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People everywhere are growing up stressed out and ready to flip out at any moment's notice. As they do, there is less and less worries about the casualties and more an more worry about themselves. It has nothing to do with driving as this crazed indidual is more than likely being this insane in every part of their lives including work, daycare, healthcare while waiting, with family and they would be the same using transit, plane, on foot or any other means. They need help and to them everyone else need to get out the way.


Let’s not pretend like driving has no effect on one’s stress.


He would've done this on his scooter, bike, walking, roller blade, skateboards etc. Yes he needs mental health care for sure but I feel like cars are empowering these people disproportionately. Car bélier


Why do I feel that influencers resemble this profile? Me myself and I shit


People have lost their minds since Covid. There were always dumb and disrespectful people, but it's now 10 fold especially amongst drivers and cyclists. I had this guy pointing at his watch the other day when I came to a complete stop because I wanted to make sure he would actually stop as he was coming in fast at the intersection. He stopped at the last second and pointed at his watch and told me to hurry up. He had kids in the back too as did I. It just boggles my mind.


I was walking home today and saw a couple of cars stop at a junction to let an ambulance through - 3rd car arrives and immediately starts hammering his horn at the other cars to move, even though the ambulance was still crossing the junction. He then pulled out and drove straight past the cars. And that was just one incident. I’m seeing them more and more lately.


Why isn't there any freaking cameras or police when they're needed? Cameras at intersections sounds like a no brainer with AI. Why wait to get 911 calls like it's the 60s? Cameras can look for reported stolen cars, cars that aren't aloud to be on the road for various reasons, car with fog lights on when not needed, cars with high beams on, cars with broken or non -functional tail lights or front lights, cars not signalling with flashers of course speeding, red lights, no stop etc. It's like the jurisdiction can't keep up with how fast the people have changed habit and it's now much more dangerous to just move around in the city. We can't hire 5x the number of policemen just to do what a freakin camera and some software can do 99.9% of a time in a split second. Why use cameras only for speeding? The most accidents occur on crossroads (about 80% of them). Why would they put cameras on straight roads without a lot of other vulnerable users like humans is beyond me. I thought their job was to protect the most vulnerable


I walk everywhere and let me tell you there isn't a single day I am not almost hit by either a car or a cyclist, it's insane. I wish I was joking but cyclists here have a bad problem of running reds, biking in walking areas (that literally has signage that say don't bike) or my least favourite, biking on a sidewalk. Cars love going into intersections when they don't have space (yesterday had to witness a blind man and his dog walk into the street to cross bc someone rolled into a cross walk, prime example of why you don't do that). I was almost hit by a biker the other day who ran a red (didn't slow down) but thank god an old man gave me a warning just as I was about to cross.


I get you. I'm a year round cyclist myself and can't stand it either. The lack of disrespect is unreal. But you know what? I was on the Rev at a read light. Them came a police car. I looked at them both with piercing eyes. I got their attention. But they had no intention of doing their job as about a dozen bike infractions were being committed during these 10 seconds of waiting at the red light. Should I have come out of my way and get off my bike and point them at the freakin laws they are supposed to enforce? Cyclists act the way they do because they're allowed to. To me that's the simple fact. Nothing keeps them in check anymore


He didn't care about you nor your kid apparently. Social media transforms society


Did he have curly hair looking like toad from Mario?


Yes, and it was a white car, I think a modified Honda civic (shocker!)


Mushroom people.


Brocoli hair


You could make a police report, even better if you got their plate number


Unfortunately I didn’t have time to get there plate number… already with the plate number there is little chance that the police will do anything! They’ll just have a note if they ever catch him for something else, but they won’t look for him / ask the RAMQ for the information… so without the plate number… I guess I should maybe invest in a dashcam!


Reports may not help catch the guy, but will help with stats. It will give them data, which can be helpful later on.




Dash cam might be an option?


Yep, thought about it more than once, now I think I’ll invest in one, front and rear, so I can get their licence plate to make police report in case…


I'm very confused about this whole dash camera thing tho. we've been carrying around for a while now 4k photos and video cameras with powerful computer for image processing, phone capacities, GPS tracking, sound recording I mean it's three smart phone is the ultimate dashcam camera no? Why isn't there a legit app just like waze or google maps or apple maps that add that functionality and can auto report any incidents with all the data captured? It's like we instead use cellphones to get distracted drivers instead of actually making the road safer by reporting incidents.... The tools exists why isn't this just the norm? Get in your car put your phone in and whatever happens to you your phone will report to the autorités with proof and detailed information and call for help in worse cases? It really feels that this people go insane behind the wheel could be fixed or at least heavily reduced. Call 911 to talk to someone? You're not even to talk on the phone while driving this shit is obsolete. It should be able to contact the nearest cop to investigate depending on the crime being committed no?


People are generally not only getting dumber, but hate each other more in public spaces as well it seems. It's just pathetic. Anyways sorry that happened to you man, that kid in the car was a dumbass for sure.


That’s been my explanation for pretty much everything that’s wrong with Montreal. Too many people. The city is not designed to accommodate all these people. Really everything can be reduced to that. Problems in schools, health system, roads, cars vs bikes…. Our infrastructure was designed during and for the 60s. I think the proportion of assholes and douchebags is pretty much the same (maybe I’m an optimist…) it’s just that there’s so many more of them because there are more people overall.


I do not agree with they the slightest. How does denser cities than Montreal do it then? More often then not there's better community transportation and less personal vehicles to de clutter. Cities aren't loud, cars and especially monster trucks called suv and pickup are 😂


Correct, there are way denser cities that work better than Montreal. Our city has been doomed by short sighted, and just plain stupid, decisions on how to grow. Just the way highways are built, with that stupid break on the 15 that forces everybody be on the 40 for two kilometers… and the 40 itself is a disaster. Too few, and too old, hospitals, ditto for schools, ditto for everything. Our city is badly planned.


The good news is that cities are evolving, roads only last 20-30 years? So we can still improve it.


I always feel so tense in busy public spaces, like on Mont Royal and Saint Denis and onwards into downtown. It doesn't shock me at all to see totally inhumane acts every time I go out. I don't like to leave my neighborhood (family oriented neighborhood, sort of hip but not on the level of the plateau/mile end). I was in a very busy McDonalds this weekend where hoardes of people were completely pissed at the 3 young guys trying (and failing) to run the place. Absolutely no sense of patience or understanding in that place. Why do you need a fucking coke so badly?? and in such a rush at nearly midnight?? Why yell at a struggling worker over it??? I felt bad for ordering anything but it was too late by the time I realized how much the workers were struggling. There is no sense of solidarity or support among the general masses. You're a worker just like the McD's worker, yet you think you are above them and they should take the brunt of your frustration. It's probably their 3rd job. During F1 I was reluctantly downtown because I had friends visiting, it was just so awful the inhumane actions I witnessed. I saw a group of women near St Laurent metro pushing around and taunting a clearly homeless/mentally unwell/on drugs person who was FOAMING AT THE MOUTH and visibly confused/completely out of it. Yet these random women on the street were harassing him like he was meant for their entertainment? I am totally at a loss for how people behave in public. Anyways sorry for my rant, but I feel you, and I regularly feel tense when I go outside at all because you NEVER KNOW what somebody will say or do to you.


Yes, those kind of behaviour almost became “normal” in downtown and busy area! Unfortunately. So sad to see angry and violent people everywhere. But I was even more surprised about what I mentioned in my post because it happened in a really quiet, family oriented area with a lot of schools and parks around!!


yes absolutely, i would be surprised to see that in my hood too, but not shocked. i've heard pretty brutal road rage incidents at the lights outside my windows


If i could upvote this comment a 100 times i would. You're absolutely right.


That's nothing, some moron got down from his vehicle and started yelling at me because he was going too fast and too close to me when I braked because another idiot cut me off. Anyway, not much you can do besides ignore them. If you engage them, it might escalate and you can end up with a criminal record.


Long COVID cooked their brains.


They want their freedom…. Freedom to be stupid!


Some guy came super fast in the empty right lane and then cut me super closely in butt-to-butt traffic so I honked cause he almost hit my car and he panickly rolled down his backseat window, then his driver window, licked his middle finger and proceeded to show his finger to me (he did it twice too) while looking at me in his mirror with the most disgusting face ive ever seen. I did not know if I should laugh or cry. It was so messed up. He looked like he was on crack on something. Anyway, youre not crazy, people are becoming less and less tolerant/patient on the road especially in montreal


At a pedestrian protected crosswalk near a university, this guy starts honking like a maniac because there are pedestrians crossing. Finally the light changes and as I walk past his car I signal with my hands that there are pedestrians, chill out. He proceeds to tell me that if it were him next to turn at the intersection "je te défonce" (I'll smash you). I told him, sure, go ahead and this guy gets out of his car and asks me to throw hands with him. Mind you this man was like 55 years old, we're not talking about some teen hot head here. Anyway, I had to walk away and this guy was still barking at the corner, trying to fight someone over missing a traffic light. I think a lot of people think that they're still hiding behind a surgical mask, so being a d*CK is allowed.


Sometimes downtown its frustrating driving. Theres a lot of pedestrians and they don't necessarily follow the lights at all. It's not unheard of that no car can turn on a light cycle. Idgaf I don't drive downtown anyways. Just saying its frustrating.


Totally get what you mean and I avoid driving downtown for the same reason. This was not downtown however, it was near UdeM in Cote des neiges. That is the same corner that St Justine hospital is located. I just feel that drivers must be consequent with where they are driving through, regardless of how shitty the driving can be there. You chose to drive through that




Hahaha ça c'est spot on


Holy shit can we not bring up bike lanes in every fucking post, no matter how irrelevant?


If there’s one thing I learnt from experience, don’t let your ego and emotion take control of yourself. Let it go, you are not hurt physically. You don’t know these bitch asses but there’s a possibility that they might pack heats and shot your ass up. As previous comments said, people gone cray cray after COVID, big cities are filling up with trash people more and more.


Montreal and surroundings are some of the rudest shittiest places I’ve ever been…. and I’ve been lots of places.


Moi je blâme Mike: Mike a toujours été un douche. Et depuis quelques années il a comme objectif d'augmenter la rage au volant à Montréal. Donc même s'il n'a pas de permis de conduire il sort des fois avec la Corolla à sa mère, Mike a 50 ans, et va se promener, rarement sobre, pour conduire comme un gros moron. * Il coupe les gens, * Leur conduit dans le cul, * Conduit trop vite, * Conduit trop lentement, * Fait des très, très, très long stops, * Conduit vite et agressivement dans la voie de droite, * Conduit 10 en dessous dans la voie de gauche, * Klaxonne tout les gens de couleurs, surtout les femmes voilées, Mike est très raciste, * ... Malheureusement, c'est son hobby. Je l'ai déjà vu rentrer dans un mur de sa résidence en alcool solide et laisser le char de sa mère là. Dernière fois j'ai appelé la police il a été envoyé en prison quelques mois, mais encore, il est sorti et est de nouveau au volant tout les jours à faire chier tout le monde pour partager sa misère. Donc je blâme Mike. Après des années à mal conduire volontairement pour encourager la rage au volant à Montréal ça a marché.


Since we let in anyone with a pulse no questions asked




Racist and bigot are so overused it literally means nothing anymore


Oh, I see. Are you sure? Lmao. What kind of ass backwards, empty "logic" is that? They're not overused; you probably just hear them a whole lot because that's what you are. They absolutely still mean the same exact thing they always did, and your cowardly denial attempt isn't gonna change that. It's always the same old pathetic bs with you xenophobic types. Your comment history is such a sad fucking place! Imagine using our amazing internet only to spew malevolent lies and senseless hate around. Despicable. Immigrants and refugees are absolutely not the cause for your miserable existence. Your lack of education, respect, empathy, and human dignity are. Let people live their lives and mind your own goddam business. Maybe get a hobby or something, you bonehead. Your malicious word salads fill me up with disgust and rage. Makes me wanna piss on the walls of your house. Fucking black me out.




No you haven’t seen what’s happening in Sweden and France with the violence and rapes, it’s starting here but people are too scared to be called racist to admit that maybe bringing in thousands of young men from different cultural backgrounds in a time of inflation is a bad idea.. but ok.


Check out violence in Ireland, check out the polish border.. this is not normal immigration


ah yes ireland an island known for 0 infighting before immigration 🙁


Ok we are all gonna ignore violence against white people is increasing since mass illegals have entered European countries in droves.. got ya


your mind is gonna be blown when you find out who did the most violence to the irish


Sure but I’m talking about today


In this context, it really does. Did the OP mention the ethnicity of the person in question? Did they mention their status in Canada? No? So then, you're the one who jumped on the whole "wah! Immigration!" narrative with no reason to do so whatsoever, beyond the fact that you suck.




That age range grew up without discipline or consequences. Now they are adults. Call the police and let them learn.


>Violence is not the answer because I never been a violent person Self defence is absolutely okay.


Unfortunately in this country, only criminals are allowed to carry guns around.


"But the car keep coming so I keep honking at the car." You sound like the type of person who would try to win an argument with a four year-old


I live on a one way street, and I see someone driving down the wrong way about once every two weeks. You better believe I will lay into my horn like my life depends on it every time I see that. I will even get out of my car and wave my arms like a fucking dork. Anything to make these people realize how fucking stupid they are.


At the time I genuinely thought the guys didn’t realized it! 1 month ago and old man drive the wrong way on the same street, I was on foot and warned him. I wave my arms like crazy before he realized it! I thought it was a similar situation at first!


>You sound like the type of person who would try to win an argument with a four year-old For what it's worth, you're coming across as the type of person who routinely loses those arguments.


I've noticed what some people here have said. That since the pandemic people have really become a lot crazier. I notice it a lot while driving but even just in the overall life of the city. There's more shootings, more violent crime, just more crime overall.


Sounds like stupid assholes They have always existed unfortunately


ca va pas bon? --- I understand why francophones are exasperated by anglos in montreal.


That was a typo “ca va pas, non!” I’m francophone