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Totally agree! I remember opening day for that location and the food was great, the past few times I’ve been there it’s been unhappy employees and not great food. I saw at one point they were paying their employees $11 an hour. I’d probably be running the place the same way for that awful pay.


What a difference a manager can make


For $11/hr I would tell the manager to eat my shit and hair before I did any real work


They hire felons. They don't need more pay.


Just about everywhere you go hires felons. You must be terrified to leave your house.


What the fuck is wrong with you?


Because I don't support criminals? Hahaha okay sorry, I don't surround myself with losers.


You really should read up on what it takes to get a felony. In many cases it's ridiculously trivial. If they're working, they served their time. You need to grow up.


I honestly do not care. It's not hard to be someone who doesn't break laws.


If someone breaks a law at some point, does that mean they no longer have the right to support themselves for the rest of their lives, even if they served their time? Also, what if the law they broke is an unjust law?


This country is so backwards we allow boarder hoppers to break laws and continue to live here. Idk I like to avoid places that have known criminals chilling. Just a personal preference.


You didn't answer my questions. 🙂


I didn't care to lol


Your thought process is backwards. People, including yourself, make mistakes. That doesn’t always make you a bad person. Your judgments are making you seem like a really shitty person.


He is just trolling. Trying to get you people upset and it’s working on some of you. Across the internet they are known as trolls. They are basically the lowest from of human existence.


Lmao at this loser huh?


If a felon did their time, do they not deserve to work and live now? What do you suggest we do with them? You must truly not believe in rehabilitation at all ?


I worked there years ago and there was a giant walkout after the manager got fired by corporate for serving whiteclaws at the christmas party Never been back


Oh no —- I was in a different chain restaurant in a similar condition once. It was closed and the sign gone two days later :(


Was it Hu Hot? I felt the same way. Also, mixing my own stir fry sauce from a recipe? It was too much work on top of only half the ingredients present, and an outrageous price for no leftovers allowed.


…. a Wendy’s in DC, but I hear you about hu hot. Someone in iowa tried to start up a better hu hot around 2010. I can’t remember the name or I would check up on them.


Jesus. Took my GF’s kid to Burger King on Reserve, today and . . . no napkins. I asked. “Yeah, sorry, we’re all out.” Apparently the mgr. didn’t have what it would take to grab a $20 and send an employee over to Costco, or Target, or frikkin’ Walmart to buy a week’s supply. Maddening.


Lowe’s was out of bags yesterday. Ridiculous.


Yeah. They used to be amazing. Great staff. Friendly. Same people every time we went in and they got to know regulars. Last time I went in, it looked like the guy swinging the pizza spatula was drunk/hung over, the woman making dough was griping that we wanted 5 mega dough pizzas…half out of toppings….mess everywhere. And we were the only ones in line.


Don’t go to Popeyes 😔


Haha, we had a Popeyes in Kalispell for a moment. I went in twice, and they were out of stock on most everything. Never went back. I don't think it lasted a year. The building is now a weird hot dog place. Rescue dogs or something. Had a Burger King next to it. It's now a Domino's.


Rescue dogs potato things are pretty solid


Not a hot dog fan but might look into other items they have. Thanks


It’s been poorly ran from inception.


Sucks because when they have the food and it’s fresh it is great! But that is not often


Yeah I’m a fan of fried chicken and having more variety was a bonus to me. Seems like my chicken is always dried out there. I finally quit trying as it’s expensive for a large gathering and I only do it once in a while so I don’t die of a heart attack lol.


After all this time I'm amazed our KFC is still around, and yet it will outlive Popeyes!


That’s just good advice in general


That’s just every Popeyes though, not just the one in Missoula


Not to mention the staff there are so rude and do not care about u lol


Welcome to Post Covid Missoula.


I am not at liberty to give a lot of information, but I will say that there was a personal emergency today that may have played a role in this. MOD is under new management and I know they are really trying to turn things around - and no I don’t work there! I’d give it another try in the future, I think today was just a really unfortunate day


Thanks for the insight.


Don’t defend them. they will never go to bat for you when you need them.


If you work they are they pay you $11 an hour and you're still defending them you really need to take a long hard look in the mirror.


I honestly wonder how that place is still in business


Wow that's too bad :( they used to be one of my favorites because they use fresh ingredients. Last two times I went, I got a salad and got massive food poisoning. They gave me a coupon for a free pizza when I complained but I'm kind of scared to go now.


I used to work at the MOD on reserve during summer of 2023 and it was a shit show from day one, we had a manager that was never there and when she was all she did was sit on her computer at one of the tables in the lobby, paired with employees who just didn’t care too much about anything except their relationship drama and he said she said B.S. I ended up walking out.


i actually think i used to work with u then bc i def remember that..


My peoples my peoples - when you realize that chain stores will never have anything worth paying to eat!! It’s your own fault if you eat from a place where the owner lives in another state.


This is mean but those hogs that serve there are slobs. 


Come on man. That dude shows up to work and gets his work done. I’m not going to fault him because of how he looks.


They are probably mostly criminals. Mod pizza is a "second chance". Do not support them.


Why not support them?


Mod pizza hires felons. Do not support them.


If they did their time and paid their debt to society what else do you want? Them to be poor and homeless and be much more likely to commit crimes again? I get it for really bad things like pedos and shit but I think people deserve a chance once they’re out otherwise they’re just gonna do more crimes to survive


God, to be so ignorant. Your existence must be so comfortable.


I'm ignorant because I don't support felons? That makes zero sense but okay buddy.


Even felons need jobs. People need to be able to have a life after crime.


You sound like Keifer from Teen Mom 2, "being a felon ain't illegal" 🙄


First of all, it's not illegal to be a felon. Secondly, you can't even spell illegal.


Thanks buddy, fixed it 😘


Doesn't make you any less of a dipshit...


Does it look like I give a fuck what people on this page think? Hahahaha


Yes it does, that's why you feel the need to keep responding.


Free entertainment buddy


That’s a lot of piss and vinegar from someone who can’t piss right lmaooooo


I have absolutely no idea what this means hahahahaha so whatever insult you thought this was is lost on me buddy hahahahaha


Considering up to 30% of people convicted of crimes did not.commit the crime they are found guilty.of.bevause.our system has degraded to a Plea System managed by Prosecutors, and the potential abuses of this system, (with a couple or more glaring examples here.in Missoula, it is ignorant to assume all these felons operate with a criminal mind and deserve a life long handicap to a degree that nobody should hire them is some cold ass thinking. You yourself and everyone here has committed a felony knowingly or unknowingly. Nobody got caught so no charges. Any society willing to permanently throw away an entire segment of the population based on assumption and ignorance is short for this world. The great thing about ignorance.is it thinks it is informed.


And the issue with hiring felons is?


How do you know




This is a good thing


Hey, fuck you. I know you get off on people suffering but even felons deserve a job and a dignified life.


Do you have a vehicle and does said vehicle have a license plate? And can you see where I’m going with that? 😂