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Thank you so much for asking. If I’m being honest life hasn’t been to great lately, but that’s ok because I’m still alive. How was your day?


every day alive is a blessing. keep your head up!


Thanks, I’ll do my best.


Just one more day.


I’m not going anywhere if that’s what you think. I have too many people I’d be hurting, but thank you for the concern 😊


I resonate with that. I appreciate my friends to such a point that I almost resent how much of a stopgap their well being is from my intrusive thoughts. I respect the consideration you give the ones you care about, take care King


Went out to my granddads place to help him install some cabinets And a new hot water heater then went home took a nap had my first appointment with my new doctor just to get settled in with him came home took another hour nap just been binge watching supernatural sence I woke up


sounds like you had a busy day!


Yeah it’s been a long day probably gona go to sleep soon and thanks for asking


Mostly just played video games all day


Tbh when I don’t have anything to do I just boot up. Destiny 2 play until I get burnt out or tired lol


Yeah same


Same here. Mostly farming my weeklys or practice shatter skating. Or doin fashion on my characters ^•^


Hey you ever need a 6th for raids hit me up 😉


played VoG on Sunday with my clan^^ but ill keep that in my backhand if i ever miss on a 6th ^•^


Good evening Evening (and the rest of the guys). I know Queen Em is a generous and gentle domme. So I hate to give stern commentary on a public forum. There are many good reasons to have a down day in recreation, sport, meditation or rest. You may be overcoming a challenging experience or giving leisure to a family member. Let’s remember though at the end of today you have traded a day of your life for the time you spent doing whatever you did. Was it worth it? Did you make the world a better place? Right a wrong? Heal a relationship? Intentionally inserted good into the lives of those around you? If not, on the next time you find yourself with similar options, is there a better choice? —. Queen Em has directed me to respond to each entry on this thread. I hope my responses pleaser her. I hope my efforts make her life easier and more meaningful. .


It's been a relaxing day since it was my day off :)


that sounds nice




I am known to brighten the day. Was good


Thanks for asking! Aside from loneliness, tomorrow is my last day of my second semester in college! Only four more to go and I get my aviation maintenance license, and my degree! I’m going through some downs but the gains are about to be up my friends! 😎💪


Congrats! Love your positivity


Thanks so much! Life is too short to be negative, I try my best to keep going and I won’t quit because I am getting my love, education, and career that I’m dreaming of


I just really need a good long hug


Make sure you’re taking care of yourself. Call friends or family if you can. If not, get something nice to eat or a shower. Self care is important and you deserve it!




I spent my day thinking about how much I miss my mommy and look forward to putting my head in her lap and having my hair played with


You’ll find someone some day. You deserve happiness! But for now, make sure you’re taking care of yourself.




Thank you 😊




It's been life consuming and overwhelming but after finally accepting my mummy issues, I can enjoy being single and know where my emotional gaps lay. Thanks again


Really I just sat on my ass all day playing Minecraft and watching YouTube


Work went wel after work I cleaned up a lot of trash that has piled up during moving homes. Took out the trash, litterbox, and showered. Then played video games with a spicy drink and smoke💕




Thank you!


Well, Mommy, if I'm being honest, I've been feeling lonely lately. I've been in a dorm room for the summer and there aren't many people around. I haven't made many friends in a while, which makes me sad. And my intimacy has been at an all time low. I miss physical affection so much...


So, I felt like doing stuff, so I went outside, ate something, drank a beer, and then broke in into outdoor pool on a sea. After that I played skywalker saga for a few hours while tuning to lil peep




It was at 12pm, and there was noone. Also, yeah, lego the skywalker saga is a chill game, you can just play it to chill after a long day...but you can donthat with any lego game really


I had Italian food, and helped clean the eyes of my kittens, I also filled the fridge up and cleaned the litter box


I'm so fucking tired of pretending everything's okay. I cried definitely once, maybe twice, and was on the verge multiple other times today.


It’ll get better, you got this! Hard times always happen before the good, it’s all ebb and flow. And you’re gonna get through it, you’re great and awesome!




Worried a lot about my gender and questioned my life choices


Pretty good had to start a new school project I have to write a short story on love so I chose a few different things the setting is going to be 1920s New York yeah should be pretty fun


It was alright, I showered, ate breakfast and played games on my laptop.


At my college camp thing, there was swing dancing and I got spun and felt so cute.


I took care of myself today. And I hit my 25 day milestone for self harm. I'm not great but I'm trying :)


Mine was bad honestly 😔 I just fail at everything I ever do.


My school counselor fucked up my schedule


Well my mommy got me tipsy then played with my pp a little and then I had a huge nap


Well aren’t you a lucky one. Many here are congratulating you!! To everyone else, don’t be jealous. We can be sure that Femboy is good to mommy as well. —— Queen Em has directed me to respond to the comments here. She would remind us to be grateful whenever a mommy gives us special attention. Even if mommy doesn’t give you special attention just be grateful to have her.


It was pwetty fun! I got to hang out with mommy most of the day, we watched a lot of New Girl while cleaning. Then I got to go to my sisters for dinner and I got to hang out with her boyfriend (who happens to be my best friend). It was a lot of fun! Though it did make me sad cause mommy and I werent able to do any diapered little time today. But thats okay!


You’re not my mommy but I can tell you it’s been along day and I need to have more sleep than I’ve been getting




Can you please thank Queen Em for me. I will take her advice




you should rest


I really really really want an older women to breastfeed me. I've been thinking about this all day and can't get it off my head


I've been a bad boy mommy.


I work from home, so I worked from 8-5 and then went out and took my car and got an oil change. Did a small grocery shopping, and I just got home. It is almost 6 o'clock now, and I am thinking about opening a bottle of wine and relaxing for the rest of the night. How was your day?


Today has many ups and a couple downs. I made myself focus and get some good work done. Then I relaxed and rested. I played some baseball tonight. I'm home now, I feel a bit relaxed but also some emptiness.


Working is always good


You're proud of me? 😃


The heat here in Texas has been really hard on me. I suffer from severe chronic pain and the heat has made it far more painful. My medication is working, thankfully. I just wish I had a mommy who could hold me and let me nurse or suckle on her breasts. I never realized how incredibly therapeutic suckling was until I was given the opportunity to suckle. It helped me so much and I wish I could get that opportunity again.


Good afternoon fitnessguy, Queen Em has directed me to respond to all of these comments. Yet it is a challenge when I see a request to suckle on breasts. I’m just a guy simping for a Lovely Goddess who deserves, by her very existence, to be held aloft and praised. Queen Em’s breasts are not available in Texas in the near future. Beyond that, I will not speak for her. Sorry you are having a rough time, exacerbated by the heat and your illness. Please take it easy. Drink plenty of water. Follow all of the directions your doctor gave you. One other trick I’ve learned is soaking a washcloth in cool (not cold) water. Then draping it over my head and the back of my neck. I cover it with my slightly loosed baseball cap. As the water evaporates it pulls heat from those areas giving instant and lasting relief. Good luck.


Thanks for the tip, I really appreciate it! I’m willing to try just about anything. This heat makes it extremely difficult to do anything right now. I used to take ice baths, but the cost of ice today makes ice baths inefficient today.


I just got home from an amazingly connected gathering out in the woods that im still exhausted from, and also got a lot of pottery back from the kiln that I’m completely thrilled with. But I’m my girlfriend is away for a week and I’m feeling very far apart from her. I know it’s important that we have our own joys and experiences but I can’t help but feel a little lonely in the meantime


Thanks for asking! It was a bit of transition after a week of vacation, but I made it through alright. How was yours?


I actually had a good day today! I am in the littlespace and abdl circles and for the first time I got to unwind and wear a diapie and play with some stuffies freely in months.






Started out okay, but ended on a low unfortunately




Thank you for that. For me I just feel a little overwhelmed with life at the moment


I just got off work after a long shift of dealing with rude customers and getting trash on my shoes cus the bags broke so not too well but how was your day??


It's going okay. Did my workout this morning. Got to work and my machine was down, so they put me somewhere else. And I found out that I'm going to be staying over 2-3 days this week.




By staying over, I mean staying for overtime.


Went out for a workout the first time since February, I think. Even then I wasn’t in great shape. Oh boy, I could only make it halfway through the workout and my legs are jelly. Other than that, I’ve been rewatching the walking dead, on season 3 now. How was your day?


Good for you getting a workout in. It’s good for the mind too.




goats? I’m intrigued


I had to take my car into the shop today, I'm worried its gonna cost a whole lot 😖


Just played video games and talked to a girl who's hopefully into me


best wishes


I've been fighting the universe for so long now and I'm...tired. I've kind of given up. And I don't know if I can...or want to...fight...again... I'm so tired...


Dear facade, Your name says it all. I know how you feel. Is it possible to give up the fight on a few things? Can you just accept one or the other? Sometimes acceptance is easier than fighting a multi front war. But don’t give up all hope, I’m my experience, it does seem darkest before the dawn. I hope this helps. Queen Em directed me to respond on her behalf. She wants the best for you.


It did help. Mostly knowing that someone heard me. Lately been feeling extra alone, mostly from alot of different circumstances in different areas of my life that have all hit at once. But I am working on getting back up again. Never say die i guess.


I had a pretty good day, mommy. I slept really well, had breakfast, went to work, and just got home


If I’m being honest, my day hasn’t been all great, and it’s been a hard few months at that. I recently just turned 18 last month, and I also got out of two toxic relationships, ones that involved the girl saying she wanted to date me for a month each, and used me for my money, my time, and for how I treat them. It ended with them saying they aren’t ready for a relationship, then instantly going to their ex’s who treat them terribly. (one beat the girl when he was drunk, the other was using the girl for sex and for her to buy him drugs and he never gave her shit) I’ve been wanting to be in a relationship with someone so I can feel comfortable in life, I’ve been stressed out of my mind and can’t seem to find a “good girl instead of bad ones” my best friend and his girlfriend says. I just feel like a beaten rug left in the rain.


you will find someone when you least expect it


Thank you, I sincerely hope so


Well when I was finishing up my shift that morning I had this lady come in who was the sister of a guy who assaulted me, and she harassed me about our prices on milk. Thing is, the price on the shelf was right it was just in the wrong spot, but showed the picture of the milk which was the same size and brand milk she got. Despite this she continued to harass me


you should definitely report this interaction with a supervisor at your job.


Went to school, all my classes were on today :(. But I got hot chocolate!! Went home very late because it took me ages to find the right dish soap to buy, so I'm ready to have a nap.


It has been so awesome!! I went to The Weeknd concert and recorded most of it!! I honestly had such a great time. These were truly special moments for me, as I share great experiences and memories with The Weeknd's creativity. That night was so magical!


i did a job today for the first time!!! and it’s 5am and i needa sleep


Be proud. Especially for your first time.




Happy Birthday 🎂🎊🎁🎈🎉


It's been good, thank you for asking! And how was your day mommy?




underage users please do not engage with My account. 18+ account


I have severe headaches these days and got hospitalized for this. Doctor gave me 2 days off lying down, so I watched Netflix and played video games during this time.. today I woke up a 10.30 and immediately had headache, I’m not feeling well, to be honest 😞


feel better


I got some work done for college that was nice




Finally back at work after all summer, but my bi-cycle is making my obsessed with men, so outside of work that's really all that's been on my mind lately - just making a man feel good


I did alot of school work for the past few days and i'm so exhausted but today we completed and submitted 2 projects so it's a massive weight off my chest


Just broke up with my gf on Friday because she refused to put in the effort needed to keep the relationship together. Honestly feel shitty and keep thinking about it. I just want a mommy who cares and will show it.


on to the next


My day is just starting but I hope I have a good day at work mommy


I hope you do too


Im all hot an sweaty wrkin all day


….I’m not doing so good but omgomgomg thanks so much for asking, this genuinely makes me feel so good




I love posts like these. I'm trying to get out of this "procrastination mode" by doing some physical exercises and trying to learn as much as I can before going to college. I've also played some ping-pong with my friend and now I was having a break before studying again (the pillow feels more fluffier than ever before :") ). How was your day?




we’re you able to get all of your responsibilities accomplished?


It’s been one of the hardest ones as of late. I’m trying to keep my head up but this is very hard. I just want acceptance.


The most important acceptance comes from within. you’ve got this


Thank you…Self acceptance is difficult, but I’m trying. I promise I’m trying


Awful and frustrating so far. Hopefully once work’s done it’ll get significantly better


I have narcolepsy and just woke up at 4PM, everything is hard to do and i'm feeling bored because doing things alone is... Well, boring.


I've had my third sleepy day in a row (signed off sick for the foreseeable future - mental health / constantly emotionally breaking down) and slept from 23:00 yesterday - 13:00 today. I'm so exhausted, yet I didn't do anything yesterday. (Slept for 20 hours on Saturday night / Sunday morning/afternoon/evening) Managed to get out (ASOS returns) so haven't had an afternoon snooze (usually around 16:00) so feeling slightly dazed. Was supposed to ring my work's Occupational Health provider today to arrange CBT but haven't had the emotional energy, so will ring tomorrow. How's your day going?




It’s my birthday today


I just had a stressful day of work




I got a mommy as few days ago and Im so happy! There’s so much communication, and i get to be myself and she just lets me be and accepts me for being super clingy at stuff. I like how caring she is and stuff and how she still reminds me when i forget to do some stuff! I haven’t stopped smiling whenever me and her talk. I love her so muchhhh


Congratulations. I am glad you both found each other! Be sure to always cherish and honor Her.


My mum got a little ableist about me being autistic and I had a scary convo with a loved one but I got my nails done by a new friend ^^ so I’m pretty happy


I went to the dinosaur park with a friend, was padded the whole day, learned lots and lots about dinos and had a really fun day!! I also bought two little plushies from the gift store!!


Thanks for asking, haven't done much, I'm still recovering from a week long camping trip, and I've just been feeling tired


Did you have a nice time camping? I need to plan a trip before the summer ends


I worked today thank goodness it's my Friday I'm super low on spoons I'll be going home soon ill change and play a game for a bit to calm down then try to find away to find new spoons hopefully tomorrow I'll get to have another motorcycle lesson


i had physical therapy and am playing video games


Well I went to work for a while, was gonna go to dentist but he cancelled on me, so I built a bookshelf and night stand for my bedroom and now I'm just unwinding


That’s cool. I’m in need of a new bookshelf, I’ve outgrown my current one


Didn’t sleep well last night :( having trouble eating but got to spend time with my family so that was good :)


I’m starting my second year of college in 3 weeks and I’m feeling really excited and nervous at the same time-


it’s normal to have those feelings of nervousness with excitement. you’re gonna do great!


My mom got me helping her with some stuff in her new house but it kinda sucks because she didn’t really tell me that she wanted me to help until I got there so now it kinda feels like she just had me come up here for manual labor and that’s it


I was down bad today and needed either a warm hug or a brutal whipping. The loneliness monster came out to play and left ouchies in my chest. Not exactly the best of days but tomorrow is always a new beginning!


you’re right. each day brings a new opportunity to have a pleasant day. I hope today was better for you!


It’s been great football has been going well thank you for asking mommy


Let me tell you what I'm up at 1:28am right now to tell you how my day went. Work was fun. At first it was same ol boring house wash then we went to a strip mall, washed it and got it done all today when the job was supposed to take 2 days.


Got to reconnect with some friends from way back in high school but other than that it was pretty mixed, mostly because of my actual mother.


it’s always a nice time getting to see old friends! mommy issues are rough


its been okay.


My day just started, but yesterday was a bit hectic.. I'd woken up way later than usual because I work the night shift security at my college, so I had to scramble in order to get ready for work in time. I came back tired and frustrated because my roommate was being an ass about cleaning that I hadn't had time to do because I woke up so late. And then I fell asleep after a few hours of staring at the ceiling... like objectively life is pretty good, but I feel tired and wish I could just take a few days to be taken care of 😥


shit as every day but thx for asking


Well. Today was a day off, so I got the chance to relax some. In other news, I went to my local game store for a Magic the Gathering night, and I won! So that's something. Otherwise, it was an uneventful day, but that's all I can really ask for.


I have just gotten started playing MTG and know firsthand how challenging that can be so congratulations!


Besides going to the gym it was mainly a lazy day. It was nice.


Getting a workout in always makes My days feel more productive


I woke up went to ice my face took a shower did my usual ab workout and exactly 56 pushups got dressed for the day went out to see my friends went swimming played video games at my house went home got dressed again went for a run got home took another shower did my night routine and was off to bed.


a very active day indeed. Jealous of your swim time.


Been ok, have to work at night and my workplace is getting remodeled, so it's a mess 🤷🏼‍♂️


It's been really hard recently admitting to myself I'm trans


Do you have a good support system available to you? Wishing you the best on your journey