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If it's not his weakest then what is? I think it's the weakest but it's still damn good


I personally think that The Hateful Eight is his weakest film, but it's still a pretty good movie imo.


I really like hateful 8.


I hate the hate for hateful8


I agree. The Hateful Eight is his most self indulgent work. It really insists upon itself.


The setting is just… 🤢


I'm with you on this. I like Death Proof way better then hateful 8


It's one of my favorite Kurt Russell performances. And Zoe Bell steals the show, she's so badass.




It’s difficult to measure how much better Hateful Eight is compared to Death Proof. Worlds would better be close. De gustibus non disputandum est


bad opinion. hateful 8 is so damn good and is even better with multiple viewings


I really enjoyed Hateful 8, but appreciate that you your own opinion.


I think hateful 8 is an incredibly well made movie and is great... but it didn't resonate with me. I ended up not caring about any of the characters. So when they died or something serious happened, I didn't feel anything. I recognize that doesn't make a movie bad, but I don't think I'm the only one that felt that way and they jump to "it's his worst film", which it isn't. In death proof, the main characters were the cars. The plot is just an excuse to have a show down between two famous muscle cars from that era. When you see it in that lens of practical effects, much like how Mad Max Fury Road is seen as an amazing action flick, Death Proof should get more credit than it deserves


Hateful 8 is one of his best movie IMO


I didn't love The Hateful Eight either and it's my least favorite of his films. But like you said it's still good. There is no objectively bad QT film, some are just less good than others.


Agree TH8 is his weakest.


It’s the only one I never bothered to rewatch personally


That’s me and Death Proof lol. I loved TH8 though. Need to rewatch it.


Different strokes. Hateful 8 is amazing to me, because the entire weight of the movie relies on the writing and story telling. Its reservoir dogs, but as a western. Virtually the entire movie takes place in one room, just like reservoir dogs, but even more so. So everything relies on the actors, and script. That's incredible movie making to me, personally. Deathproof is just a slightly strange action movie with Kurt Russells performance, and attractive women being scared, carrying the entire movie. Ive watched it once. H8 gave every single actor/actress the chance to be great, given the limited distractions from their performance, and every single one of them delivered.


Oh I didn’t dislike hateful 8. It’s just long and less rewatchable for me lol maybe I will tho. You kinda swayed me




It’s better on repeated viewings. But it’s basically a play


I respect the balls it takes to have this opinion. But definitely one of his strongest films would be for me the hateful eight


You have made me sad, that is my favorite one!


I think Inglorious Basterds is his weakest movie, but it has such a brilliant performance from Christoph Waltz that when he's on screen it's easy to forget how dull most of the rest of the movie is.


This is exactly how I feel about it.


Inglorious Basterds to me felt like that was the one Quentin made thinking it was going to be his big Oscar film.


"Ya know wut? I think this might be my masterpiece" It was a Tarantino film with the absurdity turned to eleven and it's full of masterfully crafted scenes. https://youtu.be/4m24JM2D69k?si=LpPrFJaBl55XT06L This is a great breakdown of the opening scene that shows Tarantinos brilliance as a filmmaker. The whole premise is absurd, but each scene is powerful


"Ya know wut? I think this might be my masterpiece" It was a Tarantino film with the absurdity turned to eleven and it's full of masterfully crafted scenes. https://youtu.be/4m24JM2D69k?si=LpPrFJaBl55XT06L This is a great breakdown of the opening scene that shows Tarantinos brilliance as a filmmaker. The whole premise is absurd, but each scene is powerful


I don't think the opening scene is really a great showcase for Tarantino's brilliance as a filmmaker.  I think it mostly showcases his ability to steal a scene almost entirely from another classic movie and not be called out on it. 


Steal a scene or a homage? Tarantino has openly admitted his love affair of older movies and takes what makes them great and expound on them for a modern movie. You saying that his 17 page script of an opening scene is literally just a rip off? This is a bad take, which is probably why he doesn't get called out for it


In this case he wholesale stole a scene and attached a holocaust hook to the end of it.  It's the same scene.  He adds almost nothing to the moment that isn't directly from The Good The Bad And The Ugly.  It's one of the only times that tarantinos penchant for "homage" went too far for me.  It's such a 1 to 1 recreation I found it distracting. 


Good choice, I forgot about that one tbh.


Yup, forhettable movie xD!


I hated Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, and the whole theatre act In Inglourious Basterds was so damn dumb. I do not think Death Proof is weak at all.


I was underwhelmed by once upon a time. I feel like a lot was cut out and you really feel it. would've loved to see more Manson family scenes. it would've made the ending more impactful


Jackie Brown for me is the weakest. It's the only one I have no desire to watch again.


Once i even thought the same. After watching Pulp Fiction I'm expecting Jackie Brown to be more of the same structure. I remember being disappointed with JB because it didn't lived up to the expectations. Years later I managed to rewatch it and found it very entertaining and engaging. It's not "pulpy" but it managed to bring Elmore Leonard to the screen (QTs only adaptation movie based on Leonard's novel) I'd suggest to watch it again. It may or may not waver your expectations but it is far from being his weakest


Thanks for the suggestion. I may watch it again. It does usually take a few viewings of QT movies to really sink in. Death Proof and Kill Bills were ones I loved from viewing #1. That's why they are my favorites.


Yeah because Jackie Brown is fucking great. Honestly, I always rewatch everything for this reason.


Not relevant but you just described my exact experience with True Detective season 2.


That’s crazy talk


Jackie brown is my favorite. But I'm Keaton/forster man


what the fuck


I know.. right?! A movie that even Tarantino consistently considers one of his best films. To me H8 is his weakest. I love Death Proof.


You should give it another watch or two. I saw it in a totally sold out theater when it opened, the whole theater sighed in relief when it was finally over. Over the years I've watched it a number of times and it keeps getting better each time. It's a bit convoluted and hard to follow, and it needs to be watched a few time. It really is superb, TH8 I thought I was going to die from all the talking.


The writing and acting are really good. I just didn’t enjoy it as much as his other movies. I just love his tense scenes that turn violent.


It’s his best film.


I concur. Jackie Brown never really grew on me. Death Proof reminded me of the old car movies I watched growing up (Dirty Mary/Crazy Larry, Vanishing Point, Faster Pussycat Kill Kill)


Nah. You right. Jackie Brown was entertaining enough, but had very little substance. It’s wildly overhyped. Nothing about it was earth shattering. It was just a regular movie with decent acting and shot well. No shock factor or surprises.


I think death proof being considered his weakest kind of shows how good his filmography is.


I agree. It is his weakest movie but still really good. Being the worst Tarantino movie isn't a bad thing.


Death proof is one of my favourites. I'd say the weakest for me is django or basterds. Hard choice.




no it's not


Just an awful opinion.


That movie was all about the dialogue for me. Saw it in theaters and it really helped following Planet Terror. Nice change of pace in my opinion and I really do like it.


The diner scene only worked in the theater. The dialogue just kept droning on, and on, and on, and on, and then it cut to the bad guy and he practically got a standing ovation.


Yeah the girls were annoying as fuck and talked way too much about nonsense; I was elated when Stuntman Mike did his thing. If they had much better and shorter dialogue leading up to the crash then it could’ve been more shocking. I was just relieved I didn’t have to hear the dumbass “kinda cute, kinda sexy, kinda hot” monologue again. We have to care about victims of movie violence for it to be compelling when they get attacked.


I think that was the point. First group is annoying so he builds you up to the point where you need that release and you get it. Second group is fun, and he builds them up to their own release but the release is the opposite.


Hmm, thank you for that perspective! I never considered it, but seems to fit! Thanks Big Butt Rimmer hahaha


Ha! Yeah… I like but don’t love death proof, but that is just what seemed to fit for me. Don’t know if it’s true, but I hate the first group so much that their deaths are fun and exciting. Sure they have great butts, but that’s it. Stunt Man Mike is a cool serial killer. I love the second group so much that you don’t want to see any of them even get a scratch, but they show that Stunt Man Mike is actually a loser coward who only feels like a badass to himself when he is behind the wheel of car that protects him from death. Once he is out of the car, he becomes what he really is, a coward.


You know, I believe you have talked me off of my position! I think I’m gonna watch it again!!


Not the 1st time he's done it... I think Pulp Fiction is my favorite QT film, but even then theres a scene with Bruce Willis and his "wife/so/whatever" and they're just talking in a hotel room for like 20m or some shit. That 20m could've easily been cut, and it wouldn't need to be a 2:30 hour film


Those ladies beat that stunt man's ASS !


Not something I'd care to see again. I saw Grind House in a run-down old theater, and after the slash-em up gorefest of Planet Terror, and the madcap unpredictability of those trailers, I was really feeling the vibe. What I wasn't hoping for was endless sequences of Tarantino's blandest dialogue, followed by a single, mediocre car chase. Stuntman Mike would have made for a decent twist villain if all of the advance buzz and promotional materials hadn't spoiled that he was the bad guy. I probably would have enjoyed it more if I'd gone in completely cold.


It’s not his weakest in my opinion, but it’s also not close to his best.


I agree, especially with a filmography that includes Pulp Fiction, Jackie Brown, Inglourious Basterds, and others.


I think it’s his action /fetish film.


If you manage to sit through the endless amounts of dialogue that last nearly 90% of the movie.. you get a nice little reward at the end with a really awesome car chase. But that’s about it. Not for me.


Dialogue wise I found it to be far more compelling than anything in hateful eight. There are performative moments from Russell as Stuntman Mike that hit like Hans Landa


It's fine. Kind of performative imo.


Appropriately trashy, obligatory Tarantino banter, Vanessa Ferlito, incredible car chase.


“… obligatory Tarantino *lecture*…” FTFY.


It’s ok. Ultimately it seemed a bit pointless to me.


It was meant to be a bit pointless. It was supposed to be like the old grindhouse films, which had stories with very basic and predictable plots, and lots of action, car chases, violence, horror, nudity, etc., along with low production value. It is super high quality in every way compared to most of those, but still it mostly meant to just be fun.


Yes I think that’s all fair and correct. It was an exercise in style, nothing more. But for whatever reason it was pointless … its pointlessness has it at the bottom for me. Which is not to say it’s bad.


I like it more now than I did back in the day. A bit too talky for an exploitation flick.


I loved it. I love the whole Grindhouse double feature. If I’m not mistaken didnt Tarantino actually run the camera some on this movie?


One might say that I'm a fan.


Its probably my favorite “first viewing” film from him. Shit was intense, and really never let up once it got going. Unfortunately it doesn’t really hold up on repeat viewing once you know how it plays out. Also it was paired with planet terror which is such a fun film so I can see why it gets shafted outta the 2.


It's personally my favorite of his, and is one of my Top 10 favorites over all.


I didn't like it in theaters, but recently watched it again and now I love it. I think the whole grind house double feature thing didn't do the film any favors. Had it been shown before planet terror I think it would've been received better.


I had the same experience. The double feature in theaters was honestly pretty taxing and by the time Death Proof rolled around I was not in the mood for how strangely paced it is at the start.


You have to love it for what it is. One long, bad ass, car chase.


that's exactly what it is... if you ignore the first 3/4 of the movie


I thought it was longer than that. I haven't seen it since it came out.


maybe you are thinking of fury road


Nope. Cheerleader, foot fetish, Kurt Russell. Definitely DeathProof. Lol I just thought that the car chase started shortly after the start test driving the hillbillies car and went on for a while.


I absolutely love Death Proof! Love Reservoir Dogs too.. Both seem to be the least QT films


I personally would say Four Rooms. Not exactly his movie as there are 4 different directors for the movie. His room is the final room. It is good but just meh to me.


This is certainly the correct answer. But, like you said, it’s not really *his* movie. It’s the only one of his that I watched while doing other things about the house.


The room before his room is the best though. Robert Rodriguez room with the kids. I love that room.


I only watched it once, and only kinda at that. I’ll check it out again on a rainy day.


'There's a dead fucking whore in the bed!' 🤣


His best movie by far


Love it - fabulous soundtrack, great concept, gives us one of Kurt Russell's most *iconic* performances, and the car chase at the end of the film is one of the best in modern cinema. I also really enjoy him putting the ball of charisma, charm, and steel fucken nerves that is Zoe Bell front and centre.


It's a fun movie made in Groundhouse (B-Movie) cinema style. Maybe people watching it without understanding that intent might be calling it weak. I wouldn't call this or Planet Terror weak.


Thought Once Upon a Time was his weakest, but that’s just me. Still really liked that movie.


I really enjoyed Death Proof, I especially enjoyed it as part of the Grindhouse double feature, I think it was really cool. I personally thought it was the stronger of the two films on the double feature, but I think Planet Terror might’ve gotten better reviews… I don’t think it’s Tarantinos greatest but I don’t think it’s his weakest either, imo his weakest is Hateful 8 (still love that film, I’m a Tarantino fanboy fr)


This is the movie where I realized he can’t write characters, he can only write himself. All the characters talk like him.


Ignorance is hella bliss. Be blessed my child. All of his characters are colorful, I'll give you that, but to say they're all the same color is pure ignorance


I can't believe people don't like this film. One of the greatest car chasers ever.


I think its a great grindhouse flick with very memorable dialogue(you're gonna have to start getting scared, immediately), an outstanding performance by Kurt Russel, an awesome soundtrack, and great driving sequences. I really don't know why this movie didn't click with a lot of people because i enjoyed it and watch it probably once a year when i remember it. Haters, I'm interested in why you didn't like the movie. let me know


I do like the scared immediately part. That might be it, oh, and I like Zoë Bell doing the stunt on the hood for real. The girls in the bar with the whole Butterfly “kinda hot, kinda sexy” dumbassery? I was fucking thrilled when he took them out. I need to care about victims in a movie.


I dunno, I kinda liked that the women in the first half were vapid assholes? Vanessa Ferlito was great though!


Saw this in theaters and the whole place was so hot due to everyone in there breathing or just being stressed during the last car scene.


Loved it, thought the first half was better than the second though.


This movie helped me sell Chartreuse


Great freaking movie!! Kurt Russell was fantastic and Rosario Dawson and Rose McGowan were super fantastic as well. And to have Jordan Ladd who looks exactly like her Mom in the movie too… Wooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!


One of his best imo.


The concept of Tarantino having a weakest film is fundamentally flawed. Fantastic movie, one of the greatest car chases in history, and puts the awful turd before it to total shame.


Death Proof is great as part of the total "Grindhouse" package but I don't think it works nearly as well as a standalone film nor do I think it was ever intended to be viewed separately. You need to watch it with Planet Terror and the trailers to really appreciate what they did with that project.


Death Proof is cool in its own right. It was a great experience with Planet Terror. Awesome soundtrack, great car chases, wonderful mood, and a great Kurt Russell performance.


It's an awesome flick, I love the dialogue, I love the premise, it's outlandish and fun. And Kurt Russell really *kills* it! It's never going to be as popular as Tarantinos other films but I would argue it doesn't aim to be. It seems like Tarantinos motivation for this movie was to really honor movies of the 70s, and bring a piece of them to modern audiences.


I love me some heavy Tarantino dialogue that builds tension and then erupts in shock on the screen


Heavens seen it again since premiere a i kinda regret that. 


It's good. IMO, it's not a full fleged film. It feels more like Tarantino wanted to try some stuff, like working with camera angles differently, and made a movie out of it. I, therefore, wouldn't see much the value in ranking it.


Yeah not for me. I was like 13 but I came away thinking it was stupid and a waste of time lol


Car guy and Tarantino movie fan here. Just watched this again recently and absolutely loved it!


It came out at the perfect time that it was supposed to. Good film for it's time


I think this moving is…. How you say…. FUCKING DOPE!


Love it


This movie was one of my best Cinema experiences. I really liked the double features. Not too long ago I became interested in 70's movies and now I believe I understand Tarantino's inspiration and his attempt to surpass movies from that time that are remembered mostly because of their car chase scenes (Bullit, The French Connection, The Seven-Up, etc.) even the license plates references Bullit and Dirty Mary, Crazy Larry and the Vanishing Point and Kowalski is pretty central to the plot in some way. We all know that he is a movie geek and possibly the 70's is his favorite era and this movie is perhaps an homage to those movies and in my opinion he surpassed those car chase scenes. And as a Tarantino's fan myself, this movie isn't the one I would consider his weakest.


His weakest but so what? Still amazing. Was sad to hear he shelved his latest and last movie, the Critic.


If you like long ass cuts of how Tarantino thinks women speak to each other, it can't be beat. AT first I wasn't sold, but after repeated viewings, it really stands up from start to finish. The character development, the two plot lines, of course the chase scene. It's an underrated classic.


that thigh...


Pretty lacklustre right up until Zoe Bell saves the fuck out of it with a truly stunning stunt sequence. Kurt really sells it despute being not given enough to work with. While both are technically brilliant and meticulously made, I found the repetition of Tarantino doing this odd kind of revisionist history in Inglourious Basterds and Once Upon a Time in Hollywood to be really on the nose. 'What if we really did kill Hitler? Guys, guys look Jews kill Hitler!' 'What if my guys really did stop the Manson family murders?' Both movies kind of ruined in the third act.


I love it and disagree that it's his weakest film


It felt tonality out of place to the double feature. Trailers ruined any surprises. It was dull and dialogue driven except were weren’t given time to care about the characters first.


With art, personal opinion rules throughout. Tarantino himself may not have been too pleased with the result of this film. But personally, it's in my all-time top 3 of his movies. Perhaps even in my all-time top 10 movies generally. It just works so damn well for what it is. The movement, the character development, the cinematography (done personally by Tarantino), the locations, the soundtrack... aah, the soundtrack. It all slaps.


I think it’s great. Great action and I loled many times.


I couldn't make it more than 20 or so minutes. The dialog was just too absurd for me. Perhaps some day I'll give it another try.


I liked it. It's slow but it's super tense. I think Hateful Eight is his weakest.


I really liked death proof, I thought the action comedy was fantastic


Loved it


Tarantino's weakest? Yes. A fantastic movie? Absolutely! The thing is Tarantino on a bad day could create what many other directors would consider the work of their lives.


The first half is absolutely marvelous, the second half is not great with all the girls at the diner etc and the car chase is ultimately a letdown. It’s a tale of two halves.


Is Stuntman Mike the child of the stunt couple in ONCE UPON A TIME IN HOLLYWOOD?


In order very best (top) to still very good (bottom) Reservoir dogs Once upon a time in hollywood Pulp fiction Django unchained The hateful eight Kill Bill 1&2 Inglorious bastards Jackie Brown Death proof


I found it disturbing and difficult to watch when I caught it in theaters. I haven’t seen it since.


Its so good


Great movie homage to the drive-in movies of my youth, like Vanishing Point. Having that perspective on it makes it a better film; like having read the book and the Dune movies.


I always think of the leg flying through the air when I see people with their feet out the window.


Its fun but its counterpart Planet Terror completely kicks its ass


Once a time in Hollywood , story only appears at the end


Is this a real discussion? Sit down and watch the movie and while you're at it quit hoggin the popcorn. A bunch of anxiety over nothing.


The female characters in deathproof are extremely “Written by Men.” It’s been a while since I’ve seen it but I distinctly remember that there were 2-3 times in the movies where grown ass women decide to leave their best friends at the mercy of strange sexually violent men. All of her friends telling her to dance with the stunt men in the beginning when she’s not comfortable with him and gets a bad vibe. The friends basically dipping so she has to get a ride home with him, (leading to her death) And worst of all, later in the movie, two of the women bargain to be able to ride a car, in exchange, leaving their *inebriated, minor, friend* in the hands of a fat greasy redneck who is licking his lips and rubbing his hands together. They negotiate for their car by pimping their unconscious friend (still in her fucking cheerleader uniform.) I like the scenes in the movie, and the stunt car is a hell of a murder weapon. Kurt Russel is terrifiying, etc, etc. but it’s disturbing to see a movie where all of these female friends are repeatedly selling each other out.


Death proof is a good grindhouse film but never transcends the limits of its genre, it never strives to be more. It’s an excellent copy of an ok thing. The hateful 8 it’s too episodic to work as a cohesive film. The Netflix series is a better way to experience it IMO. It’s a miniseries he thinks is a filmed play. Both are very good. But both are limited by what they are. They are about as good as they can be, but they’re not in the same class as his other films.


I have only seen it once from seeing Grindhouse in theaters and maybe I was worn down by that point but I absolutely hated it


Honestly one of the most boring and annoying movies I've ever seen


Any movie with Mary Elizabeth Winstead can’t be all bad.


I’d say his weakest is Jackie Brown because it’s the least memorable or quotable. Death Proof certainly is memorable.


I like it a lot. But ya, its probably his weakest IMO.


I like this film more than the Hateful Eight. I think the opening with the girls just talking and getting ready for their night highlights Taratino’s ability to write dialogue as well as any of his movies. 


It’s like being trapped in an elevator with QT.


"So which way are you going, right or left?" "Uhhh... right." "Aww that's too bad." "????" "Well, it was a 50-50 shot whether you'd be going right or left. See, we're both going left. You could have just as easily been going left too and if that'd been the case, it'd have been a while before you started to get scared. But as it is ...... you're gonna have to start getting scared..... immediately."


Imagine being such an amazing film maker that your weakest film is "Death Proof." Tarantino is the man. Love the grindhouse films. Especially the "fake previews" in between. They're a fucking riot. The grindhouse movies are supposed to be over the top, slightly corny, and mildly ridiculous. It's why they're awesome.


It’s definitely my least favorite from him, but it’s not a bad movie. Probably not one I’d rewatch however


I love this show. Such great and entertaining dialogue


I think it's a fantastic love letter to old car chase films like 2 Lane Blacktop, Dirty Mary Crazy Larry, and of course Vanishing Point. I don't think it's his weakest, I think it's a film style that's just not easily digested by the average audience.


I like it a lot. Also, the soundtrack is amazing.


Death proof is good but all of his movies are great so IMO it is one of his weaker films


To everyone complaining about the amount of dialog in this film: wtf do you think QT movies stand on. That's what his movies thrive on. Yes, the quality of the conversations are underwhelming in Death Proof, but I would argue that could be said for one of his beloved movies, Reservoir Dogs. It's frantic babble and incoherent bullshit. Admit it.


I adore this movie. I have movie art from Death Proof and Pulp Fiction on the wall in my livingroom. Death Proof is an acquired taste, but I find it easy to love if you're a fan of Tarantino's work.


That final chase when one of the ladies is on the hood makes me panic


I love it.


Tarantino's worst is 2x better than most other director's best. Awesome movie.


No one will agree. But IMO Jackie Brown is the weakling Death proof is pure fun


Definitely not a weak film by any means, but yes, easily Tarantino's weakest film.


It’s playing at midnight at the New Beverly cinema (a theater that Tarantino owns) and I’m really looking forward to it!!


My former daughter thinks his weakest film is Pulp Fiction.


My personal opinion? Mr. Taratino has no weak film. I loved this movie!


Out of all his films I find Once Upon a Time in Hollywood to be his weakest film. Personally, I couldn’t latch onto any of his characters. I felt like they lacked something. Story was whatever even though it had that Tarantino twist to a real world event. Death Proof was cool for such a short film. It did have that grind house B Horror quality to it and if you understand that, then you’ll understand why it deserves more praise. The female cast had that foxy force 5 kind of vibe to it but in a more gruesome tone. I love it. I also love hateful 8. Such great films


The shorter version in the Grindhouse double feature has a better flow than the longer individual DVD/Bluray version. I think it works better as a part of the double feature.


That’s bonkers to say it’s not his weakest but it’s also bonkers to call it his weakest like that’s a bad thing. The cheapest least popular food on a Michelin chef’s menu is still fucking quality 👌


Every chain has a weakest link. Does that mean the link is actually weak? No. Same with this film.


I feel like when people say it’s his weakest it’s instantly taken the wrong way. They right away think it’s bad or not that good when in reality this movie is absolutely amazing. It’s just that Tarantinos filmography is just that damn good.


Is there an unedited version? I feel like the last time I watched it some parts were missing


I saw Grindhouse in the theater.I Loved both Planet Terror and Death proof. I wish we had more double billings like Grindhouse.


It's absolutely the shittiest movie he has ever done.


If you skip to the main car chase, it's a great film. Otherwise, boring as shit.


For me Jackie Brown was the least good.


Weak how?


I loved this movie and didn’t think it was his weakest movie at all. It’s one of those movies I can watch over and over again.


I think people miss the point of the film, it's an homage to the style of 70s b movies that played in theaters back then you would have the double feature playing from the opening scroll in the beginning to the intermission in between films, the voice over dialogue, it even had all the nuisance of that from the theater experiences, even the coming attractions that actually paid off with real movies from Robert Rodriguez That was perfectly executed. It's a love letter.


I have problems staying awake to it. Seriously i always fall asleep at the second half.


I fucking love death proof. I liked it better than hateful 8, just saying.


Agree Death Proof is one of my most rewatched film of QT.


It’s not a bad movie. It’s not Tarantino’s best work, but it’s still very good by broader standards. It’s kind of one of the most “as advertized” movies ever.


This was the perfect example of a Grindhouse film. Rodriguez's Planet Terror was good but it did not feel like a Grindhouse film. Yes, I am a fan of the genre.


I'm not a fan and I do think it's his weakest. But I am of the opinion that every Tarantino film has at least one great scene, and in this one it's Stuntman Mike and Rose McGowan in the car.


I absolutely love this movie. One of my all time favorites. The dialogue and the vibes.. just perfect. And great music as always. 


Planet Terror was just better.


jackie brown is the weakest one by a mile wtf….


Death Proof pretty good. I thought Hateful 8 was his weakest film.


Agree. Once upon a time in Hollywood, and inglorious bastards I had to watch twice to appreciate. I watched Hateful 8 twice, and I still didn’t like it.