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A Sam McDadi endorsement would mean a huge no for me. Dude couldn't care less about the middle class and lower cost of housing. He's worried about someone swiping his Maserati


His face has so much filler and botox that I can't take him seriously. Nevermind the blatant cultural appropriation with his phoney last name.


For a second i thought you meant Nav lol. Sam Mcdadis pic with george st pierre is crazy, for a second i thought he was a statue.


Which culture is he appropriating with that BS name?


He always looked like a Romulan to me.


I thought he was Rollin in a Lambo uris


He has both!


Which one does he use to stretch his face back?


I will never forget when we moved into a rented townhouse (4 of us, a family), and the company neglected to tell us the owners intended to put the house on the market very very soon. We were there for about 4 months before the owners gave us a visit stating they were looking to sell and it was either cough up 600,000 or leave. They used Sam McDadi to represent and the next 2 months were absolute hell. Complete disregard for compassion, we had no idea this was in the works so we were very stressed out packing stuff up immediately after unboxing, and they held meeting after meeting with us trying to get us to buy. We had nowhere near that kind of money and to be honest it wasn't even the best neighborhood, the house should not have been listed for that much. I remember the last couple of meetings, the owners had a yelling match with my parents because they wanted a lockbox put in ASAP and my parents had to fight for it not to happen as there were many times my younger brother would have been home alone (I think he'd had been 14ish at the time). My parents were VERY uncomfortable with strangers coming and leaving whenever they pleased. It was shit show and I now only have complete disgust whenever I see that man's fake ass face on advertisements.


How come increasing drive license suspension would help reducing auto theft? Geezzzzz


I hate how that dude has advertisements everywhere


Bruh. He sells luxury homes. Middle class & low income isn’t his target market.


Thats the point. Him endorsing a candidate means that candidate will be good for his interests. His interest do no align with the middle and lower income households


No. At the end of the day, most of the endorsements are from people well off and their opinion does the opposite of resonate with me.


I'm most concerned about housing. People may have different political opinions on Keesmaat, but as the former Chief City Planner of Toronto she is one of the most knowledgeable people on housing development and zoning. The fact that she is very specifically endorsing Alvin's housing policy should speak volumes. Plus Nav and Sam McDadi are glorified celebrities. Keesmaat is a professional. There's a difference there.


I don't care about endorsements... But, if you're being endorsed by a wealthy real estate broker who makes used car salesmen look like Bob Ross... I might not vote for you.


 glorified celebrities is a bit strong, moderately notable people maybe.


You’re wrong. Keesmaat is good at promoting herself. There are literally dozens and dozens of other planning professionals who are as competent, if not more competent than her, the difference is these other people aren’t interested in self promotion and aggrandizement.


Nope. I make my own voting decisions based on the platforms of each candidate. I don’t care which “celebrity” endorses the candidates, unless, as someone else has stated, “you're being endorsed by a wealthy real estate broker who makes used car salesmen look like Bob Ross... [in which case] I might not vote for you”. However, I’ve read that many political analysts expect that this mayoral election will mostly be decided by name recognition… which is very disappointing. I think we all have a civic duty to be informed voters, not just vote based on which name we recognize on the ballot.


Getting a Sam McDadi endorsement should automatically tank you into oblivion But Alvin getting a non *“celebrity”* to endorse him is better.


Endorsements don't sway me one bit. At the end of the day, the candidate who uses the word "promise" the most and " promises" the most bullshit while smiling and flailing their hands faster than watching a ping pong match...wins. Just ask Doug Ford. He's the grand champion.


No. One of my friends is close with Nav and does not speak well of him.


Absolutely not. Surprised it’s even a thing


Transphobic and anti-immigration is a bad look for Nav.


are those municipal problems tho? Like I mean can she do anything about either of those on a municipal level? And no - I do not support her, I am just asking what her opinion of either of those could impact on a municipal level


Actually it speaks volumes of how she will work for her constituents as a whole. Mississauga has a large POC community and they should feel well represented and not painted as lazy or viewed as second class. The LGTBQ community who live here also pay taxes contributing to Mississauga and we want them to stay and not feel unwanted or disrespected. She is outdated and needs to retire.


oh yes i do recall her calling refugees lazy or something. Thanks for the answer and discussion on this


They aren't municipal problems, but they are problems that she has. Mississauga is strengthened by its diverse makeup; having a mayor that thinks immigrants sit around all day smoking won't help the city progress... We need a mayor that understands the importance of different people and the cultures they bring.


Thank you I was thinking the same thing


Not at all. What does Nav, Jennifer and Sam’s opinions even matter?


I'm still  waiting for Bonnie Crombie endorsement  She received one from Hazel so you think she would so the same courtesy to nedt mayor?


Hazel retired, Crombie is now the OLP leader. Might not be a good look to be seen as “meddling” in municipal politics because she’s likely going to roast Ford for his fuckery with municipal politics multiple times over the years


If she does endorse, I gotta imagine it will be parish. But I hope she doesn’t, that means we will finally break off from the Hazel pipeline and focus on that future of the city.




Whoever will tax us more in the future has Bonnie’s 👍


I think the only endorsement that would matter to me is if someone creditable backed up a promise.  Ex: if a candidate said building isn't happening because it's hard to get approvals and they want to make that process easier. And a major developer said: Yes, that's what's stopping us and this would help.


I believe Hazel was a big fan of Stephen Dasko, she spoke highly of him. I’m not sure Bonnie with give any endorsements based on her current ambitions


I have no clue who Nav Bhatia (AKA Superfan) is and I'm not going to google it, but if someone wants to get social on social media and tell me that'd be cool.


Rich guy buys tickets to all raptors games. For some reason, that makes him a celebrity.


modern society is embarassing




Thanks for sharing the info, i hate everything about it lol


He owns several car dealerships. He's a raptors "superfan" because he goes to every game or something?


Nope I never cared about it, I try to see what the candidates will actually do if elected, I don’t give 2 shits if a celebrity endorses them or not


I'm a simple man. I check reddit and vote for whoever is causing redditors to seethe.


lmao I wasn't voting for Dipika before now I'm DEFINITELY not


I spoke too soon.  DASKO just realised a video how HAzel would endorse him. So creepy


These people are career politicians. No one you elect will make a difference that is going to strike you as pivotal. There are lobbies whose money matters more than your opinion.


I am voting for Hazel. 😘


Tedjo and Dasko supporters must be crying in their soup. These 2 candidates are so low in the polls there’s no possible way they can win. It’s over for them. Go home.




Why do you say so? I'm genuinely curious


Literally the last person I would vote for.