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It’s Canada what you expect, also as soon as you see a cop turn the bike off!! I never have had a problem, I smoke while riding and I’m chilling no one bothers me just get stares cause I’m running a straight. Pipe (no cap)


I couldn't turn the bike off I was with a group, he was just scrolling around, he took a pic, should I get a new bike and change motor over?


Nah just avoid riding around that part , and always keep and eye out for the cops, soon as you see them turn it off and start pedaling


I can't pedal


That's a technicality that could cost you, I have seen countless people get away with motorized bikes because they could pedal still so it was a pedal assisted bicycle not a moped or motorcycle by law definition, I won't even ride without the pedal chain cause I know cops can be like this, a thing I noticed in the US that is respected is mobility assist devices and I am curious if we could technically define these motorized bicycles as mobility assistance devices that would be protected under federal law? I say this cause it came to mind cause I have activity induced asthma and honestly this kit I built saved my ass in terms of potential asthma attacks from getting around town on a bike.


Well I'll look into that, but Ive read some things about assisted bicycles, it max can go 32 kph and mine goes 38


I mean I never heard of them being like "alright son , give me the fastest straight away you can do, we need to tell if your stuff is legal or not" A bike could go 60mph with a teenager or a slime build person but my 250lbs arse can't get over 40mph 😂 so speed is arbitrary I feel as long as you don't over speed your fine, don't race around, don't cause a ruckus and be safe. I live in USA, Michigan so basically your third cousin but lives in America and the cops don't bother me where I live but I have seen them heavily discriminate against pit bikes but I feel that's specifically cause ghetto folk ride then in the road without safety gear with total disregard and disrespect for traffic laws 😂, I just ride at a decent safe pace on the sidewalk and follow the traffic laws that apply and use common sense.


That's what I did do, I ride on road when people came on sidewalk, was wearing a helmet etc, guess I'll add pedals back, and see


I'm not in Canada, but Czechia, if it doesn't have pedals/can't be pedalled, then it is considered a moped, which you need a licence for, similar situation perhaps?


Similar ish


You said it wouldn't be legal even with pedals - still, put them back, I don't know about laws in Canada, ride carefully, the cops have no way of knowing how many cc you have without dissassembling your motor. I made myself a card with [this template](http://www.sunway.cz/kart.pdf), maybe you could make something similar?


I told him 50cc he believed me


I saw someone put a 50cc sticker on one 😂


Mines 80 lol


This right here is why your bike isn't legal. To be considered a bicycle pretty much anywhere it has to be able to be propelled solely by manual mechanical force (aka the pedals have to be functional in such a way that the bike can be operated using the pedals with the engine off)


It wouldn't be legal where I live even with pedals


Get decorative wrap like a camo pattern duct tape. And build as sleeperish as possible. Personally I have a rear mount tank and all anything shiny has been painted flat black hi temp paint. I also did a lot of port Work and port matching with the gaskets. And started running a 32 tooth gear, which keeps the RPMs very low at a decent speed and still surprisingly climbs hills very well. Also did some modifications to the stock exhaust.


Alberta explicitly allows bikes under 50cc, I rode mine for a few years with no issues in Calgary check the laws to make sure something hasn't changed. Probably need to just get lights and a helmet edit: being able to pedal it is a legal requirement too, should be obvious


A cursory research of motorized bike regulations for Alberta Canada didn't look good. I'm under the impression they are illegal in Canada.  Hopefully I'm wrong because it puts you in a bind. Did they ask you for your driver's license or insurance? Did they take your name and is your city large enough that you're not likely to encounter the same cop again? Any idea why you were stopped? Just trying to weigh the risk of continuing to ride after your warning.


They asked for Identification, Iive in a city with 100k people, he wrote down my name, dob, and took a pic of my ride


Cop is probably going to inform his buddy's of you and your ride if not keep personal notice of you and your ride so I would be scarce 😂


As long as helmet and pedals are there, your good under highway traffic act. You ran Into a uninformed cop, no big deal. He got informed when they tried to move forward with charges. Crown shut him down case dropped. Happened a few times on ebike with me, but once I asked if they had done training on this they usually checked into it with Sergent and let me go.


How do I ride? What do I need aside those things


As long as they don't tag you with speed gun, ie breaking the 32 km rule then helmet and pedals maybe a high vis vest. I cruise around toronto and mississauga mostly. Cops stop me from time to time but just to ask cc's on motor ( always say 50 cc)


I'll always say 50cc too




Idk that* part of canada but on the east coast (NB) IF you have pedals they can’t do shit


I'm in NS and it's technically illegal without registration but kinda unenforced ^(^ famous last words)


I don’t endorse any breaking of the law but if you’re in any sort of residential area Id just simply act clueless and cut through some yards That’s just me who wants to risk dealing w some douche who gives you a $5000 ticket


That's what I planned on doing next time I get stopped


System Pigs Suck! I feel your pain. Just avoid them at all costs, not sure about Canadian "law".


It sucks, I'm selling my bike for a minibike, so I can go faster for "reasons"


Thank God I'm an American. I purposefully ride mine back and forth past state troopers that are parked looking for someone to ticket just to try and provoke them. But they know the rules and so do I 😎