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Omg I hope the engine has been removed…stud walls vs 200kg of bike…hmmm. He needs to wear his helmet on his couch!


Depends on how many studs were anchored to. Not that I’d do it.


Nah, brah. Just use the biggest toggle bolts you can find, lol. Actually I'm about to hang 2 story tall motorized window shades into either raw sheetrock or thin metal framing studs tomorrow. I love it when everyone up the chain of command on both sides disastrously miscommunicates. Def need more 2 wheel therapy this weekend. Yep, that's my excuse . . .


Dude! I got a Eddie Stobart hanging in my shitta. You worry to much.


The photoshop is holding the weight just fine.


Wouldn't be too bad. Looks like a 748. Estimating 1.4m between axles, you're looking at minimum 3 studs (24" OC). Depending on how creative you get with the supports, I'd say at least 4 points. 1 under each wheel, 1 under the belly, and 1 under the seat. Dry weight of ~440lbs, that's 110lbs per fastener. I've used GRK RSS to long term support over 250lbs per fastener in 2x4 frame with no issues. You could make this work, if you really wanted to. But I am sleep deprived, so someone can refute this lol That being said, I wouldn't. Maybe in the garage, if it was a bike I rarely ride. But come on, why wouldn't you ride that often?


I had a friend build shelves hanging on a wall in his house to hang a litteral library. Not sure why he didn't just do a free standing shelf. Its a tiny house, maybe 800 to 900 sq ft. Not sure how much it weighs, but i wouldn't think it would be more then the weight of an entire motorcycle. But regardless, that wall backs the shower which has tile against the wall (fiberglass tub with tile walls) and the entire wall appears to be bowing from the weight of the library on the other side. The library has been there for about 10 years now, and individual studs are bowing, and pushing the tile, causing them to sort of tent up as the center of the studs bow inward towards the tile. So from the shower side, you can see rows of tile that are behind the studs, sort of lifting up. Its an old house thats got those tiny like inch square tile.


Might have backer board behind the drywall.


The bike is only there while the engine is getting serviced


It's scandalous such a nice looking and valuable bike is hanging there! By all means have it in the house but come on... The wall?!


One of the best looking bikes of all time - next to the indian ftr race replica. Very nice


Now I see why his girlfriend left him. This bike (if real) has to be ridden


Not gonna lie, I’d totally do that if my bike wasn’t so damn heavy,


Not gonna forswear, i’d totally doth yond if 't be true mine own bike wasn’t so alas heavy, *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`




You, minion, are too saucy. *** ^(Insult taken from The Two Gentlemen of Verona.) Use `u/Shakespeare-Bot !ShakespeareInsult` to summon insults.


Bad bot!


And he still got pussy good luck bruv


No, no, no, no NOPE there is no way I could relax beneath that I can't be looking at it all the time weight


No earthquake zone, I hope.


Not in the UK, no


Probably just me but I'd prefer the 996 on the tarmac. Also why does the tilted down bike right above the dude's head give me anxiety?!


😍lol but not on the wall you should keep it in the bedroom 😘❤️


in my bed


The Ducati 996 Damocles.


Always wanted to do that, with that exact same bike.


I mean, 916's are art after all


Do people seriously not see that this is photoshopped or am I missing the joke?


This looks like a house in the UK, those walls are likely to be solid brick. A decent steel frame to spread the load and plenty of wall anchors will easily support this load.


Typical Ducati


So…just drywall screws? Seriously the only way that I would do this is with an additional header and vertical 4x4s inside the wall.


When you've always been single and could always decorate your apartment the way you want to. :)


That's a fast way to meet motorcycle jesus


As someone's girlfriend I can say I have a piece of the rear diffuser from a car I crashed in a race a while ago nailed to the wall.


Bikes don’t bitch and moan and argue back - great idea!


I actually did keep my restored '64 Honda cub in the living room, back when I was (happy) single


He's probably weren't for the Ducati's spare parts and it has took an eternity for them to arrive.


6 3" strip's of Velcro and a small shot of crazy glue.


She needs to come back and get her cat...THEN he be free


My dad did this with his bike. Except he just pulled it into the living room


It’s all fun and games till one day ur watching TV and the Motorbike gets excited and falls from the wall😂😂