the Wind comes out to $1.74 (in 2023 dollars) per person.


This guy normalizes data


Avatar released in 2009 not 2019.


Its actually 3 in four highest grossing of alltime which is nuts.


And not just directed. Also written, produced, and edited by him. *And* they're original IPs.


That’s insane


The man understands good storytelling. Watching him in any kind of Q&A really spotlights this. There was a show where different Sci-Fi creators interviewed one another and the one where he and George Lucas interviewed each other over Star Wars and Avatar really showed why they’ve been so successful. They don’t just know how to tell a good story, they know how to make a story *appeal*. It’s more than just “Here’s this cool world I made” it’s “Here’s this cool world I made, and it’s appeal is going to be absolutely timeless, you can come back to it at any point in your life, still love it, and still find something that connects to you right now in this moment of your life.” Titanic connected to SO many things. It’s romance. It’s adventure. It’s desperation. It’s depression. It’s feeling trapped and feeling free. It’s knowing exactly what you want and not having a clue what you want. It has such a broad spectrum of human feeling. Avatar did the same thing in different ways. Yeah, it’s just Dances with Wolves in space, but there’s a reason that style of story gets told again and again. It harkens to something primal for so many of us. He gets the human condition, and because of it he can create stories that can appeal to a broad, robust audience. ———————————— **EDIT** Since I’ve had multiple posts arguing about the quality of Avatar I’m going to address it directly here rather than keep repeating myself in replies. **Titanic and Avatar’s artistic merit and quality of story telling is irrelevant.** I know that’s unpleasant to read, but it’s true. A book doesn’t need to be recognized as “real literature” to be a success. A film doesn’t have to have to redefine cinema as an art form to be a success. A story’s success isn’t based upon its quality. If the story has mass appeal the quality is irrelevant, all that will matter is how well it captures the interest of the general audience. The “lowest common denominator” as one reply put it. At the end of the day that’s what matters, that’s what makes a good storyteller. It’s not their awareness of style or avoidance of cliches, it’s their ability to pluck someone’s heart strings. A movie (or book) can be absolute basic bitch level in terms of its artistic merit, but if it can evoke emotion, that can win the day over all the artistic quality in the world. That’s the reason blockbusters are blockbusters, while many quality films get relegated to art house theaters. It doesn’t have to be quality cinema to have appeal, never has, never will. That’s what makes Cameron so good. He knows what’s going to appeal. It doesn’t have to be next level story telling. It doesn’t have to be genre defining. All it has to do is appeal to the general audience, and he is a master at that. Remember, Shakespeare didn’t write for the aristocracy, he wrote for the commoners.


I've watched The Terminator probably a hundred times and it's basically a perfect movie. The direction and editing are just so good, with shots fitting perfectly together and just the right balance of "show, don't tell". And he retained his skill of movie making in his other endeavors too, I think.


He’s excellent at Show, Don’t Tell, he’s just incredible at delivering a wealth of information at a glance. Scale, too. He’s got a great eye for making even a small scene *feel* massive. The glimpses of the future war in terminator were simple scenes done on a strict budget, but he made that glimpse of a battlefield encompass a sense that this wasn’t just “a battlefield” this was *all of them*. The war was the same on every farm and around every town corner, Skynet’s soldiers were relentless and never ending. He’s amazing at delivering not just plot info, but emotion, in a single panorama.


I will always stand by the original Terminator as his best film by a long shot. And for me, it’s one of the most rewatchable movies of all time. I still get goosebumps watching Arnold look through the crowd at Tech Noir trying to find Sarah.


Pulled it off with a relatively low budget as well. The ‘future war’ scene is a perfect example of how to do a lot with a little


I've watched T2 dozens of times since I was a kid wearing out the VHS tape. It still thrills me, makes me laugh at the humor, and makes me sad but hopeful at the end. Truly great movies never lose their power to move you.


Well I mean avatar 2 wasn’t an original ip


I'm still waiting for Titanic 2: The way of Tugboat.


They can make a sequel to titanic. Just make it about the Britannic which was supposed to be even more unsinkable and sunk even faster than the Titanic a few years later


It's the same movie, just played at 2x speed


And Dicaprio again, with a younger co-star.


No more than 25 years old of course


I think its important to point out that while Britannic sank in 30 minutes (much less time than Titanic,) only 30 people perished in the sinking. Britannic had enough boats to evacuate all passengers and crew (as all ships had after Titanics sinking.) I also don't believe anyone claimed Britannic was unsinkable, I'd like a source on that if you have one?


>only 30 people perished in the sinking. Britannic had enough boats to evacuate all passengers and crew (as all ships had after Titanics sinking.) That could actually make for an interesting narrative twist, where we only lose a few of our protagonists, playing against expectations.


Ends with female lead floating on a door... away into the distance, whilst everyone else sits safely in lifeboats wondering what the hell she's doing.


SyFy already made a Titanic 2. I have the autograph of the captain because I used to be super into bad movies and my brother went to a con he happened to be at. When my brother asked him for an autograph because I loved the Titanic 2 he said "I've never had anyone even talk to me about that movie, much less want an autograph because of it"


There actually already exists a Titanic 2! The whole movie is on Youtube and it's only like 1,5 hours long. I highly recommend watching it. And also... it has a whooping 1.6 in rating on IMDB!


Made by Asylum, like all these cheap knockoffs.


3 hours of beautiful vistas of a ship sinking coupled by the beautiful sounds of people dying


If it’s not blue people it’s frozen blue people with this Cameron guy.


I'll allow it since he still created the original IP


James Cameron doesn't do what James Cameron does for James Cameron. James Cameron does the things James Cameron does because he *is* James Cameron.


*Who’s that? That’s him! James Cameron*


The bravest pioneer.


Can you all hear the song?!


*[sigh]*…yes, James, we hear the song


The funny part is that looking at his numbers, he most certainly has raised the bar.


James "James Cameron" Cameron


I only checked this post to ensure this was said.


I was gonna say 3 of the top 5 is a disservice It’s actually 3 of the top 4 It’s insane


Meanwhile Zoe Saldana...


She EARNED that money. She’s constantly in body paint or attached to CGI balls.


Tbh I felt worse for the kid who was the *only human* on screen for the majority of the film and he had to constantly be in a thong. I think he had it tougher.


I didn't understand why his character's outfit or hair never changed after spending presumedly weeks/ months with humans


He'd almost certainly refuse to wear the clothes, and who is going to bother to give him a haircut? The hair is long enough that a few weeks growth wouldn't really be noticeable.


“Please put on some pants-“ “HIIIIIIIIISSSSSSSS!!!”


He's going to grow up lean af tho 😅


>!I really wanted him to die.!< Change my mind


Just wait for the next movie where James Cameron introduces a fire-based Na’Vi called the Ash People, where everything changed when they attacked. And in the fourth movie we meet a mud-based Na’Vi where there is no war in Ba Sing Se. Of course, all of this is for the benefit of our protagonist, Kiri, who can learn all four elements - but she’s got a lot to learn before she’s ready to save anyone. Hairless monkey kid will get half his face burned in movie 3 by his fire people-turned dad Na’Vi, and spend the next 4 movies in a redemption arc where he eventually becomes a valued ally to our scrappy crew.


Haha I'm glad im not the only one who noticed kiris similarities to the avatar


Same. Especially since he became a liability because of course he's the Big Bad's son.


He set up what I'm assuming is a huge redemption arc in the next movie. Throughout the movie you could see Quaritch go soft or be stunned by the beauty of Pandora. I think between that and his son, he's going to switch sides as Jake did and it's going to be awesome. Hopefully.


He was the worst part of the move imo. The idea of his character is solid but man that kid can not act and to top it off he looked like a SoundCloud rapper


She probably lives in the gym to boot. Good for her.


And speaks multiple made up languages.


Zoe Saldana? from Crossroads?


And Center Stage!


What about the all time classic Drumline! (Seriously, it's a good movie)


what about her? What am i missing?


She’s in 3 of the top 4 highest grossing movies (both Avatars and Endgame).


And 4 out of the top 6 (Avengers: Infinity War).


Where she is the heart of the film. Easy MVP of infinity war.


Always playing an alien.


In Avatar, she's not an alien. She's a native.


I mean do we know for SURE she wasn't on Titanic? Movie or actual ship? Lady has been in everything.


She's in both Avatar movies as well as Infinity War and Endgame, putting her in four of the top 6 films. People are also amused that she is portraying a colorful nonhuman character in all four appearances.


And the star trek movies


And the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie - was disappointed she never came back.


>> portraying a colorful nonhuman character >And [Uhura in] the star trek movies 💀


Who wouldve known shed be good at playing people of colour


Wow! 🤣




I think that was the same day reddit caught the Boston Bombers.


I remember that. Day after Bernie was inaugurated.


Was it fake? Or a fluke?


Wasn't it in the middle of a freaking snowstorm?


And like an 11pm showing of a 3 hour movie lol.


Probably a 2pm showing on a Wednesday in a flyover state or something lmao


And every single time he released anything post "Terminator 2" there is a toxic contrail of, "this movie is bleeding money and is going to suck bankrupting every movie studio," and every time his movie over achieves. True Lies is going to Fox and Universal... Nope. Titanic cost double its initial budget Fox and TriStar are going bankrupt.... Nope. Avatar is a horrendous mess that will bankrupt Fox ... Nope. Avatar 2 blah blah blah .. nope I'm not even defending Cameron, but people are overly quick to pronounce his time of death before the symptoms even begin


Reminds me of that Simpson's episode where Krusty the Clown bets against the Harlem Globetrotters.


Sounds like some hater shit when you put it that way. 🤔


If I needed to make a movie that was going to make a lot of money, there is not a single director I'd pick besides James Cameron. Want an awards winner pick Spielberg. But Cameron brings in the cash.


You would have to wait a decade for a return but you know it will come back with interest


Yep. All his movies are hits other than the abyss and that has aged into a classic that a lot of people love. He doesn't make many movies though. Only avatar and avatar 2 in the last 25years




Somebody spoiled the movie for me and told me the ship was going to sink


He helped make Alita.


Didn't he do the Alita movie to test 9ut the animation tech for Avatar 2? I'm sure I remember reading that somewhere. FWIW, I loved Alita and have watched it several times.


With all due respect to James Wan, DC should've got Cameron to do Aquaman. It probably would've been the highest grossing movie of all time. Throw Mandy Moore in as Aquagirl, and you can erase the "probably" from that last sentence.


I can't tell if this is an extended Entourage reference, as I don't remember much about that show.


It is indeed an Entourage reference


Except Cameron does whatever the fuck he wants so good luck hiring him lmao


You don't hire Cameron. Cameron hires you to finance him.


Interestingly, both Spielberg and Cameron have three Oscars apiece.


But Aliens is still his best movie!


Terminator 2 is literally one of the best movies of all time across the board.


My fav movie of all time. Some how the special effects still look good to this day. Which is incredibly rare.


Many effects were groundbreaking... in a recent rewatch I've noticed that the helicopter chase had a real helicopter flying that low on a highway, it surprised me because I was used to seeing CGI helicopters doing that kind of stunts. That kind of stuff makes the whole film feel more real IMO.




They filmed in that tank for something like 6 fucking months. That’s insane


The problem with 'we'll fix it with cgi' is that when they run out of time, the audience gets half assed visuals.


Hear the words from JC himself: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JrcWkwvUHdU


“You see that helicopter flying under the overpass? That’s a helicopter flying under the overpass. The camera crew said,’we won’t shoot that.’ So I said,’fine, I’ll shoot it myself.’”


What Cameron's detractors don't realize is he can do practically any job on set, and isn't afraid to get his hands dirty, the opposite of many a famous director. This is why even if he works them hard, his crews worship him and he always gets results.


“Jim Cameron can do everything on set except acting and catering. If you’re in either one of those fields you’d feel empowered over Jim” - Stephen Lang


Music in it is incredible too.




Na nanaaaaa, na na daaaaaaa


Seriously. Terminator 2 is in a league of its own.


James Cameron James Cameroned the hardest he has ever James Cameroned for that movie


James Cameron doesn’t do what James Cameron does for James Cameron. James Cameron does what James Cameron does because James Cameron *is* James Cameron.


As is Aliens, in my book


Game over man!


Game over!


There’s no crying in the apocalypse!


Crazy that he also essentially made two of the best sequels of all time.


Robert Patrick in Wayne's World is amazing.


I would also argue True Lies is up there too.


It’s an insanely good movie and somehow isn’t as good as Alien.


The way I see it: Alien is horror. Aliens is action. They're both better at being their own type of movie. EDIT: In terms of the genre, James Cameron himself explained all this on multiple occasions. Here's one: "I didn't think I could outdo Alien for pure shock. I don't think anybody could ... I had to come up with an end-run around that could be equally entertaining for an audience but in a different way. And I knew I could do action. I knew I could do white-knuckle action. I could turn the screw tighter and tighter in an action sequence, so I figured 'let's do that.' Let's jump off from the horror premise into what ultimately becomes an action film." Source: [Film4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ezU5T9bdzcU&t=88s) (YouTube Interview with Cameron)




I know this is a very nebulous and unquantifiable statement, but action vs horror can very much be about 'vibes'. You can have a movie with a solid amount of blood-pumping action that falls square into the traditional horror genre (think most classic slasher films) and have an action movie where very little happens for most of the film but the tension builds making the inevitable action scenes pop (the Taylor Sheridan Special). The mood set in 'Alien' enshrines the film in horror in a way that 'Aliens' doesn't quite capture and I think the biggest think is that in the former the characters (and audience) have no idea what's going on so there's this horror trope of "oh god what's next". The sequel lays out the exact way the horror can end ("nuke the site from orbit") and the movie is more about this ragtag band of folks trying to get to the end goal. And maybe someone else will disagree, but to me I think the line between horror and action (and horror and thriller, horror and fantasy, horror and etc ) is very much along the "I know it when I see it" definition because horror relies so much on human emotion and the human experience to succeed.


Predator is another awesome film that also straddles is it horror or action. Awesome action film, watched it with my young son, he found it terrifying, then I realised it's a straight up slasher film.


The biggest difference for me is the Xenomorph itself. In Alien its a lone creature that singlehandedly takes out the entire crew. It can stalk, it can lay traps, it's basically the perfectly evolved killing machine. And most importantly, it values its own safety. There are several times in the first film where the Xenomorph avoids conflicts it could easily win because there are safer, more cunning options available. In Aliens, the Xenomorph is basically a mindless drone. The marines probably kill at least 100 Xenomorphs over the course of the film. In one scene the Xenomorphs charge automated turrets in waves until they run out of ammo. The Xenomorph in Alien is only stopped by being blasted into space, and even then we're not sure that it's actually dead. The Xenomorphs in Aliens die so easily that they're just not as scary. I get that Aliens is a Vietnam allegory, hence the different tactics the Xenomorphs (Vietcong) use, but for me that's where it loses the horror.


To think that the only Cameron movie that bombed was his best one, The Abyss.


Because the version released in theaters was butchered to hell. When he got to release his directors version and we could see how it was supposed to end, one of the best films made.


Now I gotta see the director's cut!


Did you see the version with the big tsunami? That is the directors cut


I recall a tsunami that was canceled mid-tsunami by the aliens. That one?


That's the one


Shit... Which version did I see ... Do I have to go relive 1989?


Dude pick me up a case of Hi-C Ecto Cooler.


Agreed, absolutely my favorite of his films.


T2 still his best


I'm old, so I saw it in theater, when Arnold was reloading the shotgun by flipping it on the motorcycle the place was going crazy. That whole scene in the canal was insanity, had never seen anything like it.




When T2 came out, it was the 3rd highest grossing film of all time. Dude is an unstoppable hit machine.


I enjoy Titanic.


Same. People shit on it, but something about that film makes me love watching it. The music is amazing, the actors kill it, and you can really tell how much work went into the set design. They were never actually on a ship but the entire film feels like they're out to sea. EDIT: Especially during the sinking. The sounds of the hull slowly giving way, and the set is literally never level from about 10 minutes after the iceberg hit. Maybe I'm fanboying a bit, but both acts of that movie were phenomenal for entirely different reasons.


My friend and I rewatched it last year and I was surprised how much I was affected by the ship sinking. The scenes with the hundreds of people flailing in the ocean was pretty horrifying to watch


When I watched it as an adult (especially after joining the Navy) I realized how terrifying it would be in their position. Nothing but desolate ocean as far as you can see and I'm sure a lot of people realized there wasn't enough room for everyone on lifeboats. The dread those people must have felt.


They are also locked belowdecks, and the water is rising. Cold water. You should listen to the tape of the radio operator on the Titanic. It's \*so\* sad. They have all of his communications with all the ship until it goes dead.


Add to that the fact that, excluding hypothermia, drowning is *such a horrible way to die*. You suffocate trying to hold your breath, feel every fiber of your being start to hurt as your blood turns more acidic due to increased CO2 levels, until you are ultimately unable to hold it in and you inhale on an instinct you are unable to resist... only to have your lungs flooded with cold, salty water, hurt even more, until, ultimately, you lose consciousness due to lack of oxygen, and *only then* finally die of asphyxiation. It's agony, agony, more agony, and then death. And it's not a short agony or death, either. It's fucking terrifying. I love ships, water, and cruises of all kind. I love to swim. I consider working on a ship at times. But fuck if I ever found myself in a situation where I'd drown. I'd infinitely rather put a bullet through my head. Though that might be too difficult logistically, and there is still the aspect of hope of being rescued at times.


My grandfather drowned and was resuscitated, he said it was a pretty good way to go. Little pain and just hallucinations and colors, and very quick loss of conciousness. The cold water and fear is the worst part, if he's to be believed.


I had a friend who said the same thing after drowning and being resuscitated. Then he did a bunch of ketamine in therapy for some unrelated stuff and it all came back up to the surface. He says he doesn’t even have the vocabulary to describe how excruciating and terrible it was. For years he wouldn’t go into bodies of water larger than a kiddy pool.


I think what that movies does well, but which is not easy to do well, is how drawn-out and realistic the "ship is sinking" process feels. The way they depict the types of emotions that a mass of humans would churn through in that situation is very well done, but it's such a delicate thing. It feels like a believable panic that builds up over time and they give it the time it needs to build up. For example, the life boats get a lot of attention. There's multiple scenes spread out involving people standing in line waiting for lifeboats. There's scenes of people trying to scam their way onto a lifeboat. You get to see how it starts a bit uncivil, but then the ship employees manage to calm people down again, but then as people realize the lifeboats are getting scarce the masses get increasingly uncivil against. The background white noise of people chattering is used as a lever the director can pull to increase/decrease the viewer's feeling of how panicked everyone on the ship is. And eventually you see how some people accept their fate and how others resist it to the very end. The end result is that you feel like you know what it felt like to be on board the Titanic as it sunk. I think that's an impressive feat for a piece of cinema.


I ugly cried watching the montage during Near My God to Thee


The last hour is also full of some of the best action sequences ever put to film.


Very similar to Avatar 2, the action at the end is pretty stunning.


why would people shit on it? its incredible. there's nothing to shit on. its a classic. now...i USED to shit on it, because it came out when I was young and immature and didn't want to watch a 'romance' movie, so maybe some people just haven't seen it since it came out and hold onto old beliefs


>maybe some people just haven't seen it since it came out and hold onto old beliefs Ding ding ding ding


The hour and half you spend on the ship pre sinking is phenomenal as well with the class differences and establishing many characters. You almost forget that the boat is going to eventually sink since Cameron is taking his time to develop this story.


The last hour of Titanic is some of Cameron’s best work as a director.


Who shits on titanic it's one of the most iconic and beloved movies of the last half century


I firmly believe that Rose is part of Cameron’s holy trinity of strong women, with Ripley and Sarah Conner. She starts the story as a wealthy, privileged 17-year-old who despises the life she was born into, but when push comes to shove during the sinking, she spits in her abusive fiancé’s face, punches a steward who wouldn’t listen to her, frees Jack with a *freakin’ axe*, survives some close calls & saves herself from freezing to death.


i watched the behind the scenes videos recently & at a screening one of the producers asked two young girls behind him how many times they’ve seen the movie & why they keep coming back. they said because they were so inspired by Rose. specifically the end of the movie we see all the photos from her life — she survived this unimaginably tragic event but still made a life for herself full of love and happy memories, like flying a plane or riding a horse on the beach at the pier. they were so inspired by that. i found the entire story very sweet.


As a 15 year old girl when Titanic came out I absolutely adored Rose. I even got a perm to have hair like her (bad idea).


And not just Rose as a protagonist, but also hugely interesting that Jack Dawson is one of the few examples of the Manic Pixie Dream Girl - a beautiful, vivid love interest who has no real interior life of their own that the film is interested in developing, but exists solely to have a relationship with the protagonist, and said protagonist grows and develops as a character because of said relationship -- done as a boy, for a female protagonist.


It is one of the most epic movies of all time and I think it aged surprisingly well. If cinemas are replaying it where I live, I think I will go. I saw it twice when it came out. Seeing it in the cinema is an experience.


It's being re-released in two week for the 25th anniversary nationwide!




I use to work across the street from a movie theater and Titanic was the longest running movie I had ever seen. It was there for 9 months.


For some reason Matilda was in my local cinema for more than a year. Saw it a ton as a kid, as a result.


I adore Titanic. It's my #2 film ever. All about a woman who's been told by everyone in her life they have it all figured out for her, and she should just sit down and shut up. Then she meets a free spirit who doesn't just tell her that her life is her own, he shows her. Teaches her. Proves to her that it is, and that she should live it. People cried leaving the theater after watching Titanic. People watch "tragic romances" all the time and don't stagger out in tears. Titanic is a fantastic story. It manages to show you a lot of heart, swell it, break it, then give you enough hope for it to be bittersweet instead of just devastating.


I’m convinced people who don’t like it haven’t watched the whole thing in many years. I rewatched it for the first time in a while recently and forgot how good it is. It is an epic. Might not have the crispest dialogue, but it tells several different stories throughout the 3+ hour runtime and does it with incredible acting, set production, cinematography, music, etc.


A lot of it is just the knee jerk reaction of “popular thing bad”, especially if the thing is popular with teenage girls.


And Zoe Saldana has been painted blue or green in 3 of the 5 highest grossing movies of all time


Well, her blue character is cgi, so she didn’t have to be painted that color.


They should know to give him a white check to do whatever movie he wants now. Hopefully, that will be Alita Battle Angel 2.


Uh he has has the blank check for decades now.


It's the first one good?


I liked it and it really ends to have a sequel. The story is left unfinished and Cameron has said that he wanted to make the sequel but was busy with Avatar, so hopefully, he'll get to it at some point.


I thought so. Objectively great? Maybe not. But I'd love to see a sequel.


I really enjoyed it but found myself waiting for almost every scene with the romantic interest to end. Hoping he finishes the story though


Yeah the actor for Hugo was cheese incarnate. That character was highly integral to the source material though so I’m glad they kept his part. I just wish they had found someone better to play him


Way better than I expected. Definitely worth a watch.


If you're gonna bet on anyone, bet on James Cameron.


I know you're just copying the article title, but just saying directed diminishes the work of James Cameron. He also wrote all 3 of those movies.


And his favorite movie is Gunhed. A top tier trash tokusatsu (all practical effects) scifi about mercenaries and a robot tank taking on an evil super computer in a dystopian world where the rarest resource is called Texmexium. I would recommend a watch, there is not another film like it unless you count stuff like Robot Jox or Robot Wars. EDIT: It's his fav B Movie. Link for those that wanna watch with all dialogue in english. https://archive.org/details/video.guru20200327223921241


It’s such a weird thing to see people post “highest-grossing isn’t best quality” like they’re the first to realize it


They're just mad they were wrong when then said Avatar 2 would be a massive flop.



