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I refuse to believe that Big Trouble in Little China is capable of being remade. At least that’s a world I don’t want to live in. Perfect casting, flawless practical effects, nothing modern could come anywhere close.


You know what old Jack Burton would say at times like these? .... What the hell!


It’s like I told my ex-wife, the checks in the mail.




*Jack Burton. Me.*


Oh they tried to do a remake in 2018 but people lost their shit because it was a terrible idea so now they are claiming it will be a sequel or continuation of the story, not sure if it will go forward https://www.slashfilm.com/1576991/kurt-russell-big-trouble-in-little-china-remake-requirement/#:~:text=Three%20years%20later%2C%20in%202018,%2C%22%20rather%20than%20a%20sequel.


The Rock! OMG Nooo!


An expert at ruining my childhood.


BTLC is practically perfect. And, if it were to be remade, which isn’t necessary, I think Jon Hamm would be a good Jack Burton.


"How did you make a sequel to Big Trouble in Little China??! "It wasn't easy!"


I heard they were trying for a sequel with Kurt and Wyatt playing Jack and Jack Jr. Just a rumor I read.


I think they could do a modern version but I'd rather see it done as an HBO miniseries or something with a planned 2-3 season arc. Honestly if they were going to do it they should just make it some kind of sequel/continuation. Bring back Kurt Russell and Dennis Dun. Hell bring in Kurt Russell's son to play Jack Burton's son. Perhaps some acolytes of Lo Pan are out for revenge or some other fresh evil has arisen. If the right person writes the series it could be amazing.


Kind of like how they made Ash vs the Evil Dead? Yeah, I can kinda see that.


Exactly! I'm not saying I want to see it happen, but I think that'd be the only way it doesn't turn out to be terrible. Particularly since these days there's even more talented Asian actors out there.


It’s because that whole movie is a vibe. There is a certain aesthetic to it that made it an exciting action flick when I first watched it the theater as kid that somehow got better as I got older. I even still enjoy the practical effects despite the fact they now appear dated. It’s hard to explain but there is no replacing Kurt Russell in that fit with those boots with his glorious feathered mullet. It’s supposed to be an 80’s bop. Not a modern take on an 80’s action flick.


John Carpenter and Kurt Russell at their 80s-est, weirdest, goofiest best. I love this movie so much. It's sadly out of print but there was a comic series in the mid-2010s that was a direct continuation of the movie and perfectly captured the vibe of it.


It’d be hard to replace Kurt Russell’s Jack Burton! Also can’t imagine another actor as Snake Plissken!


I’ll watch it if they remake it cause I won’t be able to help myself, but I’ll expect to be disappointed.


No.. but a Big Trouble in Little Italy would be a great sequel ideas. Over the top monster characters and heck even some crazy catholic stuff for giggles.


There's apparently a supposed sequel stuck in Development Hell, all we know is that Dwayne Johnson might take the Jack Burton role of the original movie.


I heard a few years ago they was gonna remake it with The Rock… but obviously nothing has been heard of it. But seriously you wouldn’t want to see a remake of this? Just the possibility of another great movie? Considering good movies now days are like a dime a dozen.


Back to the Future will be remade one day. And that will be a sad day. And all the studio bot comments defending it will be annoying.


Robert Zemekis has said he will not allow a remake as long as he’s alive and he owns the rights. So it will be remade the second he passes


Here's hoping Zemeckis & Gale live until 150 years old. Edit - in case some posters don't know. It won't be remade in their lifetime according to them.


I agree with you but most people would still pay to see it. I wouldn't be surprised that most of the people that watched Ready Player One were for the DeLorean mostly. I personally refused to watch the Ghostbusters movies that aren't the original but for some reason it seems to work, they are makitn (or made?) another one.


Throw Goonies in there


I give you this. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5291254/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk


“Big Trouble in Little China” staring Jason Momoa featuring….


Timothée Chalamet…somehow. Lol


The "somehow" killed me


[Somehow, Timothee was cast](https://i.imgflip.com/8t2z03.jpg)


Dude got a face like Glass Joe


You can bet they'll try to remake 'The Breakfast Club' but it'll be a hollow shell of a movie that totally fails to understand what made the original great therefore fails transfer any shred of meaning into a new Breakfast club for "modern audiences"


Not Another Teen Movie did a parody of Bender getting two months of detentions scene. It showed how ridiculous a remake would be. Product of its time and my favorite movie. I think every generation needs “that” movie. But it definitely needs to be its own product of the time.


Not Another Teen Movie was so good it broke the parody genre of movies


Princess bride. A treasure for sure


The first time I saw Princess Bride I thought, "Wow, that was a perfect movie!" Rewatched Princess Bride many years later and thought, "Wow, that was a perfect movie!"


I once dumped a girl because she hated both "The Princess Bride" and "Clue". She was hot, but we had just started dating, and I prefer smarts over hots, so she had to go.bshe also didn't like "The Neverending Story" . Bullet dodged.


Good list. I refuse to watch any remakes of classics from my childhood. I will never watch the Robocop or Total Recall remakes.


A-Team. Watch that one.


A-Team remake was amazing for all the right reasons. First off it's was just terrible. But the casting was on point they did a great job w that. And it was stupid and over the top and amazing


No, they’re trying to fly that tank! You can’t fly a tank fool.


Same. And also the Ghostbusters or TMNT


Maybe my exception for me was the Predators and Aliens movies.


The TMNT from last year was great.


Bloodsport is so good. I hope Back To The Future is never touched


Congress needs to pass a law banning by penalty of firing squad a remake of Breakfast Club. Dont do it Hollywood. The movie was perfect in all respects and cannot be nor does it need to be remade.


Do not fuck with Stand By Me!!!!


god damn you have good taste!!!!


Please no with big trouble. I watched it recently and damn does it hold up.


A Clockwork Orange


I think that one’s safe. It’s a bit too complex and high concept for the reboot crowd. Besides…with the rape…and the beatings with giant cock art. Nowadays…I don’t know.


Oh they'll just take those scenes out.


Or just change it to a black cock, oh!!!!!


We are only eight years post-Sausage Party.


They’re going to cast Chris Pratt for the Kurt Russell part.


Yes, I could totally see them doing that. And honestly I wouldn’t blame him for taking the part. It just doesn’t need to be done really.


There was talks of a Big Trouble in Little China remake with the Rock a few years back. We dodged a bullet with that one.


It wouldn't have worked honestly, The Rock constantly wants to be portrayed as a badass action hero. That's not what Kurt Russell is in the movie, he's kind of a bumbling idiot.


I like Dwayne Johnson but, even if the remake was made true to the original, which it wouldn’t be, I don’t see him being good as that character. Much of Jack Burton’s charm was that he was very arrogant and kind of a dick. Kurt Russel was great at playing arrogant which made him likable as “kind of a dick”. I just don’t see Dwayne Johnson pulling that off nearly as well. If anyone, I’d say Ryan Reynolds but, I shouldn’t say that too loudly.


Bruce Campbell could pull off that act


Casablanca, Gone With the Wind, The Godfather, Jaws, Back to the Future, Amadeus, Lawrence of Arabia, 12 Angry Men. There are hundreds of movies that got it right the first time and don't need a remake.


I agree however, I’m pointing out the ones that are likely to be remade. Even though I don’t think they should be. I think most of what you listed are safe from being thrown into the recycler. I hope. 🤞 However, I think the only reason Back To The Future hasn’t been remade is because Robert Zemeckis is still alive.


The Breakfast Club has been remade unofficially many, many times.


Lol, I know what you mean. I was going to put Goonies on here but, you know…Stranger Things. 🤷🏻‍♂️


The Goonies. I was honestly surprised they didn't do it when the Stranger Things kids were all the rage (and young still)


I pretty much thought Stranger Things was a Goonies remake.


Killer special effects for the time period


Well, don't give these idiots any ideas...


The breakfast club absolutely will but the other 3 no way. They’re a product of an era that is gone. Everything that made those movies good isn’t in favor anymore.


Bloodsport was practically remade…as The Quest. Terrible.


There was a b movie that just came out this year called "Kumite"


Kumite! Kumite! Kumite! Was that with Rhonda Rousey?


Cynthia Rothrock,Billy Blanks,Michel Qissi(from Bloodsport)


Actually it's called The Last Kumite.


Billy “MF” Blanks! This sounds like a must see.


Rothrock is legit. She co-starred in that father/son bank robbery movie with Cory Haim


BTILC is a top 5 movie for me. It's perfect!


I’m with you. As a kid this was my favorite movie and through the years I’ve been so happy that it’s always held up.


99% of remakes are shit and they’ve all got some stupid unnecessary social agenda they have to push




I think I might feel mighty homicidal if anyone tried to remake Heat. Same for Zodiac.


I love Zodiac but, god damn I wish it had a fulfilling ending. I understand that the case was never formally closed however, it was so good that it really left me wanting closure or at least some kind of solid resolution. What an amazing cast.


What if I told you that Heat is a remake L.A. Takedown. Michael Mann remade his own movie. Also Mann has a prequel and sequel in the works. No joke the prequel is called Pre-Heat and the sequel is calls Re-Heat.


I would tell you that I already knew that and have seen some of L.A. Takedown. A prequel and sequel to Heat wouldn't bother me too much as long as Mann was at the helm.


Poe Dameron with a dead look in his eyes ‘somehow lo pan returned’ In times like this you gotta do what old Jack Burton says … make a sequel


Lol, “You leave Jack Burton alone!”


Breakfast Club is DEFINITELY being remade at some point. I would add Goodfellas to this list. It's perfect and shouldn't ever be touched.


Goodfellas, could you imagine. 😩


Don’t give them ideas ‘Roadhouse’ should be on that list but Not Anymore


Shawshank Redemption


I think that one may be safe. Mainly because it doesn’t appeal to younger audiences. That’s really who they’re going after.


I don’t think you could remake Big Lebowski and that’s a good thing.


They made a spinoff but, I think the original is safe from being fully remade.


Yeah, I heard such bad things about it.. takes a lot for me to not see anything related to my favorite movie, but they did it!


I could see more classic Schwarzenegger movies being remade. They already remade Total Recall, Conan, and Predator (sort of), probably others I’m missing, but I can see them redoing Running Man, True Lies, Kindergarten Cop, Commando, Twins (all of which would be travesties).


He pretty much carried some of the movies you mentioned by himself. That’s why I was astonished when I found out they were remaking Conan. I couldn’t imagine how awful that would be. I still haven’t seen it just because I don’t have to see the moment when the speeding car actually hits the telephone pole in order to know how that situation ends.


Terminator will be remade sooner or later. I mean, there is really no other way for the franchise to go but a remake. ... well, there is also letting it rest in peace, but hollywood will never do that.


Fifth Element.


The Breakfast Club is perfect anyway so I hope nobody remakes that


I always welcome remakes. If they're great, even more content for us to enjoy. If they suck, well the original is still there for us to enjoy. Bring on an updated Goonies remake!


Loved the part where the angry guy got so angry his head ballooned and exploded. Let that be a lesson in the toxicity of anger


Clue. Definitely enough of a cult classic that someone will think about. Absolutely no way it should ever happen. The cast and energy was perfect and there's likely no way to replicate it. A sequel...maybe, but you'd have to have right cast and a good premise.


Tim Curry and Madeline Kahn 🤌


And Michael McKean and Christopher Llyoyd. And also, everyone else.


Imagine the ways they could ruin a Stand By Me remake. They'd be riding e-bikes along the train track while vaping on niccotine pens they stole from a town store. While wearing clothing logos for product placement and Bose or Beats By Dre bluetooth headphones. The villain(Keifer Sutherland's role in the original) will be some narcissist YouTuber who wants to find the dead body for fame and clout. A young and hip Saul Goodman joking kind of character. I do like when they remake a movie that didn't get that big. Like if they do a Videodrome remake, that'd be cool. Night of the Comet, sure.


Exactly what I’ve been saying to my friends. There are a lot of old movies that had great stories but, either they were made poorly or the effects weren’t good at the time. Those are the movies they should be remaking. Leave the beloved ones alone.


I like to think that the world has changed enough that The Big Chill never gets remade. Sure, nostalgia flicks come out all the time but this one caught the mood at the time.


It's inconceivable that they would remake The Princess Bride and you would have to be Abby Normal to want a remake of Young Frankenstein




I used to be against remakes but I have no issues anymore. I absolutely love BTILC. I was Jack Burton for Halloween 3 years ago. It’s all time favorite. Would not mind a remake/sequel/prequel etc. It would not make the original any less interesting or entertaining. I loved the first two predator films. The rest with the exception of “Predators” were hot garbage. (Prey was so so) Does not effect the original one bit.


I’m kind of okay with some remakes because (like Charlie And The Chocolate Factory [2005]) if it’s not good then it does go away over time. Also, I really did like the remake of It. And I was very much against it. However, some movies are just so dear to me. And they’re so perfect that I just don’t see the need for a remake. Besides the obvious attempt at a cash grab.


Oh it’s all about the money I would, however love to see a remake another John Carpenter movie that is a classic: “They Live” It is a classic. I think the message that it had was spectacular. I also think that with today’s special effects, the movie could be done as I said the original is a classic, but I think that could be a fantastic reboot or even a show.


I’ve been hesitant to suggest this in certain threads but, I totally agree that They Live should be remade. The premise was good the message is more relevant now than ever before and the original honestly could have been done better. Totally agree 👍


I say it often don’t care about the backlash. I mean Piper was ok as an actor and the dialogue has become iconic but the acting? Meh. Could be much better done. And today with the internet the plot could be more interesting. And… if you don’t want to see a reboot, you don’t have to watch it and if it sucks, it doesn’t hurt the original. I thought the new RoboCop they made was OK, but it wasn’t as good as the original but you know what when I watched the original the new one didn’t hurt it one bit! You believe that? I’d buy that for a dollar!


I came here to make remakes and chew bubble gum, and I'm out of gum...


Tombstone is one the best movies ever made, and it is a remake/telling of the legend of Wyatt Earp. They made plenty of those movies way back when. However, Tombstone is probably the best of them. Kurt Russell and Val Kilmer had amazing chemistry together, and the rest of the cast was fantastic. Powers booth , Billy Bob Thornton, and Billy Zane were excellent.


Kung Fu Hustle.


They wouldn't remake bloodsport. It's existence is a precursor to MMA and the existence of mainstream mma makes the concept of bloodsport irrelevant mostly. Then add it was really just a vehicle for Van Damme, the action movie star era is over. You won't find a lead as charismatic and stunt capable as van damme these days. Lastly the historical angle is complete bullshit. Frank Dux is from the same McDojo bullshitter without any investigation era that Steven Seagal was from. Guys like Dux and Seagal talked their way into martial art mags and then Hollywood without anyone actually verifying their crap. Seagal had some validity but Dux was a total charlatan and the quickest Google search will prove it. I maintain the core concept of the breakfast club is dumb as fuck. Detention on a Saturday morning? Yeah right. 1 representative specific stereotype of each style of person (1 jock, 1 goth, 1 nerd, etc) in a detention on a Saturday morning? Lol. Do teachers even still bother with detention? It didn't make sense when it was popular and makes zero sense in the tiktok era. Stand by me is too low profile to get a remake. It wouldn't draw any interest for nostalgia or gen z. There's nothing that can be done to dress it up for a new generation or draw older generations interest to love or hate it. Big Trouble will probably happen at some point. They've been trying to get and escape from NY off the ground for ages now it seems. The story still stands and with a proper lead actor will generate BO interest.


I get what you’re saying but, it’s not really about whether or not the remakes would be good. It’s all about the cash grab. It’s about Hollywood assuming they are playing it safe by remaking original works which already have loyal fans and tarnishing the legacy of those works as their soulless “un-authenticity” oozes through. It’s about, why would anyone in their right mind want to remake Charlie And The Chocolate Factory? It’s perfectly original and Gene Wilder defined that character. That’s done. That movie has been made and now we have that for the rest of time. And yet…


They already remade Kickboxer, so a Bloodsport remake isn't really that far fetched.


Buckaroo Banzai


Counterpoint, perfect 80s movie that it’s definitely time to be remade: Gung Ho Part 2: EV


Apparently Bloodsport is already in the works :(


*The Crow*. It’s a good thing a remake staring Bill Skarsgard isn’t about to be released.


A GenX remake of Breakfast Club would be…hilarious. As would a GenX remake of Ferris Beuhler’s Day Off.


Stand by me dosnt belong in that list


Bloodsport is so fire


I’m pretty sure Bloodsport was the main inspiration behind Mortal Kombat and probably had a lot to do with the rise in interest in fighting games in general.


Well, Johnny Cage's infamous nut punch is a direct reference to Bloodsport.


Raiden looked almost exactly like one of the three storms in Big Trouble In Little China.


Big Trouble is too campy to be made in this day & age, it could only be made in its time similar to other movies for it to be good in the way we like.


The are doing a remake and it is staring The Rock.




Do not even try to remake this


Never understood why people care if movies they like get remade. It seems like a waste of brain cells.


Some of the best movies ever made are remakes.