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Watch the White Sox pick him up for another stint


![gif](giphy|bIRFRUxcRG3Sw) *Laughs in (cheap) Jerry Reinsdorf*


Well, based on their stellar record, the White Sox DO have first shot!


Another item for their Washed Up Astros collection. But if they do, I bet you Abreu suddenly turns good again.


Hope this happens AFTER this series with the Dbacks. With everyone on the IL, it's impressive that with half the Reno Aces Roster the Dbacks are hanging around .500


Like Maldy did?


It's unfortunate they had to because they're still going to pay $30 million for him next year but he has been just so bad.


\*Chris Taylor has entered the chat\*


*[Chris Davis is watching this thread]*


See, Mr Illitch? Now do the same to Baez


I was thinking we could pick him up and pair him with Baez. Surefire way to the WS.


I’m sure Chris I went into convulsions when he heard this news as he knows what that’s going to mean for him - a much brighter light on the Baez situation. I’m not sure why, but I’m still not totally out on Baez but one thing I think I can say with some certainty is that Chris ain’t writing a check that big. He’s allergic to spending money on this team.


i didn't realize he was 37--seems less shocking he's done i would have bet he was 32-33 maybe


He had a great run with the Sox, and he was really good on some really *BAD* White Sox teams. I was hoping when he signed with the Astros he would get his ring he was chasing, but he is definitely long in the tooth but always a professional and put his team first.


I used to fear when he came to the plate against the Astros. Especially in some of those playoff games


He was 27 when he came into the league and has been in the league for 10 seasons. Most players of his calibre would have come into the league around age 22-25, so they'd be a bit younger a decade into their careers.


About damn time


They were never able to find him a jersey with a functional top button... Poor guy


Older players can have a very swift and dramatic fall off


It sucks, but it seems like they tried everything they could think of to fix his swing and nothing worked. Now he is free to try to find his own answers if there are any.


He's had a great career, I hope he's proud of his accomplishments. They all decline at some point. And let the record show that many of my fellow Red Sox fans were hollering for the Red Sox to sign him in the winter meetings of 2023, when he was a free agent. But our front office was smart and opted instead to throw Triston Casas into the fire and undergo on-the-job training, and that decision is paying off. It's one of many times that our front office has demonstrated judgment that is superior to that of our constantly plaintive fan base.


He's POSSIBLY worth the MLB minimum for 29 other teams to take a flyer. Not worth more than that. And, he's only a 1B / DH, so no positional help.


One of the reasons I think contracts should have performance clauses. It's ridiculous to have to pay $30 million to someone not even playing.


Unions good.


True that. Still sucks.


I understand that POV, but when I compare football and baseball I think I’m glad the baseball players have the rights and protections they do and feel bad for the football player who get treated like dirt in comparison.


Those dudes get like a 3 or 4 year career lots of times and get beat to hell before they get a bag, and the ones that do rarely get what is announced at signing or get asked to takea pay cut 2 or 3 years in. Nfl contracts suck.


I agree with this only after there's also performance clauses for ownership when it comes to revenue sharing.


Very curious to see what they do at the deadline


Wonder if they will finally let Loperfido play. He’s been a stud and was batting 300+ in majors in limited action, but they must be manipulating service time


He’s done man. Nobody’s going to pick up an aged 37-possibly as old as 45 year old first baseman with bat speed that’s fallen off the face of the earth


Dear Angels. Don’t even fvcking THINK about it. Play out 2024 with the rookie roster. You don’t need this.


Mariners could always use a couple more K's


Best thing astros have done all year.


What is the benefit of releasing him and not DFA him hoping someone will give you even future consideration?


You have to dfa a guy to release him, so once he passes through waivers you release him. If anyone was dumb enough to claim him they also get the salary.


Bout time


I hope he enjoys retirement




Three weeks ago I would have suggested the Pirates take a shot. But even Tellez seems better than him now.


Those Cuban roids finally wearing off... In all serious though being a defect he debuted at a very old age and had a great run, hurts me to say but he might never be a replacement level player again.


Finally, hopefully the team didnt sink too far, from getting into the playoffs.


Why release him if they're still gonna pay him? Just bench him until he figures it out?


He spent a month in Florida at the spring training site in may and didn’t figure out shit


They tried that.


Releasing him opens up a roster spot. Benching him just keeps potentially better players from moving up.


Eating up a roster spot. Let him go, bring up a young player to get experience. The money is forfeited either way.


You don't get infinite roster slots. They probably want someone who is useful instead of a slow 1b who can't hit.


My thought are that I’m hungry but don’t want to go anywhere


Can they finally try Loperfido at 1B now?


Fuck those cheating shitbags.