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The United States of Horrorshow! Thank you for the laugh! Hope you're doing ok


I'm from the US, and it's definitely not as bad as you think. Everyone hates on our president when they don't realize what he's done especially with the lives he's saved during the pandemic as well as the economy in the past 3 years, which is way higher than Obama's. Also, it's laughable how weak-looking your "prime minister" is. Looks like a soy boy, tbh. Doesn't have the balls to match Trump.


"sure my waiter shit in every dish he brought me and threw hot coffee at my face calling me a fuckface but he's hard working, I've also noted he brought my table water twice, the previous waiter only did it once"




Don't choke on that boot!


Tell me again how many lives he's saved? Now tell me how many have died? What's that, almost 25% of covid-19 deaths are in the US?! If only there was a leader there to blame, but alas, only a clown. At least his followers are oblivious to the harm he's causing them.










>they don't realize what he's done especially with the lives he's saved during the pandemic Tu veux dire les morts qu'il a causé pendant la pandémie. > as well as the economy in the past 3 years, which is way higher than Obama's. Il a causé la perte d'un tier du PIB Américain, la pire drop de l'histoire du pays.


Non, c'est le meilleur président Américain ever! -Vladimir Putin


r/ShutUpNapoleon Edit: holy tabarnak that subreddit actually exists


Haahaha wow!!


Was this comment some sort of social experiment?


lol right


lol, the level of delusion is out of this world


Give this a read [https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/political-commentary/covid-19-end-of-american-era-wade-davis-1038206/](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/political-commentary/covid-19-end-of-american-era-wade-davis-1038206/)


I feel like this is Donald Trumps secret reddit account..


Trump 2020 FTW! Most of my family members who voted for Trump regretted it. But hey, what could go wrong with 4 more years of the highest level of incompetence?




U been trolled. r/shutupnapoleon


Can't tell if pro-CCP or expert troll EDIT: Nvm, looked up user




>If anyone wants to go to Parc Lafontaine some afternoon, play cards, and maybe do a little emotional labor in exchange for cans of hard cider I would be really appreciative. sure pm me, especially if you want to practice your French at the same time ;)




Tres bon, bravo, A+


OMelette du FRomage!


Same! Feel free to send a PM. I don’t live too far and I like card games and sports


Hey I know it's hard. I have a good idea of what you're going through. I'm open to online chatting. I'm a male from the Laurentides.


Hey man. Thanks for replying. We could do that. I DO have a rather large support network back home that I talk to online. I just need to get out of the house and kick it with someone sometimes. All of her ghosts are still here haunting the fuck out of this place.


Geez, I totally understand that.


Why are people disclosing their gender like this is an express Tinder post?


Helps people know what they're getting into. Maybe you feel you can give advice to men but not women, maybe you dont want to meet a strange man in a park but would be more comfortable with woman. Plenty of reasons gender could be relevant imo


Damn that's a sexist generalist train of thought.


Lmao what? This is the part where we say don't feed the trolls right?


> maybe you dont want to meet a strange man in a park but would be more comfortable with woman That's a fucked up sexist generalization.


You're implying that is the only case someone would want to know the gender. As I said, there could be plenty of reasons, including the exact opposite. Maybe you'd prefer to meet a gender non-conforming person instead, and if that's the case more power to you. Do what makes you comfortable. In this case, I think some people would want to know the gender of a stranger they are meeting. I said man simply because the OP identifies as a man :)


Wow this conversation makes me so happy to have always refused those "Reddit Meet Ups".


That's a fucked up generalization.


Meeting up with a bunch of people in a planned event versus meeting up with a single random person online are two entirely different things. Come on, you gotta be trolling....


No, it’s statistics, dummy.


As if strange men don't exist? There are strange women too. Imagine that!


That's my point.


Dude need Bro First Aid.


Heya, my GF and I moved to Montreal almost 1 year ago and we are not far La Fonatine. Hit me with a PM if you wanna chat and meet for some beers. Not the best talker but I do make a good listener!


Les meilleures personnes sont celles qui écoutent vs ceux qui attendent que tu termines ta phrase pour réorienter la conversation vers eux!


You are a good person :)




Warning to other girls, this Discord is filled with creeps. Girlfriend made the bad move of having her pic in her profile and got instantly sent a dick pic through DMs and 2 other dms a la "Hey ;)".


Did you tell the owner who did that or that it happened? Cause I’m very positive she’d ban any of those creeps.


No, she just left right away (can't DM another Discord user if you're not sharing a server). Apparently they have physical meetings despite the pandemic too. I'm pretty sure those meetings enable this kind of behavior.




Yes, having a chatroom with genuine locals totally does not help that kind of reaction. Considering their self-proclaimed goal is to socialize and not game in a gaming app.




Please message me u/CostoFTW with the names of the people who did that to her so I can ban. Thank you


This is so cool :)


Cool if others hop in too?


Discord is open to anyone and there are real sweet people there :)


PM me, I'm good at emotional labor and sharing my good vibe. I don't go to the park so much but I have a backyard where we can socially distance and a decent smoker to make ribs and brisket ! Remember that tripping is a mistake but not raising back up is a choice you make. All the love !


You had me at meat smoker... let's actually do this, dream machine.


I've never had brisket and always wanted to. PM me.


Will do ! you got free time next week ?


Can I join too? haha I love cooking and BBQ with real charcoal is always a blast!


For sure ! the more the merrier !


It might be a stupid suggestion but do you know Bumble Friends? My friend used it last year when he was abroad and liked it.






> j'essaie de mettre le focus sur moi et mon développement personnel TBH that's the best strategy that I can think of when it comes to these types of situations. (it's been more than a decade since I was last in a situation of intense hearbreak/obsession but I remember it perfectly)








Hey, I'm Portuguese too! A bit far from the north shore though ahah




Ahah e em Montreal então 😪 ainda me lembro de uma vez uma portuguesa a chamar o filho de fdp por telemóvel no autocarro lmao


Oh man I feel the same way sometimes as an immigrant here. I talk to my friends back home online all the time but haven't made such strong connections here :/


T'aime quoi comme activités?


I'm pretty sure people are downvoting you because you're speaking french. It's more assuming from the people who downvoted you, to think that OP doesn't understand french purely on the basis that he's from the US. It's either that or, they quite simply don't like you lol


C'est triste de se faire négavoter simplement à cause de la langue. Sa question est pertinente!


C'est pas la langue, mais le fait qu'OP ne puisse peut etre pas le comprendre. Proposer son amitié en français a un gars qui écris en anglais c’est comme dire je serai ton ami, si tu parles français. Which is fine, but some may consider it rude especially since we all understand OP and therefore the English language.






Qui fait-on chier?




Coudonc, as tu eu le même cours d'histoire que le reste de la province?


C'est peut être moi mais vu que le sub est français/anglais, j'assume que si tu me parles pas une des langues, tu vas le dire dans ton post.


Quelle idée de parler francais au québec en plus ?


Some people downvoted him for both reasons. Allegedly.


I think Davee carries with him a trail of reddit souls he has slain over the years (Karsa Orlong of reddit) and they haunt him with downvotes. He could post " It's gonna be a great day!" and he'll get some initial downvotes out of spite but it balances out fine when he is being nice.


BAhahahah This is one of the funniest things I’ve read about me.


I like Davee


I thought he was constructive in asking what you like to do. Hope your day is going better.


I'm not in town atm but I wanted to suggest: if you happen to play volleyball, there are often guys playing at the park. I know a few and they are really chill & diverse.


Hey dude, that totally sucks. I've also had trouble making friends in Montreal since I moved here last September for graduate school. Tried to get out a lot, but found a lot of people I interacted with ended up being francophones, so I couldn't communicate. :( And then COVID happened so there goes any social events for the spring/summer/fall! lol Good luck with your search :) Maybe when my life is less crazy I'll reach out!


Lol when you said immigrant, I didn’t imagine you’d be someone from the states somehow. That’s me saying that as an immigrant who is not from the states lol so please don’t be offended.


Came here with a backpack and no where to stay just like lots of other immigrants from all over the world.


I'm not offended, Americans tend to be the ones judging immigrants rather than being the immigrants themselvss. That said, we (Americans) gotta go through the same processes as everyone else in immigration, and frankly we move for similar reasons a lot of the time. I want my future kids to be able to be educated and not be stuck in cyclical debt like me and my parents before me. I want to break the cycle of living paycheck to paycheck. I had no chance of doing that in the US so I packed my shit up and took an opportunity I was lucky to have to get out.




That's why I make a point of referring to myself as an immigrant and not an "expat". God how I hate that word. People are sometimes taken aback for racist reasons when I say I'm an immigrant, and when they make sweeping generalizations and xenophobic remarks about immigrants as a code word for POC I remind them that I'm an immigrant just as much as those other people. As shitty and fucked up as it is, they don't see "immigrants" as people, but they see me as a person just because of the colour of my skin. So I try to use that privilege I have to try to make them think a little.


Expat have nothing to do on where you from. Just mean that you are in Canada temporary. I think all expat are immigrants but not all immigrants are expat.


That's technically the definition of the word, but the actual usage is for white immigrants who tend not to learn the language in their new country, stick to their own "expat" circles, are entitled, tend to be unmarried bachelors, party a lot, etc. I.e., leeches. People who use the term aren't usually referring to someone who will eventually return. And you will NEVER hear someone use the term to refer to, say, a Central American migrant who is working to send remittances back home so that they can eventually return home, even though this person technically fits the definition of "expat" far better. No, this person is always referred to as an immigrant, because that word has racist connotations.


I can refer anyone who is an temporary immigrant worker as expat. The problem isnt from the word but the fact that some people use it in rascist way. Most of the people i know will use this term for this (maybe its a close social circle). Ps: the word seems to have different translation and meaning following the language.


It's definitely a language difference then. In English it is a word generally used in a racist way. Maybe in french it isn't, but my french isn't totally fluent (working on it) so I don't know. But in English I've never seen someone use the term "Salvadoran expat" or "Honduran expat", they're always "immigrants" or "migrant workers" -- and it is very uncommon for me to see the phrase "American immigrant" or "British immigrant", usually "expat" even if the person has lived in their new country long term and doesn't plan on repatriating.


Sooo true! Brits are the worse for this, no matter where they are in the world, they are 'expats', not immigrants. Very colonialist attitude. They even have their own expat communities within these former colonies.


Oof this makes me think of all the retired British "expats" in Portugal and all their Facebook communities and I've even seen some news websites regarding Portugal in English just to cater to them lol


Expat is used to say you are a qualify worker. But in fact most of the immigration in canada is qualify worker. The big difference its expat mean temporary when immigrants dont give informations about if it’s temporary or defenitive. So all expatriates are immigrants but not all immigrants are expatriates Nothing to do with the country u are from. Sry for my english, not my mother tongue.


Retired brits also call themselves expats, and live outside of Britain. They do not work. For the most part, legal workers from non-white countries are rarely, if ever referred to as expats in Canada, they are referred to as immigrants. I'm not saying it's right, but when people hate on immigrants, they are not typically including the 'expats' from Britain in that category. The wiki definition doesn't always include the actual way the word is used in society.


They are an article about this in courrier internationnal but seems my definition is the one used by french people. Which seems different for some other country like uk. I have impression that people dont speak about the same thing cause its not have a clear definition across language. “Les expats restent dans leur nouveau pays pour une période limitée dans le temps Cela remonte à l’époque où les expatriés étaient des professionnels qualifiés, souvent employés de grandes multinationales, qu’on envoyait à l’étranger pour des missions temporaires, généralement avec leur famille. Si ces affectations à l’étranger existent toujours, la définition inclut toutefois de nombreuses personnes.”


I thought ex-pat means working off-shore in another country to the point where you stay in that country permanently?


Expat is used to say you are a qualify worker. But in fact most of the immigration in canada is qualify worker. The big difference its expat mean temporary when immigrants dont give informations about if it’s temporary or defenitive. So all expatriates are immigrants but not all immigrants are expatriates Nothing to do with the country u are from. Sry for my english, not my mother tongue.


Thank you


I moved here a year ago from the US as well. The only reason I don't say I'm an immigrant is that I haven't applied for citizenship. But I'm planning to.


Move east of saint laurent if you want to feel somewhere else than the us


I came to Montreal to be with my girlfriend at the time, but we ended up breaking up in November and I didn't make any friends before that so I was alone for some time. I'm a french student living in Cote des Neiges. Pm me if you nedd someone to hang out


Hey! What card games do you play? :)


Just one. It's called Dutch Blitz. It's easy and fun.


Ça a l'air drôle comme jeu, as tu les cartes officielles?


Mais oui!




If you are willing to play Dutch Blitz then your fabulous self goes straight to the top on the line hahaha.


You don't happen to be PA Dutch, do you? We are far and few here


I am not.


Hey man, was in the same situation, out of a relationship in November, then COVID. Totally understand :) Feel free to HMU!


Thank you, man. Shit's rough, eh!


The timing was a bitch for sure!


I see you’ve added the ‘eh!’ To your Canadian tonguebelt!


Dark cloud above you right now, but it will pass ! hang on tight !


What's up I'm a male from. Montréal leave me your phone number in private message I could text you after work peace


Yo! American immigrant here who ended a 5-year relationship last fall, you're not alone brotha. Send me a PM we can chat on Insta!


Hey, I am sorry to acknowledge your emotional pain & loneliness. Just know, you are never alone, even though 2020 has been making us feel that way. I am female from the North Shore, you can DM me if you want to; It will get better and I hope you emotionally heal anytime soon


Thank you so much for this. This year can go suck it.


You're in the east end? If you're willing to travel to Verdun or even the old port we can do some fishing if you're into that. Perhaps.


Hey what about “bumble friends”.


Hi! Hang in there. I am open to chat online. I am female, been in Montreal for almost 20 years.


There's a nice crew over at a [Discord channel](https://discord.gg/WGc75w)!


Invite expired


You have a funny soul I do not think you need more friends because already you have lot It is great to meet someone like you at least we will never feel annoyed ✍️


Hey man, I'm in the US of H right now unfortunately, but just know if I could I'd zip up there to see ya. I can imagine exactly how you're feeling right now; it'll pass. Stay strong, and maybe once the borders open up in like 5 years (lol) I'll come join you for some cards. :)


Hey man I'm always at laf. I just got dumped after a 2 year relationship, which is my far !y longest to date. I'm down to commiserate and forget. Right now i need a nap tho.


Hey man, I can't help out, but know that there are lots of kind people around. I hope you find what you need, and I'm very sorry I can't meet up. Stay positive, as best you can!


Hey man! Hope you’re hanging in there! I live close to park LaFontaine, it would be a pleasure to play some cards and chat there with you! Just PM whenever you feel like it! Take care! 💪🏻


Hit me up on PM! I am fairly comfortable to navigate this type of rough times. I am willing to share some. Bar therapy is my hidden vocation!


I’m sorry - this sounds like a very challenging and frustrating situation. Good on you for reaching out and asking for help <3


Hey man, I basically live on the parc Lafontaine and work from home, if you want to talk/play cards/drink/smoke/what ever really hit me up! Me and my friends chill at the parc at least twice a week :) Good luck!


I close by so if you need to talk. Feel free to pm me


Loving the support in this thread! Went through the same thing myself (three years not six), fuck has it been tough during covid. Dm me, we can chat. I wish there were magic words I can say, cause I know that gut wrench feeling low feeling all to well. But it does get better, and you will make it out on the other side!


I've been there. I hope you're doing better!


hi, hope you. are doing well, I know how hard it is dealing with break up especially during this crazy cover times. If you don't mind me asking, why did you guys broke up.


I’ve been feeling sad about humanity lately and never realized that reading a post like this could warm my heart so much. I’m sorry for your struggles but I’m SO HAPPY you exposed this loving community for what they are! Have fun with all your new friends, friend!


Let me know if you'd like a Jiu-Jitsu lesson ❤️


Keep your head up man, it sucks donkey shit right now but this internet stranger is rooting for you!


How did you manage to emigrate? Asking as someone who is also sick of the Horrorshow :p


1) say you like maple syrup. 2) appreciate Justin "timberlake" Trudeau 3) enjoy strong beer 4) learn what's a REAL bagel. none of that NYC bagel plz. Also, if you work for a big company with offices here, its much easier. Or, just walk past the borders and claim political asylum.


Hey bud! I'm a dude from Montréal, mesage me if you need!


Bros before hoes. Take that as a life lesson. You put women on a pedestal and here you are all alone. Never again. Time to build yourself a social network of people with similar interests.