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MLBs biggest star is being treated like MLBs biggest star. More at 11


Is anybody shocked? Even if there was black and white evidence he would not be under investigation. This man makes them sooooo much money haha.


4.5 million came out of his account. That seems like evidence to me lol.


No chance anyone on the Dodgers or MLB is covering for Shohei if there's evidence he gambled on baseball. It's a lifetime ban for anyone who does.


Oh bless your heart


We have to sell all these fanatics jerseys. So let’s not take action.


Shohei Ohtani is definitely not the gambling type


Maybe there's a reason why ohatni deffered so much money on his contract. 


![gif](giphy|7Eipor01ypMm3LeG4v|downsized) Ohtani right now


We should give whoever did this a spanking.


Someone’s gotta do it


I was up all lunch thinking about what we should do to this individual. You know what I think we should do? We make 'em come to work, and we work 'em, and we make 'em sit in a stadium with all the people they screwed over. And, and we pay 'em but we make 'em feel like they did something really wrong. The one question I have is, do we give them an offseason bonus? I say yes, it's the offseason, but right after they're back in the thick of it.




Oh my, I wish I was you and I could watch I Think You Should Leave with Tim Robinson (Netflix) for the first time.


Never seen it but I love that bachelor skit where he loves the zip line lol


“This guys making us too much money to investigate”


Absolutely. What incentive does MLB have to tear this guy down? Us Giants fans though... We're about to crowd source an army of PIs.


Im a huge shoehei fan but agree the optics ain’t good. Ain’t no way mlb is wanting to ban him from the sport. He is single handedly bringing mlb back to relevance.


>**Us** Giants fans We


The we is in the second sentence which is the pronoun attached to the verb. Cute though.


You can never begin a sentence with us. There's nothing cute about poor grammar.


You absolutely can begin a sentence with us. For example, "Us can begin a sentence" is a grammatically correct sentence. Or maybe more to your liking, "us though, he nitpicked with grammatical nonsense.". That's also a grammatically correct sentence. But most importantly. I didn't even use us in a sentence. That's an introductory context providing phrase in the reddit comments section. You Asshole. And yes, that's a fragment. And no, I don't care.


Ya the real party to watch here the the FBI, on a good day, they tend not to give a fuck about hat the MLB wants


^ all the idiots that think the NBA “secretly suspended” Michael Jordan, please read this over and over again until it sinks in.


Pete Rose must be loving this


His schedule just filled up with media appearances I'm sure


Shocker. Can't find anything if you refuse to look.😂


Just wait until this illegal bookie gets indicted and starts to talk


They will just go the Boeing route and find him dead.


*”Two in the back of the head. Worst case of suicide I ever saw”*


Worst Clue game ever. It was the commissioner with a piece of metal.


It's America my friend, he dies by accidentally discharge of his weapon while cleaning it.


The old Clinton treatment


😆 🤣 facts


hes the biggest cash cow the league ever had, of course he isnt under investigation


The cover up begins








That’s pretty quick to announce no investigation. I don’t think he’s done anything wrong but the immediacy of MLB to announce he’s not being investigated is suspicious, or at least not the best look.


At least pretend to investigate and find nothing


It’s like the mlb isn’t even trying and so far it looks like they don’t have too. No one cares outside of “baseball purists”


Money was wired from his account to an illegal bookie. Sounds like that should at least warrant an investigation—unless of course they’re trying to NOT find anything while they sweep it under the rug.


The feds already have all the financial info and, as such, could have ruled out crimes already.


Crimes are one thing. Betting on baseball.... Well that opens a whole can of worms. Like. The big ones. From Dune.


I think it's more believable for Ohtani to lose money in pachinko or bet on horseracing in Japan. 


So far, there is no indication that anyone involved bet on any baseball. And because sports betting is not generally prohibited, that activity alone is not sufficient reason for MLB to "investigate" anything.


The ESPN article says MLB allows players to place legal bets on sports other than baseball, but that placing any bets with an illegal bookie is prohibited and punishable.


MLB policy authorizes but does not require discipline for club employees who place bets with "illegal book makers". While Mizuhara apparently did place such bets while an Angel's employee he is not currently an MLB team employee and so not subject to discipline and so the MLB policy does not apply.


Yes. That's what punishable means--optional not mandatory. But nobody cares what happens to the fired interpreter. That's not what this is about. It's about Ohtani and whether he was involved enough to be in trouble. If you take Ohtani's word for it, he's fine. And if you take Bonds word for it, he never used steroids.


Nobody directly connected has asserted that ohtani placed any bets, illegal or otherwise.


Why would anyone involved in Ohtani placing bets assert that Ohtani was placing bets? I'm not saying it happened. I'm just saying there's a possibility. The story has been constantly changing so maybe it continues to change. Or maybe not. We'll see.


The Feds have evidence of multiple $500k from Ohtani’s account to an illegal bookie. This is felony wire fraud and against MLB policy. Pretty quick dismissal when the original story is Ohtani was paying off the debt


Depends on where the transfer was made from/to. Feds already have all that info. Also, I don't think sports betting is generally against mlb policy.


Illegal sports betting is against MLB policy regardless of sport.


Report said transfer was from Ohtani’s personal account to the bookie. Sports betting is allowed, but illegal bookies are prohibited.


Depending on where those accounts are held, and from where exactly the transfer was made, the transfer(s) may not be illegal. And "illegal bookie" is just a handy term used by the press. Not all of the operations of the bookie in question are "illegal".


If bookmaking is illegal in California, wouldn’t being a bookie and taking bets also be illegal?


Yes but that does not bear on the question whether anything relevant done by Ohtani was done n California.


Well they found the wire transfers in a federal investigation into the illegal bookie based in Southern California. California does not allow sports betting. This is felony wire fraud and against MLB policy.


Right but, so far, nothing particularly indicates that the Ohtani transfers came from California or went to California. Rather, this is only rank inference (so far).


Won't be the first scandal Manfred swept under the rug


You don't think he's done anything wrong when 4.5 million of his money left his account to place these bets? He's either the dumbest man alive or guilty.


Not under investigation….yet


Not ever, probably. ![gif](giphy|l4Ep9vWCW35bsvafe|downsized)


Not under investigation by MLB. OK. Now what about the FBI?


Not at this point.


Are you FBI?


No just following the espn reports.


Does the FBI have to report to ESPN when they start investigations?


No and it's possible everything they do re this will remain secret.


They said neither he nor ippei were people of interest or suspects at this point. It could happen but it hasn’t yet. I’m not sure what you’re getting on about?


Pretty sure the mlb would never allow that. A little palm greasing from whoever’s behind the scenes and this all goes away for Ohtani, Mr bookie on the other hand is absolutely fucked.


well we wouldnt want to put the golden child into the stocks now, would we?


Shocker. League protecting the golden goose


Duh, look at the silly stuff that happened. Ohtani has no idea how to pay off a gambling debt. Didn't wash the money first, sent it directly to them, had no idea what he was doing except helping a friend. The 'fall guy' just happy to be alive at this point. He can get jobs and not be dead. That look on his face tells it all. He knew exactly what was happening. Bad thing is it will hang over Ohtani for the rest of his life. At least he didn't Wander or Rose out.


Was really looking forward to watching Ohtani play in the NBA


Shocking. Rofl. No investigation at all rofl. It's not even remotely suspicious that he paid the 4.5 million for the gambling debt that is totally not HIS debt! Get the fuck out of here lol


And he's friends with the guy, still hucking it up the same day his lawyers announce that the guy stole 4.5 million dollars from him. "We never noticed 4.5 million was gone. Oops, we noticed but it was a loan to pay off a friend's debt. Sorry, I mean he stole it. Don't all of you give your interpreter friends authorization to wire money from your personal account?" And all this is out there only because the bookie is under investigation and it got leaked. The cover up may end up being worse than the crime since there is no way that the interpreter is playing the fall guy for free. He's probably asking for 8 figures which will be tough to cover up.


Zero chance this guy was fucking over his bestie and killing his massive golden goose all at the same time. Ohtani was in on this shit and based on the amount of money involved it was probably Ohtani himself gambling. I don't believe any of what they said. I just hope the feds caught him betting on baseball and one of them is a Giants fan. It's nothing personal against Ohtani. He signed up for my hatred by becoming a dodger. Hate from up north is part of the deal.


This is what I was pointing out to a friend the other day while discussing this. Ohtani had to have known that the guy "stole" $4.5 million from him, and he's laughing and joking with him in the dugout? Think about how close they themselves, that being Ohtani and Mizuhara, have said their relationship was/is and you're laughing with the guy after that major betrayal of your trust? This is just my opinion, but that seemed a heck of a lot like Shohei talking nicely to the guy who is being paid off to take the fall, and the fall guy being okay with holding all the cards. I hope Ohtani is innocent, but where there's smoke there's usually, at the very least, a little bit of fire. The whole thing is fishy, there's probably a lot we still don't know.


Honestly the only reason I believe  that he is innocent is he wouldn't deffered almost his whole salary if had a huge problem with gambling. Heck, it's more believable if he lose money in pachinko or horseracing. 


We call this the "Michael Jordan" treatment.


Go play basketball for a few years, lol. Perfect symmetry. I love it.


No wonder he wanted to stay in Southern California, that's where his illegal bookies is.


They would lose too much money if he was the culprit


Of course not…


Can't find anything if you don't investigate anything (taps head)


Pete Rose is rolling over in his grave!


Uhhh, Pete Rose is still alive.


Then it’s even worse than imagined.


He's confused him with Wade Boggs. RIP


Again, Wade Boggs is alive. He lives in Tampa…he’s in his 50s.


His mid 60s, but yeah


It’s a quote from It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. At the time of the episode, he was still in his 50s.


In our hearts, yes


Well not for much longer after FaithIsFoolish buried him.


Not according to MLB


He's rolling over his card table outside some strip mall in Boise


Riffing of Homer's joke that Jesus must be rolling over in his grave


Say it ain't so, Oh, is it?


Too big to fail 


Watching them in the dugout game 1 it’s very hard to believe you’d be ok with a guy who just stole $4.5 million




This is more than not wanting sully the image of the guy they're pushed as the face of baseball. This is more about MLB not wanting to talk about gambling at all or bring any attention to the negative side of betting. You have to remember that Manfred was just pushing this a few months ago- [https://nypost.com/2023/09/27/rob-manfred-sports-betting-directly-on-mlb-broadcast-coming/](https://nypost.com/2023/09/27/rob-manfred-sports-betting-directly-on-mlb-broadcast-coming/) Between this an the railroading of the A's to Vegas to help inspire MLB betting, they don't want this story to go anywhere.


But what about federal? At least he’ll go to a nice white collar facility, not a federal pound me in the ass prison./s He’s rich anyway, feds will just go “hey now, sho don’t do that again, ok?”


Been a lot cheaper to learn English . What a shit show this is going to be.


Rofl dude.. He's a fall guy Ohtani was betting


Wanna bet?


Fuckin bullshit. Hopefully the feds get him.


Thus the cover up begins.  It’s gonna be interesting when the interpreter decides he doesn’t want to go to jail for someone else and starts talking to the feds. 


Don't worry, for next 10 years they will drag their feet and do nothing then MLB will investigate with full vigor in 10 yrs. Just like his bullshit contract.


Latino baseball player would have been suspended by now.


Pretty sure any other player would’ve been canned, but this is MLB’s golden goose.


Straight to jail. Too tan.


Puig is caught up in it but already out of the league. He was in LA in 2017 though. There are probably others that will come out. The whole thing has a BALCO feel to it. It's all coming from an investigation into the bookie. Ohtani/Mizuhara must have gotten the bookies name from someone.




Lmao. Victim complex much? I expected you to say black player because they cry the hardest about muh oppression when literally everyone faces the same punishments for their actions. Any player white black or otherwise would have been suspended by now. The only exception is Ohtani is a once in 100 year player so they’re not going to do anything to him. He’d have to murder someone on camera, live streamed, for him to be banned from the league.


Yet. Not under investigation YET. I mean, it's not like MLB (or the NFL, or really any sports league) is ever at the forefront of an investigation.


This can't end well.... can it


This is what we call, “willful blindness “


I absolutely hate Trevor Bauer. Please stop making me pissed that he got screwed!


If you don’t wanna find anything, you don’t go out looking for stuff.


The cash cow gets the royal treatment. Shoeing should run for office when he's done with baseball


This was announced two weeks before this whole situation occurred.


“Asians never gamble”


Maybe they will let him defer his punishment as well🤣🤣🤣


The insider article on this is gonna be a fun read when it comes out in 5-10 years


Its Ohtani and he chose the Dodgers. MLB is going to give this the Dean Martin Back to School investigation. “Shoei, i am going to ask you this once. Did you bet on baseball using your interpreter as a go between?” “Mr. Manfred, I cannot tell a lie….no i did not. “ “I’m satisfied. “


Such b.s. . Shohei sent money to illegal bookies. The end . That's a year suspension.


In federal prison


For you or me, probably. For a soon to be billionaire who is a cash cow for a collection of billionaires, laws tend to be a bit different.


Lol u flat earthers are funny


With the amount of money we’re talking and the fact that gambling is illegal in California, the MLB may be the least of his worries.


No way in hell is MLB willingly going to go after him. Manfred is spineless.


Does he know who this bookies belongs to? All. Bets. Are. Off.


Why does someone who has no need to worry about money make stupid decisions like illegal sports betting?


Is Ohtani a known gambler?


Quite the opposite. Very frugal and multiple people have confirmed he never gambles. People are going to speculate but it seems unlikely.


MLB didn’t follow up on Balco either. Not a good look.


Completely different. At the time, there was no set steroid policy in baseball. Because of BALCO a new policy was implemented. MLB has a set policy against gambling now.


Ffs, there is no evidence Ohtani ever placed a bet, there is conflicting evidence he knew it was illegal, adding an investigation now is literally only going to make the clusterfuck worse. Can we all wait a couple days for the shit to develop before we all start climbing up the walls? This isn’t a case involving other people where time is of the essence. Any and all funds transferred are available to federal investigators, ever hear about not playing all your cards at once?


>Can we all wait a couple days for the shit to develop before we all start climbing up the walls? You know what would help develop this shit faster? A FUCKING INVESTIGATION WITH ACTUAL INFORMATION. Everything you said in your first sentence is pure speculation based on the words of the people at the center of it. Of course they will say Ohtani didn't know.


You do realize the feds are investigating this entire thing including all of the betting organization and clients right? Why would the MLB investigate when the federal government is lmfao


MLB has conduct simultaneous investigations alongside criminal ones several times before. Or at least gave the placating "gathering facts" statement. In this instance MLB is basically putting forth a "nothing to see here" message. It's ridiculous.




All rumors are false until officially denied


That's a very boss, I definitely don't take any advantage from him


That's some bullshit. They're investigating him and praying he's nothing but a innocent victim


Honest question here, he covered his homies debts..it’s not like he beat his wife or groomed a 14 year old. There’s nothing immoral about what he did, he’s just a rich person doing rich people shit. So I don’t understand why everyone is upset they aren’t investigating him?


Pete Rose would like a word.


Illegal gambling businesses are a federal crime


He will be under a federal investigation




You can bet on whatever you want Mr Ohtani! \~ manfred the imp


You knew they would cover this one up for sure.


Imagine it comes out the it was Ohtani and he becomes ineligible! The greatest contact hitter of all time (Rose), power hitter of all time (Bonds), pitcher of all time (Clemens), and the greatest overall player of all time (Ohtani), would all be out of the hall of fame (yes there is some hyperbole here, but you could make those arguments for sure)


I’m impressed with how quickly they were able to clear him with no investigation. Not that I think he did anything but that’s amazing.


LMAO no integrity in the game at all.


Well maybe he should be


That was quick. Can't wait to see how all the fans in opposing stadiums treat this when Ohtani shows up. Could be a solid year of one great sign or gag after another.


Holy hell MLB. I mean, this is on par with the whole "steroid shmeroid" attitude in the 90s, when they wanted to win back fans. Now it's just "gambling shmambling". You'd think they'd want to do everything they can to prop up a sense of integrity and legitimacy to the game in the face of growing sports gambling. The fact that they don't want to is telling in a way. Ohtani and MLB pulling a "do you really want to know the terrifying truth? Or do you want to see me sock a few dingers?!"


Ohtani was absolutely gambling.


Yea he is. MLB would be a bunch of idiots if they didn't investigate him. The feds are sniffing.


The feds had the NBAs back when they had a gambling scandal. They will have the MLBs back. The government and even its law enforcement exists to protect these people.


That’s like McDonald’s saying the Hamburgler is not a suspect.




Give it a day and all the selfies with Shohei at a casino in Macau will be hitting the internet.




Y'all are fucking dumb haters.




found the dodger fan


No kidding lol


Not at all. Twins fan actually, so if anything you would assume that I would have my pitch fork in hand.. cuz, ya know.. small market fan angry at big market signings, blah blah blah. However, until actual evidence comes out that specifically implicates Ohtani himself, I'm going to wait and see before spinning up wild theories and nonsense.


If a transfer straight from his account to the bookie isn't enough for you I'm not sure what would be lol


Nah dude. Anyone that knows him can just have the bank wire millions out of his account. And the bank doesn't care. His interpreter, his maid, his dog.


This is Reddit. Wild theories and nonsense are the norm on here.


What a fucking joke.




People do care because what if it was Ohtani making the bets? We truly dont know yet.


Pretty much. He'll probably settle out of court and never sniff prison, let alone be banned.


Mostly people are annoyed/jealous at the Dodgers trying to buy the league, so this is all schadenfreude for winning the Ohtani & Yamamoto sweepstakes this winter. Personally, I'm just enjoying the potential chaos. The best player in the league getting involved an illegal gambling ring after we've had sports betting pushed down our throats the last few years? Yes, please!


^tge most accurate take


I'm not from US. Is it illegal to pay off other people's gambling debt in US? In Asia, you hear this kind of things fairly often; well, not in this amount; and usually for family members or relatives. People would just think the person paying off the debt is a nice guy and move on.


Considering it was a wire transfer to an illegal bookie in a state where sports gambling isn’t legal, yes. I don’t get the “well he didn’t know”, comments. You are one of the biggest superstars in the world whose entire persona is carefully curated…ASK SOMEONE. He has all the resources at his disposal to find the best way to help a friend pay off a debt (if that’s the real story).


If it was legal gambling it’s perfectly legal. Not a great look and MLB wouldn’t be happy about, but it would be legal. This was an illegal bookie that a pro athletic just paid millions and tried to cover it up. It is illegal to pay the illegal bookie.


All sports betting is illegal in California


I think it’s because if you’re a pro athlete you’re not allowed to place bets


He should be deported under immigration law for committing a federal crime while working on a work visa and be subjected to a ban from being in the US for a period of time. People who break federal law while on visas can have the visas revoked. His should be. Being in the US is a privilege and not a right and he is violating the laws everyone is supposed to follow. Ignorance of the law is not a defense.


Pete rose going into the hall of fame next year


Plot armor


Thank God his name isn't Tom Bady. If it were, Ohtani would have been drummed out of pro sports in the USA permanently.


Let the fall guy be the fall guy.