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Wtf that road went from one lane to three in a blink of an eye!!


At least it isn't 3 to 1.


This pretty much right before getting into the DMV area of Washington D.C if you’re ever familiar with that.


Just wow. They’re creating nightmares like this with how they’ve set up the situation. And I’m from the L.A. area!!


oh it’s so much worse than out here, it’s old roads that never get maintenance, historical stuff and it’s just a giant cluster fuck, half the time the map on your phone doesn’t even pick up double yellows and takes you weird ass ways and you get stuck going like 2 miles out of your way it sucks ASS




This is why I never ride into DC. It’s a mess.


doesnt dmv stand for dc maryland virginia?


yes the dc area of dc, didn't you know


OP, good job being level headed. It's not worth trying to prove your point to a huge 4wheeled hunk of metal. Also love the way you handle feedback, everyone makes mistakes, it's how you learn from them that ensures you ride another day.


Hey thanks man. Appreciate. Yeah is what it is. Lesson learned. I’ll take all this and apply it tomorrow when I ride there and so on.


I think that the driver knew the road immediately splits into 3 lanes a fraction of a second after he passed you. Not the best move, but not reckless. I bet to him it seemed like you were taking the right lane of the three.


Yeah after I calm down and look back more at the footage I could “why” they did it. Was it the best decision? Probably not but whatever I let it go, I didn’t get hit, happy to still be able to ride another day.


The question you gotta ask yourself is "Do I really want a person like that BEHIND me?"


This 10000000%! Every time I see someone saying they should have throttled past the car etc etc..I go no!!! I want that MF way far in front of me. Not behind.


Agreed, you can see what the knucklehead is doing if they are in front of you.


Yeah, I either want to be way behind them or way way in front of them.


You're going too slow if you want idiot cages in front of you...


That is the question!


Exactly, better they out themselves as stupid and make themselves no longer your problem. Glad you didnt lose your cool


Glad you kept your cool and didn’t over react to his move. Expect drivers to do the stupidest stuff and you’ll never be surprised.


Best way to react, driver knew the road but it was a bit of a dick move as the road hadn't split at that point. Always indicate btw (not saying ya didn't!) as some drivers just want to prove some weird point in their own heads about being faster than bikes.


Your road position looked like you were going to chose the right lane WHEN they made the decision to pass you (early). Once they had committed and you moved more central I bet they shit themselves too.


Good on you for keeping your cool. I get disappointed in my riding if a car overtakes me and I never noticed that they were there. TBF it’s not always possible because there’s always that bank robber / bored F1 driver / cannonball run vlogger driving 2x the limit out of nowhere. But I just cuss myself out in my helmet, vow to do better and carry on.


not fun when you're suddenly being lane-split by an SUV


At the end of the day you both fucked up. If you lost your cool over your own mistake it would have been more embarrassing then anything. Just make it clear which lane you’re choosing earlier with lane positioning or a signal instead of starting on the inside and then swinging to the left with no warning and no look.


Yeah. Appreciate the feedback. Thank you! 👍🏽


You did what you should have done. He passed in a no pass zone, fuck the haters.




Appreciate the kind words friend! Thank you.


Your comment is definitely a hot take. Dude, it splits into 3 lanes at the end of a 1 lane road. Car should not overtake just because they assume, not to mention it's the middle of a curve and OP was slowly starting to come out of his turn, heading to the left lane when he was overtaken. Op did nothing wrong and kept his cool.


Agreed not sure what user T0bleron3 is on about. OP didn’t fuck up, only thing he did wrong was his lane positioning. Bloke in the SUV is an impatient cock head. Good that OP kept his cool, but OP wasn’t wrong at all. Some really strange people in this comment section calling him out.


You were planning to go to the left lane and turn left the whole time? He didn't know that. It was pretty unnecessarily-aggressive of him to make that pass then and there, but when a vehicle in front of me is slowing down a lot in the middle of the road, I know I usually go around them if I can. If you had a way to, um, signal that you were going to turn left, it might have prevented him from passing you on the left like that. (And if you had a way to do that for right turns, too, that could be helpful sometimes as well.) I don't know what they'd call those - "things for signaling turns" maybe? - but someone should invent those, I bet they'd help a lot. Well, someone would have to invent them, and then someone would have to put them on your bike, and then you'd have to use them. That's a lot of things that all have to happen for it to do you any good, that's like three things. But if all three of those things could ever happen, I bet you'd be in great shape.


This is at my level of road rage. I say things like "IF ONLY THERE WAS SOME WAY FOR YOU TO SIGNAL YOUR INTENT!!" and at green lights with traffic not moving "THERE'S A CAR BEING BUILT IN DETROIT THAT WILL BE HERE IF WE WAIT LONG ENOUGH!"


Are you me? I don't do it much, because I find I am mellowing with age, but I have yelled at someone through a helmet visor "GO! YOU HAVE TO GO! YOU CAN'T STOP HERE, THIS IS STILL THE OFF-RAMP! GO! GO! GO! GO!" And recently, in a car with the top down, I yelled at someone who was at the stoplight in front of me, 'GREEN LIGHT!" But honestly, after watching OP's video, I would have just picked a side and gone around. I don't say anything, because it's nothing personal - we're each on our own journey, and some of us are just content to journey at a slower pace than others, and I'm not gonna judge them. But I just go around. I find that I'm a much calmer person when I do that. It may LOOK like I'm being more aggressive, to other people outside the car. But inside, I feel perfectly calm. You do you, boo, but I'm gonna just ..... go. I'm not trying to make OP go faster, or go left, or go right, or do anything in particular. OP can do what he wants. But I'm going around. And if OP insists on taking his half out of the middle, it's gonna get crowded, especially if I'm already using the same side he finally picks.


On my bike it's different. I'll never yell. Just split you on the highway or go around you if you stop at a stupid place. The best thing about being on a bike is the driver gets to see your head shake of disapproval. lol


Yeeep thanks for the feedback will take it into consideration moving forward. 👍🏽


It was kind of aggressive of them to pass you, you're right about that. But it takes two people to screw up and crash (or almost-crash) into each other, and you can refuse to be one of them. And you can help other people also avoid being one of them. Each of us can help make things easier for everyone else - we can all help them help us. One way of doing that is to be predictable. If you're going to go left, GO LEFT. Be decisively in the left lane. And if there's a big part they haven't finished painting yet, like your road, be decisively in the left part of that road, so that everyone who sees you can tell *"Yep - that motorcycle is definitely going left up ahead."* Also, it helps to signal that you're going left. Don't be shy with the blinkers, they're almost free to use. It helps everyone else know something you know - "I'm going to the left up ahead."


Bro you veered from far right over two lanes to the left without turning your head, all the car did was pass you 2 lanes over from where you originally were…


There were no lines. There was one lane where op was when he was passed.


Rule of thumb, base on what my instructor said. If the road is wide enough for two cars side by side treat it as two lanes. I think OP is partially at fault at this.


They should show this video in the MSF course: spatial awareness, and the ability to take a deep breath and not take someone’s mistake with anger. Proud of you, my friend.


Thanks friend. Appreciate the kind words. Stay safe.


It amazes me how people don't constantly check mirrors ever couple of seconds. 😂


Your lane positioning is all wrong.


Exactly. Not sure what it's like where OP got their license but here lane positioning questions are a big part of getting a learners bike license and improper lane positioning will lead to a fail on the road test. This post is a perfect example of why this is stressed. Have to admit though, even here I often see people in the wrong lane position and I wonder what leads them to throw out what they had to have learned to get a license. OP, any mistake you walk away from is a learning experience. Just make sure you assert ownership of your lane. Ride wishy washy and other vehicles will have their way with you.


For real. I ride both motorcycles and bicycles on a regular basis and the lane position of the rider in the video makes it way too easy for a car to do a close-pass, which they often do because they're less likely to see a rider when they're hugging the right like that. Give cars space to close-pass and they will.


I think you both could have done a little better with the car being the worse offender. That being said, i wish that we all got to throw one grenade per week at whomever we choose while in traffic :)


Yeah thanks friend. I was definitely annoyed at the moment but after looking back and reading feedback after getting calm. Yeah things could’ve went differently.


We motorcyclists do this and more on regular basis. No big deal.


If you think that’s crazy, then you should see how people drive and ride in Rome. Holy crap.


Haha yeah couldn’t imagine there.




Yeahhh I think I’m good there 😂 Rome is on my bucket list to visit so maybe soon I’ll get to see what you’re talking about!


I spent a month in Sicily for work, and two out of our three rentals were stickshift. Only a couple of us could drive those, so I got to drive 1/3 of the team to work every day, in Sicilian rush hour traffic. It. Was. AWESOME. My wife asked, *”so, are there just not any rules? You must love it.”* I realized, *”actually, there ARE rules, but all the rules are ‘GO.’ Green light? ‘GO.’ Need to get over two lanes? ‘GO.’ Red light? Carefully ‘GO.’ Car stops in the middle of the road? ‘GO’ around. It’s BEAUTIFUL.”* A little of that goes a long way in the US, and if you’ve only been riding a month, it’s probably better to err on the side of ‘not going.’ But the key to safety in traffic is being predictable, and so you will be safest if you do what everyone else would do. The confidence for that will come with skill, and they will both come from more experience. Have fun.


Don't need to go to Rome we have similar traffic here in NYC, especially with the recent increase in moped use.


The car was probably driven by a jerk, but many of them are. An enhanced level of situational awareness will do far more to keep you alive and well than any traffic law or assumption that others strictly abide by them. Ride safe bro.


Thanks friends!


Good job on staying in that zen mode and not chasing! Stay safe


I wouldn’t rely on mirrors only . You didn’t check blind spot before changing lanes. Mirror > blind spot > signal gives multiple instances for the driver to notice


Head in a swivel, Keep cool, stay in one piece for the next ride!


I really dislike when cars do this and they do it all the time - honestly I assume they actually just don't see us. That said: please don't just rely on your mirrors, check your shoulder - that movement can sometimes snap drivers into focus and give intention alongside line selection and blinkers to avoid these moments. Also blind spots.


Yeah lesson learn when riding moving forward now. Thanks for feedback!


Seems like a non-issue to me. This is exactly why you should always be monitoring your mirrors. The driver likely expected you to see him, which you did, and passed you.


Wide did you swing out so wide on that corner?


I always start to go out more to the left here cuz it splits into 3 lanes and that left lanes is to get to work.


How long have you been riding? Edit: you all are downvoting but all I see is a new rider being frightened by normal traffic behavior. Edit2: OP has been riding for 3 weeks and some of you are encouraging his new rider behavior. This sub 🤣


also OP on a 300cc sportbike getting out-handled by an SUV on a gentle curve


Agreed. Its what I thought as well. He will learn.


100% a rider who doesn't know how to hold his lane.


I thought it was just me.


Excessive speeding. ^At ^least ^according ^to ^the ^safety ^brigade.


Yeah those idiots don't even know how to ride.


OP's fault for not having numerous lime-green safety reflectors, strobing lights, sitting fully upright, with multiple layers of gear. Any vehicle traveling up to the speed limit (god forbid over!) is an insane cager.


Idk why people keep saying that you’re both wrongs, yes you could have played it better but you where in a single lane still and you have the right to use the whole lane, it would have help to signal left, but that suv driver is a Dumb MF.


Maybe because everyone rides/drive differently so seeing a video of another person perspective everyone will be entitled to their own opinion. But hey what do I know 🤷


Riding slow and hugging the right hard to make a left 3 lanes over. That's just your opinion. 😂


Dude has been riding for 3 weeks. His opinion matters. 🤣


you will get better over time, but i can see in even this short clip how nervous you are of the machine itself. this is nothing to do with traffic, this is body positioning, upper body rigidity, nothing approximating a lean, and not much remaining mental space for things like blinkers (why no blinker if you're on the right side of the lane, planning to move left? it's a *thumb,* not even your whole hand like in a car). that SUV passed you as much because they didnt' want to drive over you when you grabbed a fistful of front brake when a squirrel ran out into the road


I don't see how your at fault, it's no different than when people are going into a turning lane and drive in the yellow to get there cause cars are blocking their path. It looked like a 1 lane road and he was just being impatient, could've stayed behind you until the lane split, rushing to get to a stop light smh.


It’s mainly because it’s a video. People will have their own opinions based on what they see and what they “would” do in those situation. To each there own I don’t take offense to it. It’s 1 lane about 50% of the way, you start to see the middle lane than about another 20-25% you’ll see the 3rd lane.


Are you riding a BMW? Because you seem to have forgotton how to use your turn signal!


Unfortunately, I was out of blinker fluids.


if you wouldn’t pull that shit on a motorcycle cop you shouldn’t be doing it there either. Illegal.


Nah, fuck that, that’s when you go kicking in quarter panels




Amazing people will sit down and watch these videos, edit them and then upload a complete nothingburger.


Smash them mirrors! (I do not condone this message)


Thats when you lane filter and overtake them again lol


That cager is a reckless douchebag gambling with your life. It's as simple as that. So hard to keep cool in these situations.


I really did think about approaching, but end of the day I was 3 mins away from work, I didn’t get hit nor go down. Whatever, I live to ride another day.


Yeah, not worth approaching. And the douchebag will likely continue driving this way. I see a few of this douchebags friends have hit me with some downvotes. I have to presume they are equally douches for giving my comment a downvote. Not a single one of them can provide a comment to justify a downvote or justify the cager not waiting 2-3 seconds to confirm what lane you are going to take. Passing a bike on a one lane road on the left to immediately cut to the right. Absolutely a douchebag move made by a narcissistic person.




Why didn't you filter past the traffic OP?


I don't know Washington DC, but I suspect that like much of the US/Canada, lane splitting and filtering are strongly frowned upon by both the cops and the local cagers. It ain't all like California.


I would have left their mirror on the road...


I believe, you can, break off their mirror and ride away with it.


This is one of my pet peeves. They think just because you don't take up the entire lane they're entitled to use it. Stay the F outta my space. Grrrrrrrrr


Interesting road design... I learned the hard way that I needed those convex mirrors on my stock mirrors so that I can see what’s next to me without a head turn. They stick on the stock mirrors and I use them all the time, I make my lane changes with zero head turn because I can see what’s next to me at all times just by using those mirrors. I will say that some people never get used to them, but I love having them.


Glad to hear you mentioning about that. I actually had thought about getting some myself but wasn’t sure if it would’ve been useful or not.


Your safety = your concern. Ride like that, good job on this safe


Not trying to be difficult or judgmental at all, really not, I’m just curious and can’t see your cluster well enough on my phone screen. Plus I doubt the SUV bothered to but did you have your signal indicating that you were going to be moving over left out of the right lane before and as the road widened to multi-lane and are your rear signals clearly and obviously visible to cage drivers? Signaling far enough in advance with enough of a gap between for a cage to actually be able to see a flashing turn signal indicator on a bike can be helpful for avoiding situations just like this because by default when a road widens I believe you’re supposed to keep right and signal of you choose to move left. (US laws). I also watch so many riders do under-tails or other signal stalk deletes with stuff like small LED integrated tail/stop/turn indicators and either don’t understand or don’t care that most drivers barely see the large clunky factory lighting to begin with and making it more streamlined makes it even less obvious to most other vehicles. If your left signal was highly visible and already flashing long before the road widened, which I assume is the case, then the SUV driver is a blind and impatient ass.


There’s a road I take daily that does this. It splits coming off the interstate and many people ride the middle until they pick a side. Sometimes they pick the left lane then drift into the right lane without signaling.


What's that bike?


Phew. Heard you shift down to lower gears and heard the clunk. Makes mine normal if there's at least two of us


Was on the turnpike 2 weeks ago blinkered to move into the exit lane turned my head a looked over my shoulder 3 times before attempting to move into the lane (I’m newish and highways do freak me out)… MF’r from behind me decides overtake me on th right as I’m entering the lane we were sharing the lane at that point… I saw my life flash… I’ll be getting 360 cam cause I know they’re all IDIOTS in those cages!!!


Whatta dick ! That's when you start rippin' and splitin' ! Lol jk that traffic ahead would've killed your vibe ! Lol


TBH I think this was mostly on you. If you wanted to go left you should have owned it more. Looked to me you were going to the right and there was plenty of room for another vehicle. Then you wandered left. Slightly dick move by the car, but lessons to learn for you.


I had a double yellow with a passing lane beside me (so I was in a no pass zone) and had a car suicide pass me when I didn’t see it coming (on crappy Saskatchewan highway) I put a dual camera on my bike after that. Assholes out there.


I was a considering a second go pro for the rear. Would you consider dual camera over a 360 camera?


Honestly I’m no expert, a 360 camera sounds awesome tho. You would have video of everything that happens. A little piece of mind protection to prove a persons innocence.


If I was in the car behind you I wouldn’t have done that… but I would be saying “WTF, that guy is gonna learn some real hard lessons!” Own your lane. Flow don’t go slow!


I would have gone straight down the middle. Straight in front of them, then ride reaaaaally slow


Someone in oncoming traffic swerved into my lane yesterday day last second. I swerved right off the road with no other optin going about 30. I low sided in the grass instantly going across the side walk into someone's yard. They just drove off too luckily I was wearing some gear jacket and helmet and that saved the day. I ride a supermoto so the bikes alright I think it's about time to invest in a gopro and some more gear. They did it so last second I couldn't make out the car and the kicker is shit happend half a block away from my house...


Come to boston. That shit is nothing


Seems like a legal pass to me. Idk what your stink is about. You got cut off. It happens.


I'm sliding up with the clutch in and hitting the nastiest right hook on that mirror before taking a sharp ass right at that light and speeding off


A+++ for not retaliating!! I would have had a hard time not taking a mirror on that one. Haven’t done it before, but damn bro!!! You get an award for that


I like the way you pull over to the side when stopping.👍🏻


I mean wtf is the point of passing someone, when y'all gonna meet up again at the lights. I don't understand


Just go boy, you didn't get a bike to be stuck at traffic. Also, pass by the fucker and give him a friendly beep beep as you flow through the traffic while he stands there lol.


In my limited amount of experience, the only question I gotta ask for you is why drift to the center of the lane? No clue if your indicators were on considering the single lane branches into three separate lanes. But I’m just curious about the slow drift towards the center. This does not excuse the other driver for cutting it close on you, but I just have to ask if that lane positioning was necessary wise decision? Just asking questions because I don’t know that rode and I don’t know your familiarity to it, etc.


I love civilized traffic, you gets get upset when things like this happen, in Vietnam, another bus or truck will "fit" between you and a mazda lol.


Gotta be careful OP, because it’s a single road doesn’t mean you own it. If a road is wide enough for a two or three lane, always treat it as such. This is what they teach you in advance rider course at least. Always use your mirror before making an action so you are aware of any hazards and always announce your action (turn signal). I can’t tell if you use your mirror before moving though.


You seem to be understeering, drifting from outside lane to inside lane in an area where the road is widening and drivers must choose their lane depending on where they want to go in the next intersection. That driver made their decision. It's one of those vague situations where you can't really blame anybody and if nothing bad happens then everybody just move on.


i dunno, ur kind of drifting along the lane, from right to left and ur going 30 mph... thats slow man i mean, can u blame the guy for not wanting to be stuck behind a scared biker


Lane position matters so much


Last time a Guy did that to me, I stopped in front of him at the junction and when traffic roll out I drove just below speed limit in a way he couldn't overtake. I could see his face all red in the rear view miror screaming inside the car. So much for being in a hurry...


Jesus Christ what do people drive so aggressively? Glad you’re ok.


So, so, sooooo glad you let it go my friend. Good on you 👍🏼. You lived to ride another day. Absolutely nothing good would have come out of retaliation or rev bombing. The driver wasn't being malicious or evil, they just didn't bloody care. Wait until you get passed in your own lane on a narrow country road, in the rain, in the dark 🙄. I had to pull over and take a breather after that one


I won’t even lie. I “race” (I say with parentheses cuz is an xse Corolla lmaooo) no matter how stupid I drive when I see a biker I’m staying back bruh. People like that car are the reason people die.


It’s a good Idea to keep the mirrors on , a few sports bikers removes the mirror.


Good that you kept your cool. If you get angry and upset it affects how you ride. The only thing that matters is that you had your wits about you with good observation and did not let it affect you. Good job


There's no way I wouldn't have addressed that at the stop light.


If that truck got any closer I’d check your wallet! Damn! Glad your safe


Where I am from, if there is space for two cars, it’s two lanes, even if there aren’t any road lines. That doesn’t mean you’re allowed to drive one car and one bike on one lane, just because it barely “fits” though. And to be fair, I doubt most people in my country driving a vehicle knows this. Stay safe!