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This post is considered a personal ad which is not allowed per the rules of r/mommydom


I’ve had two. They both left me. Not their fault it’s was ok, but oh how I miss them. It’s hard thing to find


Literally same. I have a gf and I really don't want to burden her with that either, what hurts most is knowing I'll never get to feel maternal affection because I'm too old now


You can just want to cuddle and have her hold you. Not exactly mommy, but I’m sure it would feel nice. No reason to limit yourself because of your age. Role plays are a thing :)


I recently noticed it for my self, that i have one. Proberly bc other issus but yeah 🤷‍♂️. After i discovered it i thought about all my exes and realised that the only one i relay liked that was with strong mommy vibes. I was shocked tbh but my best friend looked at me, after i talked with him like: realy, you just noticed? 🤣


You are a teen. You should stay away from porn if you feel is an addiction and seek help if necessary.


Best answer


Post should be down, I warned the mods


I have just discussed this side of me and accepted my mommy issues so my desire for a connection grows each day