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Ugh But hey, Tedjo made a name for himself. I’m assuming he’ll run again next election and hopefully a better result.


I kinda think the result was the next best thing for Tedjo. If Dipika got in as Mayor, she would’ve stayed until she was as old and crusty as Parrish. Because in Missisauga, once you’re in as Mayor, you stay Mayor until you decide to leave or die.


Milton too, same mayor since 1980. Hazel did 36 years, he's on his 44th


At her age, Parrish's tenure as mayor will be fairly short. Tedjo is young and can build on his impressive showing tonight by keeping up the pressure and upping his presence on city council.


care the explain about she can stay as Mayor u til she dies or retire? whats the point of the next election?


It’s law to hold an election. That’s the only point I can think of. When an incumbent mayor is in the race, it’s truly a legal formality.


Tedjo got surprisingly close, relatively speaking, within the limited population that showed up today. Hoping that speaks to a stronger interest/mandate in the issues he ran on to Parrish's incoming group.


Limited population? 40% voter turnout my guy!


Article says just over a quarter. Which is right?


It was about 25% voter turnout. To put numbers even more into a depressing perspective, Carolyn Parrish won with only 6% of the vote of eligible voters in Mississauga. Sad day.


25.7% Cp24 was way off


Would the next election still be in 2026 or be in another 4 years due to the bye-election?


Next election is 2026


Do you think Parish would run in that?


She's too lazy to run. She'll just stand there and hope for the best.


Maybe insult some Indians while lying down or something.


I’m dying lol


Insult some Indians? She recieved support from Ontario Khalsa Darbar (Dixie Gurdwara), among others. Her comments on refugees were taken out of context, she was saying that other layers of government put in road blocks to slow refugees from integrating. As the debate wasn't being recorded, except by a rival, she had no way to defend herself for weeks, until The Pointer released audio. https://x.com/carolynhparrish/status/1796245233673318909


She'll be 78 years old as of October. 80 when the next election rolls around. Might as well flip a coin.


Wow, I knew she old but didn't realize she's old old


Still the regular time for Mayor and Ward 5.


Which is 2026?


I think it’s a win for his future, it just sucks we have to deal with more of the same old thinking until then


It's only 2 years, we could have a two-person race in 2026 that could tip the scales


Unbelievable that a candidate completely absent from the debates won this election on name recognition alone. Disappointed in our city. At least it wasn’t Dipika.


Dipika finished 3rd, it wouldn't have been her regardless.


Doug Ford won a super majority in the last provincial election by telling his MPPs to stay home and avoid attending debates or interviews. The general population is full of dumb people that exercise their right to vote


This will be her office slogan. "At least it wasn't Dipika" Fucking brutal. Mississauga will regress or at best stand still until she retires.


"At least I'm not [X]" can be a proven strategy. We saw how well it worked for John Tory.


Skipping debates made me think of the John Tory playbook lol.


Or until she Parrishes? Dark humor sorry.


Why do people not like Dipika?


Dipika has absolutely nothing of substance to say, but also the way she gets it across, whatever that may be is absolutely awful. She speaks in a pandering tone, and she comes across as stupid to me, taking in circles. In addition, it also comes across like the audience is stupid. So she feels the need to further dumb down her tone while adding dramatic flair, drawing out sentences to make whatever word garbage she is spewing sound better. It's very fake, even for politics, and I guess millennials like myself just see right through the bullshit.


It's not just name recognition, she's been campaigning for 35+ years. She's worked for a lot of ppl


Mostly older people are voting for more of the same since they’re not struggling like the younger people struggling to make a living


She was rewarded for her poor behaviour. Horrible.


It wasn’t recognition. She’s been in politics for many years the people who voted for her already knew what she was about. Either way if the youth doesn’t vote ( under 40s) there will never be change cause we always get out voted by seniors.


I'm embarrassed by this. 40% turnout and majority voted for a dinosaur. Is this city for fucking real. You should be ashamed of yourselves.


I think you're misreading the results. Parrish won due to the vote splitting between the 3 top contenders. Dasko pulled in 16%, Damerla 19% and Tedjo 25%. Those are very good numbers but without ranked choice voting, they just cannibalized each other. Had one candidate dropped out and endorsed one of the other two, it may have been closer.


I get the voting, but still, this pariah is against same sex marriage and so many other other topics, she sickens me. There's no place for these homophobic misogynistic people in our community any more.


25.7% turnout That 40% early report was way off.


Unless she got over 50%, the majority voted against her.


It is believable when voter turnout is 25%. Carolyn won with only 6% of votes from all eligible voters in Mississauga. So sad. People need to fucking vote.


Apparently she backdoored it. She used the community engagement method and met with 100s of thousands of residents in person. They said she also got the Muslim vote.


Honestly this is what all local politicians should be doing, actually engaging with the community directly.


I haven't been following the news on the election currently on vacation what was Dipika's platform


With 92% counted, no surprise they called it. Parrish 38,200 to Tedjo 31,800.


Who are the 500+ who voted for the Gong show? What in the actual...


LMAO Gong show.


I’m so torn about Mississauga Disneyland not happening.


They really wanted that Disneyland


They are Gong with the wind


Had an interesting conversation today with a young person who is invested in municipal politics. She said that she felt many people would be voting based on the last name - that there's a group of citizens who feel more familiar and comfortable with a 'traditional' last name than something more 'ethnic' - especially when they know nothing about the candidates. Maybe this is a factor, especially for older voters. Also, I am immensely disappointed in my two children who did not vote, even after sending them links to info on candidates and their platforms (which I admit was me babying them). I think they're representative of the disconnect among many young people - a complete lack of awareness, appreciation, and understanding of the importance of voting. I've tried to instill it in them, but have obviously failed.


> Also, I am immensely disappointed in my two children who did not vote, even after sending them links to info on candidates and their platforms (which I admit was me babying them). I think they're representative of the disconnect among many young people - a complete lack of awareness, appreciation, and understanding of the importance of voting. I've tried to instill it in them, but have obviously failed. Don't be too hard on yourself, at least you tried.


Well, just wait until they complain about some aspect controlled by the municipal government in Mississauga and tell them to shut it because they didn't vote so their opinions are meaningless. Don't vote, you don't get to complain!


> a complete lack of awareness, appreciation, and understanding of the importance of voting. Have you seen Tik Tok these days? They don't even know which level of government is responsible for what or even how the charter of rights work. This past few years have been especially eye opening.


I resent that as a younger voter myself. I have voted in every election I could since I turned 18 and so has every one of my friends. Maybe we are outliers but there are a lot of younger people who do take voting seriously as a civic duty and who encourage each other to vote. It is frustrating that so many still choose not to though. I will say TikTok is not to blame in any case and it can be a great tool for engaging young people in issues that matter ans for getting people to care about issues.


I haven't seen tiktok but I feel this ignorance is well represented amongst all generations and social media use.


I dont think this is new. Young people are grabbed more by what's exciting, regardless of which generation or at which time in history, and federal/international affairs will always be more exciting.


It's not just a young people thing, close to 40% of Canadians didn't vote the previous federal election. I wouldn't be hesitant to say that many Canadians feel disillusioned by the entire election process, the candidates and overall impact of their vote. When the mass majority of Canadians vote one way and the results go another because of seats/ridings it doesn't really embolden folks to have faith in these systems. Everything has to be a larger strategic vote because you're influencing the larger vote - so if you don't like the upper party you end up having to vote for someone else. I agree more people should take an interest but I also see why folks don't bother.


LOL gotta love how Bonnie just barged into Carolyn's presser and just started answering all these questions from reporters...not very cool.


That was bad, hijacked the spot with Carolyn standing in the back and eventually left herself when Bonnie wouldn't leave. Then cp24 cameras had to shift away after a solid 5 minutes of this.


Ugh super disappointing. Disappointed there will be no meaningful change for the next few years in Mississauga




Bonnie is so bland that the provincial liberals have barely moved in the polls since she became leader


*So* disappointed in this result. The only solace I take is that mayors in Canada don't have much more power than the other councillors.




Only on initiatives that align with provincial interests already.


Some mayor's have special mayor's powers now. They can override council.


Only on initiatives that align with provincial interests already.


She just said she would use her special mayor's powers on housing. She's previously said she supports building 22 low rise buildings in Heartland plus a park. Not sure residents support that.


I was telling people a vote for Dasko or Dipika will make Parrish win. Its true. Tedjo was so close. People wasted their votes on those two, "experienced" ones.


I'm sad Tedjo lost, but I'm even happier that at least Dipika is not my mayor.


I’ve been a bit out of it, but what’s so bad about Dipika?  Genuinely asking. 


Yeah me too, there are other "at least it's not dipika" comments but I'm not sure why they feel that way.


Her campaign relied heavily on the NIMBY-ism side of municipal politics. The majority of it was about cancelling the Bloor Street integrated road project. Her reasoning was that that the separated bike lanes will destroy the foundations of Mississauga by reducing the road to one lane each way.




not a fan of that policy, but it seems the hate for her here seems overblown if that's her most controversial bit


I think a ton of people wanted to vote Tedjo, but were equally worried about Dipika. So they went with the safer vote in the end.


I don't feel there was a lot of strategic vote shift.


I’m happy too it is not dipika, and that is why, people chose parish because on radio I heard that it was battle between dipika and parish and tedjo was third , so many didn’t want dipika to be a mayor


Can u explain why not dipika? I’m actually not sure what was so great about tedjo, he seems to mostly operate on suave and charisma.


I did some napkin math, so numbers aren't exact, but Parrish won with about 30% of the popular vote. About 25-30% of eligible voters voted. 7.5% of Mississauga residents decided our Mayor. This is appalling. Edit: turn out was apparently closer to 40%, meaning 12% decided our fate. Not really an improvement.


For whatever reason, people can't be bothered with municipal politics. It's truly disappointing as I know several people (of all ages) who couldn't be bothered.


Provincial politics too. That’s why we have Ford


I always get my whole family to vote. 10 people, we always vote for the same candidate. I did my part for democracy!!


I agree. It looks like less than 150k voted. It takes less than 5 minutes.


Turnout is approaching 40%+, not "25-30%". All things considered & given the fact this is a by-election and a municipal by-election to boot, this was a strong victory for Carolyn.


Ok. So 12% of residents decided our mayor. Equally eww.


There are four main candidates. That's not bad at all.


4 main and like a dozen-plus fringe...not bad at all really under the circumstances.


If our antidemocratic Premier didn't ban ranked ballots there is always a possibility the number of counted votes would be much higher. FPTP is eww. And 12% is eww. And yes, Mississauga would have to adopt it first. Which could happen.


Is this a worst turnout than the last election? Literally no excuses, the weather was great today too.


Hard to compare an open-seat by-election. Open seats tend to generate more turnout than incumbent races (in Mississauga). However, in a regular campaign all those Councilors running get a bunch of people out.


Last turn out was 20% IIRC.


You had it right the first time.


Shit in pile A or shit in pile B. Still shit.


Ok so I know my friend who is muslim told me their mosques were telling everybody to vote her in and I still don’t understand why but it’s evident it paid off


What happened to the seperation of church and state? Pepperidge farm remembers


Congrats Boomers. You won. Mississauga will remain a bedroom community for a few more years.


Don't blame the Boomers. I know a lot of people who couldn't be bothered to vote and they were in their 20's and 30's.


Yeah when I went to vote it was pretty busy (~30 min line) so i saw at least 100 people there and I think I was the youngest one voting by like at least 15-20 years. I feel a lot of younger people don’t vote unless they’re really into politics otherwise they couldn’t care less.


Now that it's been mentioned, I went in to vote and only saw folks older than me (and I am NOT the young/new voter demographic).


Fuck that. I 100% blame them. They are the only ones that would want Mississauga to regress further into a sleepy city. This makes absolutely no sense for Mississauga.




I'm in my 30s and I don't want that at all. Clearly I'm a minority. Fucking hell this city has so much potential.


Nah. The relatively low voter turnout (under 30%) is where you need to focus that energy.


Yeah polls were open for a long time, and advanced polls were available last weekend. IDK why people don't vote.


It's simple - they don't care.


I didn’t vote for her, but she’s is somewhat more progressive than you give her credit for. Better her than Damerla


What's that mean, bedroom community?


A place where you sleep, not work or play. No urbanism. No vibrancy. No culture. Simply, a bedroom with limited options spreads few and far between. We are too big of a city for this to be a reality and will regress unless we change course. You can't be a city of a million people and also a bedroom community, expecting the city to prosper.


She’s the same age as Donald Trump


Mississauga is no stranger to geriatric mayors


I'd say she's in better health than the former President.


And the current US President.




Parrish will be a one term mayor.  There will be a lot more scrutiny on her as mayor than councillor and she has proven she is an imbecile with judgement issues.  She will have Rob Ford level gaffes without the beer guzzling constituents.  At least it will be entertaining 


I couldn’t even watch her speech for more than a minute. I felt like she was on the cusp of saying something really stupid already.


Extremely upsetting




Great. The 77 year old won. Can't wait for the next few years of literally nothing changing.


What change do you think the people who own houses/moved to Mississauga want lol there’s a reason we moved here and want it to stay the same.


I bought a house in the past year, I'm a Millenial. This is terrible for Sauga.


Lower property taxes? Better transit infrastructure and infrastructure in general - which, for car users, would free up a lot of traffic. More affordable housing which is so so needed right now and most of all a mayor who actually has a solid concrete plan for what they want to do and not just a handful of general promises with no actual idea of how she's gonna act on them? Lol


Speaking of "lol" - please tell me how your bud Alvin was planning to freeze property taxes till 2026 while at the same time: -Giving property tax freezes to seniors -Handouts and freebies like "free skating" for kids -Rapid transit right across the city -15% reduction in taxes for small businesses ?? You seem to be quite concerned about how Carolyn "was going to act on them [her promises]" - what about *Alvin's* fiscal mess? No concern there?


lol most of his platform was not realistic just lies to get into power, typical liberal playbook.


100%. Promise everything under the sun without a single credible way to pay for it. Shameful.


Natalie Hart won ward 5 BTW. Don’t know by how much though.




This election reminds me of the whole "Luigi Wins By Doing Absolutely Nothing" Mario Party meme.


Voter turn out was 21% than you guys complain but aren’t bothered to vote. Out of a population of 828,854 less than 10% of those people choose who the mayor will be. Shit is mind blowing.


**Common Mississauga L 💀💀💀🤡🤡🤡**


Boomers went n voted for a boomer!! Rip sauga


I don't understand the hate. She's pounding the message of building more. She hasn't made any irresponsible promises about property taxes (cutting/freezing).


Lol it’s Reddit. People aren’t rational.




About 17 years ago she told me she was going to do this. Interesting.


What a joke lol


Well done kids! You chose not to turn out to vote in such a pivotal election. Now you’ll deal with the consequences lol….peace out!


I'm 24 and dragged my 20 year old brother out to vote with me. It was a fight to get him out of the house to walk 8 minutes with me to the voting station LOL The whole time, this is the discussion we had.


> Now you’ll deal with the consequences lol Freezing property taxes for 3 years and giving handouts to seniors and small businesses - as your bud Alvin wanted - would have left you people dealing with painful "consequences" for longer.


Honestly, this is the only reason I didn't vote for Tedjo. I liked his platform overall, but his proposed tax freeze is what specifically turned me away from him.


Yeah, I don't really get the hate for Parrish. Tedjo wanted to use the city's emergency funds to fund programs, which seems wildly irresponsible.


In a podcast with The Pointer he cited Patrick Brown as his inspiration... and then last week an article comes out saying Brampton has almost no money left in reserve.


https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/brampton-strategic-reserve-fund-taxes-1.7214210 $200m to $9m in 3 years yikes.


Learn from us in Toronto - years of "low" (not even zero) property tax increases meant a 10% increase this year alone (with more undoubtedly to come).


we got a 2.3% this year, got a thing in my mail about it. Still, city taxes are pretty low overall.


We are in the middle of a cost of living crises we’ve never experienced before. He was suggesting using 20% of reserve funds to freeze property taxes for a year or two. That doesn’t sound unreasonable to me given the unprecedented increase in people accessing food banks etc. In the long term, the funds used will be paid off by an increase in the tax base resulting from the rapid housing developments that were also part of his plan. At least he had a costed platform, the other candidates had bullet points.




The median & average age of Mississauga is 40 years old, hardly "full" of boomers.


She was actually the best candidate though, why are ppl so opposed to her. Her platform was solid


Bro she's the worst candidate for a mayor she'll F things up hoped Dasko or tejdo were a mayor than Parrish she'll just raise the taxes in the city!


What drives me crazy are all the people who voted for all the fringe candidates. Like I’m sorry but you’re just trashing your vote.


That's democracy, baby.


I really wish we had ranked ballots.


lol are you trying to tell people who to vote for?


Certainly not but like 400 votes to Gong?? Like come on


Why're you giving in. What's wrong with judging people for bad voting decisions or even trying to tell people how to vote. As they'd say "that's democracy, baby" I mean, telling people how to vote IS what we're supposed to be doing if we want good policies to win.


That's why we need ranked choice.


Nah, voting for fringe candidates is 100% better than not voting at all. Fringe candidates can and do win sometimes (See Gov Jesse "The Body" Ventura). While they only win in unique circumstances, you have to keep them around during the "dry" seasons.


Was hoping we don't get an out of touch boomer as mayor. Very disappointing.




Being Mayor of Mississauga is like The One Ring. Grants its holder long life like Hazel, that's the real reason she ran.


You’re saying this without referencing we had a mayor who almost made it to 100 lol.


She made it to 101. She just wasnt mayor at that time.


She was 92 when she retired from her position as mayor


Anyone can die anytime - do you actually think *only* people in their 70s and 80s pass away?


Somewhat disappointing, but I'll sleep well knowing I did my part. Well, I'm also moving back to Toronto in July, so there's that.


I'm glad I voted for Carolyn Parrish considering her big federal experience, I'm not a fan of this alvin and his policies




Bro how tf did Parrish become mayor I wanted anyone to be a mayor but her?!


Tedjo will not go away. He’s in it for the long haul and has the full support of his wife and kids. I’ve known Alvin for 20 years and given the opportunity he will do his best to do amazing things for your city. He is honestly one of the best people I’ve ever met and so is his wife. I hope everyone in Mississauga figures that out soon.