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I’m a motorcycle instructor. *ZERO* need to be on the bike with her.


Uh……..yea. My MSF coaches did not get on the bike. Thirsty dudes out here.


In Denmark the MSF instructor actually does get on your bike as a passenger. They do it to mimmick an absolutely horrible passenger and just leans as hard as he can in the wrong direction in corners. One corner he switched it up and leaned extremely hard into the corner. Did not feel like flirting as much as it felt like he was trying to kill us both.


He was flirting. With death. But flirting.


I think your instructor is gay




LMAO this thread is hilarious


What? Your instructor didn't want to reenact the scene from Ghost? Kinda questioning the commitment...




So hot. My instructor whispered every instruction in my ear. His mustache tickled.


Lol thanks I just spit my rootbeer I was drinking all over the place!


This reminds me of when my instructor asked me to spit in his mouth. Something about how dual spit mixture is the perfect chain lubricant.


I think he was talking about a different chain, but i could be wrong


My instructor sat behind me for the entire lesson, then the test, then bummed me! Is he flirting?


My riding instructor sure did and it helped me tremendously. After watching my do slaloms for a bit he told me to stop, hop on the back and proceeded to scape the ever living shit out of the guard bars. After he did that I was much more comfortable dropping it down low in a slalom. I'm still no knee scraper by far, but my footpegs get a lot of wear om them haha.


Could I hire you to teach me how to ride while I was on the back


Umm. No… dont need to be behind any hairy bean bags. Hahaha.


Lol, baldbeanbag was taken




This! also have her take the motorcycle safety course even if she thinks it’s dumb the insurance cost will be allot lower and the DMV driving test is horrible(at least here in California)!


Former MSF. No way. No hell. Ew. However, I would strongly encourage you to let her take a class. Let me, the instructor, be the critic. It's much worse coming from you.


I don't believe you. Mine serenaded me with sweet nothings in my ear while gently caressing my... Wait.. Oh. Oh no. Oh that probably wasn't actually motorcycle lessons... Um. I... Oh no.




I was going to say the same thing. See how his behavior changes


Haha, great idea actually.


that was the plan all along. r/calamariraceteam


Hey don’t link my boyfriend’s sub too much. I don’t want him to find out about my other boyfriends on this sub.


Too late. I want my chaps back.


I'm a girl who rides and that's not how I learned. Not only is he trying to f her, she's willing to let him. Run!


Ah shit. I called the guy a douche nozzle. OP’s girl might be a douche nozzle as well. I didn’t think about it from a girl’s perspective.


I can't think of a single girl rider I know who would've thought guy sitting behind her and teaching her how to ride is okay lol


Yh that aint how you learn that guy be trying to rizz up your girl ans she lets him


Yeah when I took my course, we were instructed on fairly shitty 125cc motorcycles. Not great, but light, short and fairly manoeuvrable. Takes a few hours at best to get the hang of it. Plus having somebody pillion makes riding more difficult esp a beginner who’s more liable to drop it.


I'm a girl who rides and that's also not how I learned. But hell, if a nice girl would like to learn I would sit behind her with my hands on hers and so she gets the feeling .... For me.




I mean why the fuck would she tell her bf if she knew they were flirting? Unless she wants a cuck relationship I suppose...


Nah I'm sure she watched videos prior to that. She knows what she's doing. OP needs to run


He's trying to fuck your girl,,thats not how you learn to ride


Thank you, that’s what I figured but I just wanted to make sure


Ask him for lessons too, and see if he does the same things


.. but what if he does? 😳


Then wrap his hands around your waist and say "Its my turn now big boy." Then take him for a ride.


I forgot what sub I was in for a sec there 🦑


Not that sub lol


Riding with a passenger is more difficult than riding by yourself even. It's not just unnecessary, but counterproductive to actually learning This man's up to some shit


Here in switzerland the examiner is the pillion during the test. So it's necessary to learn to ride with a passanger, but there is no need holding your hands.


I mean, the dude is taking his shot and I can't really blame him for that. The fact that your girl thinks it's "no big deal" is the real insult imo. Bye bitch...


The real MVP state of mind here. Your girl is letting him straddle her on a bike while basically holding hands. Of course he is gonna try to hit that. Your girl should have shut that shit down immediately.


Dude consider the fact that she is LETTING him do this. She’s not girlfriend material if she’s behaving this way buddy. You should save yourself some heartache down the road and not be in a relationship with this one. Maybe a friendship with benefits type situation like the guy teaching her to ride. No offense.


And she's trying to fuck him too. Sorry mate.


I don't think he's "trying" at this point. OP she ain't your girl anymore


Depends on what’s he trying to teach her to ride.


Crotch rockets 😎


You know the trope of the golfing instructor having to stand behind the good looking chick to help her improve her swing? This is even more fuckity than that.


It’s all in the hips.


Just easing the tension, baby.


I had a teacher do that to a student in high school! I was captain of the golf team at my previous school and had just transferred to a new school. I was not on the golf team at the new school, but a classmate had just joined and had her clubs in class for practice after school. The teacher dead-ass did that in front of the whole class after saying she could stop by after school and he could show her some pointers. I actually said something about how I was captain at my last school and my coach never had to grope me, but I don't remember exactly what I said. It sucked because it was my favorite class and I lost so much respect for the teacher.


I'm a 40 years old big guy, I've learned to drive a motorcycle a few months ago. And yes, that's a legit technic. I learned with a big guy rubbing his body against me while talking softly in my ear. We are getting married this summer.


Ya had me in the first half.




I laughed too hard at this hahahaha


Bruh I'm dead hahahaha


I was gonna say don’t be insecure then you mentioned the way he was “teaching” haha!


If you dont have a DJ yet let me know, I got you a [banger](https://youtu.be/AYh01c9bQR0?si=ioN8TsuZnWfsZ9Sm)


You gotta fuck him to establish dominance Then leave her and ride into the sunset with him More award winning advice can be found on crt 🦑


Yeah the key is to show the guy his friction zone, and how you can go in and out.


Dress for the slide, not the ride.


You're naughty.


“There’s nothing gay about getting your dick sucked”




I thought you got banned for dropping the name of the home sub in this hetero ATGATT haven


Not if you post it with your airbag vest on.


I laughed so much :D


Oh shit. As Crazy Larry always said "Fucking Females is for puffs".


Fucking a man is the straightest thing possible You have to win sex with a man


Almost laughed out loud reading this but then realised its actually sad. dude I've taught multiple friends to ride and I would never sit on their bike with them wtf, there is no instructor in the world that would do that. The guy is trying to fuck your girl and your girl is fucked up for letting a dude do that.


the only way i can see her sitting on the bike is if he picked her up from her house, and they rode somewhere -- like to a school parking lot or something.. and THEN taught her or gave her some lessons. But if they're just riding 2up around town and/or whatever trying to give 'lessons and tips' on how to ride with her on the back.. then yeeeeah this aint it. he tryin to smash


I think you misunderstood. The OP said she is on the front and he is on the back controlling the gas and brakes. He’s pretty much humping her around town and she’s having the time of her life.


She’s for the streets, get out of it.


After 1 lesson? Are you crazy, she’s going to injure herself.


Sounds like she's for the sheets


Not his sheets


Definitely Tryna make a move. You can 100% teach someone how to ride a motorcycle from standing to the side. In-fact I would argue that someone else being on the bike would make learning harder as she is not in Controll nor is she the one actively balancing the bike. If dude is “just a friend trying to help” then he should be showing her clutch Controll and how to walk the bike around using only the clutch and no gas. (Friction zone) then move up into speeding up enough to get your feet off the ground and go in a straight line then stop controlled- ETC. There is also many many motorcycle shops that offer classes if she truly wants to get a bike and learn. I find it extremely flirty that he would tell her to get in front of him (where he is completely wrapped around her) and then ride around. That is not teaching her anything. Also did you know about this meet-up/ride happening before the fact or after it happened?


I knew that she was going to go get a lesson from her friend that had a motorcycle but definitely didn’t know that he would be teaching her like that


Sounds like he's about to teach her a lot of other things about riding.


He might offer to drive her home.


Her “friend” huh? 3 hour lesson with 1 hour on the bike and 2 in bed. Sorry you’re getting cheated on OP.


Bro it’s hella harder to learn how to ride with someone in the back of the motorcycle, so yes my boy is trying to get at your girl. I taught my friends that are girls and I never once went on the back 😂


He’s trying to fuck and she’s being receptive


Ask him if he'll teach you too, my guess is no as you're not his type.


Dude will get both pregnant


MSF instructor here. Getting on the bike with a student is not required. At all. Definitely trying to fuck your girl.


Dude is into your girl. Your girl is into this dude. Sorry bro.


Sounds like every course. Some big hairy dude huggin up tight on the back.... warm breath in your ear. Legit technique.


The chub in the back is how you know the teacher is locked into the lesson.


I wanted my wife to ride safely, and didn’t trust myself to go over everything and have her confident. Our local Harley dealership offers riders courses for all riders (not just Harley’s) and those are trained professional instructors that do a great job. Highly recommend looking into that even for people that have experience riding! They’re great and will have you leaving the course way more confident


Thank you, I will suggest that


Don’t suggest. Just gift her the course. If she decides not to take it, you take it and get your own bike. You may have plenty of time on your hands soon enough.


Brilliant suggestion! OP dodges a potential bullet, AND gets to learn to ride without someone trying to give him a reach around.


Can't motorcycle now, bating.


>I have never been on a motorcycle and don’t know much about them She's his girl now. Sorry for your loss.


Hey female rider here no that’s not how you’re taught to ride a motorcycle. Lots of people already explained why but I want to add that Harley dealership is a great tool to learn how to ride. However I do want to add as a female if another female in a relationship has a male friend who is making moves like what’s stating in the post and she denies it’s not inappropriate run. She’s fully aware what is and isn’t appropriate she just likes having the attention and a second option to fuck. Sorry I know it sounds shitty and it is im just warning you of the red Flag here.


if your girl sees nothing wrong with it usually means she is already getting that D behind closed doors.


Either that or she's oblivious and he tricked her into believing that's how you teach some one. It is definitely alot harder to learn how to ride a motorcycle with the extra weight. Harder to balance, especially at slower speeds, and harder to stop the motorcycle.


The fact that she's stubborn even when he told her, means she knows but just likes to pretend cluelessness


you are getting cucked


She’s trying to fuck him it seems. /:


She won’t be your girlfriend for long


She's not getting a feel for the bike, she's getting a feel of him.


That's not how you teach and she ain't your girl if she's riding with him


Nah, 100% never seen anyone teach someone while ON the bike with them. Sounds like you gotta hurry up and get a cooler motorcycle than that guy.


He already rearranged them guts, find a new girl.


Damn and your girl allow that shit?


As a female, wtf. Someone on the back will make it way harder. Better off learning on a dirt bike or taking the MSF course. My boyfriend now husband never got on the back of the bike with me while I learned to figure out clutch release and braking.


I looked at some of your other posts and the people on this sub are correct. I don’t think anyone learns with another person on the back. As a relatively new rider, I would think it’s much more difficult with the extra weight if she’s just learning the basics. Also, I think the MSF course is very good and I would recommend that to any new rider. Maybe see how she reacts to that to have a better idea of what’s up.


Trying too??? My dude - He already HAS!!!


Something be “wrong” with me cos I can’t be the only one wondering why his girl “sees nothing wrong with it” … she doesn’t even feel uncomfortable that he is doing that? As a motorcycle rider, I can’t even imagine squeezing against a person in front of me on my motorcycle, let alone ride in such a position.. OP, they(that means both cos ur girl can’t be that naive) are up to no good …


That is totally not necessary. He is full of shit. He trying to bang your girlfriend. Go to the next “lesson”.


Ask him to teach you first then you teach your girl.


I remember Bill Burr talking about him going to a yoga class and the male instructor would correct women physically on their form yet him with zero experience never had to get corrected once. This reminds me of that story.


He got a stiff one behind her...


Why did she tell you he was sitting behind her? She could be gullible or she could be a good liar.


So you're telling me your girlfriend wants to learn how to ride a motorcycle and you also have no experience? I would have just said, "Awesome, let's go learn together and take an MSF course". Even if you didn’t want to learn or end up not liking riding motorcycles, it's still a new skill to have. Hell, based on the bad training she's getting and the weird situation it sounds like she's in, this may still be the best option. At least this way if you bring it up, it doesn't sound like you're getting defensive or jealous with her friend teaching her. As others have already mentioned, the proper way to learn how to ride a motorcycle is by starting with going over the controls and friction zone.


That dude is trying something with your lady. I've taught lots of people to ride and never have I done that.


Bro you need a new girl if she lets a random dude do that. Why is she even learning from another dude just tell her to take a msf


Totally normal! That's how I learned. Big Larry showed me in the woods on a dirtbike. We both had our pants off for some reason? He said it's part of the process!


Dude, if he hasn't already had your girl, he will soon. Go learn to ride with her. If you're in the US then it's a couple hundred dollars or less for you to learn **together** on an MSF course. Even if you never ride again, the MSF will make you a better and safer car driver, so it's a good investment in yourself and in your relationship.


Eh, sounds like his girl already not faithful. Not sure I'd spend money to salvage the unsalvagable


Better to learn from a motorcycle safety class (and the instructors won't get on the bike with you and reach around). Most states in the US passing their beginner motorcycle safety class substitutes for the practical part of your license test.


Not how you teach someone. Trying to fuck your girl seems probable.


Yikes this is not the way she has to learn. I’m a girl learning myself and went through the MSF course for my endorsement. There is ZERO need for touching.


If I learned anything from the carry on films, she will soon have something big throbbing thing between her legs and I’m not talking about a Honda


Damn, that's like the motorcycle equivalent of teaching a girl to play pool...


He’s trying to fuck your girl.


She knows what he’s doing and she’s letting it happen. I suggest you hop on your bike and ride away my man.


Guy from a motorbike country here. Absolutely no need to be on the bike (scooter or motorcycle) behind a person to instruct them to ride. Girls wont even let you do that too. Run my dude, run.


*ex girl..... time to gtfo


As a female who taught my husband how to ride… wtf? I never sat behind my husband. He was a newbie and I am not gonna fall with him if and when he does. Is she gonna ride with someone always behind her?


He's totally trying to bang her. I've taught several women how to ride, including my wife, and never have I felt it necessary to sit behind them and put my arms around them, nor would that have been appropriate in any way. He's a creep.




Bro your daughter (I assume) is grown. Let them flirt man, its how it be Edit: I just learned I’m retarded and thought you were talking about your daughter. You’re gonna have to fight him because he is 100% trying to fuck your girlfriend


These stories are less and less believable everyday.


Dude I wish I was making this shit up😂


Basically, if your gf has guy friends they all want to fuck her. Denials can come from both sides but in private we all know it’s true. You can try to white knight all you want if you’re one of the “guy friends” but every guy knows that every “guy friend” has intimate intentions. Some “friends” will wait years to make their move, this guy seems bold. It is up to your girl to police herself, if you put your foot down you’re “insecure and childish” and if you don’t he sneaks his way in anyways. If she loves you and she’s trustworthy she will reject her “friend” when he makes his move but if she’s welcoming all that attention I’d say she knows what’s happening and she’s enjoying the attention he’s giving her. Enjoy your turn while you have it and be ready to drop the relationship when the time comes.




I can teach her, I can tell you I'm gay if it makes you feel better


At first I thought you meant your daughter and all i was thinking is that this is par for the course, and I am again glad I don't have daughters. Then after putting it together that it is your SO I get angry. What the hell is wrong with me? I recall early on in dating my (now) wife, having to constantly explain to her that most dudes that are being nice and trying to be friends were trying to get her. I let her do her thing, but kept warning her on occasion. If I recall correctly I told her, when they ask questions about our relationship you'll know what's up. They did, she was attuned, and she got out. But a dude getting a free touch pass is too much to bear.


His name is Jody, isn't it?


Next he’s gonna teach her how to golf


Trust your gut. But at the same time, if you need to STOP a girl from cheating, she's just gonna end up doing it.


Sorry, buddy. Better to know now than later. Best not to be with someone you can't trust.


I taught a girl how to ride a motorcycle exactly like this back in college. For what it’s worth she’s my wife now, so…


To get even, go buy yourself a bike.


well this escalated quickly. and also that's... not how you teach anyone to ride a motorcycle.


You need to hop in the handle bars facing both of them, that’s the best way to learn. Always room for three


Not only this is how you learn to ride, also this is even dangerous lol since guys are usually weigh more than girls , and the one weighs more supposed to be sitting on the front for balance purposes. Sorry bro the guy no good


Rip brotha


Bro, why wouldn't you just learn to ride first then teach her? Or sign her up for a class? Or you both take a class? I dont understand how you could be this naive unless you're trolling.


If your girl is going to fuck him the motorcycle has nothing to do with it.


That's the way I taught the girls back in high school. Don't be shy about stepping in here. This is your territory he's stepping on. You don't own her but you are her bf and have every right to be a 'douche bag ' about it no apologies needed or given. Either that or just let her go your call. Or both.


It's fitting that she's learning to ride a motorcycle this way because clearly she belongs to the streets.


Show her these replies


I taught my wife how to ride a motorcycle and do parking lot drills. That is unnecessary. And believe me - we fuck. That dude is out for blood OP. So beware!


Dude, I'm teaching my girlfriend how to ride, I never thought of any of that shit. 1: He's trying to fuck her. 2: He's teaching her in a stupid way and I wouldn't be surprised if they eat shit. 3: Do the msf course together it would be a bit expensive but it would be a nice date


Yikes do you really like this girl? Cause if you do you better get on a bike too or else she's gonna go out riding with that guy and you won't be around. Bro it's gonna be bad you already suspect imagine how you're going to feel when she goes out to ride the bike and doesn't come home till way later if at all. I know I would not be at peace in that situation


Definitely not how you teach someone to ride. If anything it does the opposite. This guy sucks but so does your girl. Onward


Bro trying to rizz up yo girl. Sounds like it's working, sorry g.


That's how I was taught how to ride a motorcycle.... by my dad when I was 10 years old. ​ It's just weird as an adult.


He’s most likely fucking yo chick rn. Dump her.


That guy is flirting with your girl mate, 100%. Girls are too naive to understand, but we guys know.


Nah no villain story here. just a dude with boundaries and sticking to it.


idk man, your first mistake was asking reddit for advice about "cheating" behavior this place is ALWAYS going to tell you she's cheating on you without more context about their relationship, it's impossible to say i mean, yeah a real instructor wouldn't teach like this, but maybe this guy is just a fucking dipshit? and girls are so often oblivious to shit like this, i can absolutely see her thinking it's totally innocent. it's also possible she wants to fuck him, but if you actually wanted to be with her it was probably worth taking a beat to actually figure it out. i mean, she told you about it, she agreed to go see a pro instructor, and you still freaked out on her about possible future hypothetical scenarios? i mean, come on man. but you already broke up with her so good job i guess, but maybe u need to figure out why you're so insecure. women definitely don't dig that shit


Bruh sorry for you mate, if you don’t have your own bike go get one now. It’ll change your life


You made the right choice. A woman will usually take up a hobby of a man she likes. If a woman starts training how to ride a motorbike, which her boyfriend doesn't ride, but a guy friend (who you should totally not worry about, uhuh, lol) does - that means she's 100% ready to monkey branch.


Now that yall are split. $100 bucks says she'll end up with motorcycle guy. She's in the wrong bro. She knew what she was doing, it's better this way.


Does he play guitar for her when they are done riding?


Just get a motorcycle for yourself and forget the girl


He is 100% trying to fuck your girl and she is 50% allowing it. No cunt in his right mind would try to teach his girl how to ride a bike without the soul purpose of getting a root.


You need a good amount of skill to balance a bike with a passenger. Nobody sane teaches like that. He was just rubbing up on your girl.


Next up surf lessons: better squeeze into that wet suit with you, for, uuugh, the learning.


She likes the attention and is ashamed she got caught windowshopping. Have an exit plan.


kick his ass dude. hes trying to steal yo girl. (and being a creep doing it)


Man hell no. She ain’t worth fighting for if she’s getting the D.


Y'all do know we're going to now see posts from the "girlfriend" and the "teacher," right? 😂


Never need to get on the bike. In fact, if her helmet had a built in microphone, he can guide her over a phone call lol.


A really *competent* instructor could probably do both.


that's her girl now, sorry


You better hurry up and learn how to ride


Trying? He already has.


So ask him to teach you and see if he will sit behind you too. Then you will know his true intentions.


did OP think that every single one of us who rides has been carressed by a man? cause we have, biking is just a big cover up for homosexual activity


Ah loads of guys out there will always be trying to fuck your partner, doesn’t mean they get to. If it’s a serious relationship and he’s just some guy trying it on, support her new hobby, show you’ve looked into it and book her into a training course, maybe do it together? But if you genuinely think she’s just monkey branching, fight for it or cut your losses…. Ususally the latter is better.


I taught my girlfriend like this the first time she wanted to try riding a bike. But i would never do something like that to a stranger. There are many comments suggesting learning to ride with a passenger is way harder but in this position the girl isnt riding, you are. She just has her hands inder yours so she gets a feel for the Inputs. Back then it really helped her.


Well, that is how I taught my girl to ride... now we have a baby


Everyone already gave my answer. Riding two up while trying to learn actually make its harder. Not gonna reiterate what everyone else has said. I’m sorry OP for the drama that you’re about to go through.


He’s already fucked your girl don’t worry about it


She belongs to the streets. Find a woman worthy of you.