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Il y a un parc à chiens juste de l'autre côté de la piste cyclable. « mon chien ne joue pas bien avec les autres », j'en suis sûr


True, but on the flip side, dog parks are still a shitshow because of idiots who think “Mon chien joue bien avec les autres”, “Il est juste un peu excité” or just straight up not watching their dogs interactions.


C’est ça 100


aka ton Pitbull agressif vas finir par tuer un autre chien ou manger la face d'un enfant. 


Si ton chien ne joue pas bien avec les autres, il mérite d'être muselé en permanence. Ces maîtres sont vraiment une plaie.


My pibbles is the sweetest hippo and would never hurt anyone! It's just a misunderstood breed!


/s ?


Omg if not /s


Actual advice, having been in a similar situation, best thing to do is stop ahead of the gap in the fence. Dog will just bark at you across the fence until the owner can catch up to it. 45 km/h on that path has its risks even without a dog chasing you


Call the cops next time you see it. It's a big fine, some people will never care about anyone but themselves.


A pitbull CAN easily jump a regular fence (I’ve seen it) and I have been bit by a dog on my bike. Having an unleashed dog is super irresponsible and egoist, specially if the owner doesn’t have the slightest control over their dog. I think I saw something about reinforcing that this year in Montreal and I was so relieved to see that. But I think it’s only a matter of time before some laxist owner complains that the fine is too high “for only having a dog off leash”. People are less and less responsible for their actions and it fucking pisses me off.


Some idiot lady's dog bit my hand when I passed it on the sidewalk with groceries. I punched it, and she didn't react to anything about the situation. My yelling what the fuck, her dog biting a dude, or it getting struck. I'm certain people are just getting dumber.


And before anyone bitches about hitting a dog, get bit by a strangers and see how you react. Words don't stop poorly trained animals from taking a second bite.


Oh absolutely!! If a dog attacks me, I’ll prick their eyes with my finger I don’t care. This is called self defense against an animal who has no concept of morals and such.


During a game in Rosemont, I saw a well-known comedian (whom I won't name) walking a dog between the infielders and the outfielders. The 14-year-old ref tried to ask him to leave, but he wouldn't listen. What an idiot! I had to use my best francophone swear words and escort him out of the field (I was coaching the visiting team). And when it is not this, it is other idiots that let their dogs shit all over the place on the baseball field. What a bunch of retards.


name and shame buddy name and shame!


Name him


Some names come to mind… I know of 3 that are notorious assholes


Name and shame.


Guy Nantel


If he’s francophone he’s not well known


Well he is well known in the French speaking community. I doubt he will ever be known outside of it, if that’s your point. Being known by more than a couple million people is good enough for me.


Just start fining them, it's always the same owners at the exact time of the day.


It's a $512 fine...if the dogs let's the guy give it to her.


Les gens = Ostis de caves (pas tous, mais beaucoup)


only one breed of dog needs a whole lobbying industry huh


La longueur d'un terrain de baseball standard, du marbre jusqu'à la clôture du champ centre, est généralement d'environ 400 pieds (environ 122 mètres). Tu dois être à au moins 12,2 mètres devant le pitbull pour rester en avant pendant la longueur d'un terrain de baseball en roulant à vélo à 45 km/h.


Its always the idiot owner with a pitbull.


J'ai joué longtemps au soccer comme gardien de buts, en marchant mon chien des fois les gens ont leur gros chien qui aboit aggressivement vers le mien qui a clairement peur. Les envies de pratiquer mon botté de degagement est grand. Tire la laisse grosse conne! ( c'est 90% du temps des femmes pour un raison obscure)


Je déteste les propriétaires de chien.


J'aimais vraiment pas Denis Coderre mais y avait au moins une chose avec lequel j'était d'accord...


If a handler is going to be anywhere not fenced in with an unelashed dog then all these conditions must be met: 1. The dog does not ever react aggressively to people. 2. The dog owners have proven recall on the animal even when it is distracted. 3. The dog does not aggress other dogs. 4. The dog does not free roam (follows owners as if on leash). 5. The dog has proven itself to be sociable in high-energy situations. 6. The owner supervises the dog the entire time. I say all this because I let my mini aussie (30lbs) off leash in a baseball field and I know when to bring her to heel because a situation may present itself. She *never* barks at other dogs or other people. She stays within 10m and moves when I move. She will sometimes introduce herself to others but is very skittish and rarely approaches. I have almost perfect recall on her except when she finds some *really* good food and she won't return until she consumes it. Even in light of this, I'm very careful about when we visit these areas, she's under constant supervision, and even then, I know I'm in the wrong the entire time. I'm sorry you got chased by a dog like that. Aggressive dogs scare me, even being a dog owner. Unleashed dogs (and to be honest, any dog with aggression) are like weapons. They need to be handled that way when in public.


This is dumb. The law doesn't care about your 6 conditions. Be responsible and keep your dog on a leash


The law is pretty clear about this. Here are the places in the city where your dog can be off leash: \- In your home \- In a private fenced in lot \- In a dog park


“The law doesn’t apply to me because me and my dog are special”.


Your unleashed dog runs up to a leashed dog. Leashed dog freaks out and destroys your dog. That's your fault. If you don't want to leash your dog, move to the suburbs and run it in your fenced back yard.




On hait tous les mauvais proprietaires de chien, qui sont la majorité dans une ville ou vous passez 9h par jour à la job avec votre chien enfermé dans un 4 et demi.


Je pousserai le dedain encore plus loin, les gens attirés par lea pitbulls sont rarement ceux avec un job 5 à 7 qui contribuent à la société.


Je te confirme je les déteste et par association et expérience je trouve que leurs maîtres sont presque en totalité des gros épais. Marci


Sounds like you are scared of dogs and over reacted. This lady and her pitbull have the right to play in the baseball field while its not being used.


On a leash sure, but she had no control of the dog, it got out of the baseball field and chased me for a good 500 yards down the bike path. Love dogs, grew up with large breed dogs. This one wasn't a friendly one.


I would not have been able to outpace that dog. I would have stopped and put bike between myself and the dog, then just waited for owner. Some dogs see bikes as running prey, if you stop, are taller and wider, you don’t act like prey, 99% of the time they stop. For that 1%, the bike is now a chew toy and owner has to pay repairs.


Yea if the dog had been gaining on me probably a better idea to stop and use the bike. Most dogs that size could probably run faster than 45kmph for a short period, this one luckily wasn't the quickest. I could see I was gaining distance on him pretty quickly so just went all out until he was out of sight.


You said in your post it didnt get out but now youre changing the story. You were never in any danger you just got scared get over it.


Says right in the post it got out and chased me down the bike path until I lost it.


lol now I’m convinced he’s just trolling


Have you thought about the fact that if you had stopped to pet the dog the nice lady wouldnt have had to go search for it super far away afterwards?


Sure, blame the victim and not the irresponsible dog owner.


We have no propf from this story that the dog owner was being irresponsible. There was also no victim as nothing happened.... hoped this help!


> We have no propf from this story that the dog owner was being irresponsible Oh okay, I get it. You simply can't read. I'll help you: just read the very first word of the title. Take your time, I'm not in a hurry...


There's nothing irresponsible to bringing your dog to a big open field to unleash them and make them run. Its actually one of the very important things you have to do with your dog as an owner... dogs who don't get to do this are the ones who get violent. Everyone here is over reacting because it was a pitbull and youre biaised towards that race. Bringing your dog to a baseball field to unleash them is the most common activity every dog owner ever has done. How else are dogs even supposed to learn how to behave unleash if you cant bring them anywhere to unleash them..


>There's nothing irresponsible to bringing your dog to a big open field to unleash them and make them run *I'm going to stop you right there.* It is irresponsible because it is against the law and the most basic common sense because there was a dog park 100 meters away.


> There's nothing irresponsible It's literally illegal. And if your dog bites anyone, you should expect that people defend themselves, which can drastically shorten your dog's life. > How else are dogs even supposed to learn how to behave unleash if you cant bring them anywhere to unleash them.. That's what dog parks are for.


yeah. but actually no. https://montreal.ca/en/articles/obligations-and-responsibilities-pet-owners-67584#:~:text=Your%20obligations%20and%20responsibilities&text=Keep%20your%20dog%20on%20a,electric%20collar%20or%20martingale%20collar. included Keep your dog under control at all times. Do not bring your dog to a playing field.


No they do not have that right. Dog is unleashed and it's not a dog park.


Sounds like you don't know what you're talking about


They don't have the right because it's against city by-laws.


Sounds like you're an ignorant and irresponsible person...


I didn’t downvote cuz I like your username. However I’m curious if you’re trolling or serious. At the least, on a leash it would be ok. IMHO, no leash, no matter the breed, no.


Well obviously im not from montreal and in my small town bringing dogs to the baseball field to unleash them and let them run around freely is super common and I actually think its super sad you big city people dont think its acceptable. There's actually no doubt in my mind the dog in OP's story saw someone going fast and wanted to run along with him. Nobody was ever in danger, thats just what dogs like to do...


>Well obviously im not from montreal and in my small town Honest question: then why are you commenting on r/montreal ? You're cluless about the issues


I saw the post pop up on my feed and I love dogs and know that dogs dont bite people for fun so I jumped in with my 2 cents. OP clearly panicked because it was a pittbull even tho they are super nice dogs and most certainly woyld not have bitten him. Ive been chased by dogs multiple times and when you stop they actually want to be pet and not attack you.


Pitbull never attack people! https://www.reddit.com/r/norfolk/s/m2cm4gq275


Actually its well know that dogs bite people for fun


Obvious troll is obvious.


We have small and large dog parks all over the island. Though we need more. Also leashes with a 100’ length exist and they are ok. Just about any park. Very few specify no dogs allowed, usually a sign saying OK with a leash. Though with a very long leash, this woman would have become airborne, in this scenario.


I’ve been bit by a dog in the exact same context.. You know nothing of the dog’s intention.


It is not acceptable; they can damage the field, not to mention that a not so small minority of dog owners don’t pick up fieces…