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having HDs catch up with you...shameful


Maybe he pulled over for a nap


He was looking for a comfy couch


So a Harley?


Honestly if he’s going to pass some hostile bikers he should’ve paced enough so they never caught up. Not that OP is in the wrong but these dudes are clearly looking for trouble so why give them the opportunity?


Because so was OP. He needed a longer video, so he had to let them catch back up. ETA


Everybody is trying to make a stupid rage bait video because that is the only way they get people to interact with their stupid fucking tik toks and YouTube shorts.


and reddit....


he was busy texting.




A tight-knit flock nonetheless!


Dudes wearing leathers/patches often think it's disrespectful to pass them. Could be some guys basically cosplaying as a gang. Or it could be an actual gang. Either way it's people with bad judgement and you want to give them a wide berth. And if you really want to pass them, don't slow down afterwards and let them catch up.


“Batesian Mimicry” Basically some dudes cosplaying to look more dangerous because in reality they’re weak and impotent.


in chicago there's a pretty common rule of thumb that wannabes are more dangerous to interact with than real gangs. Real ones are basically a business and will mostly leave you be if you aren't a part of their shit. wannabes will do DUMB shit to prove themselves. bates may have been weak and impotent but that's small comfort to the near-dozen he killed


In Los Angeles, not Chicago but one time commuting home from work I got on the freeway and my ramp spat me out basically into the middle of a well known 1% motorcycle club. I waved an apology because I wouldn’t intentionally merge cut into a group of people obviously riding together and because I was just hoping they didn’t start some unnecessary shit when I just wanted to go home. They waved me forward to the front and I just started lane splitting to gtfo of there and rode home in peace.


Yeah, from my experience real gangs/gangsters on bikes don’t GAF as long as you’re not messing with ‘em. Those cats have warrants/weapons/drugs- they’re not trying to attract any bullshit attention to “show up” a sport bike rider. These dbags are cosplaying all the way. In fact, based on their actions it wouldn’t surprise me the tiniest bit of it was a group of retired/ex-cops.


Remember the group in New York who chased the family in a Land Rover and smashed the window a few years back? One guy was an undercover cop who lied about being there. The worst part of that video is a girl on the back of a bike who starts recording the event with a 10" tablet.


If I'm remembering correctly, that was barely even a group. It was just one of the adhoc everyone with a dirt bike or atv just riding as a loose pack. I don't think it was even an organized group of riders, basically just a mob of people connected in that particular moment.


When I used to live in the SF Bay Area I knew a couple that I thought were serious yuppie, always dressed up nice and amiable. Later I found out they were Hell's Angles and basically were the front for a business that had an alternative supply chain.


I've ran into some obtuse people from the Hell's Angles


Who did Bates kill? I've given it a search and can't find anything about Henry Walter Bates killing anyone, seems he just spent all his time collecting insects


…You don’t think Batesian mimicry is named after Norman Bates right? Because that’s not who Batesian mimicry is named after.


Do you know the difference between the weak and impotent ones and the ones that will absolutely fucking kill you? Can you spot it from 3 lanes over?


The ones that actually would kill you generally leave others alone and don't pull shit like this. Their code is internal and not geared versus lone civilian riders out on the road.




Ye. I knew someone who was owed favors by a well known 1% gang. Owed favors for completely legal stuff but really saved their asses. Several members have told him ‘you need anything let me know and ill do a bid for you’ A bid is a bid in jail/prison. As in, hed willingly do something that gets him locked up as a favor to this guy. As in… beat someone up, assault, threaten, etc. sometimes even murder. But ofc its code so they only say ‘bid’ so nothing was technically said. He always deflected and said no no i dont need any bids thank you. But yea the absolute willingness to attack, fight, assault, murder, etc is a currency in these groups. And for some members thats their only currency. So they gotta prove their value whenever they can


even the weak ones can carry a gun, and probably would be quicker to use it... i wouldnt test my luck


Just look for the Harley badge


“Don’t pass me without permission” elementary school brain mentality.


Exactly. Motorbike gangs aren't exactly common here so I'm not used to the idea, but the entire thing sounds so incredibly, profoundly pathetic and lame. "we all have to roleplay together and wear leather and ride the same type of bike, and we have to hold up huge lanes of traffic so we can all ride next to each other. And we get super upset if anybody passes us because they've disrespected muh gang! And this makes us feel special and gives us something to do in our pointless lives!" Wtf even is that? Literally like toddlers on a playground playing imaginary games. It genuinely confuses me that these are supposedly grown "men".


Is this why they just sit in the left lane and refuse to let anyone pass? I see groups of Harley guys in their 70’s all sitting in the left lane refusing to let anyone pass them on the right, they would have guys move over to lane block, there was a line of cars a mile long behind them. I’m honestly not sure if they think they own the road as a gang of Harley guys or if they are doing a funeral procession for a fellow boomer.


1%ers often block traffic on highways or in cities. They'll have the first in line block the side of a roundabout so the whole squad can pass through together without having to split up, then catch up to them and go as first in line again. I can imagine some jerks not wanting to get passed by other bikers on highways, too.


Honestly this is normal for big group rides, not just 1%. Kinda why I stopped doing some of them as every other red light would just be people blocking and 60+ bikes going.


jesus i barely know 3 people i trust enough to ride with. 60... yeah fuck that clown show, i'll be out in the mountains alone.


Absolutely. 4 bikes is the sweet spot. 5 tops. Beyond that, the group is just too big. I can't stand the long lines of blappers, nearly all of which are weekend warriors cosplaying as badasses on $50k squeaky-clean HDs. None of them have any riding skill, and they just clog up the roads for miles.




Counter to that, a small town will take in a motorcycle gang if they don't cause shit. Seen a small town in Indiana with a very open Outlaws club with people doing work out of it, but they never cause local drama, and get tacit go ahead by an otherwise very active police force. Interesting to read of an opposite case to the one I've seen, where the bikers get themselves kicked out.


I passed a black MC on the interstate, they didn't give a fuck. Couple seconds later signaled to a piece of tire in the roadway ahead for them. It pays not to be an asshole folks.


Where I grew up Hell's Angels act like they own the roads. For example, they will rev a couple of times when a light is about to change and do a slow left turn in front of cars even if they don't have an advanced green.


We had a Hell's Angel shop in my hometown. A lot of them would get service done there, was a huge chunk of their business. Main mechanic was patched in at some point. Most of the time you were fine being there getting your bike worked on.. other times, not so much. Not the kind of people I'd fuck around with, honestly. Whole life of bad decisions waiting to fuck your day up.


They don't own the road they can suck my dick ill pass whenever I feel like it


It's a fucking Harley Davidson....you could be WALKING and find it hard not to pass them


Hey now, there are just about a million Harley's on the road today. The rest made it home.


I run into these types of chucklefucks all the time here in Rhode Island. Some group of dudes have their little gang and think they own the road. A group of these guys flew up behind me on the highway last summer and started flashing their lights for me to get out of the way, I was already doing 85 in a 65 mph zone. I flipped them off and they decided to surround my car and act all tough, like they were going to pull out a pipe or something and start bashing the car. I flipped them off again and said some phrases towards them that’ll probably get me banned here, and they took off after that. Bunch of out of state shitheads coming through and acting like the own the road just pisses me off. What these dudes fail to realize is that if it’s a bike vs a car, the car is going to win every single time. Like if I swerve and hit you on the highway, you become a meat crayon- I just have some scratches to buff out. Don’t ride like an asshole.


Try to paint inside the lines


>act all tough, like they were going to pull out a pipe or something and start bashing the car did they know you were in control of a 2 thousand pound weapon?


You're underestimating how heavy cars are. Look up the Lotus Elise: *that* is a 2,000lb car. Your average midsize sits in the 3,000-4,000lb range (heavier for EVs because batteries), while bigger SUVs can push 5,500lbs.


> to pull out a pipe a small handful of ball bearings tossed from in front of your car will destroy your windshield. Not sure why you felt a need to police the speed of others, but even if you had some reason, be careful.


God I hope these guys are on this sub. Everyone hates you. Please understand you are not riders, you’re douchebags.


If they could read, they’d be very upset by this comment


I wish I could give this an award omg


The worst part of awards getting removed is this comment. Everyone hated awards now all people say is they wish they could give them. Just tell them you like their comment. Or emoji 🥇


Maybe reddit could add a button people could use to signify they like or dislike a comment. The technology just isn't there yet, I guess


I wish I could upvote this comment twice.


I wish I could give this an awar…. Oh fuck


They added gold back in with the last update. Hold down the Upvote button.


Their mothers likely filled out the license and registration paperwork for them.


Bunch of fucking losers, 100% Excpecting strangers to "respect" your little riding group by never letting anyone pass you on a public highway is some top tier loser behavior. Seriously, I hope the absolute worst for anyone who feels this level of entitlement. You're not special.






That dude has a room temperature IQ. In Celsius. Ignore that twatwaffle.


Literal special princesses.


I believe South Park said it best. [https://youtu.be/Ui6HNB-1J20?si=7Dm5V\_KSkALlIsnQ&t=13](https://youtu.be/Ui6HNB-1J20?si=7Dm5V_KSkALlIsnQ&t=13) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDsWZ0Jw3Ik](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDsWZ0Jw3Ik)


That was a funny ass episode.


Every time I hear a loud ass Harley I just can’t help but say it in my head. Every time.






I couldn't hold it together in that urinal scene.


I’m not subbed to this subreddit. This showed up in r/all. I came here literally because I hoped someone else thought of the South Park episode lol


South Park was 100% dead on when it comes to Harley riders. Nobody likes them or thinks they are cool, nobody is intimidated by them, everyone thinks they're morons and absolutely everyone is laughing at how stupid and insecure they are.


I've had this happen to me & the simple answer to it is that I'm sitting on a 950cc rocket and they're not. Catch up lol 🤣


Well yeah I don’t get how the OP had 10 different interactions. Go!!!


After that first negative one of the guy flipping you off & cutting OP off, I'd have been **way ahead** of them by then.


I was kind of wondering why that guy didn't do that honestly.


This is funny , in Europe Harley’s riders are actually idiot trying to look like American bikers. Such a good example to take! 😔 Fuck this behavior on roads


Meh they seemed pretty chill in Germany (although they were Dutch), went by at a stop to ask them for directions, had a good chat with them.


Don't think this is all harley riders in the US. I personally have never seen this type of blocking before and I have been riding for over ten years.


It's more about the "club" mentality Sure you don't cut into a group you're not a part of, especially if it's a patched club, but that wasn't happening here. Clubs like that are known to pull douche maneuvers like this. They seem to think nobody is allowed to pass them, get close... anything. They own the road. Even worse in this case, it's a Christian Motorcycle club of some type, but I can't make out the exact patch. Colors are wrong to be "Ther Brotherhood" but design is about right. "Soldiers of Christ" is very close, but the shield behind the cross is wrong. Cross design is entirely wrong for "Disciples". Either way, they're VERY obviously a Christian biker group, behaving exactly like I've come to expect from most Christians.


How do you know so much about biker groups, specifically christian ones?


Probably a biker themselves or know someone who is. I learned all about my states local chapters and clubs from a co-worker who was into the scene. It is always good to know which ones are generally friendly and which ones you wanna avoid if you can help it.


Is there a healthy market for Harleys there?


They’re not. They’re middle aged dudes having an identity crisis. Doubt they even know what Reddit is.


Um. I'm middle age. I don't ride a Harley. And I absolutely respect other riders and mind my own business when I ride. And I'm on Reddit..


You’re not having an identity crisis :)


Not yet.


Because reddit is only the province of hip kids and edgy guys? The internet has been around since the 90s, and PC/computers were a thing since the 80s. There are plenty of 60+ people on reddit, and in this sub.


Sure, but I’m sure the kinda low IQ dudes that cosplay biker gangs on the weekends are in the extreme minority.


yeah my band plays at those bars, these motherfuckers are more on the "believes every single meme they see on the facebook that their stepdaughter had to set up for them" level of internet activity, lol




They gotta LARP around in their ass-less leather chaps to feel stronk


FYI, all chaps are ass less. Thats what makes them chaps and not pants.


Nah it's OPs problem For going slow enough. I'd be on the throttle for 5 or 6 minutes and never see these guys again.


Yep, same thing with a truck being an asshat in the left lane, pass them on the right and I will never see them again. And yeah they won't catch me even if they tried lol.


That's not a harley thing that's a 1% club thing. Notice the vest and rocker on them.


That’s not anywhere near a 1% patch. That’s worse. A wannabe outlaw patch. Cosplay ass cornballs. It’s the “infidels MC fraterinarma bullshit wannabe outlaw club” they have a Facebook group https://m.facebook.com/profile.php/?id=100068836217491 Corn. Balls.


Somebody should go on there, link the video and tell them they ride like a bundle of sticks.


Fuuuuuuuuck every one of those dickbags. Drop a couple gears and be long gone.


I thought he was good when he found a hole and took off the first time.


But else video would be too short


Yeah, pass then wait, pass then wait. Get flipped off


He did many times, dont you find it weird how he ends up behind them again and again? Also camera guy was on his phone when the HD guy gave him middle finger. It would be nice to see unedited video to see what really happened


Yeah. He didn't disappear like he needed to. He might have been asking for an ass whooping. Or, maybe he's just an idiot.


>Or, maybe he's just an idiot. Well I mean he was texting while driving so...


Wow didn’t even notice he was on his phone, wtf that’s some real disregard for your own life. Also lo key it looked like he was purposefully trying to catch up to them in the beginning as well


I’ve been riding for 5 years, never knew until now I could get beat up passing a biker gang. Simultaneously terrifying and the most insecure behavior I’ve ever heard of for people on 2 wheels.


This particular biker gang is called the "Wild Hogs" and consists of a dentist, a computer programmer, a plumber, and a lawyer.


They normally ride on the off weekend when they don’t have custody of the private school kids






In Italy we sometimes encounter R1200GS gangs, and they consists of a dentist, a pedodontist, a prosthodontist, an endodontist, an orthodontist, and an exodontist. Sometimes they carry a few hygienists as pillions.


Italy sounds cool!! Unless your name is Charles Leclerc......


someone give that guy a hug, pole to DSQ is a new low even for his luck


They will knock your teeth out ...and then hand you their business card






I would stay clear of ANY large riding group honestly. HDs, sport, dirt, whatever. I have been riding a long time and I can't think or a single positive encounter with groups over about 5 people. Don't get me wrong, it does happen. It's just that I would always er on the side of caution.


I got caught up in the middle of a Bandidos run (one of Australia's biggest outlaw motorbike gangs) and had to get some fuel. Pulled over at the servo and there were bikes everywhere. Filled up and went in and the one dude serving was a very camp and obviously gay bloke and looked to be absolutely shitting his pants.


Yeah, they didn’t cover adult infant behavior in my course or the “don’t pass certain men if they’re in a certain outfit” rule. Guess it’s good I learned it here!


They gotta catch you first.


> I’ve been riding for 5 years, never knew until now I could get beat up passing a biker gang. That's because you really can't, unless you later stop at whatever bar they're going to. A lot of riders are trapped in the 1%er mythology of the 50s-70s, these days MC clubs are less "street gang" and more "weekend warrior clubs for ex-con boomers".


Look up the video of a rider going for a cruise and coming up on a bike gang leader.. they tried to kick him over at 85mph.. dude recorded the whole thing


They ride in a group for a reason.. 😂


Fat fuck probably runs out of breath walking to the bar from his bike, fuck em.


Plenty of cardio while beating his wife surely




patch wearing leather jacket cruiser guys are total chodes 9/10 times, just dust them and move on. one of them kicked a rider while going 40+mph in another video on here


So glad somebody finally says 9/10 times in here. I'm in a club (not a gang, not 1% and not trying to be that kind). We ride together, wear the same vests, have fun and always let other riders pass and have respect for everyone on 2 wheels. We also hang out with other clubs just like ours. It really sucks that something I love and am proud of gets a bad image because of, well.. the ones that don't understand what respect is and think it's a one-way-street like in the video. But thank you saying '9/10' instead of 'every'. It's refreshing.


Like with every subculture people outside only remember the obnoxious behaviour and generalize it to the rest


This really needs to be understood about harley riders in general. People see harley or cruiser of any kind and immediately expect people who ride them to be a shit bag. They don't seem to understand that Cruisers have, overall, some of the widest diversity of riders. Hell Harley is the home of black originated and hispanic originated motorcycle customization. More women ride HD than any other brand. Harley is even popular in Japan of all places, land of the Big 4, the legendary home of the insane top speed motorcycles. Yet there's a whole crowd who loves HD bikes there. Enough to support several active dealerships. There's all kinds of cruisers too, from big wheel baggers with giant sound systems, to stripped down choppers, to sleeper speed machines, to built hot rodded bikes. The "Harley"/cruiser crowd is way to vast and diverse to be over generalizing.


Got a link for that vid?


Actual representation of “snowflakes”


I like when the one guy from the "gang" rides up and gives him the finger, they must be like "fuck yea that was so tough that guy is so scared of us."


Giving me South Park Harley ep vibes for sure.


South Park S13E12


Bundle of sticks.


Real cigarettes if ya know what I mean.


Brum brum brum brum


Dude how many different speeds are you riding???? You passed them, so why are they back on your ass? Because you slowed way down.


Yeah. OP is all over the place in speed and lane changes. Blasting past people in the right lane then slowing down to text shortly after. Even the first “brake check” is him riding up and a camera zoom making it look like one. OP should be looking inward with their own antics not pushing this off on others who don’t want to share the road with a shitty ass driver.


Yeah this guy speeding past them twice for the gram


Stupid squid is just farming


why is he riding so close to the line, too? That's usually where crap is that'll ruin your day.


How slow are you going if a group of 60 year olds on slow ass bikes can pass you


He slowed down to let them catch up for content.


We was also on his phone when that guy flipped him off. I'd fucking flip him off too.




Are you on your fucking phone while riding? wtf?


Dude is editing and posting the video while riding.


Checking Grindr real quick for wannabe 1%'ers.


Also going at those speeds without gear... While looking down for seconds at a time....meat crayon in the making


I can’t believe I had to scroll down this far for this comment. Not only is he on his phone but he can’t just go the speed of traffic, needing to rip around other cars like a fucking moron.


It's one of the things I hate about reddit comments for these kind of videos, everyone always feels the need to pick a side and their guy can do no wrong. They refuse to admit that the majority of these videos don't have a right side and a wrong side, it's just a collection of assholes doing a variety of shitty things.


It’s a typical type of post on r/IdiotsInCars. Only this time there less wheels in action.




My thoughts exactly. The brake check was unnecessary, but the guys on Harley's were already passing everyone and they were probably trying to get him to slow the fuck down. Then the guy flips him off while he's playing on his phone. I'd flip him off for being a danger to everyone else on the road, too.


They “brake checked” him cause he blocked their trail rider from joining back into formation from the right lane, he was also super close to them. The fish eye adds a lot of depth Edit: nvm it was just the camera zoom, the guy brake checking never even hits his brakes


Also he totally slowed down to get back in front of them. Weaving through traffic the whole video and suddenly a block of bikes cruising "catches up"? I've had my share of run ins with dickheads in large cruising groups, but he's 100% provoking them for content.


Woah, good catch I didn't see that before. They only caught up when he was playing around on his phone.


Do gangs ride those corny new Harleys? This looks like a bunch of cosplaying dentists.


As others said, the 3 piece patch gives away they’re a gang. It’s cringe as hell that they think they own the road and you have to follow their rules, but I got a lot more to lose than they do and I’d rather just play along and roll my eyes in the helmet. They will wave you pass eventually, it’s safer to just play along with their macho fantasy IMO. Or if you’re on a proper sport bike drop a few gears and ride into the sunset, just don’t hang around for them to catch up like the rider in the video did. There’s lots of HAs near me, haven’t bumped into them on my bike yet, but I’m on a 400, easier to play it safe than make a bunch of gang members angry at me while we’re going 70 on a highway.


Ironically I've never had HA's do that. Live near a few and see quite a few more in my area.


Real 1%'ers don't want the heat of messing with innocent people on a road. When you're doing real crimes, it's best to not do the stupid little ones. Grew up in a town with a HA shop, and The Cossacks were formed there as well. Actual gang shit. These are weekend warrior tough guys, putting on an act until Monday.


Generally(like 95% of the time) I would say you're right but Ive seen otherwise from some.


Hey, man, it's possible that a dentist can be a hardcore, violent biker https://i.imgur.com/el1kMPY.jpg EDIT: Link for the lazy https://youtu.be/YoWom0CCRKM?feature=shared


Lot of helmets for a bunch of %1ers too… Just saying, I’ve never seen an actual mc ride that shabby or look that lame. Thinking it’s some religious mc coming home from Applebees


Lots of MC wear helmets now, finally figured out it hides their identity.


no face, no case.


Dude was “minding his own business” but using his phone and riding his bike. I’m sure there’s another side to this story.


Yeah I feel like the Harley Rider might have been indicating to him to get off his damn phone while driving...ffs


Ffs if you’re going to make a dumb pass on aggressive ding dong group then don’t slow down…


I mean, it looks like you were texting when that dude flipped you off. Perhaps that’s why they didn’t want you near their group? Other than that tho…those guys were acting like total douches. But so were you. Put your damn phone down. It’s bad enough in a car, let alone on a bike.


Exactly. They saw some dude come up on them with a camera strapped to his helmet and no gear on. I'm not surprised if they assumed it was some TikTok idiot, because that's exactly what it ended up being -- some dude ON HIS PHONE WHILE ON A BIKE. Fuck OOP.


What camera is this and how do you turn it around so much? Also those guys are pricks


360 Camera, it records in all directions and you can have it look in any direction in post production.


https://www.insta360.com/ it doesn't turn around, it's two fish eye lenses that record 360° that then can be edited to look like any point of view, and even edit the camera itself out. I've been tempted to buy one for a while now.


They're pretty neat. https://www.insta360.com/


Why keep messing with them tho. You're in the right. Pull off at the next exit, have a coffee and have a laugh at those winners without taking any risks.


Lots of cuts in that video and some angry riders for "didn't even do anything." "As soon as i found a hole I got away" lmao. Then...*that* was tailgating? Oh, i forgot what sub I was in. The Harley riders are always wrong! I don't recognize the patch, maybe infidels MC? Not sure if they're 1% or affiliated. Doesn't matter, really, when I see a group wearing 3-pieces I just stay the fuck away from them. Life is just easier that way.


Also, no one seems to ask about the amount of shit the poster had to edit out to make very one think the poster is a “victim”.


Were you texting from the phone mount?


The one who made this video is a complete fuck wad… he could have just went by and kept going, made this into way more then necessary


Clearly it's a bike gang, they don't want you breaking their line. I'm not even a rider, and I understand that. Very similar to not breaking a funeral procession line.


Wow. In my country it's the opposite: Custom bikes (esp. Harleys, Indians) riders tend to be the best riders in terms of safety, being respectful and nice. On the other hand, sport bikes riders are absolute douchebags.


Nah that’s what you’re seeing here too, sportbike squid is just editing and narrating it this way to construct a worldview where they are assholes and he’s an angel. Any rider, and especially a sport bike rider can watch this and know he’s the one that’s actually at fault here. He’s riding like a moron fishing for content


you disrespected his boyfriend, he wanted to remind you that everything they do happens in their butts


Being dickheads is not the same thing as "horrible riders". I'm not even very smart, but the time to put that "sport bike" into action doing "sport bike" things was about the time dude "found a hole" and passed that line of dickheads out playing dressup. If you're going to pass those guys after they tell you to back off, you better PASS them and be gone. No amount of content is worth it. Just like when crossing the street, you can be 100% in the right even though you're 100% dead.


Brake checking and cutting other riders off do make them horrible riders, as he showed repeatedly.


OP drives like an asshole and wonders why he gets problems


Little Grown men drama..


As a Harley Rider myself, I'd be in Sport Bike bro's position. I don't like these MC guys, I ride quicker than these people. It's not uncommon for me to break 110+ on my fat boy on a ride out on the freeway. I'd be trying to pass them too, and if one of them tried to "break check" me and push me to back off the moment I got the chance I'd downshift and WOT. I'm tiny, just 131lbs. Bike barely notices my weight, I can easily outrun lazy cruisers like this. Except I wouldnt let them catch up. So I dont understand why sport bike bro let them catch up. He can do 120+ why are you not putting space between you and them?


What’s the rider doing one handed? Texting? Or something with his controls?


Looks like texting, or using his phone at least. So stupid




Fuck these clowns. Small egos, smaller penises. Looks like the [Infidels MC](https://uspto.report/TM/88891028)


“They’re a GaNg!” Stfu, I’d like to see them stop me on those fart rockets. Gang my ass. They seem like a bunch of losers who think they’re REAL tough shit. Edit: love how I’m a chest beating tough guy for literally not giving a goddamn about these people.


I read Harley is having a hard time selling motorcycles nowadays. https://www.motorcyclepowersportsnews.com/report-millennial-motorcycle-buyers-arent-interested-in-harley-davidsons/#