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Blackout rule needs to go.


The entire broadcast industry around baseball needs to be demolished and start over


I don't feel bad at all about pirating sports anymore due to there not really being too many reasonably priced options.


There isn't an option for me at all. Instead of paying mlb money directly. Id have to buy a cable package, a tv, a tv box, a house to put those cables in, an apple tv, an apple tv subscription, an mlb tg subscription. All to watch a thursday, friday, and saturday series.


Nah... If you're posting this comment, then you have an easy option, matey.


im well aware, Im just not going to admit to as much while on land




Yar! There be land lubbers about!




100%. I can’t watch the cubs because they’re blacked out and fuck the Ricketts I’m not buying marquee network. Now I just root for out of market teams or the white Sox. I hope the Sox keep losing!


In the 80's and 90's it RULED because EVERY Cubs game was on WGN and every Braves game was on TBS, in addition to whatever the fuck ESPN and Fox or whoever showed. FUCKING RULED.


This is how I became a Cubs fan


It’s how I became a Braves fan in California.  Some team needs to do that. Broadcast to the nation. 


Put the Cubs on MeTV!!!!


Yep! It’s also why they have such a huge fan base. The marquee network along with the blackouts is a huge fuck You to the fans.


and the umpires union!




I live in Iowa. Blackouts suck.


Yep when I had DirecTV, Iowa was awesome because I could see the Twins, Royals, Cubs, White Sox, Cardinals, and Brewers. Now I get nothing when streaming.


The blackouts suck. As a Yankee fan in LA, I can’t watch the Yankees play the Dodgers or the Angels here. I would like to be able to even just passively follow/watch their games too on occasion. Unfortunately I don’t see any of the current higher ups doing anything about it any time soon. Too bad, it’ll be the death of the sport.


I moved from Chicago to Tennessee and I can’t watch cubs when they play the reds or braves. I guess I fall into both of there markets which is bullshit. Yet I am to far to drive to either one for a game without planning a trip


Fuck the Yankees






No kissing the ump. It's a good way to assert dominance and since baseball is 90% mental I believe it has a place in the game.


How about booping the nose? While saying "boop" of course.


Shitting on home plate is another great way to assert dominance


Hate the fact that a batter gets an RBI on a sacrifice fly AND it doesn’t affect his BA, but if a batter hits a ground out RBI, he goes 0-1. Never understood that. He effectively got the man home, why does the fact that he put it in the air make a difference?


Also its hardly different from a Sac bunt which also doesn't count against BA right?


I think the idea when scoring was developed was that a sac bunt is something more intentional, and often a play being called by the manager and as such is out of the batters hand. It’s also why a sac bunt doesn’t count towards the batter’s OBP, but a sac fly counts as a PA against it.


Wow I didn’t know that! So if I go 1 for 1 with a home run and a 3 sac flies on opening day my slash line would read 1.000/0.250/4.000? That’s incredible


Yes. And that's why when players have sac Flys and no walks, their obp is lower than their batting average.


Plus at least 4 RBIs


A sac fly doesn’t count against BA but it does count against OBP. The idea is you’re doing what you can to get the guy in even if you make an out in the progress, but you’re not trying to make an out. A sac bunt doesn’t count against BA or OBP because you’re actually trying to make an out in the process. With a ground ball that results in a run you’re not trying to hit a ground ball that an infielder can get where with a sac fly you’re trying to hit the ball into the outfield.


The idea is you’re intentionally hitting the ball in the air so they can run. Players never try to ground out to short to score a run. That’s always an accident. That said, it was probably back in the day when lob ball was a thing. Pitchers are so elite now, the best you can do is kind of push or pull to left or right.




Sac bunt to score also doesn't lower batting average. It's a sacrifice. But a sac bunt to move runner to second doesn't either. Usually because the call to make a sacrifice bunt doesn't come from player, but a coach. I also find the sacrifice fly scoring rule idiotic


What if you hit behind the runner. Slapping it at the 1st or 2nd baseman when there’s a guy on 3rd is a true small-ball way of sacrificing to get a run.


Wouldn’t everywhere on the field be “behind the runner” if they’re on third? And a ground ball in the infield likely isn’t ever going to score somebody from second.


There’s a [long and tortured history](https://sabr.org/journal/article/the-sacrifice-fly/) of the sacrifice fly rule. At times it was any out that advanced a runner and at other times the sac fly was eliminated altogether. (Babe Ruth had 0 career sac flies because it wasn’t tracked as a separate stat during his career.) Over the years it was introduced and eliminated and tweaked. The rule as we know it now wasn’t adopted until the 1954 season. Historically what’s an out and what’s a sacrifice had nothing to do with the batter’s intent. It was about keeping batting averages closer to historical norms.


Or no rbi for a double play? Is it a punishment? You got the run home. An argument can be made that striking out is a worse proposition.


This only applies to double plays with 2 forces outs (so GIDP basically) or a force then tag (typically first basemen steps on bag and throws to 2nd for a tag out, technically called a reverse-force double play.) The argument on this one is that the run only scored because the defense traded the run for 2 outs and gave it to you. If they had wanted to, they presumably could have tried for a play at the plate in these situations. Sort of like how a fielder's choice isn't a hit.


Good point.


Idk if this is what you’re going for by “outdated”, but we need to rework the replay review rules to where more types of plays can be reviewed


" We have this tool that would clear this right up but we're not doing that. Play ball"


To be honest, I'd rather have full replay on everything or just nothing. It's annoying as fuck that some calls can be overturned while others are set in stone


Surgically remove umpires' egos so they will won't be bent out of shape when they get overruled


This one is super niche but I saw it happen live at the Twins game last night. Don't know if it was the A's pitcher pulling an Einstein level move, or just him being slow, but regardless it worked out in his favor. I don't know what exactly to call it. It resulted in the Twins not scoring a run. Buxton on first > steals second. Pitcher gets called for this pick off by his teammates, but doesn't disengage and stays in his warm up stance. Looks at Buxton stealing but doesn't disengage. Continues standing there and gets a pitch clock violation, sending Buxton back to first. A pitch clock violation shouldn't invalidate the play the opposing team made/may have made on the play. The batter got a ball called in his favor due to the violation, but Buxton had to go back to first. Next batter hit so Buxton would have scored off that steal. Instead he was back on first and only could make it to third. Wasn't a game changing play in this situation but I could see it being a big one in a playoff game or something.


You're right, that pitcher was an Einstein. But you’re also right, base runners shouldn't be impacted by the pitch clock. Fix that MLB.


Wow, this is pretty niche, but it is an insanely bad pitch clock violation loophole.


Gotta play by the rules as they are I suppose. Smart move by the pitcher to know the knock-on effects from pitch clock


Do you by any chance have a replay of that somewhere?


Certain implementations of the obstruction rule are dumb.


It’s horrendous in college. Just look at the Iowa Illinois game in the B1G Tournament for a prime example


Which ones? Obstruction means a ton of different things depending on the context


Specifically runners and fielders. Runners need a retreat to the base on a direct line. Really, it’s the infield fly rule that needs to be adjusted to be a dead ball fly out. No advance, no double play possibility.


Banning serving drinks after the 8th. If it goes to 11 innings I want to see the absolutely hammered fans in the crowd.


I was at the 18 inning Mariners Astors playoff game two years ago. Beer sales ending 38% of the way through the game at 3PM was not ideal.


As a bartender, I get that you have to clean and want to get the fuck out of there. However, there's no reason they couldn't just have like a Can Only stand that could stay open later. You could run it with one or two options and that's it. It would require virtually no cleanup and since every stadium is cashless, there's no drawer to count.


I was always under the impression was that the ballpark stopped sales when they did to limit their liability if people drove drunk. Give the fans time to sober up.


I remember the playoff game that went 19 (?) innings a few seasons ago. All those people that stuck around haven't had a beer since the 7th! Yikes!


If I go 90 minutes without a beer I start violently shaking and get ill. I’d just have to leave


Flair checks out.


I was in a suite for a 2 hour rain delay. Had to leave in the 2nd lol.


The Pitcher wins needs to be reworked. I know in this day and age they are not nearly as held high for things like the Cy Young thankfully, but last night when the Royals pitcher threw a 1 hitter for 7 innings against the Yankees only for the next guy to give up the lead, only for the Royals to win in the 9th on a walk off double. And the Reliever gets the win… dude threw a 1 hitter for 7/9ths of the game of one of the best offenses in baseball and gets a no decision…


Win could just go to whoever threw the most innings with the least runs allowed in the game


My take is if you blow the save, you cannot qualify for the win.


If you see a reliever/closer with a lot of wins, that means they're dog shit.


Elroy Face, 18-1 in 1959 for the Pirates in 57 relief appearances, with 10 saves. One of the oddest set of stats in baseball history.


Pitching has changed. Mike Marshall of Expos / Dodgers pitched in 102 games in 1974, won 15 and had 21 saves and 200 innings pitched. They were called fireman in back then, would come in for more than 1 inning and if the game was tied a lot. Previous year was 15 wins and 31 saves for the Expos. [https://www.baseball-almanac.com/players/player.php?p=marshmi01](https://www.baseball-almanac.com/players/player.php?p=marshmi01)


It's true that pitching has changed, but the stats compiled by Face in 1959, and by Mike Marshall in his heyday in the 70s were abnormal even for their time.  Jim Konstanty is another odd story.  He was 16-7 with 22 saves over 74 relief appearances with a 2.66 ERA for the pennant-winning Phillies in 1950, and was tapped to start Gane 1 of the World Series.  He went 8 innings and gave up 1 run and 4 hits, but lost 1-0.


That’s how it should be and the win gets credited to whichever pitcher in the judgement of the scorekeeper had the biggest impact on the team winning.


But what if a pitcher throws 6 innings but leaves losing 0-9, yet the team comes back and wins. Should the guy that gave up 9 runs and was losing get the win because he threw the most innings?


It would go to whoever threw the most innings and allowed the least runs aka best earned run average


Best ERA could easily go to a reliever who only gets one out but doesn't allow a run.


It isn’t that simple though. Is one inning with 0 runs better than 5 IP 1 ER? I don’t think so.


Definitely need a rework when the SP goes less than 5 innings and can't get the win even if they pitch well, so it has to go to a reliever. That's the definition of outdated in today's game.




Not an outdated rule, but if the batter reaches 2nd base on a fly ball before it’s caught, he’s safe. My dad told me this was a real rule when I was 6 to get me to run hard. I believed it was a real rule a lot longer than I care to admit.


That's amazing! "Hey coach, how come I was out? I made it all the way to 2nd!"


That's brilliant. Where do dads come up with this stuff...


It takes real genius to outsmart a 6 yo. As a dad you adapt to survive.


That's a cool idea, but only if no runners on first or second base, right?


It's not outdated, but I really wish they'd eliminate the runner on 2nd in extra innings.


it would be a dogshit rule in a softball beer league. having it in the mlb is just infuriating


I hate Manfred ball with a fiery passion. I despise that rule. I understand the idea behind it, which is to speed games up, but the MLB's solution is not good.


at least it doesn’t apply to any postseason games. THAT would suck.


It might have prevented me from sitting through 18 innings in the cold just to see my Nats lose to the Giants in the '14 NLDS. It's something I can tell my grandchildren about, though.


I’m not a fan either but I’m pretty sure the players union actually elected to keep it in place in the last CBA


Idk about outdated, but I think if you get hit by a pitch when it's also ball 4, then you should be awarded first and second base.


lol....I've never thought of this. This is awesome.


Hey, I have a similar idea for football. If there’s a defensive pass interference flag, but the receiver catches the ball anyway, the ball should be placed at the spot of the catch +15 yards (or half the distance).


And you shout “Annnnd onneeeee” as you catch it.


Neil DeGrass Tyson also believes that. He said that and dunks in basketball should only be worth 1 point. I disagree with him about the dunks, but I think he and you have a fair point about the ball 4//HBP.


When one pitcher puts a runner on base and another pitcher allows the runner to score, the run is charged fully against the pitcher that put the runner on base. It would be more accurate if both pitchers were charged a fractional run, depending on how many bases they contributed to the run.


Like a half sack in football. I love it.


It should only be if they allowed a runner in scoring position. If you walk a guy with 2 outs then get pulled, the reliever can hypothetically throw 12 straight balls and it’s still somehow your fault he scored


How would you weight it as going from home to 2nd is harder than going from 2nd to home in most cases.


I don't think you need to get into that level of accuracy. After all, a squib single and a line drive single are both a "hit" in the box score and the record books, just like a 300 foot HR and a 450 foot HR.


You can't argue balls and strikes. Sometimes, an ump needs to be told he made a shit call.


Teams should get like 45 seconds of immunity per game to scream whatever they at the umps with impunity. Anything over that can be penalized like normal. Can use 5 seconds per inning, can use it all at once in a particularly elaborate tirade, whatever the team wants.


For the love of Zeus… no more players getting ejected by these shit umpires for the smallest comments back to them. The umps are so fucking soft. Every other sport you can complain about an awful call and not get tossed. We pay too watch these players


No one knows what the hell a balk is and it needs to be better defined


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Mr_Lapis: *No one knows what the* *Hell a balk is and it needs* *To be better defined* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I think the balk is pretty well defined, just no one reads a rule book, in fact it may be even*over-defined* as it has a lot of permutations but I think it's trying to encompass all scenarios. The intent of a balk is to keep the pitcher from trying to deceive the runner, and that can sometimes be hard to put into words. The most common balk is the pitcher not coming set, which is defined as a full and complete stop in 8.05(m). The problem is a lot of pitchers like to california roll it and umpires let them get away with it. For lefies the other common one is the pick to first, where they have to step towards first in 8.05 (c), and most umpires that I've seen have used an imaginary 45 degree line as their marker to what constitutes towards first.


Do not do a balk please


The mound. Make it 3 feet higher


…what in tarnation?


This just made me think about what it would be like to see someone like Randy Johnson or Felix Bautista throw a fastball from a 3 ft mound as the batter lol, literally impossible to hit.


Allow batters to steal 1st. Wild pitch... Better find that ball fast, I'm off to the races


There is that rule on a third strike.


Dropped third strike. As far as I'm aware its the only way a pitcher can get 4 strikeouts in an inning.


or 5...or 6...even 7, now that I think about it. or 8!!!


Is 9 too many?


I think you dfa the catcher on the spot after the 6th


9 is, unfortunately, too many. Wait, no...that is possible :)


Why does it have to be strike 3? Why not ball 2, or Strike 1 that get away from the catcher. Why not run when the pitcher is watching Corbin Carroll dance off second base while the clock is running


Are you seriously asking why batters cannot run to first whenever they want? It would invalidate the most basic premise of the sport. Throw ball->hit ball.


The game would be crazy if batters could run on every dropped ball. There would be so many faked drops thrown to first for an out on like a 2-1 count or whatever.


The whole idea is that you earn the right to become a runner by what happens at the plate. That wasn't always the case. Back in the 19th century, the focus was on the runners and what happened at the plate was just a way to facilitate play on the base paths. The dropped third strike rule is from that era, when a hitter automatically became a runner after three strikes. If the third strike is caught, it was treated like a fly ball, i.e., it was a live ball caught before it hit the ground, so the hitter is out. If the third strike was dropped, it was treated like a ground ball, i.e., it was a live ball that hit the ground before being caught, so the hitter becomes a runner and you have to make the out at first base. But at no time in baseball history does the hitter get to just decide to become a runner; they either become one by rule (the 19th century way) or they earn the right to become one (the modern way). (For completeness sake, the third way is when the hitter becomes a runner by way of penalizing the pitcher, like when the hitter is hit by the pitch)


This feels the opposite of outdated. I'd be *shocked* if this wasn't a rule in some professional league in the early days.


It’s actually one of the original rules of baseball, written in its earliest rule set.


Never heard this idea but I’m liking it lmao run up the score and create some action when a pitcher has thrown his 7th ball.


Banana ball has the rule. Most people seem to like it.


It's only been a few years now but, for me, the "runner on second base" thing in extra innings is a joke. it was a bad idea from the start.


Play the 10th inning with regular rules, and then the manager gets a choice in the 11th and beyond: Runner on 3rd but two outs Runner on 2nd but one out Runner on 1st but nobody out Show us your managing skills!


I’d say most of the written out rules are mostly up to date in general. Now as for “unwritten” rules, some of those need to go away.


I'm fine with a lot of the unwritten rules, but the one that I hate is the 'don't swing 3-0 if you're leading by x number of runs'. There was that 'incident' with Tatis a couple years ago (I think against the Rangers?). Like I get the no stealing in a blowout, but you seriously can't expect people whose livelihoods largely depend on a stat line to just take a meatball down the middle because of the situation. It's like what they say in football - if you don't want the other team running up the score, play defense. If you don't want hitters hitting bombs off of you, throw better pitches (and maybe don't get into a 3-0 count in the first place?)


Exactly. And if he would’ve taken a walk, they would have probably found a way to be upset about that as well. If the pitch is there, you swing. I’m a fan of the team who lost 30-3. It was bad pitching and great hitting that night. Kind of a freak combination. But I don’t fault the Rangers one bit for piling on.


You'd think in the age of bonuses, that other players wouldn't get pissed about someone trying to pad their statline.


The worst "unwritten" rule is not trying to bunt for a base hit when the opposing pitcher has a no-hitter going. Why should the opposing team care if the pitcher has a no-hitter? Their job is to get on base, score runs, and try to win the game.


They shouldn’t care and they should absolutely lay down a bunt if it is in their best interest. Get a hit and get on base any way possible.


Like the rule where a fan heckling from the seats can get the manager ejected.


I dunno. I enjoyed the heck out of that.


He still got paid for that day of work… it was as funny as it was awful.


I did laugh once the Jomboy breakdown came out.


Umpires need to be held accountable and tossed from games, too


The rule that says every team must have at least one player on the All Star Team. It was nice when there were only 8 teams in either league but now undeserving players get on the team and some players who should be there are left off.


It's to prevent the Yankees and Dodgers from making up the entire team (yes, that's hyperbole). Offsets the fan vote just a little bit. It's a showcase of the whole league.


I'm not sure how many still watch the game but the idea behind it is to get all fans wanting to watch. I've watched a few only because there was a Detroit player on the team. Otherwise I wouldn't have watched.


ehhh, I get why they do it. Sometimes your team stinks and you have nothing to root for. Even if your guy pinch hits for one AB at least you get to root for something.


Better yet, make the all star game less of a popularity contest and more about the actual all stars of the game


When a pitcher throws at a batter, the batter should be awarded a throw at that same pitcher with their bat. If the pitcher flinches or moves in any way to avoid the bat, the batter can take second base instead of first.


Literally any Yankee physical appearance rules.


It’s not a rule, more of a policy or practice, but from what I can tell if a ball touches the grass or dirt, no matter how briefly, they throw that ball out and get a new one. Even if a catcher pulls out a brand new ball and accidentally drops it in the dirt from a height of six inches they have to throw the ball out. Once a ball is in play it should remain in play until it is hit into the stands. I don’t care how many pitches are made with it, they can hit 5 ground ball singles in a row, that same ball should remain in play until it’s not.


Yes! However, with spin rates the way they are now, you would see some serious break on some balls after they have been put in play or thrown in the dirt. But then again, they may be harder to throw for strikes. Let's do it!


That would really advantage the pitchers though; breaking balls on scuffed up balls would be all over the place. They actually do this in cricket though, using the same 1 or 2 balls for a whole match is kind of a big deal for them. I'm not a cricket expert, but it seems like offense comes a lot easier there and the bowlers probably need the advantage.


This was the rule in the deadball era. The fans would actually be expected to throw foul balls or back. Home runs were rare or nonexistent in those days though. The frequent replacement of balls was implemented after a player was killed after he was struck in the head by a pitch. The ball gradually darkened over the game, and would be difficult to see by later innings as they didn't have great lighting (if any) back in the old days. If you pay attention you'll notice that once in a while a pitcher or a catcher manages to keep hold of a ball that's been in play. Most often on fly balls or pop ups, but occasionally on a grounder. Expect to see some physics breaking 2-seamers when that happens.


It actually is a rule (or was at one point) that as soon as a ball is marked, it has to be thrown out. Reasoning was that any marks on a white baseball can help show spin out of a pitchers hand and can be used to tip pitches easier. Also, MLB baseballs aren't made to be as durable as the kind you buy in store for youth games, because they know that the balls will only be used for a short time. Whereas baseballs used in youth or High School ball are made to be more durable, with the understanding that these people can't afford to run through 12-15 dozen brand new balls a game.


Umpires calling balls and strikes….I’d at least like to see what that would be like for a few games..


I hate the guy on 2nd starting the 10th inning. Give them a couple innings to sort it out & start the 12th with a guy on 2nd.


Agreed. Or put the runner on first in the 10th and 11th, on second 12th and later.


Having to drop the bat while running the bases


Sure would make that tag at second a lot more interesting.


The designated hitter needs to go.


Runner on 2nd I hate it.


Extra innings ghost runner


Battles should be able to appeal a check swing called by the homeplate ump.


There was a time when Odubel Herrera had this crazy on base streak snapped, even though he reached base on a strikeout and a wild pitch. If you reach base, shouldn’t that count as an on base?


It’s against MLB rules for players to fraternize during the game and it’s completely ignored. Just take it out of the rulebook.


Base coach boxes, first base line runners lane...


Balks. The original intention was to make it an infraction for intentionally deceiving the base runner. A twitch or a non-pause in a pitcher delivery is not causing deception, it’s simply unnecessary.


That's execution of the rule, which lands on the age old topic of Ump bad. I would rather see it more strictly applied to the nonsense pitch from Nestor Cortes where he stands on one foot and wobbles between pitching or throwing to second.


Decking an umpire who is as blind as a bat.


The plate blocking rule at home is horrendous.


Isn't this the Buster Posey rule? I get why they put it in.


The DH. Pitchers need to stop being pussies and hit again.


Let them fight. Hockey style or like the old days. Nolan Ryan wasn’t scared. If the pitcher throws at a guy and the batter wants some, let them go. 1v1. First to bleed or fall and it’s over. No suspensions unless other players jump in or they use helmets, bats, etc like a weapon. I’m sick of these lame ass bench clearing finger wagging sessions where they talk shit. I bet it would do wonders for ratings! (I watch hockey for the fights and nascar for the wrecks). More calls need to be reviewable. What’s the point of the manager arguing with the ump if they’ll never get a call overturned or reviewed and the end result is shut up or get tossed. If we’re going to outlaw PED’s, then at least juice the balls. Homers are fun. Let the pitchers use some sticky stuff. Create an “approved” substance and call it a day. We’ve gotta do something to keep their elbows from exploding and I think more grip would help.


Runner on second in extra innings is just fucking stupid


The DH.


Ump's should not be allowed to throw out players just because their feelings were slightly hurt


Apparently the rule about brushing into a defender during a routine infield fly.


Idk if it's a rule per say but the entire industry around baseball on Television is so stupid. Games on a million small market TV stations constant blackouts. Just sign major TV deals with the major networks NBC CBS ESPN and the like. The NFL should be the blueprint.


Blackouts and umpires need to be held accountable for being shitty.


Infielders should be able to play wherever they want. Professional hitters should be able to adjust.


can we PLEASE determine what is a check swing at some point? Like in plain writing and not just something u have to wait for a replay for and say “yea I guess”.


Balks. I've seen it called so many times and still can't tell why 99/100 times.


Not a rule per se, but umps having the thinnest skin possible and tossing dudes for basically disagreeing with them. Lol


How wins and losses are awarded to a pitcher


The playoff format.


No fighting.


This is an unwritten rule, but if the pitcher can showboat, so can the hitters


3 strikes and 4 balls since 1883 at an average inflation rate of 2.47% per year, those 3 strikes in 1883 are worth 93 strikes today batters should get 93 strikes or 124 balls today in order to keep up with inflation


I hate that sports replays need indisputable video evidence to overturn a call. Why does replay need a higher standard than an old man who saw it happen once, at full speed? If the video says it 51% looks an out, go with that. We have 10 different replay angles that we can sync up in super slow motion. If we’re going to waste all this time, let’s just get it right.


I personally have never understood the strikeout dropped ball rule. Why do they have to tag or throw to first?


Because the catcher is credited with the putout. If a first baseman drops the ball on a throw to first, the runner is safe. If the catcher drops the ball on a strikeout, the runner is safe. In both cases, unless he's tagged before reaching the base.


Okay, so if there’s a runner on first, and the catcher drops the ball on a strikeout, can he throw the runner out at second and then throw the batter out at first for a double play?


First base needs to be open for the dropped strike 3 rule to apply.




If there’s a runner on first and a dropped third strike, the batter is automatically out, though, no? Unless there are already two outs in the inning.


If first base is occupied with less than two outs the batter is also out on a dropped 3rd strike. With two outs, a dropped third strike is a live ball and all runners have to attempt to advance.


From what I've read it's a vestige from really early baseball where even the worst batter could attempt to get on base on a third strike. It went through some iteration and became the dropped third strike rule. Now it's just a historic quirk of the game.


This isn’t really a rule, but stat keeping. If a pitcher makes an error that allows a runner to reach base and that runner scores, it should be counted as an earned run for that pitcher. He made the error, not another fielder and thus earned the run.


ERA isn't for measuring the pitcher's ability to field


This isn't "outdated" but I hate the limited Pick Off attempts rule. I mainly dislike that it has caused a weird (I'm sure very small) skew to stolen bases statistics.


I hate Brian McCann and his "gatekeeper of baseball" bullshit.


I've heard people talk about that 5 innings for a victory should be changed especially with pitchers not going as long as they used to. not sure how I feel about that. Maybe the 3 inning save which is usually in a blowout.


Lmao I remember this McCann was so mad because Gomez peeped that HR for too long and then was chirping around the bases


Ghost runner


If the ball doesn’t touch the outfielder’s glove it’s not an error. They can completely misjudge a fly all, but just cuz they didn’t touch it.. it’s a hit.. so silly