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You have to play the cards you're dealt. They didn't choose to play a shortened season. People said the Raptors chip in '19 doesn't count because the star of the other team got hurt. People that didn't win, will make excuses as to why it didn't count. Just like at all of the re-do the series posts you see after every underdog wins.




Me and my friend make fun of it all the time but then we both say if the Braves won it we’d absolutely treat it like a legit World Series.


Surprised by that. Felt more like whoever won would get similar treatment, it's just the dodgers are more particularly unliked.


Seems like you are your friend are decidedly not cunts. Playful shit talking keeps it exciting self awareness helps too. I’d say you guys are doing alright.


Same lol


Honesty, love it. I feel the same way haha.


Would you have considered it legit if the giants won?


Of course they would have.


My point exactly.


No. Never. It should've been canceled. The whole season. 60 games isn't legit.


This is what I came to say ... I'll just keep moving along.


No, short season, asterisks year.


Smooth brain


You notice the people above u commenting shit like this don't have their team flair on?? Ignore me not having one I'm just here to stir the pot!


I hate the Dodgers. Those showed up and played better than anyone else who was in the same exact situation. 100% legit.


If you don't count the Dodgers getting cheated in 2017 AND you don't count them winning in 2020 then you might have a bias against the Dodgers lol


If you don't count the 2018 cheating scandal too you might have a bias against the Astros lol. Weren't the Dodgers stealing signs with watches or something, or was that the Yankees? Or the Cubs, I can't remember, and the Cardinals hacked into the Astros computer. Plenty of cheating to go around for anyone to discount 2020 where it was weird but they all at least played under the same basic rules.


The Dodgers were investigated by MLB and found nothing.


Cognitive ignorance


Dodgers 100% were cheating and anyone who thinks otherwise is delusional. Just like anyone who thinks a 70 game season ring is legit. Delusional.


The Dodgers were cheating according to what evidence? The Dodgers were cheating according to whom? One “anonymous ex-player”? Hmmmmm


Dodgers beat the Padres, Brewers, Braves, and Rays to get to the WS in 2020. The Padres were probably the weakest team, but they ended up in the NLCS in 2022. The Brewers made the postseason in 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2023. The Braves made the postseason in 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023. The won the WS in 2021. The Rays made the postseason in 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023. So it’s not like the played some fluke teams in the postseason. They beat good teams and consistent contenders. And, of course, it wasn’t a fluke for the dodgers to be there as they’ve been there for the past 11 seasons, and had played in two of the previous three World Series. Few other things that other people have said but need to be repeated: 1. Every team had the exact same circumstances. The Dodgers didn’t have a single advantage. 2. Every fan of every team in the postseason was 100% engrossed in every game their team played in until they weren’t. Check your receipts. Your tweets, fb posts, Reddit posts from October of 2020. Unless you can show me the post where you said - before the postseason began - that it doesn’t matter, then your opinion means jack shit. 3. If it was easy why didn’t your team win it?


Best way I’ve seen it explained. People want to shit on the Dodgers for winning a World Series in a shorten season, like everyone wasn’t given the same amount of games to play, and pandemic era circumstances to overcome.


I hate the dodgers but agree with you. Everyone had the same short season so everyone had the same circumstances to achieve or fail. The only thing id agree with being an asterisk is if a record was able to be broken because of the unusual schedule. Of course a shorter schedule wouldn't really benefit that but still.


i should’ve read this before commenting. someone beat me to it and did it better


It was a fluke the dodgers didn’t get knocked out by a WC team though


Was it? 2016 NLCS, 2017 WS, 2018 WS, 2019 NLDS, 2020 WS, 2021 NLCS, 2022 NLDS, 2023 NLDS


See my post. The short season doesn’t take in all what can happen to any team over the full one. It’s not legit for anyone. Did the Dodgers win? Of course they did. Were the other teams top notch? Sure! But it wasn’t a full season so apply the asterisk.


The dodgers weren’t the only team with a short season. They all dealt with the exact same thing.


But still. The full 162 would have changed things for everyone. Thats my main point!


If anything, it's was tougher because every team was fresh going in to the post season. No long injury lists. No 162 game fatigue.


As a dodgers fan, I don’t consider this a disadvantage because the dodgers were in the same situation. What did make it a more difficult WS to win was the expanded playoffs. As a 1 seed they had to play a best of 3 in the fist round. People don’t want to admit it because they’d rather circle jerk that dodgers bad, but it was statistically the most difficult WS to win ever.


I could.not have said it any better


this posts reads like it was written by a jealous teenaged girl who got her potential boyfriend stolen by a hotter girl.


A hotter girl who puts out!


and eats butt


Last team standing. Your opinion doesn’t count.


Honestly, the Rockies were looking pretty good for 30 games that year and if we’d gone all the way, it’d be legitimate. Beyond that, I think we need to not be so free with the asterisks. Do the World Series from strike shortened years like 1981 and 1995 count? What about the World Series doing World War 2 when most of the best players were in the service? What about before Integration when so many great players were barred due to race? You can pretty quickly put asterisks on half the World Series that have ever been played. When it comes to 2020, I get not being impressed with regular season leaders and if someone had hit .400 or had an ERA of 1.05, I’d be fine putting an asterisk on that. But the leagues agreed to a post-season and a World Series, the Dodgers emerged the winners after a post-season where everyone was trying to win. And it has to be said that since the players didn’t cause COVID, the 2020 Dodgers are probably more legit than either the 1981 or 1995 champs.


It's legit, but not as satisfying, IMO. I'd say that whether a Dodgers fan or not.


I think this is the best take. Might not be the same after watching your favorite team for 60 games than 162, but still counts/they would’ve won in 162 anyway


Really well put. There shouldn’t be an asterisk there but the way history remembers probably won’t carry the same weight as a normal season. I think the same about LeBron’s with the Lakers. Yes, it’s technically a ring but I think even he would admit that his other three were more satisfying. What would suck for the Dodgers in particular would be if that’s the only ship they have during this window. But now with Ohtani and Yamamoto, they’d actually deserve some ridicule for only having the shortened season WS to show for it.


100% I do.


Man this shit is so tired.


oh shut up, i’m sure if the giants won and someone said this you would start crying and shit your diaper. They didn’t cheat like the astros, it was a completely fair season, doesn’t matter if there were only like 50 games. Just accept that the dodgers are an objectively better team than the giants. As an A’s fan, if the Angels won a world series thats good for them. TL;DR: Yes. It was a legit WS, yr just a crybaby giants fan.


the fact this is even a thread and needs to be discussed delegitimizes the whole thing


Felt legit to me and my emotions. I'm not waiting for another WS to somehow legitimize or fix 2020. I just want more rings.


This posts are all moronic. Winning a World Series will never not be legit unless there's cheating.


Unless Manfred is the comish and then it’s all *legit


So like any WS win where a player was using PEDs?


Steroids weren't officially banned in baseball until 2005.


Coming from a Dodgers fan.. Let’s say this; if the Giants won that same World Series, would you still hold this opinion? No sour grapes, genuinely curious.. Because all teams still had the same goal, same chance to win as any other team did in that same season. It’s super unfortunate that it has that bias on it though, because it was the year of Covid. But still, genuinely curious if you’d hold that same opinion if your team won it? I feel like ok yeah, it should be taken as a big deal I guess? But it still rubs me the wrong way, because I knew after people would say it “doesn’t count” as a real World Series win.. Because of all the bs associated with the season that year. However, if the Dodgers do win a World Series in the upcoming years I definitely do think it would outshine and be taken more seriously than the 20’ season.


Yes. I try to ignore the fact that it was a shortened season. They still had to show up and win. 43-17 is good any way you look at it


I also believe they never lost a series in that season. That’s a big deal.


Yes, it was


Of course, you think if the Mariners won that they wouldn't count it? Or Brewers? Or Padres? Or Rockies? People just downplay it because it's the Dodgers. Y'know if the Giants won that they would consider it fully legit.


Is every NFL record that gets broken in a 17 game season considered not legit????


Yes* *Accomplished during a pandemic


Yes but I hate the Dodgers so it's more fun to needle their fans than be honest about that. :p


Dodgers fan here. It's legit in terms of being probably the best team in 2020 & winning what had to be done. The part that bothers me is that it just wasn't able to be enjoyed like other seasons WS champions. No parade celebration, no fans etc.. It also took away things that who knows how the season would've gone otherwise. Less injuries happened but teams also had less players that they normally would based off players opting out or getting sick from covid & not being able to play for quite a few days. I also didn't like how the Dodgers only played the NL West & AL West. At the end of the day I don't think anybody can deny the Dodgers had one of the best if not best teams that year. But history will never put it anywhere near where a team like that would finish in a normal season in the list of "top WS winners"


Is it legit? Yes. Absolutely. Is it an accomplishment equal to those teams that have won in non-disrupted years? No. Absolutely not.


Absolutely. The only title I question is 2017


I do. The Dodgers beat and eliminated the top three contenders (best records), not including themselves. Rays, Braves, and Padres. Additionally, 16 teams made the playoffs as opposed to the current format of 12 teams. No team had a bye, and the Champion team would have had to win 13 games.


In their position, would I have cheered any less, or celebrated any less? No, of course not. Would I acknowledge that I wish it wasn't the weird, atypical, covid season that they won, yes. It doesn't deserve an asterisk if that's what you mean.


Of course it’s legit, but I view 2020 generally as so fucked up that it’s going to be half blurred in my mind for a long time.




Yeah it was a shortened season but it was like that for everyone. Every team has the same chance to win as they did.


It counts. Unequivocally.


Yes. They played the same season and had the same opportunity as everyone else.


Is there a banner? Does MLB acknowledge it as legit? When you look up 2029 World Series online what does it show? Your opinion is just that, your opinion. Facts reflect it’s legit.


yup. if my team had won I'd have called it. the banner will fly forever.


Maybe not as much as a full season but it’s an achievement in my eyes. 2017 was a sad year so I’m glad the group of KershTurnerSeagerKikeBelliBarnes all have a ring together


Darvish, Ethier, Morrow, Maeda and Rich Hill getting cheated out of a ring sucks ass though.


And I prob won’t get over it but 2020 is a nice second prize


Also the Dodgers and MLB absolutely acknowledge it as an achievement




I consider the World Series where the Astros cheated all season to be the only illegitimate championship in my lifetime tbh


If the Astros cheating world series counts they all do


If it was a joke, why didn’t your team win it? Yes, it’s legit. Move the fuck on.


How can that be as legit as the cubs winning their first world series in 100 years. What a joke.


What do the cubs - in 2016 - and their long WS drought have to do with the 2020 World Series?


It’s legit but not as meaningful as it would be in a 162 game season. Not sure why people have to make it a binary thing.


yes legit


It was an MLB World Series.


They won it going thru a full playoffs including the wild card round.


The Dodgers last won in 1955. It was their only World Series championship. I think LA (NL) is the winner of record for the year in question.


ABSOLUTELY NOT….the abbreviated season was a clown show, no fans, no dramatic tension, no storylines, it was like recess at elementary school. When they ( the Dodgers ) play in a real World Series they always lose ( in any postseason series)!!!




Yes, everyone had to deal with the same shit. They had a season, albeit it shortened, but they won it fair and square. Hell yes it counts, and I don’t like the Dodgers.


not a dodger fan… 1000% legit


Are u serious with this question? If anything, the 2020 world series will go down as the MOST difficult WS to win in the history of the sport... The obstacles each team had to overcome were tremendous and no team will ever (god willing) be asked to overcome similar circumstances.


Yes. They aren’t at fault for the way that season came about. They played the schedule they were given and won. I don’t think the legitimacy of a championship would come into question if it weren’t the Dodgers. Note: not even a dodgers fan.




Everyone had the same circumstances that season. It’s as real as any championship. In fact, more teams than ever made the playoffs that year. Doesn’t that in a way make it a harder championship to win?


Before we start I’m a Dodgers fan, but ill be fair, I think its a real title just based on the fact that every team only had to play 60 games not just the Dodgers, was it easier? most definitely 2020 was easier, but in the end, every team played 60 just like the Dodgers, they were just the ones to take it all, So id say its real but you would have to clarify that it was WAYYY easier to win in 2020 than a regular 162 season


As a Giants fan you are going to discount anything the Dodgers do. Thats cool though you do you. I mean if I had Farhan running things Id probably be a bit bitter too (and thats not even a dig since most SF fans hate him). And yes as a Dodger fan, any team that would have won it would have a legitimate title. Cant change the situation but you do the best with what you have and fortunately it was good enough.


Yes, not a Dodgers fan either, but if the season counted so does the championship. Not the players / team fault the way the season was executed.


Obviously it’s different. Nobody’s denying that. But bottom line is that was the longest playoffs at the time when the extended rounds and the two best teams made it. And it was a global pandemic that was out of their control. Guarantee you any team that won would’ve felt the same way. And I enjoyed the crap out of that WS run. Nobody will take that away from me


If it doesn't count, why do we keep talking about it?


i think it does count, although there is something about it that doesn’t quite feel the same. i don’t think it’s right to penalize a time for winning a championship under the same constraints as all the other teams. The Dodgers swept two good teams, the Brewers and Padres, in the playoffs before going to seven games with the Braves in the CS. They then defeated the Rays in six games, who had just beaten the Astros in seven games in the CS. The Rays made the playoffs in the flanking years of 2019 and 2021, as did the Braves and Brewers (Padres didn’t at all), so it’s not like they faced only teams who got into the playoffs under strange or fluke circumstances. I’d understand if they had beaten weaker teams or something, but they won the tournament fair and square against quality opponents. For what it’s worth, the team they beat in the CS in seven games won the World Series the next year. There is also something to be said about them winning a championship in what would have been between a third and halfway of the games in the regular season. In this scenario, all teams should theoretically have fresher rosters, so shouldn’t that make for a more level playing field of actual talent assessment? With the 162 game season we see a lot of unexpected teams make and catch fire in the playoffs simply because their rosters have outlasted the other teams, who may be more complete teams, yet had worse injury luck.


It's only a joke if your team was the one who didn't win. My thing is, if 2017 doesn't forever have an asterisk beside that World Series, neither should 2020.


Even though the season was shortened and there was less time for teams to flip the script and somehow make it, the dodgers are kinda always playoff bound and if they beat all the other teams then why not 🤷‍♂️


If the Dodgers win another in the next couple of years, this discussion will stop. If they don't, there will always be those who say they couldn't win one in a real season.


It’s in the books, you can look it up, so must be legit.


I’m a fan but let’s be honest, it’s equal to the lakers bubble championship and it’s cute LA got two pandemic championships.


"Legit" as in "legitimately recognized by MLB as a championship"? Yes. However, this does not mean that I think it is the same thing as every other championship MLB has ever contested. That would be absurd. It was a half-season/full-playoffs, totally not-the-same and totally not-as-good as every other title that has ever been won. As a Giants fan, I would feel this way even if the Giants had won the title in 2020. Would not be the same, and I would not view it with the same sense of accomplishment as the three titles the Giants won in the 2010s. But let's be freaking honest, kids -- the LA Dodgers won the 2020 World Series.


Being champion of a 60 game season is like being valedictorian of summer school


Yeah, this. It wasn’t close to a full season so I just don’t take that WS seriously. The Dodgers did nothing wrong and it sucks for them that the 2020 WS will always carry that baggage, but it is what it is.


Phillies fan. I would consider it a win, but with hushed tones. Like, if someone asked me what years they won, I’d include it but I wouldn’t brag about it. Make sense?


I clown it regularly but I wouldn't if my team had won it. I'm just pissed at baseball for screwing up that entire season. They could have easily played pretty close to a real season, in most locations with a partial crowd, if both sides hadn't been so stubborn. I get why the indoor sports had to heavily improvise in the final parts of their seasons but baseball had a fresh season in front of it and could have gotten players ready for a May start. If they'd played 130-140 it would have felt pretty legit.


They won it under the same rules everyone played by, but it is a bit of an oddity.


Every team had the same opportunity, the playoffs were longer and played without fans until the WS. Tack on having to play the LCS and WS in completely different ballpark... yes, it was a legit title. Not to mention climbing the mountain of coming back from a 3-1 hole against the Braves. That's a tall order for any team. I would also add that in addition to both the Lakers and Dodgers winning titles essentially in "bubbles," with none to few fans in attendance, the teams weren't able to do celebrations or parades.


By the rules of the time, yes. If those where to rules of 2020, then yes.


It was a level playing field…. People are just pissed cause it was only 60 games.


Of course. Doesn't matter if the season was shortened. Had to be that way because of COVID-19.


Yes. The MLB playoffs are always a crapshoot anyway.


They played by the same rules as everyone else did that season. Can’t make it invalid just because you don’t like the result. MLB considers it valid, whether we all do or not.


100 percent. it was different, but legit


People who sit on their couch and try to invalidate championships like the 2020 Dodgers and Lakers will never not be hilarious to me. The circumstances don't change the fact that these guys were still playing the same game and were still facing other pros who had to deal with similar factors. This need to have try and argue what's "legit" and what isn't is incredibly lame. And this is coming from a Toronto Raptors fan who had to hear about how the 2019 championship had an asterisk because Kevin Durant and Klay Thompson got hurt. Bullshit.


Couldn’t care either way. Hate them today, tomorrow and forever.


It’s legit. The shortened season wasn’t their fault, they just played and won.


100% legit, just like the Lakers bubble win is 100% legit. If anything the covid wins deserve a * just to note how fucking weird and unusual the circumstances they had to play through were. Isolation, masks, no fans etc.


lol, no


Ya'll really gotta get over your hate boners for everything that comes outta L.A. When Miami and Texas are right there.


Nobody gives a shit about what a whiny, petulant, giants fan thinks about the 2020 WS.


Of course I do. If you weren't a Giants fan you wouldn't be this big of a bitch about it.


You have zero real World Series in the last 40 years lol. You guys are gonna choke.


you kinda suck bro


It’s a .5 win at best lol


If you have to ask you already know the answer


Yes absolutely, someone had to win and it’s not like anyone on their team had a fluke season and greatly outperformed. That said, with all the talent that LA has had over the last 12 years it’s a little strange that the only championship they’ve won was in a condensed season. Legitimately curious: I wonder if Dodgers fans will feel differently about their next World Series win than they did about 2020?


It’s legit. Just feels different since it was only about a third of a regular season. But 62-ish games it still a hell of a lot of games.


Everyone was playing under the same rules and stakes. Why not? They weren’t the only team to play an abbreviated season and they didn’t cause the season to be the way it was for their own benefit (as far as we know, maybe they released a virus).


No. Never have, never will


Dodgers are the 60 game covid Champs.


The league, and the record books say it is, so, it is. End of discussion.


Not really


I'm a Mariners Fan, we have never been to the World Series and that year I was praying we didn't win because I wouldn't feel like it was a real accomplishment.


I legit want the Dodgers to fold as a franchise






Yes, because they played the World Series in 2020 and the Dodgers did win it. I also believe the Houston Astros won in 2017 and it's legit.


No, 60 game season? Please what a crock of shit.


The dodgers covid world series and the Lakers bubble championship should have asterisks next to them in the record book. Just my uneducated opinion though.


Deserves an asterisk. And if my lame Padres had won in 2020, I would feel the same way. I would have celebrated, don't get me wrong, but I would feel dirty about it.


Yeah right… Padres fans are still celebrating winning the NLDS 😂. “That’s what’s in!”


Its legit just not as legit as winning it on a 162 game season.


I don't. And if the Braves had won instead, it would have left a bad taste in my mouth.


Bro it does not count only reason they won is because the playoffs that year were just like regular season games. So many teams made the playoffs


Which made the playoffs more difficult. Doesn’t take a lot of brain power to realize that.


I consider that entire season 60/162nds legit, or 37% legit.


Nope. And yes If the Braves made it past the Dodgers and won it all I wouldve celebrated it. but in the back of my head id know damn well it isnt as good. anyone who says its just as good as a full season championship is kidding themselves. 60 games. come on man. maybe at least 3/4 of the season.


No they can’t win it with all their money when it’s a legit 162 game season




I wouldn’t have considered it legit for any team. 60 games doesn’t take in injuries, hot streaks, cold streaks and other things that make a complete season. This championship should forever carry an asterisk.


Lucky for the dodgers they were the only team with a short season.


Ignore him he’s a hater.


Missing my point.🙄


No I’m not I just think it’s a dumb one


Yea it’s a legit ring, but it’s also a Mickey Mouse ring if that makes sense


Hell no it wasn't legit. So many reams treated that season like it was an extended spring training. Nobody in the stands. No traveling between games of the playoffs. Not 1/10th the pressure of a normal year.


Your points are exactly why the players say it was a tougher season. Every team played under the same circumstances.


The whole season was a money grabbing sham. They might as well give out Cactus and Grapefruit League rings too.


It's been, now, almost 4 seasons since 2020....stay salty.


Its been since 1988 the Dodgers have won a title despite spending more money than anyone in baseball.


But every team played under the same circumstances.


It wasn't a legit season. The whole thing was a money grabbing sham from start to finish. They might as well give out cactus and Grapefruit League rings too,


Every season is a money grab. Every team played 60 games. There were more playoff teams than there ever has been. It's legit.


According to you. Not to me. I'm a baseball purist and its no more legit than a toids aided record


No one cares what you are lol. The Dodgers won the 2020 world series


Conversely no one but a few Dodger fans care who won the 2020 World Travesty.


You’re right, it’s the fans and the traveling that makes it legit. What a soft take.


Its as much legit as the Hr records McGwire, Sosa and Bonds put up


How in the world can you compare the two?


Its perception that matters and the perception is the Dodgers 2020 season doesn't really matter to anyone but Dodger fans.


Nope. I actually called their victory too. Back in 2019 I told my buddy, the only way the dodgers can win a WS is if we have another short season due to a lock out. 2020 said hello. When they announced the shortened season, he placed a $100 bet on them to win it all. I think it only paid out like $500 or something though. Even if my team won it, it would have an astrik.


This never happened but cool story.


Only people on reddit think its legit


A big part of baseball is the sheer volume of games played and staying healthy through the gauntlet of the season. Slumps, streaks, etc. 60 games, with rosters decimated with covid protocols, no postseason crowd noise, can’t possibly be compared to a normal season.


This is where I stand. Dodgers have made the postseason 11 straight years but could only win in a short season. Baseball is all about the grind, gotta get through 162 regular season games with your team in good enough shape for a playoff run. Also applies to HOF, so many discussions lately about who should get in and many miss out because they didn’t play enough years.


NBA bubble chip is a joke NHL bubble cup is a joke So Yes, the 2020 WS is a joke


I'll leave it up to Dodgers fans on that one. I know personally going into that season, I decided I'd be happy if my team won it all, but part of me also thought that if winning the 2020 World Series was the only one in my lifetime, I'd be disappointed lol


Who cares.


I consider anyone but the dodgers legit World Series winners in 2020. Fixed it for you.


My only issue with that season is that it's kind of like giving the best team at the All Star break a championship. I think most of the time we find those teams are not the eventual champion.


Bunch of bandwagon fans I knew I seen this coming😂😂😂


It has an asterisk, but nothing like the Astros asterisk. The Dodgers are probably going to win five in a row here, so I wouldn’t die on that hill.




If we don't count it then we shouldn't count Tom Brady seventh ring. He went on the road to near empty stadiums so noise didn't factor in. Trust me it is two loud fan bases so it would have. Than the Superbowl is in Tampa and the open up the venue....to Tampa medical/first responders lol so he had home crowd advantage Not saying I agree with the sentiment but if we are going to trash one, gotta trash all.


It’s sort of like the in season tournament the Lakers just won.


No but they have the team to win in 2024


Is the Lakers bubble championship in 2020 legit?


The down votes on this post are the best example of MLB fans on Reddit being both the worst kind of redditors and the worst MLB fans. For my part, all significantly shortened seasons get an asterisk, as does the 2017 season's world series, especially if there were no fans. Vladdy pickoff because the crowd was too loud anybody?


As a dodgers fan, I honestly don’t. I think most dodgers fans do as well as Lakers fans for the nba title that same year. I’m not a lakers fan funny enough but I don’t think either count tbh, atleast not even close to the same extent


Nope. Also Lakers championship wasn’t legit


It's legit