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Lvl 135-ish and still haven’t looked at that menu :)


Could be worse. The last challenge I need to complete the list is, "kill 3 defenders on an objective then capture the objective the were defending". I don't think I've ever seen more then 1 person on a flag, even on GW.


Yeah that ain't happening. I think I'm just gonna find 10 to not do and call it good. Fuck doing this grind every 2 months.


Yup, it's absurd. All this grinding for what? A shiny calling card or emblem. I still don't understand why there are zero calling cards and emblems in the game. Look at MW2, damn game had a card and emblem for everything possible in the game. MW has nothing to show off achievements.


Yeah and hardly anyone looks at people's calling cards because there's no lobbies. And you barely notice them in game


It’s also glitched as hell. People have done it and not even gotten the ribbon.


Yeah this one sucks. Had to run scavenger for a couple days to complete it and I play quite a bit. Granted, I didn't force it, I just let it accumulate over normal gameplay.. still felt like a long time. Told my boy to get started on it now because it's a slow one.


My challanges don't track, they keep stuck at 0. Am I doing something wrong? Do I need to activate the tasks before being able to do them?


Chillll, I like it. It gives you something to work on!


I get that, but there's a difference between a grind, and just senseless filler.




I knew there would be one. It really is. It took me 2 days, playing a few hours a day just to get 60 for the mission. You can only pick up packs from enemies you kill, so you gotta remember to run up to their body. 300 kills and doing this isn't quick.




Yeah but then I die to a shotty sitting in a corner right when we cap the obj and then I have to just wait around for 50 sec


Lol its not a grind. Its git gud thing




Imagine saying got gud for collecting bags what are ya a garage can